Winner in life

$39.39 Traveling through 1972

The two of them were chatting and eating. It was only 5:45 after they finished eating, so it was still early. So we all started reading in unison, and saw the other three roommates running upstairs in a hurry after six o'clock, their hair all wet.

"It's raining."

"There is always water dripping from the trees. I look at it as night dew."

The three of them ran all the way back and their lips turned white from the cold. They drank hot water before they recovered.

"It's half past six, let's go down."

It was still dark at 6:30, so I went downstairs and headed to the flower bed where we gathered. Sure enough, there were always drops of water dripping down from the tree shades, making our heads feel wet and cold. The street lights in the school were not very bright, and they could only vaguely illuminate the silhouettes of people, and even their faces couldn't be seen clearly when they were far away.

"Everyone is here, right?" Zhang Guoliang counted twice and then waved, "Everyone, please follow me. I know the road. The road is a bit dark, so please pay attention to your steps."

Ruihe and his roommates walked side by side to the playground. He remembered that the simple map of the campus indicated that the school had two playgrounds, one in the north and one in the east. It seems that Zhang Guoliang is leading the way to the east.

When we walked to the playground, the sun was already out, and the spring sunshine hung in the east between the shades of the building trees. There were many students on the playground, all of whom were well-dressed. Ruihe looked around and then followed the instructions and started lining up. About half an hour later, the head teacher of their class came over. Fu Bowen, the head teacher, had black-framed eyes and was about forty years old. He looked very gentle and gentle. When he introduced himself, he spoke softly and had a very elegant look.

"Today we have a labor class. Our history class's task today is to clean up this playground." Teacher Fu looked at the paper in his hand, and then gave the specific location, "From over there to over there, that's right. This is the area we are responsible for. This playground was just designated and was abandoned before construction started. It is now the location for our labor class. Guoliang, please call some male students to come over and get the tools."

Zhang Guoliang and ten male classmates brought back rakes, hoes, gloves, and dustpans.

"Please clean up all the stones, garbage and other debris, and be careful not to hurt yourself." Teacher Fu left after giving instructions. He seemed to be very busy.

Ruihe put on his gloves and worked with his roommates. They were all people who were accustomed to doing the work. Everyone cleaned up the playground with skillful and fast movements, and they quickly picked out dustpans after dustpans of debris. The sun was shining quickly, and Teacher Fu came back to see twice and then left in a hurry.

At lunchtime, Ruihe ordered an extra ounce of rice and a steamed bun, but he didn't order any more meat or vegetables, only spicy cabbage. While eating, Ruihe listened to the conversations of other students in the cafeteria and learned that some freshmen went to clean the classroom, some freshmen went to clean the gymnasium, and some freshmen went to the garden next to Qingya Lake to prune trees and flowers.

In the afternoon and the next three days, they worked on the playground. After picking up the debris, they began to dig out and fill it. It took them two days to make the playground smooth and smooth. Teacher Fu greatly praised them and gave them full marks for their performance in these four days.

For Ruihe, these four days were not hard. They talked while working. He felt that he had a deeper understanding with his roommate, and his friendship also deepened in the process of working together. Even Chen Pingan, who had always been relatively taciturn, became more talkative.

On the fifth day, Rui He and his classmates were led by teachers and lined up to visit the old site of the Old Summer Palace. After returning, Rui He looked through the textbooks and found the content about the Old Summer Palace, and wrote a post-visit with deep emotion.

"Although there are only ruins, I am still deeply shocked. I can't imagine how spectacular and beautiful it would have been before it was burned down."

Ruihe felt deeply regretful and used his poor painting skills to draw a painting as a commemoration.

The content of the sixth day is to run around the school. The freshmen are running along the school road in a mighty manner, with no end in sight and slogans one after another. In order to compete for the loudest slogan, the students can say each one and compete with each other. high.

Zhang Guoliang was so angry that he yelled: "One, two - three - four!!" The students in History Class 1 followed up by shouting, "One, two, three - four!"

If you can get past the class shouting slogans in front of you, everyone will smile and laugh and run forward harder.

At noon, Teacher Fu announced that the labor class was over and asked the students to go to 301 of the Literature and History Building for a meeting in the afternoon. He would like to talk about some arrangements for the formal class on Monday.

In the afternoon, Ruihe listened carefully to Teacher Fu's meeting and took down two pages of notes. One page was the course schedule for this semester, and the other page was the reading list recommended by Teacher Fu.

Teacher Fu said: "In our major, we must read more books. History is vast and mysterious. Countless events occur in the process of historical progress. Maybe it is a person or a small thing, which may push the history forward." Turning in the other direction, since you have applied for this major, you must read a lot. Read it first, and we will slowly understand it later. Our school library has these books, and you will get your library card. Just borrow it.”

After talking about studies, Teacher Fu talked about life issues.

"Your household registration has been transferred to Boyang University, and the food relations have been transferred according to the reported precautions. The school has helped you complete the acceptance procedures, which will take effect on the 1st of next month. Starting from the 1st of next month , each person has a supply of thirty-five kilograms of food stamps per month, which contains twelve kilograms of fine grain. If the amount exceeds, you need to apply.

But I'll tell you the truth first. It's not easy to apply. You have to write a report and explain the reason. As everyone knows, food is now rationed. Everyone has only so much. Some students who have urban hukou in their hometowns should know that the food coupons issued every month are also rationed and quantified. So, everyone should calculate the amount carefully in the future, and don't eat up the quota at the beginning of the month. "

"Then there are scholarships every month, and different amounts are issued according to different family economic conditions. They will be issued this month. I will issue this money later, and you can keep it. I will also tell the living committee to set a certain day at the end of each month in the future. You will all give the money and food coupons to the living committee, and ask him to go to the school general affairs department to exchange for meal tickets and vegetable tickets for you. "

"It is said in the reporting precautions that you should bring a month's worth of food coupons. Have you all brought them? I received a notice this morning that school will officially start the day after tomorrow, and the cafeteria will only accept meal tickets and vegetable tickets. When I notified you to come to the meeting this afternoon, I asked you to bring money and food coupons. Did you bring them all? If you haven't brought anything, go back and get it. I'll exchange your tickets and money for you when you hand them over. I'll write the specific exchange price on the blackboard. You can calculate how much you need this month. "

Several students ran out of the classroom immediately. It seems that they forgot to bring anything. Ruihe quickly took out his pocket, calculated, folded the food coupons and money and handed them to Teacher Fu. Teacher Fu took a notebook and wrote down his name and the amount of money and tickets he handed over, and then indicated the number of meal tickets and vegetable tickets he wanted.

After collecting all the money, Teacher Fu went to the school's general affairs department. Before leaving, he said, "You can discuss the class cadres first. If you want to be a class cadre, prepare your self-introduction. I will come back and do it immediately. Hurry up and set up the cadre team of our class. Let me say this in advance. University is not like your elementary school and middle school. It emphasizes student autonomy in daily life. I won't keep an eye on you every day in the future. Therefore, the class cadres will be the backbone of the class in the future. They will be responsible for making everyone's university life go smoothly. Therefore, the work is not easy, the workload is relatively large, and it is hard. Everyone should consider it. ”

As soon as Teacher Fu left, the classroom immediately became noisy.

Many students were very excited and enthusiastic about being class leaders. Ruihe saw Zhang Guoliang stand up first and walk to the podium.

“I’m just shamelessly throwing out some ideas. I, Zhang Guoliang, want to be the class monitor. First, I’m the oldest in the class. I can’t say that I’ve eaten more salt than some of the students who are in their teens and twenties, but I have walked a few more miles. Second, I have ten years of work experience and have been a workshop director for four or five years. I believe that my age has brought me more insights, and my work experience has also given me better management skills. Being a class monitor requires overall planning, and I think I am very suitable. "

Applause broke out, and Zhang Guoliang walked down the platform with a smile.

The second person to go up was Su Shengfan, who wanted to be the life committee member, saying that she was careful, cautious and patient. The life committee member was responsible for buying meal tickets and food tickets for the whole class, and she felt that she could do it.

Ruihe's heart was beating fast. When he saw more people going up to the platform, one by one, they said that their advantages were "older and more work experience", "I was the class monitor in high school", "I was the study committee member in high school", etc., he was also moved.

To be honest, in high school, he did not fight for the position of study committee member himself, but was directly appointed by the teacher. Seeing that his classmates were so brave, he also stood up to run for election, saying that he had two years of experience as a study committee member and hoped to be a study committee member.

When he walked down, Ruihe felt that his legs were weak, and Ma Chenggong hugged his neck: "Good buddy! Awesome! I didn't expect you to dare to go up there when you look at you so quiet. "Don't look at him talking non-stop in the dormitory, but he dare not stand out in front of the whole class.

Ruihe smiled shyly: "My legs were weak just now, I was scared to death. "But it seems that nothing happened after he finished speaking. The original body is now 22 years old. According to his own age, he is 18 years old, and he is no longer half-grown. He knows very well that he should fight for what he wants.

"Then you dare to go up, you are really amazing."

As the two talked, Chen Pingan raised his head and frowned: "What's good about being a class cadre? You have to walk in front of the dirty and tired. You like reading? Then you don't have to be a study committee member. What a waste of time."

"You can't say that." Ruihe said, "I think it is very training. When I was a study committee member before, I always told myself that I had to set an example for my classmates. I had to be serious in class and I couldn't slack off after class. I think this kind of pressure is good. Today we can be roommates. That experience played a big role. "Finally, he even made a joke.

Chen Pingan looked at him seriously, then nodded: "Then I'll vote for you."

"Thank you." Ruihe also smiled.

At about four o'clock, Teacher Fu came back and asked as soon as he entered the door: "How did you discuss? ”

Zhang Guoliang took out a piece of paper with the students’ will to run for election recorded on it.

Teacher Fu smiled: “Everyone is very enthusiastic. Okay, it’s great to have this intention. I will read out the names, and those who hear it please stand up and show me.”

The students stood up one by one, and Ruihe sat below and watched nervously. He saw that Teacher Fu’s eyes were not looking at a “new student” when he looked at the students. He seemed to combine the person in front of him with the information he knew and “get to know” them.

When his name was called, this feeling became more obvious. Teacher Fu looked at him and nodded, showing an encouraging smile. This smile made Ruihe a little flattered.

"Okay, then let's have a democratic vote." Teacher Fu wrote each class cadre position on the blackboard, and then wrote the students' names below, and asked everyone to go up and vote: "Draw a horizontal line next to the name of whoever you support, let's make a "positive" character, and you can only vote for one person for each position."

Ruihe became nervous, a little worried that he would not get a vote. Ma Chenggong came over and whispered: "I vote for you as the study committee member." Ruihe was a little moved, and just as he was about to say something, he saw Ma Chenggong bump his arm with Zhu Hongxing and others, "What about you?"

"The study committee member must vote for Xiaoshan." Lu Anping said with a smile. "Brother, by the way, vote for me as the sports committee member."

Zhu Hongxing and Chen Pingan nodded, thinking this was a good idea.

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