Winner in life

$68.11 I want to be a big star

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Finally, Ruihe still applied for liberal arts. After entering the second year of high school, Ruihe went to the art examination training institutions in Beijing to study.

During the summer vacation of the second year of high school, Ruihe saw the premiere of "The Tale of the Sword of the Sky" while attending classes in Beijing.

It was 7:30 pm on Tuesday, CCTV-8. Ruihe had long known about the premiere tonight from the online publicity. There was also a TV in the training institution. The acting teacher said: "There is a new TV series to be broadcast tonight, called "The Tale of the Sword of the Sky". The female lead is Dai Yuzhu, who is known as Xiao Hongying, and the male lead is Lu Yuan, the actor who played "The Southern Hero". There are many actors in the cast who are not famous but very powerful. Everyone should take a look and learn from them."

The opening is the scene of the teenagers learning swords on Huashan Mountain. In the morning light under the rising sun, the teenagers wore uniform clothing and accessories, their movements were uniform, their faces were vigorous, and their expressions were meticulous.

"Wow, that guy looks a lot like Liu Congwu."

The students watching TV suddenly exclaimed, and Ruihe felt that many people's eyes were falling on him. Facing those inquiring eyes, he smiled: "That's indeed me."

"So amazing, you have already acted in a TV series?"

Ruihe smiled modestly and said nothing more. He looked at the TV screen, as if he saw another self.

So this is the film.

In the melodious bell sound, Huashan disciples practiced sword facing the sunrise, their sleeves fluttering, their white clothes like snow, the camera kept turning, the faces of the disciples slid by one by one, and he saw a strange self.

That was not Liu Congwu, that was the young Xinlin.

Ruihe was very surprised and felt a sense of satisfaction.

After one episode was broadcast, the students all discussed: "I feel that the music is not right, is the next episode going to be a be?"

"I have read the novel, I have read the novel--"

"Wow, don't say it! No spoilers!"

Some students also came to ask Ruihe about the next plot. Ruihe smiled and shook his head: "I don't know either. It was not filmed in order when it was filmed."

One episode is 50 minutes long. It has already aired the mysterious blood case in Jianlu and the young Xinlin went home to celebrate his birthday. On Huashan, not long after Xinlin left, the annual sword-fighting conference of Huashan disciples began to be planned. The disciples studied harder, hoping to defeat other disciples at the conference and win the first place. A sudden sound of killing came from the cheerful music, and the first episode ended.

Ruihe found that many of the shots he shot rarely appeared in the first episode. He combined the script he had received before and guessed that those shots should be interspersed in the memories of the young Xinlin or Dugu in the later episodes.

One old and one young, but they were brothers who had been side by side in the past. When the truth is revealed, Xinlin will have many shots of reminiscing about the past.

"Oh, that's how it is. But you are amazing, you can actually join such a big crew."

"Yes, yes, how old were you when you filmed this drama?"

"It should have been filmed two years ago, right? My brother and I went to the national selection of actors at that time, but we were not selected."

The fact that he participated in "The Tale of Sword and Vengeance" brought Ruihe a short period of attention. There were praises and jealousy, but he didn't take it to heart and continued to attend classes.

Soon the summer vacation ended, and Ruihe returned to Nan Province. At the end of the summer vacation, "The Tale of Sword and Vengeance" was also broadcast. Later, someone calculated that the average ratings of this TV series reached 3.676%, currently dominating the TV series in the first half of 2008.

"Brother, it's so good!" During the summer vacation, Liu Congbin was so excited every time he talked to him on the phone, "I told my classmates in the class group that the old man Xin Lin in the play was played by my brother when he was a child! I still have the signatures of the heroine and the hero, hahaha!"

The TV series "The Enmity of the Sword of the Sky" was a big hit. Dai Yuzhu played the heroine to life, just like a chivalrous woman who dared to love and hate, and successfully became a first-line actor.

The same is true for the hero Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan made his official debut in "Southern Hero". Ten years later, he successfully transformed himself from a child star to a powerful actor with "The Sword of the Sky". At the age of 24, he became a hot new star and was called a "real hero" by many fanatical drama fans.

The supporting actor Song Nanbo was even more outstanding. He performed the charm of the old man Dugu at the age of 15. The villain's role made the audience's scalp numb, and they said that his eyes were cold and scary. The point is that he is only 15 years old! The future is promising.

Other roles with important parts also received corresponding attention. As the tide rises, Ruihe plays the teenage period of the important male supporting role Xin Lin Laosou, which naturally received some attention. Ruihe also received an invitation from an agency, but the arrangement of the other party for him conflicts with his own plan. At this stage, he is not willing to take on too many roles by consuming the popularity brought by "Ling Xiao Jian". The so-called "strike while the iron is hot and create a new star in the future" is just an empty talk for him. At present, he must be focusing on his studies.

The agency also persuaded Ruihe to change his mind by saying that Song Nanbo has signed a contract and has a lot of film contracts now, but Ruihe was unmoved.

Everyone has his own life plan, and he does not judge the right or wrong of other people's decisions.

In addition to the invitation from the agency, Ruihe even received advertisements. The advertisement is for an ice cream company in this city of Nan Province. The name of the ice cream is "Lao Ice Cream", which is a famous old brand in the local area. The original owner grew up eating this ice cream. With the development of the economy, the competition in the ice cream market has become increasingly fierce, but the price of Lao Ice Cream has not increased much, and it has always been regarded as a conscientious ice cream by parents.

This time, the old ice cream company approached Ruihe to shoot an advertisement and offered him 100,000 yuan in advertising fees. Ruihe agreed after consideration, but the contract he signed was only for four years. After four years, the cooperation would end and the old ice cream company could no longer use his name or image for advertising.

Four years later, he was older and the ice cream advertisement was not suitable for his image.

Soon, as time passed, Ruihe's little fame almost disappeared. He was very busy, busy with training courses and school courses. At the end of the first semester of his senior year, he took the provincial art exam.

Starting from the end of January of this year, major film and television schools began school entrance examinations one after another. Ruihe started his art exam journey alone. After traveling around the country and back and forth from north to south, his training teacher suggested that he should try as many schools as possible within his energy and time. After the college entrance examination, he would have more room for choice. After all, if the east is not bright, the west will be bright. It is reliable to have several hands at the same time.

Ruihe chose eight colleges and universities, and it took him until the end of March to finish all the exams. In the end, he passed all of them. He only had to wait for the college entrance examination in three months. If his cultural score exceeded the admission score, he would have achieved more than half of his current goal.

With less than three months left, Ruihe returned to school and started the final sprint with the help of his teacher.

The college entrance examination ended in June, and the college entrance examination results of Ruihe's province were announced in the second half of the month. During those days, Ruihe did not go to the county library and stayed at home waiting for the results. On the 21st, the class QQ group said that the results were out, and the head teacher asked them to go to school to get the transcripts. Ruihe hurriedly rode his bicycle and met Liu Congbin on the way. Liu Congbin yelled, "I want to go too!" and jumped on the back seat. The car swung violently, and Ruihe laughed and scolded, "You almost knocked me down, be careful!"

"I'm sitting firmly, brother, hurry up."

Ruihe took Liu Congbin to school to get the transcripts. He met a dozen classmates at the school gate, and everyone shouted to each other and ran to the head teacher's office in the office building.

As soon as he walked to the door of the office, Ruihe heard the familiar voice of the head teacher inside. After the division of arts and science classes, his head teacher changed from a middle-aged female teacher in the first year of high school to a middle-aged male teacher now. He was a Chinese teacher with ten years of teaching experience. He was usually very steady. At this time, he was probably extremely happy, with a loud voice and overflowing smile.

It seems that the students in this class did well in the exam, which made him so happy.

He followed his classmates and walked in. When the head teacher saw him, he shouted out of control: "Congwu! Are you here to get the transcript? Hahahaha, you are the top scorer in the arts of the province, the top scorer in the arts!"

Ruihe was also very surprised. He took the transcript that the head teacher stuffed into his hand and looked at it carefully. The total score was 750, and he scored 684 points.

The head teacher said beside him with a bright face: "You didn't let me down. I am so proud of you. This time, our County No. 1 Middle School is so proud. Not only did the City No. 1 Middle School fail to pass us, but Ningkang Middle School also failed. You, the provincial champion in liberal arts, have brought honor to the school!"

This student can be said to be busy with the art exam this year. No, it should be said that he has been taking leave to go to training and classes since last year. He can't even attend the make-up classes arranged by the school during the winter and summer vacations. It would be a lie to say that he is not anxious. Fortunately, he reviewed hard in the three months before the college entrance examination, and was given countless papers to do. The results of the papers were not bad, which made him feel at ease. When the results came out today, his heart was like a kite flying high in the sky in the spring breeze, so beautiful that the whole person was floating.

The County No. 1 Middle School ranked third in the entire city at most, but last year the number of undergraduate admissions of the County No. 1 Middle School hit a record low. Although it is said to be third, it has already declined. The County No. 2 Middle School, which was newly built only seven years ago, is coming with great momentum. Last year, it suppressed the No. 1 Middle School, which put great pressure on all leaders and teachers.

But now, a top scorer in liberal arts has landed on the school's head. The school can be proud of it. He, the head teacher who taught a top scorer in liberal arts, will also have better qualifications. Bonuses are inevitable, and the sense of achievement of teaching and educating people is the reward that makes him most happy.

Because of these complex emotions, the head teacher looked at Ruihe with more kind and gentle eyes: "I remember you have professional course certificates from eight film and television schools, right? Now it's good. With your score, you can apply to any art school in the early batch!"

Ruihe smiled. His first choice was Baihua Drama Academy. This time, I heard that 80 certificates were issued. From the students who met the college entrance examination admission score standard, the top ten or dozens of students among the 60 people will be admitted. It doesn't matter how high the scores of cultural courses are, only the ranking of professional courses. The certificate he got from Baihua Drama Academy ranked eighth, and now his cultural course scores are enough, so he should be admitted without any accidents.

Thinking of this, he was really happy. Although he felt a little embarrassed to compete with real high school students for the top score in liberal arts with his age, experience and knowledge, he had to get this score for the scholarship because he was short of money.

Hearing the class teacher still praising him and his classmates congratulating him in good faith, Ruihe felt embarrassed. After greeting everyone, he quickly squeezed out of the crowd and left the school with Liu Congbin.

In late July, Ruihe received an admission letter from Baihua Drama Academy. At the end of August, he packed his bags and set off for Beijing. He waved goodbye to his relatives and friends outside through the window. Ruihe took a deep breath and looked forward to a new college life.

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