Wishful Things

Chapter 136

Xia Han's eyes froze like a dagger with a cold light.

At this moment, almost an intuition in his heart told him that this person must be related to his encounter this time!

Who is behind his back to put him to death? !

This idea just came up, and when I was about to take a closer look, however, the sky was dark and the crowd was surging, and the owner of those eyes could no longer be found for a while.

Xia Han was not willing to miss it, so she stopped suddenly, turned her head and looked in the direction of the rear left.

Seeing that he seemed to have noticed something, Xu Mingyi sneered from the bottom of his heart.

With this insight, if you do something wrong, you must do evil things to seek your own death.

Just as she was about to turn around, she suddenly heard a young cough from the young man beside her.

Xu Mingyi turned his head to look.

Due to the crowd, the young man stood quite close to her, but he still tried his best to maintain a respectful distance, and he quietly blocked her from being pushed and approached by the crowd.

At this time, the boy who was a full head taller than her stretched out a hand towards her.

Xu Mingyi subconsciously looked at the hand.

The boy's slender and beautiful palm spread out beside her——

Xu Mingyi couldn't help being taken aback.


After being stunned for a moment, the girl took the egg very quickly, took two steps back slightly, looked at the target, raised her hand and threw it out without hesitation.

Xia Han ignored the official's urging, and still stood where she was, refusing to move forward.

Just when he was about to look further away, he suddenly felt a light-colored unknown object flying in his direction.

The thing zoomed in on his pupils extremely quickly.

Almost without time to react, the menacing thing slammed firmly into his eye socket.


A huge pain hit the left eye, making Xia Hanlin, who has always been gracious in front of others, scream out.

The feeling that followed was that unknown mucus covered his eyes and quickly slid down his face.

Xia Han forced her other good eye to look at the light yellow liquid on the front of her clothes. After realizing what she had experienced, her lips trembled with anger.

These troublemakers... dare to throw eggs at him!

Suddenly, there was a burst of applause from the crowd.


"Well smashed!"

An unprecedented and huge sense of shame and indignation hit Xia Han's face instantly.

"Let go of me, officer!"

He struggled to break free from the confinement of officials.

The two officials who restrained his arms looked cold and unmoved, and continued to escort him forward.

Immediately afterwards, many unknown vegetable leaves and eggs flew over from everywhere.

It's just that the egg this time was not as friendly as the one that Xu Mingyi threw - it hit someone, and the smell was so bad that it couldn't get in the nose.

The officials escorting Xia Han covered their noses in disgust.

But if you dislike it, you will be disgusted, if you make a sound to stop it, you should make a sound to stop it, and there is still no intention of speeding up the pace under your feet.

No way, they also want to do things for the people.

Your Excellency said that, on the premise of not hindering official business, letting the people vent their anger when it is time to vent is also one of the elements to stabilize the people's hearts and improve the happiness of the people's lives.

Seeing Xia Han in a panic like a mouse crossing the street, Xu Mingyi was in a great mood, and his tense mood for the past few days also relaxed with the cheers of the people around him.

And a good mood often needs to be shared with others.

She subconsciously looked at Wu Chao beside her.

Under the slightly dim light, the young man in brocade clothes stood with his hands behind his back, his figure was like a tall and straight bamboo, and there seemed to be a very faint smile between his heroic eyebrows and eyes.

Xu Mingyi was stunned for a moment, and sighed sincerely from the bottom of his heart—it's so beautiful.

Wu Shisun looks so pretty when he smiles.

It's just a pity that few can see it.

As if aware of her gaze, Wu Chao slightly turned his head to look at her.

There was a lot of voices everywhere, and the two looked at each other.

"...What is Miss Xu looking at?" The young man lowered his eyes slightly, with a trace of habitual defense in his eyes.

Earlier, he mistakenly thought that Miss Xu fell in love with him at first sight, but it turned out that he was wrong.

But the birth of love in this world, other than love at first sight, seems to have the saying of love over time?

Thinking of this possibility, the boy's heart was pounding, and his hands behind his back were clenched inexplicably.

He even felt that the sound of his heartbeat was going to overwhelm the noisy voices around him.

In sight, the girl stretched her delicate and beautiful eyebrows and smiled at him very calmly.

There was a hint of curiosity in his eyes: "I just suddenly thought, where did Mr. Wu get the eggs?"

Of course she was looking at Wu Shisun just now, but this can't be said clearly, can it?

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm going to scare this guy away.

Seeing her clear and calm eyes, the tension in Wu Chao's heart disappeared.

But he didn't seem to feel relieved.

The girl was still waiting for his answer, but the boy calmly suppressed the fluctuations in his heart, glanced behind him, and said, "It was brought by Shou Ming."

Hearing this, the waiter in the teahouse poked his head out from behind Wu Chao, smiled and bowed to Xu Mingyi in salute.

Watching the fun, it is essential to bring a few eggs with you.

Even if you don't smash it yourself, it is feasible to sell it to those who seem to be lively and temperamental when the price rises.

It is also an excellent way to make friends when you meet someone you like, and give it away for free. After all, the people in the Xuesheng Teahouse like to make friends who like to watch the excitement.

If it doesn’t work, if you’re hungry after watching the excitement, you won’t be able to spare time to eat. It’s also very convenient to break it up and drink it to satisfy your hunger.

All in all, a small egg has great uses.

Xu Mingyi couldn't help but glanced at him appreciatively.

The people around Wu Shisun are all very thoughtful.

Seeing the eyes of her own girl, Ah Kui also looked at the waiter in the restaurant—it was just eggs, since the girl likes it, then she should keep a few with her in the future.

If other masters have them, her daughter must have them too.

The little girl thought unwillingly.

In the courtroom, Ji Dong said a few words of comfort to Xia Tingzhen.

"Your Majesty Ji, don't bother to comfort him, it's Xia who can't teach his son well." Xia Tingzhen's expression no longer showed much emotion.

Hearing this, Ji Dong resisted the urge to nod, and only sighed slightly.

In fact, he felt that Xia Shoufu's words should be said to Miss Xu.

But he also knew in his heart that a minister of Xia Shoufu's status would simply disdain to do some plays.

In the eyes of people like them, I'm afraid they won't have even the slightest bit of real guilt towards the victim. The reason why they admit their mistakes in front of others is not because they know they are wrong, let alone because of their so-called conscience——

It's because of the interests, so I have to admit it.

He has done too many cases like this.

To be able to achieve the results like today is already a rare fairness and reconciliation.

Those who should pay the price will soon have to pay the price. As for whether they are willing to repent in their hearts, these are all false - letting the prisoner pay his life is the greatest comfort to the victim.

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