Winner in life

$35.35 Traveling through 1972 (2nd update) (1/2)

In Shangmei Village, Li Dashui was packing things at Ruihe's house. Ruihe entrusted the house to him to take care of when he left home. He had been studying in school before. After eating the chickens at home, he did not raise new ones. Because he mistakenly thought that he had failed the college entrance examination, Ruihe had the idea of ​​​​continuing to work and study part-time, so he bought six more chickens from the villagers. Just a little chicken, I plan to raise it again so that I can kill it during the Chinese New Year. Now that he was leaving in a hurry, not only did the chickens need to be taken care of, but there were also some pickles, pickled radishes, orange jam, etc. that couldn't be taken away.

Before leaving, Ruihe entrusted all the chickens to Li Dashui, and asked him to carry all the pickled products home to eat with his family, so as not to let them rot and go to waste.

Li Dashui cleaned up intermittently for a few days before moving the pickle jars home. Aunt Xiu'e said: "Our family is not short of these. I don't know if Xiaoshan will be used to the food there when he arrives in Beijing. Alas, your sister's letter just arrived, saying The food in the neighboring province is very different from ours, and she’s not used to it!”

"Mom, how about we send some food to my sister?"

"No need yet. She also brought pickles and preserved vegetables when she went to school. It must be enough now."

Xiu'e said: "Put these in the kitchen, pickle new ones after eating, and then send them to Xiaoshan."

Li Dashui all agreed, and Xiu'e looked at him busy and asked: "That day when I went to see Xiao Shan off, I saw something was wrong between Dashan and his wife. It's strange to say that the relationship between the two brothers has become so estranged? What a thoughtful sentence. She didn’t even say anything, Dashan is still the eldest brother, and he didn’t show any signs that his younger brother was going on a long journey, which was not good. “She favored Zhang Xiaoshan, and felt that it must be Zhang Dashan’s fault. "Are they having a conflict?"

"It seems so."

"Why did you quarrel?"

"I don't know." Li Dashui actually knew the whole story, but he didn't tell Xiaoshan if he said not to tell anyone. This is a secret between good brothers~

Xiu'e rolled her eyes: "Don't you know? You two should wear a pair of trousers!" In a blink of an eye, she saw her daughter-in-law coming out with a bucket, and hurriedly walked over: "Hui Hui, what are you doing? You need to fetch water. ? Call your man to fetch water, don't move!" He turned around and called Li Dashui, "Dashui, come here! Fetch a bucket of water for your wife! I'm telling you, you are going to be a father now, so you need to be discerning. You can’t let your wife do heavy work, you know?”

"I know, I know! Huihui, go in first and I'll call you."

Tian Hui smiled softly but did not go in. She watched her husband carrying a bucket to the well in the yard to fetch water. Several chickens were running around happily in the yard, chirping and cooing, looking very lively. She lowered her head and touched her belly, her face full of tenderness.


Ticket checking started at 5:15 in the evening. Ruihe was a little surprised when he entered the platform and saw the train.

So similar, so similar.

The host went to the train station to pick up relatives who had returned with samples, and Ruihe also went with him. The shock in his heart was the same as when he saw the roaring train approaching for the first time.

As expected, this mission world had countless similarities with his hometown, which made him unable to ignore it.

After entering the carriage, Ruihe found his bed. After placing his luggage, he opened the rough curtain and looked out the window. People who wanted a ride kept coming in from the entrance.

At half past five, the train started.


The train whistle sounded, and then moved slowly, making a clanging noise. Rui He leaned his head on the window sill and saw the scenery outside gradually changing, from the train station buildings to a large field, and then to a strange village. The passers-by turned into ants and finally disappeared from his sight.

The car is driving, and my hometown is really far away.

The train was not moving very fast. Ruihe looked at the scenery outside until night fell, and his vision became dark. After coming here for so many years, this was the first time he saw the outside world. Sometimes outside the train are mountains, forests or fields, and sometimes you can see some village houses and buildings, which look no different from Shangmei Village. But he was still very happy to see it. He always felt that he had gained a lot of knowledge and his mind became broader.

Soon it was completely dark, and the train was noisy all the time. The sounds of children crying, adults talking, and various local accents mixed together to make a pot of messy porridge. The train stopped at the station once around nine o'clock in the evening, and it didn't get quiet until one or two o'clock at night.

He didn't know when he was woken up. When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was already getting bright outside the window. It turned out that the train was already preparing to stop and its speed had slowed down. Ruihe looked at the horse's hoof clock, it read 5:25 in the morning.

"It's so comfortable..." He stretched out and got out of bed, walked around a few times to stretch his muscles, and leaned against the window to look at the platform. There were very few people on the platform, and there was a sign saying "Songxiang Station".

At first he would look at each stop with curiosity, but later he lost interest at all. Eight days and eight nights can be called a long, boring and miserable time. The days on the train were not comfortable. The place was small and the shaking was severe. Lying down was more comfortable than sitting, but it was also more uncomfortable than being on the ground. There was no way to wash up. Fortunately, the car provided hot water for consumption. The weather was still cold and I didn’t smell bad even if I didn’t take a shower.

The car was bumpy and poorly lit, so I couldn't even read a book. Rui He had no choice but to search through his original memory to see if he could find anything useful, or chat with System 460, but System 460 didn't like chatting very much. He would chat with it for ten sentences, and it would usually reply with two or three sentences. .

He even planned to give System 460 a name when he was free.

"My name was given by a fortune teller, who said that the word Rui is good, and it means good luck and good omen. He means to work together in harmony. At that time, I didn't understand what Hezhong Gongji meant, and my father couldn't explain it clearly. He told me to just think of it as "harmony brings wealth". But I have read books over the years and know that Hezhong Gongji means that everyone is united in overcoming difficulties." He smiled, "Later, when my sister was born, my father directly named her Ruizhu according to my Rui character, saying that she is our jewel in the palm."

System 460 listened quietly.

"So I think a person's name must carry some hope and is unique." Ruihe smiled shyly, "You are also unique in my heart. I hope you can have a name of your own, instead of a factory number. That is a number, not a name."

System 460 still listened quietly. It saw the expectation on the host's face, as if as long as it was good, he could immediately say a series of names.

Ruihe shouted: "Did you hear what I said?"

"I heard it."

"So what do you think of my suggestion?" Ruihe's eyes were shining, "Do you want to give yourself a name? In fact, I can also give you suggestions, do you want to listen?"

System 460 didn't think it needed a name. It was born with this number. Isn't the number its name?

A system doesn't need a humanized name.

So it refused: "I don't need it." As soon as the voice fell, the host's face fell, obviously disappointed.

It suddenly felt a little weird, as if... as if... a little unhappy. It thought about it carefully, and then suddenly realized it, and added: "Thank you, host."

"..." Ruihe responded dryly, "You're welcome."


Ruihe didn't say anything else, but took out a piece of paper and started writing and drawing on it. System 460 looked at it for a while and found that it was a "Rui" character. The host added many characters at the back, such as "An", "Ping", "Jia", "Lan"...It was confused. Who in the family was the host naming?

It counted, the host only had one sister, and his parents were dead, who else could use a name like "Rui X"? No matter how hard it tried to guess, it couldn't figure it out, so System 460 had to continue staring at the paper until it saw the host circle the word "Ting".

Rui He, lying on the bed, softly read "Rui Ting", and the more he read, the more satisfied he felt. He looked up, and his depressed expression had been replaced by joy. He just opened his mouth but found that he actually shouted out loud. Afraid of being heard by others in the same car, he lowered his head and asked in his heart: "What do you think of this name? After we were bound, you took me to a white place with a long green river. I was on the shore and listened to you explain many things to me.

I remember that there was a meadow by the river. The grass was green, the colorful flowers were very beautiful, and there was flowing white mist. Sitting on it was like a fairyland. When I was in school, I saw the phrase "An Zhi Ting Lan" and thought it was very beautiful. I asked Teacher Hao, and he said that it meant to describe a person with good character. What do you think of calling yourself Rui Ting?"

He was a little embarrassed when he said this, "From my Rui character, it sounds like we are like a family. Do you think it's okay?"


System 460 suddenly felt that something was wrong with it again, as if its energy body was a little unstable. But it still couldn't tell what it felt like. Facing the host's expectant eyes, it blurted out: "No."

"Is Ruiting not nice? How about Ruilan? How about Ruizhi?" Ruihe was a little troubled. He felt that every name was nice, but Ruiting was the one he liked best. He had asked System 460 before, and it said that their systems were genderless, and the word Ting had no gender bias, and it sounded good.

System 460 found it difficult to speak for the first time. It stared at the name on the paper, and its energy body trembled strangely, making it unable to calculate and analyze how it should answer the other party next.

"You, don't like it?" Ruihe couldn't wait for an answer, and the enthusiasm above finally faded, and reason began to return.

"I'm sorry, I was too abrupt." Ruihe reflected deeply on himself, curled up in bed and didn't say anything.

The paper full of names was clipped in his notebook and stuffed back into the bamboo basket.

System 460 fell into deep thought. It thought of many predecessors. It is said that when you are a system for a long time, you will want to be a human. When you learn to be a human, you can get rid of the identity of an energy body and get an ID card belonging to a human.

It is a highly technological era, but in order to avoid causing chaos and out of respect for human rights, there are many regulations on human-making technology, such as being able to produce energy bodies but not humans. Energy bodies have no human emotions when they first leave the factory. They need to explore on their own, form their own thinking and shape their own values ​​based on the built-in instinctive cognition of abiding by laws and regulations, and slowly learn human emotions and joys and sorrows. Finally, they can buy artificial bodies and have a new identity.

The production of energy bodies artificially injected with thinking and values ​​on an assembly line does not comply with the energy body management regulations and must be destroyed. This is to prevent illegal organizations from disrupting social stability by creating artificial humans. Therefore, all energy bodies need to be registered and enter various industries under the unified arrangement of the state. Entering the Jinjiang Company competition system position and seeing different people and things as the host keeps shuttling through the mission world is currently the most popular choice.

The government is quite supportive of this, believing that this is the best way not to occupy social public resources, so it strongly supports it. System 460 is the 460th energy body in the Nth batch of factory production, and it was assigned to work in Jinjiang Company.

Before entering the mission, it received training, and the trainers who trained them were predecessors who had obtained adult qualifications.

They said: "It's really great to be a human being. Although there will be sad things, it is also very happy to be able to cry, which makes me feel that I am alive."

Some of its classmates gave themselves names when they started working, but System 460 did not. It only had a default name.

But why should we be human beings?

Isn't it alive now?

System 460, who has no experience yet, can't understand. It thinks that it is good now, isn't it?

It even has a fear of facing an unknown future.

Therefore, when the host said that he wanted to give it a name, it hastily refused.

Looking at the host's face, System 460 began to waver for the first time.

"Winner of Life [Quick Wear]"

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