Winner in life

Chapter 954 23 The Martial Arts Hero

"You can bend and stretch, you have a good idea, but you probably don't know Alliance Leader Kuang. He is the head of Qingshui Pavilion. Qingshui Pavilion had a dispute with Hushan Sect back then. You were not born at that time. They said it was to encircle and suppress Blood Lotus. During the few years of the sect, when a disciple of the Hushan Sect was killing members of the Blood Lotus Sect, he accidentally injured the second direct disciple of the Qingshui Pavilion generation. Not only was the second disciple outstanding in talent, he was also the head of the Qingshui Pavilion at that time. At that time, it was the critical moment of the suppression of the Qing Dynasty. The leader of the Qingshui Pavilion endured the pain of losing his son and restrained the disciples of the sect not to fight with the disciples of the Hushan Sect. My vitality was severely damaged, and it took me a few years to regain my vitality. I heard my father say that in those years, there were actually a lot of frictions among various sects, but they were all suppressed for the sake of righteousness. Once the evil cult was destroyed, it was natural. When the sects within the Wulin Alliance resolve their old grievances, you also know what will happen next. Once the Hushan sect is wiped out, how kind will Qingshui Pavilion be to you two orphans of the Hushan sect? "Lu Jie? Finally, he added, "The disciple of Qingshui Pavilion who was accidentally killed that year was the biological brother of Leader Kuang, the only biological brother."

The original person didn't know about this old thing, so Lu Jiao's words helped a lot.

"Thank you Uncle Thirteen. I have been here in Zhenyang Sect for a month now. Thanks to you, I am not blind or deaf." Ruihe took out a jade bottle and gave it to him. "It is useless to express my gratitude too much." It’s valuable. I’ll give you this bottle of elixir to express my gratitude.”

"What kind of medicine is this?" After restoring the dead man's sanity, Lu Jie no longer despises Rui He's medical skills. He opened the cork and smelled it, "Tsk, it smells really bitter."

"Cure your ailment."

"What's wrong with me?" Lu Jie smiled.

"It's not convenient for me to say it. It won't be good if others hear it. Don't worry, I'll keep it safe and give you the right medicine."

Lu Jie's body stiffened instantly, his brisk expression turned serious, and he looked at Ruihe with a bit of anger.

"Uncle Thirteen, don't be angry." Rui He made a gesture of surrender and begging for mercy. "I didn't mean to make fun of you. This bottle of medicine is really suitable for the disease. I can guarantee that it is very effective. I will never trick you. Otherwise, If so, let me have the same troubles as you, and we will become a couple."

He took full advantage of his young age and took rogueness and shamelessness to the extreme.

Fortunately, the effect was pretty good. Lu Biao obviously softened his expression, but his mood was still not high. He glanced at Ruihe sadly: "You damn brat, you really have the potential to be a miracle doctor. How do you know that?"

"When you followed my mother and aunt to our house for the first time, you were drunk. My mother asked me to bring you sobering soup, so I just felt it casually."

"That's it?"

Ruihe nodded affirmatively. Lu Jie looked at Rui He and then at the medicine bottle in his hand. Before his eyes, he saw the scene of the dead man soaked in the medicine bucket with needles all over his body and regaining his consciousness. He was already convinced. If the cheap nephew is ten years older, the three points deducted can be made up.

Finally, Lu Jiao left with complicated expressions. Maverick came back dripping with sweat. He put his sword on the table, grabbed the kettle and drank most of it. Then he asked casually: "Uncle Thirteen, it feels so strange." Oh, he saw my eyes were like this, my mouth was like this, it seemed like he was smiling at me, but he seemed like he couldn’t smile. Brother, what happened between you and Uncle Thirteen?”

The ten-year-old Maverick has good imitation skills, and he imitated Lu's out-of-control demeanor very well. Rui He knocked him on the head: "Stop imitating it. If Uncle Thirteen sees you and gets angry, he will slice you into thin slices with his sword to heat the hot pot." Maverick smiled and said, "No, I will hide there then." Under my brother’s bed!”

After chatting and laughing for a while, Ruihe went to find Su Yaoniang. On the other hand, Chen Yanfang was not in a good mood when she learned that Lu Jie had come to Zhilan Court again. She had a heart-to-heart talk with her niece yesterday, but the effect was not good. The niece seems to have become determined by the weight and cannot be persuaded no matter how hard she tries.

There are some things that she shouldn't say too directly, otherwise she will fall behind.

But now her good words and words were useless, and she was a little annoyed that her niece didn't know how to praise her.

"I think Thirteen is indispensable for stirring things up. He and Pingzheng came all the way back from Zuimengland. They spent so much time together. I don't know how many nails were buried in our four houses. I think Pingzheng didn't treat me at all. We started to get so close, it must have been Shisan's instigation," Chen Yanfang complained to her husband, "You always care about fraternal ties, but you don't have any sympathy for us. Pingzheng is my niece, and Xiaoyu is my nephew. Sun is now closer to Thirteen, but has a close friendship with his biological cousins. He even beat up Bining a few days ago. People who don't know think that Dafang is Pingzheng's blood relative! "

Mr. Lu/Fourth Master only met his wife's niece once after he came back. His impression of her was that she was honest and tough. She was indeed of the Su family's bloodline. Even if she was living in the mountains, she could still see the excellence of her bloodline. He felt that his wife had underestimated him. It was true that she was a village girl, but this kind of people were often more stubborn than ordinary people, and they would never look back once they were sure of something.

"You have already treated her with affection and reason. You know it's useless, so why bother?" Mr. Lu/Si said to his wife, "She is a widow, and her son is so outstanding. Even for his son, she has to do it." There is a compromise. Su Yu can have a widowed mother, but he cannot have a widowed mother who is unruly. Otherwise, the more outstanding he will be in the future, the more people will laugh at him. Don't you understand?"

Chen Yanfang's face stiffened slightly: "It's not necessary to do this -"

The husband glanced at him: "You don't need this trick. Do you think the Jinyang Sect can use it, or can the Biyun Pavilion use it? You are her aunt after all, can you still send her into a pit of fire? Others, you There’s no guarantee.”

Chen Yanfang was silent for a moment: "What you said makes sense. It happens that the leader of the Jinyang Sect is already in Tancheng. I think he will come to visit tomorrow. I will host a banquet and bring out the best wine and food to show my host's courtesy. ”

When one is drunk with wine, it is the most hotbed of charm and ambiguity.

After all, his affection for his niece is not as good as his own interests. Chen Yanfang was also tired of the repeated persuasion and seemed to be chattering like a "hateful woman". It's not that she doesn't know how to use means, but now is the time to use means.

That night, Ruihe avoided the guards sent by Chen Yanfang outside the courtyard, avoided the patrolling disciples of Zhenyang Sect, and left the station for the inn. Leader Su had no idea that a young man would walk into the room in the middle of the night. He was unable to sleep due to a foot injury and heavy worries. He saw the window being opened with his own eyes and a dark figure slipping in. The scimitar hanging on the edge of the bed was silently held in his hand. The black figure stood motionless by the window and instead spoke: "Excuse me, are you the leader of the Jinyang sect, Su? I am the former young master of the Hushan sect." Grandson, my name is Su Yu.”

As soon as these words came out, Leader Su's murderous intention was slightly relieved. With a flick of his finger, the candle on the table was lit. He sat upright and looked at the person who came by the candlelight. The person was not afraid of him at all and stood generously, as if the person sneaking in late at night was not him, and he was very comfortable.

He looks about 12 or 13 years old and has a restrained aura. If it's not that he has no martial arts, then he has advanced in martial arts and can already control his aura. Leader Su stood up: "Are you Su Yu?"

Rui He took two steps forward: "I took the liberty to come here. There is really no other way. I want to make a deal with Master Su."

Leader Su originally thought that when he came to Zhenyang Sect, he would see a submissive niece, but he actually didn't take it seriously about his niece's son. Tonight, his grandnephew came late at night and said he wanted to do a deal with him. He was very afraid, but he said, "You tell me, let's listen."

The next day, Head Su visited Zhenyang Sect. After talking with Lu Ping for a while, Lu Ping sent someone to the fourth room to invite someone. Chen Yanfang personally brought the people over. Both parties were very polite and exchanged polite greetings. Finally, Chen Yanfang said with a smile: "There will be a banquet tonight for Master Su to wash away the dust. Master Su, please be sure to be there." Of course, Master Su will not refuse. , readily agreed.

"Master Su is tired from traveling, so let's settle down and rest first." Chen Yanfang didn't want Su Yaoniang and her son to have too much contact with Master Su, so she got up to lead them away. Leader Su laughed and said it didn't matter. He had had enough rest at the inn yesterday. He also said that he hadn't been to Tancheng for many years. Seeing that Tancheng was more prosperous than before, he was very interested in traveling and wanted to go shopping.

Finally, he proposed: "Let Xiaoyu accompany me. I will fall in love with this child as soon as I see him."

Before Chen Yanfang could refuse, Lu Ping responded with a smile and praised Ruihe several times, praising him as worthy of being a son of the Su family and already having great potential at a young age. What else could Chen Yanfang say? I could only smile and respond.

On the way leading Su Yaoniang back to the fourth room, Chen Yanfang asked her niece again: "Is Xiaoyu's father really just a village man in the mountains?" At first, she only thought that Su Yu was smart, smart and a good young man. Later, when she saw that Lu Jiao was on good terms with him and visited Zhilan Courtyard several times, she suspected that Su Yu was not innocent and might also be a man. Otherwise, why would Lu Jie be so fond of a young boy?

Su Yaoniang's biggest secret is her son's life experience. She smiled and said: "Yes, I grew up in the mountains, and the only people I know are the people in the mountains. But Xiaoyu's father is very good at hunting. If he was reincarnated outside, I think he is an outstanding person.”

Chen Yanfang disagreed. How could a mountain villager be so outstanding? It must have been her sister or brother-in-law's bloodline that was passed down to Su Yu. Back then, the Chen and Su family were also from a well-known family.

A group of carriages and horses happened to come in at the gate of Tancheng City, bearing the emblem of Biyun Pavilion. Zhang Jinhe was so busy that he asked the clan brother in charge of chores in the sect to come and visit on his behalf. On the road, Elder Zhang and others met Song Peilin, the eldest disciple of Hanjian Villa, who led his disciples to pursue the bandits for thousands of miles. The two families had a close relationship, so they walked together and arrived in Tancheng today.

"Zhang Jinhe's people are here too." At the teahouse facing the street, Boss Su looked away and looked at Ruihe, "Why didn't you choose your aunt? Even if you could choose Biyun Pavilion, why did you choose to cooperate with me? You see I know you. ”

"No." Rui He stopped looking downstairs and poured tea for Head Su: "Because our surname is Su, I can't trust them."

Head Su smiled and took a sip of tea.

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