Winner in life

Chapter 953 22 Martial Arts Hero

"Winner in Life [Quick Travel]"

During the interrogation of the dead man, Rui He was present throughout the process, giving needles to the dead man at any time to help him stay awake. This dead man was not forcibly cultivated by the Blood Lotus Sect. This person was probably a loyal believer of the Blood Lotus Sect, and his loyalty was deep in his bones and blood. He was unwilling to cooperate in the face of interrogation. He kept silent and refused to cooperate if he failed to commit suicide.

Fortunately, the Zhenyang sect had experienced people, who used several methods in turn, and with Rui He's assistance, this man was able to come up with some clues. But he was very loyal, and after saying that, his face turned pale, as if he had already died. No matter how harsh the punishment was or how much pain he suffered physically and mentally, he would never speak again.

"Wait until he calms down before continuing the interrogation." Lu Ping stood up, "Xiaoyu, come with me."

Lu Jie also followed.

"Now it has been determined that the dead man came from the Blood Lotus Sect, and came here to eradicate you and your mother. It is further deduced that the murderer of the Hushan Sect's extermination case should also be a remnant of the Blood Lotus Sect. This matter is extraordinary, and I will retaliate to Wulin. The leader knows that for the safety of your mother and son, it is best for you not to go out recently. "

"Thank you, uncle, acting head. I will ask my mother not to go out, but we can't go out forever." It's not Ruihe's character to run away. He is only worried about Su Yaoniang. As long as Su Yaoniang is safe, he has nothing to worry about. . "I have an idea. Uncle acting head, why don't you give it a listen?"

Lu Ping also had a good impression of him. When they first met, Su Yu showed his outstanding abilities. No one dislikes an outstanding young man.

"Tell me about it."

"I am my mother's son, I can be a bait."

The admiration in Lu Ping's eyes became stronger: "Are you sure you can control the situation?" After receiving Rui He's affirmation, he nodded, "Okay, I will leave this matter to Lu Jiao and I will let you know when I am ready. "

When they returned to the courtyard, Liu Niang said that Su Yaoniang was not there and was invited over by Chen Yanfang.

"Are you really okay? I'm feeling panicked." Chen Yanfang only asked Su Yaoniang and her son not to go out in the message, but did not mention Zhuang Liuniang and her son. However, Ruihe let them stay in the yard for safety reasons. He didn't want to Let their mother and son be implicated and killed. Zhuang Liu Niang and Xiao Niu stayed in the yard all day and had many random thoughts. When they saw Rui He, they quickly asked.

"Don't worry, aunt. You'll be fine as long as I'm here. I'm going to make the cart. Where's the calf? Ask him to help me."

Zhuang Liuniang breathed a sigh of relief: "He is dancing with his sword in the backyard. I'll call him."

Su Yaoniang came back after having dinner at Chen Yanfang's place, and said worriedly: "Your aunt said that a killer from the Blood Lotus Sect came to assassinate us last night. Fortunately, he was caught without even entering our yard. It turns out that Hushan was The sect was really wiped out by the Blood Lotus Sect, why..."

The mystery that had troubled her for many years was finally solved, but it brought more doubts and worries.

Father, why did you take her into hiding and not seek help from the Wulin Alliance?

"Mom, the cart is ready. When the danger is over, we can go sell sesame cakes." Ruihe said some good news to make Su Yaoniang happy, "I also asked Uncle Thirteen to find rent for us in the newly bought shop. Now that we are here, we can live a good life collecting rent."

It made Su Yaoniang laugh: "It's just a small shop, and I can't live a happy life lying around collecting rent. Where is the cart, mother, look at it."

The new stroller is better than the previous one, and Ruihe has made some optimization changes to ensure it is both practical and beautiful. Su Yaoniang fell in love with him at first sight, and praised her repeatedly: "Oh, why is my little fish so powerful? Even if you don't practice martial arts, you can still make money to support yourself as a carpenter." Her mood really improved.

On the other side, people from the Jinyang sect who had just entered Tancheng had just entered the inn to rest. Headmaster Su asked people to go to the Zhenyang sect to deliver greeting cards. His disciple pinched his feet and said with concern: "Why don't you ask a doctor to come and take a look? Bar."

They encountered robbers on the road when they arrived. Head Su accidentally sprained his ankle while fighting the robbers, and his ankle is still swollen to this day.

"No, just apply some medicine." He asked for a doctor when he first came to Tancheng, but his tone seemed weak.

"That robber is so hateful and his methods are so cruel! Master, when you meet the leader of the Zhenyang Sect, you have to tell him that bandits have appeared in their jurisdiction. It will be embarrassing if word spreads."

"..." Seeing his apprentice's face full of righteous indignation, Master Su both liked his loyalty and was slightly annoyed by his stupidity. Silly boy, it's not like Jiang Hu hasn't told him about the chaos. Even within the boundaries of their Jinyang sect, they can't guarantee safety everywhere. When I asked the Zhenyang sect for an explanation, others laughed at their incompetence.

But this kid was stupid and his filial piety was sincere. In the end, Head Su had no choice but to sigh, "Go to the kitchen and cook me some porridge."

The apprentice immediately responded and went out.

He rubbed his ankles, feeling a little nervous in his heart, feeling that this trip was really not going well. Did you sprain your ankle while fighting the robber? This kind of mistake will really make others laugh out loud if you tell me about it.

But he was ready to come over as soon as he received the news. He couldn't come, because he was the only descendant of the Hushan Sect, so he should discuss it with them.

After all, they took possession of these inheritances in the name of "safekeeping".

It sounded good to me at the time. The Su family, the Su family's daughter-in-law's natal family, and the Su family's young master's friends all got a share, which was fair and just. The leader of the Wulin Alliance at that time said that it would be kept for thirty years. If the young master of the Hushan Sect does not come back to claim it after thirty years, then let the three of them donate 10% to the Wulin Alliance's treasury, and the rest will belong to them.

However, Head Su felt that his family had been wronged too much.

He held one-third of the Hushan Sect's inheritance in his hand, but he had not received much benefit over the years. After the inheritance was divided, he came to his senses and realized that what he had received was actually the ancestral property of the Hushan Sect that could not be sold. For example, the Hushan Sect’s headquarters, ancestral house, ancestral fields, various ornaments, treasures, antiques, jewelry, etc. all bear the imprint of the Su family of the Hushan Sect. If it were sold today, tomorrow the Jinyang Sect would be pointed at the back and laughed at. There are some real benefits, but some of the shops allocated are also in the worst locations and with the worst efficiency. Later he realized that he was being used. In order to silence outsiders, the other two families used the Jinyang sect's status as a branch of the Hushan sect to drag the Jinyang sect into trouble. Giving them the most useless things, Biyun Pavilion and Zhenyang Sect took away the most beneficial benefits.

After twenty years of hard work, the thirty-year period is about to come, and there is no news about the missing young master of the Hushan Sect. He plans to sell some useless dead things, and the buyers have been found. As a result, the successor of the Hushan Sect It's really annoying to show up. But after getting upset, he felt that this was also an opportunity.

The Jinyang sect is separated from the Hushan sect. Fifty years ago, a generation of disciples of the Hushan sect failed to run for the head of the Hushan sect. Because they were ambitious and unwilling to succumb to others, they left the sect and established their own sect. , named Jinyang Sect. Upon closer inspection, the second head of the Jinyang Sect and the last head of the Hushan Sect were still brothers. Head Su himself and the missing young master of the Hushan Sect were cousins. In terms of blood relationship, the newly appeared Su Pingzheng She's still his niece!

The Hushan sect is gone, and the Jinyang sect is Su Pingzheng's home. It's natural to follow him back to the Jinyang sect.

The young master of the Hushan Sect has disappeared, so Su Pingzheng is the only successor of the Hushan Sect. With the successor, don't the properties in Zhenyang Sect and Biyun Pavilion have to be returned? My niece is a prostitute, so naturally I have to let him, my uncle, help me take care of it. When the time comes, one more marriage will be made - just let her marry a disciple of the Jinyang Sect. Then everything will be complete!

Of course, Head Su also knew that Biyun Pavilion and Zhenyang Sect were powerful, otherwise he would not have taken away two-thirds of the inheritance. It would be too difficult to get all the inheritance back in the name of his niece, but as long as If he could get some back, he would still be satisfied.

Rubbing his ankle, the uneasiness in his heart followed him like a shadow, surrounding his heart. He couldn't help but call for help, and ordered his disciples to go and investigate first: "Is there anything new in Zhenyang Sect recently?"

On the other side, Lu Ping received the greeting note and shook his head: "It came so quickly." He wrote a reply and asked someone to send it back, and then asked someone to inform Ruihe. Lu was more willing to run errands, so he made a trip in person and told them about the thirty-year agreement made by the Wulin Alliance. Only then did Rui He realize that the Jinyang sect and the Hushan sect had such a connection. It turned out that when he entered the Jianghu in his previous life, the Hushan sect had been extinct for almost thirty years. No descendants had appeared, and they had long been forgotten. Ruihe knew that the head of the Jinyang Sect was named Su, but he had never been associated with the Su family of the Hushan Sect.

"It turns out that there is still a thirty-year agreement, and these aunts didn't tell us." Ruihe looked at Lu Jie, "Uncle Thirteen, since the guests of the Jinyang Sect have come to Tancheng, what about the heritage of the Hushan Sect? Do you have any plans with the acting head uncle? How about we talk openly and honestly. "

"Can you speak on behalf of your mother?"

Rui He smiled: "If not, why does Uncle Thirteen always talk to me instead of asking my mother to tell these old secrets? To be honest, neither my mother nor I are interested in inheritance. Compared with the overwhelming wealth, , what we want more is peace and safety, but I think you are still more interested, Uncle Thirteen thinks so."

"You brat." Lu Biao patted his back hard twice. Seeing that he was sitting motionless, he smiled and said, "Okay, after hearing these few words from you, I know what I know. I'll tell you the truth. , my brother has long written to the leader of the Wulin League about you and your mother. The previous leader of the Wulin League resigned due to illness. A new leader was elected at the Wulin Conference three months ago. The newly appointed leader Kuang was busy sorting out the affairs of the Wulin League. You may need to find out the files from that year and verify them one by one before you can make time to deal with them. You can wait with peace of mind. Leader Kuang will definitely send someone to meet with you. Let me know what you have in mind then. That’s it.”

"Are any ideas okay?" Rui He raised his eyebrows, "If I say that I want to take back all the Hushan Sect property, will Leader Kuang also fully support us and protect us?"

Lu Jie rolled his eyes: "Didn't you just say that you don't want great wealth, but just peace and quiet?"

Rui He innocently said: "If we have no backer, we will naturally seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. But if Leader Kuang is fair and strict, and is also warm-hearted and chivalrous and willing to provide protection and support to our mother and son, wouldn't it be natural to change our mind?"

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