Winner in life

Chapter 294 04 I haven’t been the big brother for many years

《Life Winner [Quick Transmigration]》

Joining the army was an idea that Ruihe had had before. At first, it was because of the need for filming. Before the filming started, he began to train under the arrangement of the crew. The experience during that period made Ruihe yearn for military life. He liked the regular and simple life, and also liked the atmosphere of striving and progress.

Even if his mental power was not awakened, with his body transformed by genetic drugs, he should be much better than ordinary people. After another year of training, he will definitely be selected.

After roughly deciding on several paths that he could take in the future, Ruihe began to implement them. No matter which path he took at that time, he must have a healthy and strong body.

The work in the orphanage is not difficult. It is nothing more than doing some cleaning and washing. The manual work of gluing boxes is for younger children. After doing a good job, Ruihe began to exercise. There is a small playground in the orphanage, and he does some exercise every day.

After the body completely absorbed the genetic medicine and the pain in the body completely disappeared, Ruihe gradually increased the amount and intensity of exercise, running more than ten laps around the playground every day, and also doing basic exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups.

Zhou Zhongqing was puzzled: "Brother, what are you doing? Aren't you tired?"

"I am tired, but I like to exercise." Ruihe patted his pants and sat up, looking up at him, "How are you doing in school?"

The elder brother had not asked about his studies for a long time. Zhou Zhongqing was very excited and proudly said: "I got the first place in the weekly exam!"

Ruihe told Zhou Zhongqing about the deeds of the man named Mengjia in his dormitory and encouraged him to study hard: "You will also get a full scholarship and go to school for free in the future." He told Zhou Zhongqing, "My parents didn't save much, and the pension is 400,000. When you are all adults, each of you can get 100,000. If you want to study in a higher level, this 100,000 will be used up one day. If you can go to school for free like Mengjia, you can save a lot."

Zhou Zhongqing rolled his eyes and nodded heavily: "Brother, you are right, I will work hard."

You work hard on your own, the future is in your own hands, and your elder brother will no longer give up his life and do his best to help you.

Several boys in the same dormitory found jobs one after another and moved out early. A 16-year-old boy named Hu Ge said frustratedly: "I eat too much. I was fired after only two days of work. It seems that I can only join the army." He said to Ruihe, "I heard that you have been exercising recently. Can you take me with you?"

Ruihe looked at his 1.7 meters tall and nearly 200 kilograms body and nodded: "Sure, you can follow."

After training with Hu Ge for two months, this year's conscription began. The federal conscription starts at the end of October every year. Those who are interested and meet the requirements can now register and submit their resumes on the official website. After preliminary screening, they will take the exam. Ruihe had the idea that he might also join the army in the future. Seeing Hu Ge was about to sign up, he watched and learned from the side.

This year, only Hu Ge signed up in the orphanage. The director sighed: "Your appetite... Only the army can afford you." This sentence made Hu Ge burst into tears. He usually eats a lot and doesn't like to move. Now in order to have food and shelter in the future, he has to choose the path he least wants to take. He feels wronged and sad.

At the end of November, the preliminary list came out, and Hu Ge was selected. He was notified to go to the capital of Hexing to take the exam on December 5. A week later, the dean brought Hu Ge back. Both of them sighed and groaned. Hu Ge even curled up like a mushroom growing in a damp corner.

The dean sighed and groaned: "You failed the physical fitness test, 20 points short, 20 points! What's the use of your height? You are not flexible at all!" He was very disappointed, "I told you when you were young, don't be too greedy to eat so much! Eat it, our orphanage is not unable to support you, you can move a little, lie down after eating, how fat you are!"

Hu Ge cried loudly.

After all, he was a child raised from childhood, and the dean couldn't bear to part with him. After begging for help, he finally found a new job for Hu Ge and sent him away. After this incident, Ruihe felt that the director of this orphanage was still very humane, so he went to the director to discuss his future path.

After all, a plan is just a plan. He hopes to listen to the advice of the wise elder, the dean, on feasibility.

After listening to Ruihe's plan, the dean nodded with satisfaction: "It's great that you have a plan for your future. What I am most worried about is that you children live in a muddle-headed way, thinking about nothing, and when you become adults, it will be over. You don't know what to do. I don't want to drive you away, but there is no way. Once you become adults, the government will reduce your share of funds. The orphanage can barely help you for a few more days, but for a long time, the funds in the orphanage will not be enough..."

After sighing a few times, he carefully analyzed for Ruihe: "I have read your information. Zhou Zhongqing is your younger brother. You also have a younger brother and a younger sister in the orphanage of District 13. Academy? There are two points to consider when looking for a job. One is interest and the other is more salary. If you want a stable salary, joining the army is a good choice. The allowance is steadily increasing year by year. The strength of our federal military allowance is impeccable. If you want a stable life, join the army. Enter the entertainment industry? This depends on qualifications. Did you see on the Internet that being a star can make a lot of money? It's not true. Only famous stars can make a lot of money. If you want to make a fortune in the entertainment industry, then I advise you to think about it again. But if you like acting, then I also encourage you to give it a try. You are young, so you won't have regrets if you try your best..."

The dean's idea was similar to Ruihe's. Ruihe nodded one by one and asked again: "What do you think about the awakening of spiritual power?"

The dean smiled all of a sudden and looked at Ruihe tolerantly: "I have been the dean here for forty years and have been in this industry for sixty years. Among the children I have raised, only one out of a hundred has awakened spiritual power. You are fifteen years old. I can also point out some things directly. Spiritual power is a good thing, but the conditions of our orphanage are limited. We don't have the material resources to stimulate spiritual power. Moreover, according to the latest research report, spiritual power is hereditary, and children from families with good qualifications will not end up here."

Ruihe said: "When my parents were still alive, they would buy ancient earth rice for us once a year."

The dean smiled more lovingly: "You have a good pair of parents. I see that you have been exercising recently. In fact, this is enough. Appropriate physical training is conducive to stimulating spiritual power."

Ruihe smiled and agreed.

Although there was nothing special to gain from the conversation with the dean, the kind and friendly words of the old man still relieved Ruihe's somewhat uneasy mood. Coming to a new and strange world, it is not possible to fully integrate into it in one or two days. The sense of solidity is a very magical feeling. Maybe it is looking at this strange but still blue sky, or being gently watched by a pair of old and gentle eyes, and when the shoulder is gently patted by a pair of thick calloused hands, the heart suddenly settles down.

I have a sense of reality in this world.

The original body's birthday is on March 2 next year, and there are only three months left before adulthood.

Ruihe stepped up his time to exercise. After a few months, his physique has changed a lot. His previously thin body began to be covered with a layer of healthy and strong muscles. He also grew taller and walked upright.

Not only that, as his sixteenth birthday was approaching, Ruihe began to feel a strange change in his body, but he was not sure whether it was a precursor to awakening his mental power.

There are many precursors to awakening mental power, and they are varied. The most common ones are better hearing and vision, weaker hearing and vision, headache, fever, weakness in the limbs, or the limbs suddenly become stronger and stronger... It varies from person to person.

Ruihe had a headache for two days, and told the dean when he saw that something was wrong. The director took it very seriously after knowing it, and asked the doctor in the orphanage's infirmary to take a look at Ruihe.

"Stare at it, imagine breaking it, smashing it." The doctor took out an instrument with a transparent crystal that looked very similar to glass. He looked at the crystal as the doctor said, concentrating and focusing all his attention on the crystal.

His head started to ache, and Ruihe felt something rushing out uncontrollably. The next moment, the transparent crystal began to shake, and water ripples spread inside.

The doctor was very happy: "This is the awakening of mental power! You are awakening!" He asked the director, "How old is he? Not yet an adult? That's a very good qualification!"

"Is this the device for testing whether mental power is awakened or not?" Ruihe rubbed his temple with one hand and touched the instrument with the other. The original body had an impression of this kind of tool in his memory. After all, Zhou Zhongqing awakened his mental power the year he became an adult, and he accompanied him to the hospital for testing. The instrument at that time was completely different from the one in front of him.

"Yes, this is an old-fashioned detector, but it works very well and will never go wrong." The doctor told Ruihe, "Everyone's awakening signs are different. You have a headache now. My advice to you is to rest more. If you feel uncomfortable, rest and let your body repair itself. Don't take medicine randomly." He also taught Ruihe some massage techniques, "If you have a headache, just massage yourself."

The dean was very happy that Ruihe had the signs of spiritual awakening. He was a very responsible old dean who treated every child as his own. Although Ruihe had been here for less than a year, he had always been very hardworking and sensible, and he was also serious and responsible in doing things. He had a good impression of Ruihe.

"The conditions in the orphanage are not very good. We can't provide you with good food, but we can still make sure you are full." The director pulled Ruihe and reminded him, "Now is not the time to be picky about food. No matter whether it tastes good or not, you must eat enough! Provide your body with enough nutrition, understand?"

He asked again: "Last time you asked me what I would do after I become an adult. Have you decided now? To be honest, the military has a great demand for psychics. You are awakening your psychic power now. After you are fully awakened, I will take you to the hospital to check your level. No matter how high or low your level is, it will be easy for you to join the army. If you want to be a star, it's really a waste. The current stability of the Federation is the result of the blood and sweat that the army has paid for us to resist the Zerg invasion. As a member of the Federation, we have as much responsibility as we have the ability. I hope you can think about it carefully."

Ruihe nodded: "I will think about it carefully."

The director nodded with satisfaction: "Then you can think about it slowly. I will help you report your name to the Psychic Awakening Protection Association first."

The author has something to say: Early early early!!!

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