Winner in life

Chapter 952 21 Martial Arts Hero

《Life Winner [Quick Transmigration]》

Before the people holding the other two inheritances of Hushan Sect arrived at Zhenyang Sect, the remnants of the Blood Lotus Sect sneaked into Zhenyang Sect that night. Zhenyang Sect is not a small sect. The thieves were discovered within a quarter of an hour after entering. The sect’s residence was brightly lit at night. The elders with strong martial arts joined the battle and beat the thieves one by one, and captured one alive. The killer whose face was untied had a dull look in his eyes. After his chin was removed, he stopped struggling. An elder took out a poison sac from his mouth and said in a deep voice: "These seem to be drug-stimulated dead soldiers. Their brains are broken. They can only follow orders. Nothing can be found out by trial. Go and ask the acting leader!"

Lu Ping had strengthened the defense of Zhenyang Sect long ago, and sure enough, the killer arrived tonight.

"It may not be aimed at Ping Zheng. Didn't the trial find out anything?" Chen Yanfang, who was invited over, said so.

Lu Jiao was playing with a few peanuts. Hearing this, he smiled and said, "Fourth Aunt, didn't my eldest brother just say that this dead soldier was trained by using secret methods to damage the brain at the cost of forcibly improving the physique. Even our Zhenyang Sect dare not touch this kind of dead soldier. Who would raise dead soldiers in such a way that disregards human life and disregards humanity? Decades ago, the evil people of the Blood Lotus Sect, led by the Blood Lotus Sect, liked to do this the most. They captured our righteous disciples, tortured them with secret methods, and let them turn against us. They caused many fratricidal tragedies. At that time, I was still young and was still doing horse stance at home. Fourth Aunt should know more than me."

He spoke in a usual frivolous and lazy tone. Although Chen Yanfang's family was competing with the acting head, she knew that Lu Jiao would definitely help her eldest brother, but she really didn't feel bad about Lu Jiao. Even though she knew that Lu Jiao had his own calculations for bringing Ping Zheng back, she accepted this favor first because of Ping Zheng's importance.

So Chen Yanfang smiled bitterly and said, "Now that you mention it, I really remember it. Alas, there were too many joys and sorrows during that period of time. A cousin of my mother's family was abducted by the Blood Lotus Sect. Later, my mother's family encountered assassins, and my cousin was among them... and my cousin was just one of them. There were too many people whose families were destroyed by the Blood Lotus Sect. If possible, I would rather not think about those past events for the rest of my life. From what you said, the killer caught last night was concocted by the Blood Lotus Sect? Could it be that the Blood Lotus Sect has revived?"

"Fourth Aunt, when the Hushan Sect was wiped out, everyone turned into mummies. At that time, it was suspected that it was the Blood Lotus Sect's method. Last night, there were assassins with the characteristics of the Blood Lotus Sect. I have to suspect that the assassins came to kill my cousin and Xiaoyu. Fourth Aunt, I heard that you have been investigating the case of that year for many years. Have you found anything?"

Several major sects were also investigating in the early years, but they stopped after a few years without any results. Only relatives and friends would pursue this unsolved case.

Chen Yanfang touched the bracelet on her wrist and shook her head: "The murderer behind the scenes has not appeared again. It seems that he has completely stopped and hidden after destroying Hushan Sect. I have sent people to guard the ruins of Hushan Sect for more than 20 years, and I have not encountered any suspicious people. In fact, I also suspected that it was the work of the Blood Lotus Sect. After the destruction of the Blood Lotus Sect, I heard that some peripheral disciples escaped. Those people are still alive. Some hide deeply, and some are caught for doing bad things. But in general, the Blood Lotus Sect must still have people left. However, after thinking about it and checking repeatedly, I don’t think the remnants of the Blood Lotus Sect have the ability to destroy Hushan Sect. Acting head, do you have new clues?" Lu Ping also shook his head: "It’s a pity that the dead men came last night. I have asked people to go to Xiaoyao Valley to invite people to see if there is a way to dig out something from the surviving dead men last night. Cousin Su and Xiaoyu are in danger now. I will send a few people to help you, aunt, protect them." Chen Yanfang declined, saying that the power of the fourth room was enough to protect her niece and nephew. Lu Ping did not force it, and turned around and told Lu Jiao to go find Su Yu to "play": "I think you two get along well."

Lu Jiao rolled his eyes, straightened his clothes and left.

And Ruihe also saw from the more than ten guards at the door in the morning and the message from Chen Yanfang that "don't go out", something must have happened last night.

With more than a dozen guards outside, Su Yaoniang could not be concealed at all. She had not yet recovered from the joy of the family's property purchase, and troubles came to the door again, and asked worriedly: "Could it be the enemy who came?"

"It should be, mother, don't worry too much, uncle Thirteen said that Zhenyang Sect has been prepared."

"That's good!" Su Yaoniang was a little ashamed before. She intended to rely on Zhenyang Sect and use Zhenyang Sect to protect herself and her son, but she was unwilling to marry her cousin. Later, when she heard her son talk about the inheritance of Hushan Sect, she was relieved. At least her family did not take advantage of her aunt completely for nothing. She was not stupid. She had not thought about getting the inheritance back now. Then, it would not be too much to use the inheritance as protection fee for the mother and son. The new shop they bought was also under the protection of the Zhenyang Sect. Maybe it would be safer for them to move there in the future?

At noon, Lu Jiao came to see Ruihe and gave some details. Rui He listened thoughtfully. The Blood Lotus Cult's method of cultivating dead warriors was indeed fearful and disgusting to the martial arts. In another ten years, disciples from all sects will disappear. Those disciples were refined by the Blood Lotus Cult into ruthless and ruthless beings. The dead man of desire has become a sharp knife stabbing his own family. Until the owner of Xiaoyao Valley finally figured out the secret of researching the dead soldiers, saying that the dead soldiers were controlled mainly because of some kind of toxin. The toxin damaged the dead soldiers' brains, and they could not detoxify but cut them off. The secret recipe of acupuncture and medicated bath that he came up with saved a large number of dead soldiers, which was also the starting point of the collapse of the Blood Lotus Sect building.

Ruihe can obtain acupuncture and medicinal baths from his original memory.

He asked to see the dead man.

"Maybe I can do something about it."

"Do you have any idea?" Lu Jiao knew that the young man in front of him was not just a talker. He had a character that matched his martial arts, so he asked carefully.

In order to gain Lu Jie's trust and take him to see the deceased, Rui He fabricated an experience.

"I learned some medical skills from an courtesan in Drunk Dreamland. I heard from uncle that the dead were most likely controlled by toxins, so I wanted to verify it with my own eyes. Uncle Thirteen, I'm not boasting about my medical skills. She’s not bad at all. The oiran said that she was from Xiaoyao Valley, and if I hadn’t done her a favor, she wouldn’t have taught me.”

Lu Jie laughed as soon as he heard this: "You must have been deceived. How could a person from Xiaoyao Valley work as an oiran in Zuimengland?" It was clear that his nephew had been deceived. There are many people in the world who would fabricate their backgrounds, such as a certain person. A disciple of a sect leader, a nephew or grandnephew, or a close relationship with a famous knight in the world, etc. Let’s take him as an example. There are many women in the world who say they have a close relationship with him, and some say they are pregnant with his son. Now, all the children who are known as his illegitimate children can join a table to fight each other. . In his opinion, Xiaoyu was deceived, and he didn't know what kind of help Xiaoyu had done to the other party. The other party used some medical skills in return, and also used the name of Xiaoyao Valley to gain weight for himself.

Rui He raised his chin: "I believe her, her medical skills are really great. Uncle Thirteen, can you take me there?"

He could definitely take him. Lu Jiao found out that his nephew had no knowledge of the assassin, which showed that the fourth aunt was still hiding the matter. Su Yu is not an ordinary young boy. This kid has a good idea. He wants to give more conveniences to him, so he is not afraid that the kid will not remember his kindness.

The moment he saw the dead man, Rui He immediately confirmed that it was the work of the Blood Lotus Sect. It turned out that he had dealt with the Blood Lotus Sect countless times in his previous life, and the reputation of "Song Hancong" was all Su Yu's blood and sweat.

Jian Ruihe knelt down to examine the dead man, while Lu leaned against the wall, crossed his chest, and asked, "Do you see any tricks?" It wasn't that he looked down on people. He admitted that Su Yu was extremely talented in martial arts, but he had to specialize in martial arts. , Su Yu may not be able to do medical things.

Unexpectedly, Rui He nodded: "I have some clues." He took out the silver needle from his pocket and looked back at Lu Jie, "I am confident that I can restore his sanity after giving him the needle. Uncle Thirteen, do you believe me?"

Lu Jiao stood up straight: "Are you going to get an acupuncture now?" Oh, don't stab someone to death!

"Those who can't be stabbed will at most become a fool, but is he different from a fool now?" As soon as he finished speaking, Ruihe took the injection.

"Xiaoyu!" Lu Jiao was shocked, "Are you going to do it now?" He saw Ruihe administering the needles very quickly. After a while, the dead man closed his eyes, and his head and face were covered with needles. Hedgehogs are worthy of comparison.

Come on, now I can only pray that Su Yu doesn't kill people, otherwise it won't be easy for him to explain. Coughing, he walked out of the cell with his hands behind his back, beckoning the guard not far away to step back a little and not to come in and disturb him. Then he walked into the cell and asked, "How's it going?"

Rui He twisted the needle with one hand and felt the dead man's pulse with the other. Hearing this, he shook his head: "Not yet."

Sure enough. Just when Lu Jiaigang was about to suggest that Rui He pull out the needle, they left secretly, but heard Rui He say: "Uncle Thirteen, we need to prepare some medicine for a medicated bath. Please bring a piece of paper and I will read you to write." "

Lu Jie finally began to take Rui He's words seriously. He went out to get pen and paper and wrote a full medicine list. After giving the medicine list to the guard to prepare, he asked the attendant to report the news to his elder brother. When the medicinal bath was ready, Lu Ping also came over. This was the first time Rui He met Lu Ping. He had a good impression of the future leader of the Zhenyang Sect who would sacrifice his life to eradicate the Blood Lotus Sect like his original self, and he saluted him respectfully.

"Xiaoyu, there's no need to be so polite. I heard from Lu Jie that you can restore the consciousness of a dead soldier. How sure are you?" Lu Ping didn't talk nonsense and asked directly about the key points.

"Don't worry, I don't dare to give an injection if I'm not sure." Rui He laughed out of his dimples, "After all, this is my enemy who sent me to kill the only living person. Where can I find clues about my enemy? ”

The dead soldier was sunk into the medicine bucket with needles all over his body, leaving only his head exposed. After three hours of soaking like this, he struggled to wake up, and his dull and chaotic eyes regained some brightness.

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