Winner in life

$36.36 Traveling Through 1972 (1/2)

The days on the train were very boring and uninteresting. When he finally arrived at the station, Ruihe could hardly stand and squatted on the ground for a long time before he recovered.

"Comrade, are you okay? Do you need help?"

Ruihe looked up and saw a young man in a blue uniform with a red belt on his right arm bending over to look at him. He realized that this might be a staff member of the train station, and hurriedly thanked him: "I'm fine, just a little dizzy, I'm fine now."

The young man nodded and walked away.

Kyoto Railway Station is really big and looks very impressive. Ruihe stood there and looked around twice before he dared to move. After leaving the station, he looked at the prosperous scene of the streets, and couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise and looked for more than ten seconds.

There are a lot of people, really a lot!

It's already sunset, but it's still so lively in the evening?

People carry large and small bags in and out, bicycles shuttle on the road, and the ding-ling-ling rings are endless. The buildings in the distance are stacked one after another, extending from the front to the distance like rice fields. The shop signs and fluttering advertising curtains between the buildings are densely packed, showing a prosperous and crowded scene.

The atmosphere of the capital city deeply shocked Ruihe.

He stood there for more than ten seconds before closing his mouth and began to look for someone to ask how to get to Boyang University. Ruihe called a passenger who was carrying luggage and was about to enter the station in a hurry: "Excuse me, do you know how to get to Boyang University?"

The male passenger he pulled was dressed very fashionably, wearing a dark brown woolen coat, a black hat on his head, and a black suitcase in his hand. After being stopped by Ruihe, he looked at Ruihe for a few times and smiled politely: "Are you a freshman at Boyang University?"


"You are really young and promising!" The male passenger praised Ruihe, turned his head and pointed to the right and said, "Go in that direction, this is a shortcut, you can quickly see the bus station, there is a bus schedule there, I remember there is a bus route with a stop at Boyang University, you can go and have a look."

"Thank you, I wish you a safe journey." Ruihe thanked gratefully, carrying his luggage in the direction pointed by the male passenger.

Ruihe walked for a long time and found that there were fewer and fewer people. It seemed that he walked into the residential alley? He did not see the bus. A grandmother came out to get the broom at the door. Seeing Ruihe carrying a lot of bags, she adjusted her glasses and asked him, "Who are you looking for?"

Ruihe hurriedly said, "I'm looking for the bus station."

"You went the wrong way. It's over there!" The grandmother poked the broom on the ground and pointed to the direction Ruihe came from, saying, "Did you get off the train? Just walk straight out of the train station. There is a bus station there."

Ruihe hurriedly thanked her and walked back. As a result, he really found the bus station. He couldn't believe that he was deceived? But he and the gay man didn't know each other. Why did he deceive him?

He was a little angry and helpless, but now it was getting dark and he didn't have time to care. There were a lot of people waiting for the bus. Ruihe saw several passengers who were carrying luggage like him, and they were obviously not locals.

"They should also be college students coming to Kyoto to study." He thought to himself.

There was a wooden sign on the platform, with densely written bus routes that would pass this station. Ruihe searched carefully for a while, but he couldn't understand the routes at all, and there was no "Boyang University" written on them, so he had to ask other people who were waiting for the bus next to him.

After asking for the bus number that passed Boyang University, Ruihe waited there nervously. Waiting and waiting, most of the people next to him left. Seeing the sun completely sinking into the sky, Ruihe was anxious and looked at the road ahead with wide eyes, hoping to see the bus he wanted to take from those vehicles.

After waiting for more than half an hour, he saw a red envelope-colored bus coming from afar on the busy street. Ruihe stood up quickly, his eyes lit up, and he ran over with his luggage.

"Two cents."

After asking Ruihe where he wanted to get off, the female ticket seller took Ruihe's two cents.

This was Ruihe's first time taking a bus. At first, he was a little worried that he would get carsick, but he didn't feel dizzy or nauseous. His whole mind was on the luggage in his hands and feet. There was no other way. There were too many people on the bus. When he got on the bus, there were no seats left. Even if he stood, he was squeezed by people in front, behind, and on both sides. He couldn't move at all.

When the conductor called the stop he wanted to get off, Ruihe was like a chicken that had been plucked from head to toe, and his whole body was wrinkled like pickled cabbage.

At this time, the sun had completely set, and the sky was gray. Ruihe didn't dare to rest for too long. He hurriedly followed the conductor's kind reminder to find the next bus stop. After walking 500 meters and waiting for more than ten minutes, he finally got on the bus. This bus can go directly to Boyang University.

He usually walks when he goes out, so he should have good physical strength.

"There are so many people in Kyoto..."

Ruihe, who was once again pressed like pickled cabbage, was exhausted. He was protecting his luggage and couldn't say anything.

The next place to get off was the bus stop across from Boyang University. The excitement of coming to Kyoto for the first time and to a famous university in China had been worn away by the exhaustion along the way, so that when Ruihe stood in front of the gate of Boyang University, he looked at the four words "Boyang University" written in vigorous handwriting on the gate, and he did not feel particularly excited.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and there were two street lamps on each side of the gate of Boyang University. Ruihe walked forward slowly. The gate was not fully opened, only the small door on the right was opened, and he was stopped as soon as he approached.

"Are you a freshman who is here to report?"

Rui He looked at the middle-aged man with a beard and uniform in front of him and quickly called "Uncle", "I'm here to report."

The guard said, "Show me the admission letter."

Rui He was a little embarrassed: "It's harder to get, I hide it tightly."

The doorman smiled and said, "Can you please let me check your luggage? I want to see if there are any prohibited items."

"Okay, please."

The guard quickly checked and said to Ruihe kindly: "It's already late now. The teachers in the school office have all left work. You have to wait until tomorrow to report. Do you have a place to stay?"

Rui He shook his head blankly: "No." He then looked inside the school. Except for the areas illuminated by street lights, the rest was so dark that it was scary. "Well, can't I sleep in the dormitory first?"

"No, I don't know which dormitory you will be placed in. If you don't mind, you can sleep with us. We also have staff dormitories. You can leave tomorrow morning."

"Is that okay?" Rui He's eyes lit up, and he saw the guard nodding and thanking him hurriedly: "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome." The guard helped him carry his luggage. After greeting the people in the security room, he led Ruihe in and explained as he walked, "You are the fourth student to report tonight, and you didn't catch up with the report. We all took him into our dormitory. Where are you from? Your accent sounds like a southerner."

"I'm from Nanqin Province."

"Oh, that's really far!" the guard said in surprise, "You're so awesome that you can pass the exam from such a distance, but you must study hard!"

Ruihe was grateful for the doorman's encouragement: "I will do it."

The security guards' dormitories were not far away, and Rui He was led into one of them.

"This bed is vacant tonight. I'll sleep in it for you since I have to work the night shift."

Ruihe thanked him again and asked his name. The guard smiled: "My surname is Zhang, just call me Uncle Zhang."

"What a coincidence, my surname is also Zhang. Uncle Zhang, please call me Xiao Zhang."

Uncle Zhang smiled even more intimately: "Okay, you can go in and sleep."

Ruihe climbed onto the bed, and someone rolled over on the lower bunk. He quickly stopped and continued to climb up after a while. While lying on the bed, he heard the bones all over his body making sounds.

So tired, really tired.

Drowsiness came over him quickly, and Rui He only had time to curl up and cover himself with the quilt, and then he didn't know anything else.

He was woken up by someone else the next day. He sat up holding his chest and looked up and down with vigilant eyes. It was a middle-aged man, wearing the same uniform as Uncle Zhang. Ruihe was wary and shouted: "Hello, uncle."

"Hey, hello! Get up and report when you wake up. Your classmates are about to go out. You can go together to have company."

Rui He quickly got dressed, got out of bed, put on shoes and carried his luggage. After leaving the dormitory, he saw three people with luggage at the door. One of the female comrades took the initiative to greet him: "You are the freshman that the security comrades said, right? So are we. , let’s go report together.”

"Yes, hello, my name is Zhang Xiaoshan."

"I'm Shu Nizi."

The other two introduced themselves. However, no one was interested in talking about it. After all, it hasn’t been reported yet. Today is the fifth, which can be said to be the last day of reporting. Moreover, this beautiful school looks even more mysterious and remote in the early spring morning. The morning dew slips from the leaves and dyes the school road with water stains. The four of them walked towards the office building together. Everyone was looking at the academy and had no time to talk.

Ruihe also watched intently. He couldn't see anything clearly last night, and now he saw what the school looked like. To be honest, the road to the school and the buildings passing by are not new, but the brick-red house seems to have a rich history, and every brick and tile is unique. Some of the walls were covered with paper, which looked out of place, and Rui He wondered what they were. There are thick shades and lush trees on the school road, which adds to the remoteness.

My breathing slowed down unconsciously.

“Look there’s a sign there!”

Shu Nizi pointed to a wooden board in front of her. On it was a piece of red paper with "Report" written in calligraphy and an arrow pointing to the right.

The four people hurried over and saw two people moving tables, seemingly still talking about something. After getting closer, Ruihe heard one of the male comrades say: "Today is the last day. The reports should have been reported earlier. There is no need to come here so early to set up the table, right?" Another female comrade said: "There are more than a hundred new students on the list. They haven’t come yet. I see that their registered addresses are far away. They may still be on the way. Last night, I heard from the vice president that they would send a car to the station to pick them up today—" the lesbian said as she heard Hearing the movement, he turned around and saw Rui He and his group, and asked loudly: "Are you here to report? Come here quickly, it's just starting here."

At around seven o'clock in the morning, the officers of the Student Union of Boyang University had already taken action to set up a welcome station on the campus road to guide the new students who came to report. Although there are only two people, it is enough to make the freshmen who have just arrived feel the warmth of spring.

"There have been far fewer freshmen reporting in the past few days. Are you from far away? I heard that the farther away a candidate's home is, the later they receive the notice and the latest to report." Receptionist Rui He and the others The senior sister was very enthusiastic. Not only did she kindly help them register, fill in their names on the spot and issue student ID cards, she also helped carry their luggage and took them to the dormitory.

The dormitory Ruihe was assigned to was a six-person room. There were two wooden beds on the right after entering, with bunk beds and bunk beds. There was only one bed on the left. There was an open table next to the bed, with an enamel jar, a kettle and a table on it. Some bits and pieces.

There are only two beds left in the dormitory, both are lower bunks, one is on the left and the other is on the right. Ruihe didn't say anything about the lighting and privacy, and chose the lower bunk on the right to put down his luggage.

The senior who sent him here said enthusiastically: "You have made the preliminary report now. After you pack up, remember to go to the Academic Affairs Office to make the final report and hand in your food transfer certificate and household registration transfer certificate and other supporting documents. Remember to read this freshman admission guide for the specific situation of the school. It is written in the Academic Affairs Office building, cafeteria and classroom. There are school supplies distributed in the logistics room on the first floor of your dormitory. Remember to pick them up with your student ID card. The textbooks are all in the lobby on the first floor of the Zhenli Building. Remember to pick them up."

Everything was explained to Ruihe in detail. Ruihe thanked her again and again, and the senior waved and left the dormitory.

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