Winner in life

Chapter 295 05 Not being the big brother for many years

The Psychic Power Awakening Protection Association is an official organization specially established for people who have just revealed symptoms of mental power awakening. It provides free mental power testing and certain subsidies. As for the amount of the subsidy, the entire federation is 500 star coins per person per month. , until the day of complete awakening. What are the criteria for complete awakening? The state of mental power users is very unstable when they awaken in the early stage, and it is impossible to detect the level of mental power. The day when the level can be determined, it will be the time to fully awaken.

From that day on, Ruihe slept longer, and the dean kept asking the cafeteria to leave food for him so that he would not be hungry when he woke up. Zhou Zhongqing seemed to understand something and ran to ask the dean. The dean told him the matter and said with a smile: "This is a good thing. Talents like your brother will definitely succeed in the future."

Zhou Zhongqing was a little uneasy. He remembered that his eldest brother had been exercising during this period. Before, he was paying close attention to Hu Ge in the orphanage who was taking the exam to join the army and inquired about the content of the exam...

He asked in a low voice: "Dean, is my eldest brother going to join the army?"

"That's what I suggested to him, but he's still thinking about it. What? Your elder brother told you that he's going?"

Zhou Zhongqing shook his head hurriedly: "No, no." He bit his lip and asked again, "When can I go home after joining the army? Can I come back twice a month? No, once?"

In his memory, his parents came back twice a month. His father came back at the beginning of the month and his mother came back in the middle of the month.

The dean smiled: "Silly boy, if you join the army, you must obey the military's arrangements and obey the disciplines. You can only come back after family leave. Now I don't know where your eldest brother will be in the future. Who knows how many holidays he will have in a month."

Ruihe didn't know that Zhou Zhongqing had gone to the dean to inquire. In the evening, he had just woken up and was having a late lunch. Zhou Zhongqing came in, came to him and said tentatively: "Brother, I miss home so much. Our family doesn't know what it is like now." How's it going...and Ji Qing and Qing Qing, brother, can we go see them?"

"Do you want to go back to District 13?" Rui He thought for a while, "In a few days, when my headache stops hurting so much, I will tell the dean and take you back."

Zhou Zhongqing was very happy: "Okay!"

A week later, Ruihe's headache symptoms had eased a lot, and the occasional cramps were tolerable, so he took Zhou Zhongqing back to District 13.

Zhou Jiqing and Zhou Qingqing were used to the orphanage in District 13. When Rui He and the others arrived, the two of them were doing weekend cleaning. When they saw Rui He and Zhou Zhongqing, their eyes suddenly lit up and they rushed towards them. Rui He asked for leave for them and took them home. The house had been sealed and they couldn't get in, so they could only take a look outside.

When the neighbors saw them coming back, they enthusiastically pulled them into the house and asked them how they were doing.

After all, they have been neighbors for more than ten years. Although they are usually jealous of how much the Zhou family earns, they are gone, leaving four children without parents. People's hearts are not made of steel. The neighbors are somewhat sympathetic to the Zhou family. child.

"Your uncle came over a few days ago, and I saw him secretly picking the lock!" The neighbor's aunt pulled Rui He aside, "You are the eldest son, you have to make your own decision on this matter."

"Pry the lock?" Rui He wasn't too surprised. This happened in his previous life. Uncle Zhou's son was getting married, but the woman refused to accept the marriage because he didn't have a house. Uncle Zhou told him in his previous life After that, they discussed allowing the four of them to live in their home and use the house as a wedding room for his son.

When the original person heard this, he exploded and had a big quarrel with Uncle Zhou. Uncle Zhou also knew that he was in the wrong and did not dare to insist after seeing Zhou Yuanqing's fierce opposition.

"Yeah, he thought I didn't know the rules of the relief office. You are the eldest son, and the relief office will not return the house to you until you are an adult at least. He said that you asked him to look at the house. Who would believe it? !”

"Thank you, Aunt Julie."

There are indeed signs that the house has been broken into, but how can the lock used by the relief office to seal the house be so easy to break? After seeing his house, Ruihe took him back. When they were saying goodbye, Zhou Jiqing and Zhou Qingqing suddenly pulled Ruihe together. Zhou Qingqing cried and said, "Brother, I want to go home. I miss home." Ugh...Brother, you will be an adult next week, can you take us home?"

Seeing Ruihe shaking his head, Zhou Qingqing cried even louder, almost wailing, which attracted other people in the orphanage to look over.

"I want to go home, go home, go home!"

"Stop crying, haven't we discussed this issue before?" Rui He tried to reason with Zhou Qingqing as if he were talking to an adult. But Zhou Qingqing just cried and shouted to go home. Zhou Jiqing also lowered his head.

Rui He looked at Zhou Zhongqing. Zhou Zhongqing's face was full of sadness and expectation. When Rui He looked over, he sobbed twice: "Brother, I really can't bear to leave my third child and my sister. Can you take us home? You are an adult, you are Parents are our guardians.”

"Then what?" Rui He asked softly, "I will take you home, and then what will we eat and wear?"

"My parents' pension——" Zhou Zhongqing blurted out.

"Is it enough?" Rui He asked back, "The cheapest nutritional supplement costs twenty star coins. Even if the four of us only drink nutritional supplements three times a day for a year, it will cost 86,400 for a year. Star coins, this is just for food. Even if we don’t buy clothes in the past few years, I wear my parents’ clothes and you wear mine. What about the water and electricity bills? Qingqing is not in good health. Should she buy medicine or go to the hospital? ? Although there is no tuition fee for primary education, you need to buy books and notebooks, right? You are the best student in the family. Do your calculations. How long will the 400,000 yuan pension last? "

As Zhou Zhongqing's face gradually turned pale, Rui He calculated calmly and finally asked: "How many years do you think the four hundred thousand pension will last? Is it enough for the three of you to grow up? What's more, I can only take out my share when I become an adult. My parents don’t have much savings. The most I can get is 110,000 star coins. How many years will this 110,000 star coins last? I have no education and no skills. I can’t find a decent job. The salary of a waiter is usually a month. For two thousand star coins, all the jobs I can find will not pay more than three thousand star coins, unless I go mining like my parents, maybe I can get ten thousand star coins a month."

His eyes moved from Zhou Zhongqing's face to Zhou Jiqing and Zhou Qingqing's faces: "As long as we live in the orphanage, we don't have to pay for all these expenses, and our parents don't have to spend their hard work. When you grow up, think about it. If you want to start a career or have other pursuits, and use the money left by your parents’ lives, I believe my parents will be happy in heaven. I have said so, do you still insist on going home?”

Zhou Jiqing and Zhou Qingqing's faces were pale, confused and panicked, while Zhou Zhongqing lowered his head, making it difficult to see their expressions.

Ruihe sighed and patted Zhou Jiqing and Zhou Qingqing on the head: "Don't I write to you every month? Don't you read the letter?"

Zhou Jiqing sniffed: "Look."

"Do you understand?" Ruihe pressed.

Zhou Jiqing nodded hesitantly, and Zhou Qingqing interrupted: "Big brother, let us go to school seriously, eat well, and grow up well!"

Rui He said sternly to Zhou Zhongqing: "Look up!"

Zhou Zhongqing looked up hastily.

"My parents are gone. As long as we have them in our hearts, no matter where we go, it's not home. What you have to do now is to seize the opportunity you have, study as long as you can, learn some skills and understand some truths! Don't think about anything else, I'll wait for you Let’s talk about other things when we’re adults.” Rui He looked at each other, “That’s what I said, didn’t you take it to heart?”

Zhou Qingqing was frightened and cried: "Second brother, what the second brother said——"

"I didn't!" Zhou Zhongqing immediately interrupted Zhou Qingqing.

"Shut up." Rui He asked Zhou Qingqing to finish, "Tell me what your second brother said."

"My second brother said he wants to go home and live there. After we go home, we won't have to work and we can live the same life as before."

After listening to Zhou Qingqing's words, Rui He looked at Zhou Zhongqing with disappointment: "Is this how you instigate your younger brothers and sisters? You are the second brother. If there is something you can't tell me directly, you still want to instigate your younger brothers and sisters to rush ahead. You It’s not shameful, it’s shameless!”

Zhou Zhongqing's face was green and white, and he mumbled, "I didn't say anything."

"Zhou Jiqing, tell me, is what Qingqing said true or false?"

Zhou Jiqing was held by Zhou Qingqing's arm. He patted his sobbing sister and nodded gently: "Yes. Brother, don't be angry. Second brother must be homesick..."

Rui He sneered at Zhou Zhongqing: "You have grown up, how dare you say such words to trick Ji Qing and Qingqing into not having to work? Live the same life as before? In the past, our parents were there to support us in the wind and rain. It was their hard work in the mines that allowed us to live a stable life. They are dead and gone! Tell me how we can live the same life as before!"

Zhou Zhongqing was originally trying to coax Zhou Jiqing and Zhou Qingqing, especially Zhou Qingqing, so how could he say anything.

Finally, Rui He said to Zhou Jiqing and Zhou Qingqing: "We are no longer at home. The orphanage raised us and asked us to do some work. It is understandable. Don't we need to work at home? People must learn to be independent and independent when living in this world. Take responsibility. Is life in an orphanage hard? In the documentaries you watched before, weren’t the orphans in the Sangui planet even more pitiful? I'm very lucky to have grown up in an orphanage."

He sighed: "This is the last time I tell you this. It's true that I am your eldest brother, but I am only your eldest brother. Even your parents cannot accompany you all your life. You must learn to think independently and get used to separation. ”

After that time, Ruihe never returned to District 13 to visit Zhou Jiqing and Zhou Qingqing. Zhou Zhongqing later apologized to him, saying that it was because he was too homesick for his parents and that he had not considered the consequences. He also said that he I will study hard and take on the responsibilities of this family with Ruihe in the future.

Rui He smiled lightly and praised him without saying much.

This boy is only eleven years old, but he already has the most instinctive response to survival, which is self-interest. Regardless of whether he originally asked Zhou Jiqing to accompany Zhou Qingqing to stay in District 13 and he followed his elder brother, or when he noticed Rui He's plan to join the army, he made Zhou Qingqing and the others cry and beg him to take them home...

Eleven-year-old Zhou Zhongqing may not have imagined what would happen after his eldest brother joins the army, but he instinctively hopes to firmly hold on to the role of "eldest brother" and not let him leave.

If the original body trusted his younger brother and sister very much, this trick might really work. So, not only is the original body stupid, but the younger brother is also too shrewd and calculating. Zhou Zhongqing, who is still young, can already use all the resources he can use to try to achieve his goals. If such a mentality is not guided, he will definitely get worse when he grows up. The original body ended up like that in the previous life. If you think about it carefully, there were signs early.

The author has something to say: Early early early!!! The website has been changed, the website has been changed, the website has been changed, everyone has collected the new website, the new m.. new computer version.., everyone will open it at the new website after collecting it, and the old website will not be open in the future.,,

《Life Winner [Quick Transmigration]》

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