Winner in life

$40.40 Traveling through 1972 (Second update)

Chen Pingan pushed up his glasses: "Who do you want to vote for, monitor? I don't like Zhang Guoliang."

Ma Chenggong curled his lips: "Too slick, I don't like him either."

Zhu Hongxing said with a smile: "I think he is quite suitable to be the squad leader. You are both too young. Sometimes you can't look at people this way. There are no simple good people and bad people."

Rui He also nodded: "I also think he is suitable. In the labor class these days, I think he is very capable, and Teacher Fu should be very satisfied with him." From the report to now, Zhang Guoliang is actually an invisible monitor. Many things It is all through him that everyone is informed, and he is also the one making arrangements.

"I won't vote for him anyway." Ma Chenggong pouted again.

Chen Ping'an said: "I think Su Shengfan is quite suitable, but it's a pity that she wants to be a life committee member."

"That's because she is smart and avoids the sharp edges." Zhu Hongxing shook her head gently.

The voting results came out. Zhang Guoliang was indeed the squad leader. He got thirty-seven votes, more than half of the class. Su Shengfan was the life committee member. The sports committee member was a boy named Wang Mingshu. He was a veteran and got forty-nine votes. . The league secretary is Hong Yan, and the study committee member is a girl named Song Zhezhi. She is a very quiet and elegant lesbian who can be said to be well-spoken. During the election campaign, she read an essay she wrote, which Ruihe listened to Come on very spiritually.

He received seven votes. In addition to his roommate who cast four supportive votes, three classmates also voted for him. So he was happy even if he wasn't selected.

Other class cadres, such as the literary and art committee and the publicity committee, were all selected. After the class cadre team was determined, Teacher Fu called Su Shengfan outside and did not know what he had given him. After more than ten minutes, the two of them came back in. Su Shengfan sat on the podium with a serious expression and began to read names.

Teacher Fu stood nearby and said with a smile: "Now we will start distributing this month's subsidy and the meal tickets we just exchanged. Everyone comes up one by one to receive it. If you are sure it is correct, sign and receive it." After watching her hand it out one by one, he smiled: "Okay. , this will probably be the procedure in the future. Shengfan, as the life committee member, you will be busy with your work. If you have any difficulties, just tell me and I will call a few classmates to help you. "

Su Shengfan nodded seriously with a straight face.

Teacher Fu looked at the other people under the podium: "You too, if you see any difficulties for your life committee member, just help me. Today's meeting is over. I will ask the study committee member to copy the homework list on the blackboard. After everyone has copied it, they will all go back. Get ready, have a day off tomorrow, and start class on Monday the day after tomorrow.”

After the teacher left, Song Zhezhi went up to copy the homework schedule.

Ruihe saw that her handwriting was particularly beautiful. It was just chalk calligraphy, but her writing was as smooth as clouds and dragons.

Chen Ping'an nodded and praised: "Her writing skills are very good, she can't do it after seven or eight years of practice."

"You know what?" Ma Chenggong looked down on Chen Ping'an's way of giving advice and couldn't help but refute him.

"Of course I know. I have been practicing calligraphy since I was five years old." Chen Pingan responded directly, "Her skills are not good enough, but she is pretty good."

"..." Ma Chenggong had itchy teeth and wanted to say something else. Rui He called him, "Sheng Chenggong, when do you think we can get our library cards? I really want to go to the library to borrow books right away." Change the subject. .

Ma Chenggong was immediately fooled: "I want to borrow it too. Teacher Fu just wrote a book list for us. Please ask the study committee member later. Let her ask the teacher."

After half past five, Rui He and his roommates left the Literature and History Building and went directly to the cafeteria to eat. The canteen they went to this time was the nearby No. 2 canteen, and it was indeed much more convenient to pay for meals with meal tickets. He calculated as he ate that he could only eat rice for a maximum of 20 days a month, and it was still the lunch meal. At other times, he could only eat porridge or noodles and steamed buns. But the overall calculation is already very good. The school also provides subsidies. As long as he is more frugal, he can even use his own savings completely!

With this calculation, the pressure in Ruihe's heart was much reduced. He didn't want to use the money from his sisters and Li Dashui to study. They also had their own lives, and he couldn't make it difficult for them for his own sake.

However, he still couldn't give up the work-study program. He had to ask Teacher Fu if there was any work he could do. He couldn't just spend money but not make money in the past four years.

"My family is a middle-class farmer, and they gave me a stipend of almost 128 cents." Ma Chenggong said carelessly, "However, the school issues food stamps in a limited amount, and the meal stamps that can be purchased are also limited. No matter how much my living expenses are, it will be useless. ”

"If you don't have enough food, you can go out to eat. Ask your uncle to send you food stamps."

"What a good idea!" Ma Chenggong's eyes lit up. He did not hear the ridicule in Lu Anping's words. Instead, he nodded happily, "This is a good idea. I will call my uncle tomorrow."

Rui He thought of the half-year national food stamps his sisters collected for him. He paused while picking up the rice, wondering if the letter had been sent home.

In the distant Nanqin Province, Li Dashui walked out of the post office and got on his bicycle. He pedaled hard - the wheels rolled very fast, and his figure was soon far away.

At noon on Sunday, the newly appointed study committee member Song Zhezhi handed out library cards to every student in the girls' dormitory. She didn't want to go up to the boys' dormitory, so she called Zhang Guoliang downstairs.

"He's not here!" Zhang Guoliang's roommate shouted down.

"Then just anyone come down! Here is your library card!"

Bang bang bang, as soon as he finished speaking, there were several sounds of the door being pushed open and then smashed back, and several heads popped out of the corridor, including Ruihe's.

Song Zhezhi was startled.

"Library card?"

She nodded hesitantly: "Yes, yes, you——"

With a whoosh, all the heads that had stuck out disappeared. She heard someone shouting from above: "Don't run! Wait for me!"

In the blink of an eye, a large group of people rushed over in front of her, which really scared her. Although the girls' dormitory was also excited, everyone was more reserved. Song Zhezhi didn't expect the male comrades in the class to be so crazy. She hurriedly stuffed the bag she was holding into one of the male comrades: "These are all for you male comrades. Please distribute them. By the way, tell others that there is only one card. If it is lost, damaged, or broken, you need to replace it. It costs money to replace the card." After saying that, she quickly took her roommate's hand and left.

Zhu Hongxing held the bag, opened the hands that grabbed him one by one, and scolded: "Why are you in such a hurry? We are outside! What if you break or lose a book?" He was one of the older people present, and the others were afraid of him when he spoke. Ruihe hurriedly said: "Let's go upstairs, and take a piece of paper to record who got it so that there will be no mistakes."

"Xiaoshan is right, let's all go upstairs!"

So the male comrades rushed down in a swarm, and then went upstairs to line up according to their names to get the card.

Ruihe also got his own library card, which was the size of a single card, hard in texture, with his one-inch photo, name, college, and category on it. The category was written with the word "student". He proposed to his roommate with some expectation: "Why don't we go to the library now?"

The proposal was unanimously agreed by the roommates. So the five of them didn't want to take a nap, put on their shoes, locked the door, and went out. They met many classmates on the stairs, so they went together.

The library of Boyang University, I'm really looking forward to it!

The library is far from their dormitory. On the way, Ma Chenggong said, "I have to find a time to buy a bicycle, otherwise it will be a waste of time to walk like this all the time."

"The school is really too big. But where can I buy a bicycle? I don't have a ticket."

"I'll ask my uncle to find one for me. I'll call him this afternoon to tell him about this."

Ruihe also said, "It's much more convenient to have a car. I also want to buy one. I plan to ask outside if anyone sells second-hand bicycles. There's no need for a ticket, and it's cheaper."

Zhu Hongxing was surprised and said, "Okay, Xiaoshan, this is a smart idea."

"Someone in our village used to buy second-hand watches. I think there must be someone selling second-hand bicycles."

"I think it's difficult. Who would sell a bicycle if they don't ride it?" Lu Anping thought it was unreliable.

"Just try it. If you don't try, you won't have a chance."

As the few people walked and chatted, Chen Pingan suddenly said, "We're here."

The library of Boyang University appeared in their sight. It was a four-story building with a huge area.

"I heard that it was newly built a few years ago. It's really big."

The library is very new, surrounded by lush trees, standing there like a giant.

They hurriedly quickened their pace and entered with their student ID cards. In an instant, it seemed as if they had come from the noisy world to a quiet paradise. The library was extremely quiet, with only the sound of turning pages. Ruihe subconsciously slowed down his breathing.

There was a large hall on the first floor, with long tables in the middle. Students who were reading sat in the middle and read seriously. The wall was full of bookcases, surrounding the long table in the middle, which looked quite spectacular. The sun shone in from outside through the glass windows, giving the hall a sense of tranquility.

Zhu Hongxing gestured: Let's go and look for it separately, and meet at the gate at five o'clock.

Ruihe nodded and began to walk around the library. He walked lightly, leaving the reading area in the hall and going upstairs.

This feeling was like being in the sweetest candy jar.

Ruihe forgot about his plan to find a book on the list. After he saw a book that interested him, he sat on the floor and read it. He was startled when he heard footsteps approaching him, and hurried to find the book.

The experience of coming to the library for the first time was so wonderful that Ruihe almost didn't want to leave. However, as the sun was setting, he gathered at the gate as agreed. His roommates came out one after another, each holding a stack of books in their hands.

"It's a pity that you can only borrow six books at a time." Ruihe felt sorry. He wished he could live in the library directly.

"University is great, there are so many books in the library." Chen Pingan rarely took the initiative to express his opinion, and said with expectation, "My wish is to read all the books in the library in four years of college!"

Ruihe nodded in agreement: "Me too." Just now in the library, his eyes were shining, as if he saw a roasted fat pig. The books that he had no chance to touch back then are now within reach. The countless books in the library can be borrowed as long as you register with your student ID, and you can borrow up to six books at a time.

It's so happy that it makes people intoxicated.

"It's okay, you can come often in the future." Chen Pingan said, "There are eight classes every day according to our schedule, and the latest is 5:20. After school, we can go to eat and take a shower, and then go to the library to study. I just looked at it. There are many reading rooms and study rooms in the library. We can find one for evening self-study, and then read books after finishing homework."

Ruihe felt that Chen Pingan's idea was exactly the same as his own, nodded in agreement, and said: "In fact, we can also act separately, for example, I can help you get food and you go back to the dormitory to take a shower first, so you can save more time."

"This is a good idea."

Seeing that Ruihe and the two of them were chatting very congenially, as if they were going to implement it in the next second, Zhu Hongxing didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Let's go first, those seniors seem to be leaving for dinner too. If we go to the cafeteria later, there will be too many people and it will be inconvenient."

"There are too many people and things in the canteen. How about we split up as Xiaoshan said? Three people carry the books back to the dormitory and two people go to get food. How about that?" Ma Chenggong suggested.

Zhu Hongxing said "OK": "It would be a pity if these books were soiled by us. Who goes to get food and who carries the books?"

Finally, it was decided that Ruihe and Lu Anping would go to get food, while Zhu Hongxing and the other two would carry the books.

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