Winner in life

$67.10 I want to be a big star (1/2)

In turn, Song Nanbo, who plays the role of the old man Dugu, is under greater pressure. His role is too complex, requiring both the appearance of a young man and the maturity and vicissitudes of an elderly person. Even though Song Nanbo is very talented in acting, some scenes are still too challenging for him. While Ruihe was waiting to shoot the last scene, he happened to be watching Song Nanbo filming on the set.

"Be steady! Be steady, you know? Don't look too far away, don't turn around!"

"No, your sneer doesn't work, it looks too frivolous!"

"Be more gloomy, like a poisonous snake locked in the darkness. That kind of malice and badness is suppressed and hidden. You are too exposed..."

The set was filled with Director Huo's voice, and his voice became very harsh through the speakers. Song Nanbo became more and more nervous, and finally it was a mess.

Director Huo is already a relatively gentle director. The few times Rui He performed in the Huazhou Film and Television City, the directors got very anxious and scolded him fiercely. Rui He was listening to the group speech at the time. This was normal. The director was just anxious and didn't really want to scold you. It's better not to hold grudges afterwards.

However, no matter how you know this truth, it is true that a young man with a strong self-esteem will feel uncomfortable when he is scolded by the director in front of dozens of people. Song Nanbo's performance became worse and worse, and finally his eyes were red. Director Huo took a deep breath and asked Song Nanbo to come down and rest for twenty minutes.

After Song Nanbo came off the field, he immediately ran to his brother's side, and the two brothers talked head to head. Liuweihe happened to be passing by fetching water and heard a few words. After sitting next to his son, Liu Weihe looked anxiously at Song Nanbo who was being comforted by his brother in the distance, and then looked at his son who was sitting next to him reading a script. He felt extremely nervous. He swallowed and whispered to Ruihe: "Xiao Wu, Director Huo is very strict. Let's just listen to Director Huo. He scolds and criticizes you for your own good. Think about it, your school teacher is Didn’t I criticize you too? That’s to make you do better, right? We have to be humble and listen to the director, you know? Only by accepting criticism can we make progress..."

Although the honest and dull Liu Weihe has three children, he has never spoken such soft words to teach his children. He is like an ox, growing from a young ox to a middle-aged ox. The crops in the land attract all his attention. What he wants to think about is the change in the weather, what kind of fertilizer to buy, or how to burn some plant ashes to fertilize.

But this time when he came here to film with Lao Er, he met a lot of people. From being timid and shrinking at the beginning, to now quietly observing and learning from others, he has made great progress.

There were more than 20 young actors who came to film this time. Those who had less roles had already finished filming and left. Several teenage actors with important roles, including his son, were still on the crew. Liu Weihe was introverted, but he stayed in the hotel for almost a month. Over the past month, I have more or less communicated with the parents of other young actors. He stiffly learned how those parents cared for their children, and after he came back, he copied it and fed it to his son.

Just hearing the Song brothers talking, Liu Weihe thought: Our Xiao Wu is still young, only sixteen years old. Song Nanbo was even talked about by the director until he cried when he was fifteen. What should we, Xiao Wu, do? So I wanted to enlighten my son first and prepare him mentally.

Liu Weihe's words were a bit confusing, but Ruihe heard the concern in them and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Dad, I understand everything and I will definitely perform well."

"That's good." Liu Weihe chuckled twice and picked up the hot water he just brought: "Would you like some?" Seeing Ruihe drink it, he became even happier and asked again: "Are you ready for today's play? ?”

"Okay." Today's scene is the last one, and you can go home after filming. He didn't have many roles, and they were scattered throughout the month, but it still made Ruihe feel very nervous and urgent. After work every day, he had to digest the instructions given to him by the director today and absorb them into his own skills. , time is never enough.

I want to take the exam at Baihua Drama Academy.

This idea in his mind is even more urgent. This month of filming has made Rui He more determined to achieve this goal. He needs a professional, systematic, and step-by-step acting learning course. What he likes most is squatting aside and watching other actors acting when there is no drama for him, which always gives him a lot of shock.

He also wants to be someone who is comfortable in front of the camera.

Two hours later, it was Ruihe's turn. The last scene happened to be when the young Xinlin appeared for the last time in the script. Xinlin's grandfather celebrated his 90th birthday, and his father had been writing to him since last month. When arriving at Huashan, Xinlin had to go back to celebrate his birthday. The journey was long, so he was told to set off in advance so as not to miss the time.

At noon that day, Xinlin mounted his horse, with his servants guarding him. The young man waved to his brothers, with a look of reluctance on his face: "Wait until I come back! Let's discuss swords together again!"

All the brothers stood on the steps and waved to him: "Be careful on the road, we are waiting for you to come back!"

Duguhong also shouted loudly: "Don't slack off when you go home, otherwise I will be able to hold you down and beat you when you come back. Don't cry then!" The feelings between young people are pure and sincere, Xinlin He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and nodded heavily: "Yes!"

The horse turned around, kicked twice and started to run slowly forward.


Ruihe breathed a sigh of relief, and the staff quickly came over to hold the horse and help him down. After that, the scene of riding the horse and running required a professional teacher, commonly known as a stand-in.

I don't know who gave Rui He a bouquet of flowers: "Congratulations, you're done."

The crew applauded kindly and congratulated him on finishing the film. Liu Weihe also squeezed over and looked at him excitedly.


Rui He was also a little excited, and his eyes were still a little sour, which was the reluctance of the young Xin Lin when he left his senior brothers who had been together day and night.

"Thank you, thank you." He gave the flowers to Liu Weihe, walked to Director Huo and bowed, "Thank you, director."

Director Huo said with a smile: "Go back and study hard. If you are interested in taking this path in the future, go to a good school and study acting hard."

"I will. I wish the director all the best in the next filming. I'm waiting for the TV series to be broadcast. I will definitely watch it with my family and friends."

"Thanks to your good advice, be careful on the way home."

Liu Weihe held Ruihe's hand and got on the train home. This month has been a dream for Liu Weihe. When he was on the train, he said to Ruihe: "It turns out that filming is like this. You have to learn swordsmanship and horseback riding." Suddenly he became worried about Ruihe's studies, " The director said that you really want to ride a horse. You took an extra half month off to study. What should you do if you have to take the exam again after you return? "

The joy, sourness and worry in his heart made Liu Weihe restless.

"Dad, don't worry, I've been reading this month and I can do the exam."

Liu Weihe was still uneasy. He wished he could fly home quickly so that his son could have more time to review.

When I returned to school, it happened to be the end of the May Day holiday and the beginning of the monthly exams. Ruihe retained the first place in age. Not only the teacher was relieved, but Wu Meifang and his wife were also relieved.

"Tomorrow when he comes back, you go buy a black-bone chicken and some ginseng, and I'll stew chicken for him." Wu Meifang still felt very sorry for her son, especially after hearing her husband talk about what happened during the filming process.

Other parents are always around their children, buying cakes and drinks, but his child is sensible and won't let his father buy anything. Every day, apart from filming scenes and reading scripts, he would just read books and do questions by himself. The other young actors had all gone out to play, and he wouldn't go if I called him.

Extremely hardworking.

The children were working so hard, and the reluctance in Wu Meifang's heart completely faded away.

In her opinion, a son who has plans and goals for his life is already a thousand times better than his father.

Even if this goal is a bit big and the path is different from others, it is his own child. If he wants to go, then go ahead.

"I am indeed biased." She reflected on herself. The second son didn't have to worry about her, and it seemed that his grades suddenly became very good. But before... before... Wu Meifang thought back and couldn't remember her second son's study in the previous few years. I seem to only remember that the second child always went to work in the past few years. He was busy during winter and summer vacations, weekends, and nights from Monday to Friday.

She missed her eldest son who was always eating out, and her younger son who was too lively and active. But what about her second son...

Last night, Wu Meifang had a dream.

In the dream, her Xiao Wu looked at her sadly: Mom, look at me, look at me.

Mom is looking at you, Mom has been looking at you... In the dream, her Xiao Wu shook her head and slowly became blurry.

Such a dream was so unlucky that Wu Meifang woke up crying. In the middle of the night, she touched her face wet with tears. She couldn't sleep anymore, and suddenly realized that her second son was already so promising before she saw it.

Because of that dream, she stayed awake for the rest of the night. Her youngest son's words, "Mom, don't be too biased" kept echoing in her mind, and she finally realized that she was indeed biased.

After thinking about it, Wu Meifang's guilt towards her second son reached its peak. The second son had just called back from school to tell them the good news to reassure them, and she couldn't sit still. She hoped that she would be here tomorrow Friday so that the second son could go home after school tomorrow afternoon. . She wanted to make something delicious to replenish him.

So when he came home from school the next day, Ruihe felt Wu Meifang's spring-like care. He felt a little funny and a little sad.

After all, he is no longer the Liu Congwu who needs his parents' attention and concern.

Soon, the final exam will arrive. Before the final exam, Rui He needed to decide whether to study arts or science. After the final exam in the second semester of high school, the school will divide students into liberal arts classes. The head teacher suggested that Ruihe enroll in the science class: "Your science scores are very good, why do you want to apply for the liberal arts major?" There are generally fewer boys in the liberal arts major, and girls make up the majority. He really can't imagine that the proud student with the highest score in his age would want to apply for it. liberal arts.

Ruihe said: "Teacher, I plan to take the art school entrance examination." He also likes science and originally planned to apply for science in this life to study in depth. However, as his study deepened, he found that if he applied for science, he might not be able to study in depth. So much energy and time to go to class. This time he missed school for a month to film a movie. When he was making up for classes, he felt that the material science students were a bit difficult. The types of questions were varied and many knowledge points required time to understand and draw inferences. Time was becoming increasingly tight for him. If it's because he should take leave next year to attend training courses.

In the end, he decided that it would be better to choose the liberal arts that he was best at.

The head teacher opened his eyes wide: "Art school?"

"This has always been my dream, and my family agrees."

"But your grades are so good, isn't it a waste to go to art school?" The head teacher has always regarded Liu Congwu as a trump card in the college entrance examination. As long as he gets good grades, County No. 1 Middle School will definitely shine in the college entrance examination in two years. It is so brilliant that it outperforms other schools. We will definitely be able to recruit more good students in the next year's enrollment. For him, it is also an important part of his qualifications.

Art candidates do not have high requirements for college entrance examination scores, but focus on professional abilities. In many good schools such as Baihua and Changhe Film Academy, the admission scores for art undergraduates are less than three-level.

Such a good scholar is going to take the art test? Oh my God, my God! The head teacher was almost out of breath.

"Congwu, why do you want to go to art school? With your talent, you can go to Tsinghua University or Peking University." The head teacher hurriedly persuaded Ruihe.

"Teacher, didn't I go filming a few months ago? That filming confirmed my decision to take the acting major."

The head teacher was speechless.

He remembered that Liu Congwu took a month's leave at that time.

There was indeed a trace, but after these three months, he saw that Liu Congwu had been studying seriously and did not ask for leave again, so he forgot about it.

Rui He in turn advised the class teacher: "Don't worry, I will try my best to take the exam and will not lower my requirements for myself. As for my future plans, they were decided before and will not be changed."

The head teacher was so worried that he asked Ruihe to go back to class first and then go back to the leader to talk about the matter. The principal said: "Listen to his idea, I believe him." The principal has often communicated with Liu Congwu's teacher in the past few months, and learned that Liu Congwu has been very focused on studying after returning from filming, whether it is Zhou Kaoyue He is meticulous in completing extracurricular homework and evening self-study, and he is a very self-controlled student.

Such students know what they want and what they should do, and it is generally difficult for them to fail.

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