Winner in life

$37.37 Traveling Through 1972 (1/2)

There were already four people living in the dormitory. After the senior left, they all greeted him. Ruihe got to know his roommate on the upper bunk on the left, Chen Pingan, Lu Anping on the upper bunk on the right, Ma Chenggong on the lower bunk, and Zhu Hongxing on his upper bunk.

They had all reported for several days. Ma Chenggong said he arrived the day before yesterday. He raised his chin and said, "I came here by plane. I finally got the letter of introduction to buy the ticket."

"By plane?" Ruihe asked in surprise, "It's expensive, right?"

"Not expensive, just 19 yuan."

Ruihe took a breath. This is too expensive. He said, "I came here by train. It took eight days on the road. The train ticket cost almost seven yuan. I didn't expect you to have more expensive tickets."

Ma Chenggong said helplessly, "There's nothing I can do. My family wants to have a dinner party, but my parents won't let me go. The dinner party lasted for three days! My uncle said he didn't mind buying me a plane ticket, otherwise I wouldn't accompany them for the dinner party."

"Then your uncle is really good to you." Ruihe replied while packing up and cleaning. The bed board needs to be wiped. There is dust on it. He stood in the dormitory and turned around. He couldn't see the rag. Just when he wanted to take apart an old piece of clothing to make a rag, Chen Pingan across from him pointed to the corridor and said, "My rag is hanging there. It's blue and white. You can use it."

"Thank you."

Ruihe wet the rag and started to wipe the bed. Ma Chenggong sat on the bed and continued to talk to him, "Just now I mentioned my uncle. My uncle is very good to me!"

"Really." Ruihe wiped a black stain on the bed board vigorously, but he couldn't wipe it clean.

"Of course! I am the only son of our Ma family! I have five older sisters, and my uncle gave birth to seven fairies! He must be good to me!"

"Very good..." Ruihe looked at it and scratched it with his fingers. He found that the stain was on the bed board and it was impossible to wipe it off, so he gave up and started to wipe the iron frame on the edge of the bed.

"You don't know how good my uncle is to me. He not only bought me a plane ticket, but also gave me 50 yuan for living expenses, and told me to tell him if I spent it all. Writing letters is too slow, so he asked me to call directly."

"Yeah." Ruihe nodded, raised his head and looked at the top of the bed. There was gray and silver spider silk there. He quickly and carefully cleaned the top of the bed.

"In our village, only the brigade office has a telephone, but my uncle works at the post office, and he can also use the post office's phone. I can just call him directly at the post office when the time comes."

"That's quite convenient. In our village, only the brigade office has a telephone..." Ruihe wiped the sweat from his forehead, left the bed board to dry, and began to clean up his locker. There was a locker in the dormitory, with two columns and three rows of six compartments. Now there were only two lockers in the bottom row. He randomly chose one and started cleaning.

After cleaning, Ruihe also scrubbed the sheets used as wrapping, took a cold shower and changed his clothes. After cleaning himself up and washing the rag and hanging it in the corridor again, the bed board he wiped was almost dry, so he started to hang the mosquito net and spread the quilt and pillow.

Ma Chenggong said again: "Is your quilt old? The pillow too, why didn't you buy a new one?"

"I came here in a hurry. My family is in Nanqin Province. I was afraid that I would miss the report, so I left the next day after receiving the notice. I didn't have time to buy anything, but my things can be used, so there is no need to buy new ones." When shaking the mosquito net, Ruihe found that there was a hole on it at some point, and he hurriedly took out the sewing box and started sewing.

"I came to Boyang University, and my family said it was a great honor. They bought me new clothes, a new quilt and pillow, and spent a lot of cloth coupons... Xiaoshan? Xiaoshan?"

Ruihe bit off the needle and thread, looked up at Ma Chenggong in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Ma Chenggong touched his hair and asked: "I said I had my hair cut in Kyoto. As expected, even haircuts in Kyoto are better than those in small places. Do you think my new hairstyle looks good?"

Ma Chenggong's hair is an ordinary buzz cut. To say whether it looks good, Ruihe can only say: "It's true. Kyoto's barbers are really good. This buzz cut is really neat. How much does it cost to cut it?" His hair has grown longer, and it looks even more sloppy after riding for eight days and seven nights.

"Only two yuan! The place is--"

"So expensive?" Ruihe was shocked. The old barber in the village only charged 40 cents for a haircut. "Forget it, it's too expensive."

"Okay. Have you packed?"

"Almost." Ruihe looked at the two backpacks that were crushed to the point of losing their shape, and the things inside still needed to be sorted out.

"Then let's go eat together! I tell you, the canteen is very delicious, with all kinds of dishes!"

Ma Chenggong jumped off the bed and called the other roommates. The others agreed one by one, only Chen Pingan said that his sister was coming to see him, so he didn't go with them.

Lu Anping said: "After dinner, I will take you to the Academic Affairs Building and the Zhenli Building to get books. You take all the materials and certificates with you, so you don't have to go back to the dormitory to get them later."

This made sense, and Ruihe hurriedly did it.

"By the way, which department are you from?"

"The History Department."

"Then the five of us are all from the History Department. I don't know what major the comrade who hasn't come yet is. Why hasn't he come yet on the 5th? I heard that we will start military training tomorrow."

Ruihe was a little relieved. Although he was tired all the way, he finally arrived at school on time. The roommate who hasn't come yet was even later than him. I hope he doesn't miss the report. He followed Ma Chenggong and the others to the cafeteria while chatting. His stomach was particularly empty. He had been eating dry food with hot water for the past few days, and he was already craving for food.

They planned to go to the nearest cafeteria, No. 1 Cafeteria, and heard Ma Chenggong say: "The admission guide said that the school has three cafeterias, but the other two are a bit far away. Let's go there next time. This one is also delicious, and the noodles, rice and porridge are also good." There are steamed buns, there must be one that you are used to eating. Did you bring your food stamps?"

"Bring it." Rui He touched the small cloth bag around his neck. When he was wiping himself and changing clothes, he took apart the interlayer in his underwear and took out a week's worth of food stamps and five yuan and put them into the small cloth bag. Easy to access at any time. The new underwear also has bags sewn on it (in fact, he only has two pieces of underwear, and they are actually long-sleeved shirts worn in spring and autumn). He has bags sewn on when he is at home. Now he must take his belongings with him when he goes out. Just feel safe when you have it on you. The feeling of being pressed hard against the flesh is not worth mentioning at all.

There were so many people in the cafeteria. As soon as Ruihe entered, he saw rows of long tables covering the hall. Many students were already sitting inside, and some of the long tables even had hot water bottles on them.

"Come here."

Ruihe followed his roommates step by step. After preparing his meal, he went to line up at a food window. He looked over and saw that there was a table behind the window with several large aluminum pots on it. The tops of the vegetables were sticking out. Come, the fragrance surges on the tip of your nose, with a hint of spicy flavor in between.

Looking up again, there was a blackboard hanging above the window with the dishes and prices written on it. There is also the saying "one dish per person". Ruihe estimated the price of the meal he had decided to wait for. When it was his turn, he said: "I want five taels of rice and one portion of stir-fried pork with cabbage." One liang of rice and one centimeter of cabbage. Fried meat costs 30 cents, so this meal costs 38 cents.

Because one person can only prepare one dish, those meat dishes are obviously consumed faster. Although meat dishes are expensive, they are rare. The students' thoughts are similar to Rui He's at this moment: seize the rare opportunity to have a good meal.

Ruihe thanked the aunt who was cooking, and went to find Ma Chenggong and the others with the enamel jar in hand.

"There is water here, pour it yourself." Lu Anping pointed to the hot water bottle on the table, which he brought.

"Thank you." Rui He planned to bring water next time. There is soup in the cafeteria, and a portion costs five cents. He didn't think it was necessary, it was enough to bring his own water like everyone else in the cafeteria. He immersed himself in eating, feeling the aroma of rice filling his mouth, and the juice from the stir-fried cabbage and meat dripping into the rice, making it even more delicious.

There wasn't much meat in the dish, just three or four thin shreds of pork. He ate it slowly and cherished it. After finishing the meal, he poured some hot water and drank it. Ruihe burped with satisfaction. Looking at the other four roommates on the table, they all looked so satisfied.

"It's great to go to college."

"Yeah yeah."

They washed dishes outside together, went to report and hand in materials together, and returned to the dormitory together after receiving books. Ruihe was very grateful to his roommates for their enthusiastic help, and planned to give them the specialties he brought to express his gratitude after returning to the dormitory.

Walking on the school road holding the book, Ruihe smelled the smell of ink and was filled with joy and looking forward to the future courses. Suddenly he saw a passenger bus coming towards him. He took a casual look and saw that the passengers inside seemed to be freshmen? So I asked: "Did they charter a bus to report? It's so convenient." I remembered the pitiful experience of being squeezed into a crowded bus yesterday.

Lu Anping said: "No, that's the school's bus. It goes to the station to pick up new students. I also took this bus here yesterday."

"Ah?" Rui He was surprised, "I didn't meet him yesterday."

The roommates were puzzled and asked him: "Didn't you arrive this morning? Did you come to the dormitory at eight o'clock? I heard that the seniors in the student union leave at eight o'clock in the morning and bring them back when the bus is full. Maybe you Didn’t catch up.”

"No, I arrived last night, and it was past eight o'clock when I arrived." Rui He shook his head, "It was the comrades in the security room who took me in for one night."

Zhu Hongxing said: "Then you must have missed it. You said you came by train this morning? There are school chartered buses at the train station and bus station picking up new students."

Ruihe thought of the incident of going the wrong way yesterday and sighed: "That must be the case."

His roommate quickly comforted him, and Ma Chenggong even praised him: "It's okay! Look how capable you are. You can still find the school by yourself even if you miss the welcome bus."

This kind of ability is so helpless.

"I don't like them." Suddenly, Lu Anping spoke. Rui He was a little surprised. Lu Anping, who had always been cheerful and generous, suddenly said this with gloomy eyes. Rui He didn't know how to answer it, so he immediately asked: "Why?"

"Haha, who can be a good person by using the back door?" Lu Anping said, "Yesterday when we picked up the car, they claimed to be our seniors. Who doesn't know their background? I study day and night, and go to school during the day. How can they compare to me who stayed up late at night to study at 3 or 4 a.m. and only slept for less than three hours a day to get admitted to Boyang University? How could they have the shamelessness to act as my seniors?" His tone was contemptuous. Even though he was mean, Ruihe understood a little after hearing what he said.

Over the years, he started reading and came into contact with more things. Among other things, when he was in commune middle school, he encountered a recommendation from a worker, peasant, and soldier student. The person recommended was a male classmate in his class. They were said to be classmates, but they were one level above Ruihe. After all, there were too few people in the high school class, so they were all arranged to attend classes together. That male classmate had the lowest grades in the class. He was the most typical example of someone who comes from a poor family and doesn't want to work. He went to high school to dawdle. There were only twenty-three students in the class, and there were only five girls. The male classmate actually went to school every day. I have pursued every one of them, and it is obvious that I am just messing around.

Such a student was recommended to study at Chengyang Normal College.

There are many tricks in this.

Ruihe didn't take it to heart because his family had no background and he knew that the college entrance examination would be resumed in a year and he would have the opportunity to go to college. However, his classmates were different. After the boy went to junior college, he secretly complained and cursed many times. Teacher Hao had to enlighten him twice.

The workers, peasants and soldiers are a light in the darkness and a straw to grasp a brighter future.

You wanted it so badly, but they took it away so easily. How can you not complain?

No one can blame Lu Anping for his attitude. He was able to get into one of the top universities in the country by his own efforts. He has the qualifications to look down on the workers, peasants and soldiers who entered the school "through the back door". Ruihe and Lu Anping were not familiar with each other, let alone friendship, so even if he felt that all the workers, peasants and soldiers students could not be regarded as "bad guys" or "enemies", for example, the senior sister who helped him yesterday was a very good person, he would not refute Lu Anping's words at this time.

When this matter was mentioned, the others also fell silent, and everyone walked back to the dormitory quietly.

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