Winner in life

$66.09 I want to be a big star

The establishment of the crew of "The Sword of Vengeance" was slower than Ruihe expected. Because he lived in the school dormitory, Ruihe asked Liu Congbin to help him check the caller ID of his home phone every day after school to see if the crew had called him.

By the way, he told Liu Congbin about the play. The young boy did a good job of keeping it secret and said, "Brother, I will definitely support you!"

Liu Congbin was originally a smart child. Some bad habits that were developed due to lack of guidance have been corrected in the past two years. Now he has good academic performance, good temperament, lively and playful, and knows how to deal with things. All the classmates like him, and he is now the class monitor.

However, the person Liu Congbin admires most is his second brother. His second brother is just like what the girl in front of him said, that is the male protagonist in the novel! In the second year of junior high school, his grades suddenly improved by leaps and bounds. In the high school entrance examination, he opened the Ren and Du meridians and got the first place in the school and the second place in the city. He is simply a winner in life. Such an awesome person is his second brother! Such a sense of pride made Liu Congbin obey Ruihe's orders. It was just to help check the caller ID, which was very simple.

In addition to entrusting Liu Congbin with help, Ruihe would stay at home on the landline to do his homework on weekends, and would go to the Internet cafe to follow the news of the crew on the Internet.

There was a lot of news from the crew. Today, it was announced that the male lead was someone, and tomorrow it was announced that the female lead was not someone, but someone else. The popularity did not decrease.

During the National Day in October, the crew called him and said that they had invited acting teachers and martial arts instructors to train him and other young actors who had no acting experience. Ruihe went to Beijing for six days and continued to take classes after returning.

In early December, there was news that the filming was about to start, but it was suddenly postponed. The news said that it seemed that the female lead Xu Hongying suddenly found out that she was pregnant. She was 31 years old this year and had been married for five years without a child. She had been looking forward to this child for a long time. The doctor said that the child's condition was not good and needed to rest and protect the fetus, so Xu Hongying and the crew terminated the contract peacefully.

The leading actress had been decided long ago, but Dongfeng was gone when everything was ready, and it took a lot of effort to find a new one.

Ruihe was a little happy, and took the final exam well, keeping his first place in the school.

This was postponed to the beginning of the next spring, after all, there was no filming during the Spring Festival. In April, Ruihe asked for leave from the school and explained his situation.

"I promise that I will be in the top three this time." Because Ruihe asked for half a month's leave, the leave time was too long, and he was the first in the class, the head teacher did not dare to make the decision, so Ruihe is now in the principal's office. Therefore, Ruihe also said that he might ask for leave to participate in art exam training in the future.

"I know the school's expectations and cultivation of me. I will also focus on academic studies in the future. I can write a written guarantee that in the next two years or so at the No. 1 County Middle School, my final grades will not fall out of the top three in the grade, and I will do my best to take the college entrance examination."

At this point, the principal nodded, and did not ask Ruihe to write any guarantees. He encouraged him: "Since you want to take this path, the school will support you." The school also has art exams every year, and he knows the process. "In this way, I will ask your teacher to sort out the key points of the classes you didn't take for you. You must take the time to read them. If you don't understand, ask your teacher and classmates."

Ruihe can understand the concerns of the school leaders. After all, they gave him a scholarship of 20,000 yuan to study at the No. 1 County Middle School, just so that he can get a good score in the college entrance examination, win glory for the school, and attract more and better students next year.

"I understand, don't worry."

After the school asked for leave, the rest was to convince the family. With Liu Congbin's help, Wu Meifang looked at the contract and fell silent.

"Do you really want to go into this business?" She thought that after the child went to high school and studied hard, he would change his mind.

"Yes." Ruihe said; "Mom, I have calculated that my scholarship is enough for me to take acting training courses, and the remaining can pay for the first two years of college tuition. This time I go to film, I can get 20,000 yuan in performance fees, and I don't have to trouble my family for my studies in the future."

Wu Meifang was even more silent.

Ruihe walked over and put his arm around her shoulders, leaning his head on her shoulders. "Mom, you believe me first, I can do it."

The original body has always shouted like this.

Believe me.

Mom and Dad, I can do it.

But he did not succeed. Finally, in the winter of one year, Xiang returned to his hometown wrapped in dejection and coldness, and listened to his parents' words and started blind dating. But in the eyes of the locals, he is an "uneasy" man. He gave up his stable job and drifted in Beijing for several years. At the age of 35, he has achieved nothing. Now he has neither a job nor a new house at home. Blind dating is not going well. Later, Liu Congwen and Liu Congbin paid to demolish the old house and rebuild it. The new house has four floors. The original body got married at the age of 37, and then lived an ordinary life of firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea.



Wu Meifang slowly let out a sigh of relief, raised her hand to pat Ruihe's head, and whispered: "Okay, you go."

She is a strong and capable woman. Once she thinks it through, she will act vigorously. Wu Meifang quickly helped Ruihe pack a large bag of food for the road, and sent Liu Congbin to the fields to find his father, and asked Liu Weihe to buy a plane ticket, and said: "Let your father go with you!"

Ruihe was surprised.

"Listen to me, you can't take care of yourself when you're filming alone. Let your dad do it. Bad guys won't dare to bully you when they see your dad. What's the value of those vegetables in his field? Can they compare to you? ?" Wu Meifang's heart was still beating wildly when she remembered what her son had just said, that he had gone to the capital to audition by himself. This kid is so brave, it scares me to death! No, this time we must have an adult go with us. Her husband couldn't do anything else, he was big and strong, so it was best for him to protect the children.

Soon Liu Weihe came back, stunned after hearing his wife's words. Liu Congbin was very happy; "Second brother is going to film! I really want to go too!" Rui He was almost unsteady when he pulled him and coaxed him: "You study hard and I will bring you the autographs of other stars when you come back. ." He thought for a while, "The starring role is Dai Yuzhu, also known as Xiao Hongying. Can I bring you her autograph?"

Liu Congbin didn't know who Dai Yuzhu was, but as long as he was a star, he would be extremely enviable in the class!

Soon, Ruihe and Liu Weihe got on the train to Changjing Province the next day. Changjing Province has the largest and most complete film and television base in the country, called Botong Film and Television City. Most of the filming this time will take place here.

It took two days and two nights by train. Liu Weihe had never traveled far. He only took the train once when he went out to work when he was young. On the train, this middle-aged man was very reserved and spoke in a low voice: "Xiao Wu, are you hungry or thirsty?"

"If you're not thirsty, you're not hungry. Dad, are you hungry?"

"No, no." Liu Weihe waved his hands hurriedly. Seeing that Ruihe was still reading, he went to look at the window himself. His eyes were staring outside the window, and the mountains, water, and green trees seemed to be reflected in his heart.

After getting off the train, Liu Weihe felt like a headless fly and didn't know what to do. Rui He held his hand and took him to a ride, transfer, and finally to a hotel near Botong Studios. The crew told him that this was He Lai Hotel. He borrowed the landline in the lobby to call the assistant director. The assistant director said, "The life producer has booked a room, and he is there too. Give him a call." He read the name of the life producer to Ruihe.

After receiving the call, Brother Wang, the life producer, quickly came to the lobby and led Ruihe to his room: "Get the key. If you can't solve anything, call me." After giving an explanation, he left. . He was very busy and Ruihe saw his sweaty collar.

"Is this our room?" After Brother Wang left, Liu Weihe felt more comfortable. He put his luggage aside and carefully touched the bed covered with white sheets, "Is this enough to sleep on?"

"That's enough. This is the big bed room. Dad, go take a shower. I see you're sweating a lot."

"Oh, no hurry, no hurry, go wash it first and I'll take a look."

One after another, the actors all arrived, and the hotel lobby was very lively every day. The actors moved in one by one, and the life producer was so busy that no one was seen. Ruihe stayed in his room reading the script every day, and didn't take the car to the studio until the final makeup photos were taken.

The makeup photoshoot went smoothly, but when he came down, Ruihe saw Liu Weihe secretly looking at Song Nanbo who was taking photos next door, with a strange look in his eyes, so he asked, "What's wrong, Dad?"

Liu Weihe was a little embarrassed: "Xiao Wu, that kid's eyes are really strange. What do you mean?" A man kept shouting: "Vicissitudes of life! Loneliness! Can't laugh!" He was confused.

"Dad, let me give you the novel in my suitcase. You can read it when you have nothing to do. Brother Song shoots like this because he wants to play a young man who looks young but is actually over a hundred years old, so the photography The teacher always reminds him to be more vicissitudes of life.”

"So that's it." But forget about reading novels, "I don't know how to read." He said with some anticipation, "After you finish filming this scene, I'll just watch it on TV."

On April 21st, the crew of "Lingxiao Sword: Enmity and Enmity" started filming. Ruihe joined everyone in worshiping gods and offering incense and officially started work. Ruihe's first scene went very smoothly. He had come to the capital for training before. Under the guidance of a martial arts instructor, he mastered many martial arts moves and learned a set of sword techniques. The crew delayed the start of filming, and he became more proficient in practice. The first scene he filmed was when Xin Lin was learning swordsmanship in Mount Huashan when he was young. At that time, old man Dugu was still a young man named Duguhong. They were disciples of the same generation and had a deep relationship.

A scene in which a young man learned to dance with a sword was filmed smoothly, with only three NG attempts.

Rui He's filming schedule was relatively smooth, and the director let him play his true self: "The satisfaction, pleasure and hard work of studying at the best sword sect in the world, do you understand?"

Rui He knew that he had read the script more than a dozen times in the past six months and studied the inner world of young Xin Lin when he had nothing to do. Xinlin came from a small martial arts family and had a talent for martial arts since he was a child. He must have been happy and excited to pass the exam and enter Huashan to learn swordsmanship. But after entering Huashan, he discovered that there were many brothers who were more talented than him, and he felt a sense of urgency. But he has a character that refuses to admit defeat, so he will work harder, his mind will become stronger during training, and his eyes will definitely become more determined.

No difficulty can defeat him, not even the cowardice in his own heart.

"I want to carry forward my family and make it famous everywhere."

Ruihe played the role of young Xinlin who was energetic, competitive and unyielding. However, Director Huo will occasionally remind him: "Although Xinlin has been studying with his uncle since he was a child, and he has a bookish air, he is not a scholar. You have to take action and imagine the high-spirited young hero who can fly over walls and fly over walls."

Originally, Ruihe imitated the temperament of a man who was both civil and martial in a TV series he had watched before. Director Huo said that imitation learning was more practical for an inexperienced person like him. However, his imitation was too obvious, and he lost his original spirituality. Therefore, Director Huo carefully guided him and guided him to imagine and grasp the inner world of the character.

Under the guidance of Director Huo, Ruihe became more and more comfortable in his performance.

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