Wishful Things

Chapter 137 The Man Who Fell Into the River

The reason why the law exists is that it is impossible for everyone to have a conscience.

Rather, it is necessary to set up an iron cage to clearly tell people what to do and what not to do, so that people with evil thoughts will feel fear and dread, and thus the evil thoughts in their hearts will be firmly locked in the cage.

As for the person who can't keep the evil thoughts in his heart, he should be locked up in this iron cage——Welcome to the Beijing Yamen Prison.

This is the meaning of the law.

"It's getting late, our family has to go back to the palace to be reinstated." Li Ji on the side spoke.

Ji Dong hurriedly saluted and sent them off.

Xia Tingzhen said solemnly: "I entered the palace with Eunuch Li, and pleaded guilty to the emperor."

Li Ji said in a soft voice: "Lord Xia just found out about this matter, and he is so concerned about the overall situation, I think the emperor will definitely not blame Lord Xia..."

While the two were talking, they walked outside the hall.

When Xia Tingzhen passed by Zhan Yunzhu's side, she glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

He had already heard about it on the way, and Zhanqian's son came forward to testify against his father's guilt.

With such a future trouble, his second son didn't even know to get rid of it early... With such arrogance, it's no wonder that he was secretly caught.

Noticing that two eyes fell on him one after another, Zhan Yunzhu's expression did not fluctuate at all.

It seems that he really won the bet today.

Since he was standing here, he knew that this move would lead to death.

But even if he didn't do anything, there would still be many people who wanted to kill him.

The Xia family...

Even Zhao Zhao who surprised him this time.

Thinking of this, Zhan Yunzhu had a wry smile in his eyes.

He naturally hated her a little, but more of it was a more complicated resentment.

He was really unwilling to lose everything like this, including the deep friendship with Zhao Zhao since childhood.

"Mr. Zhan, let's go back first." Ji Dong looked at him and said, "The evidence sent by Mr. Zhan today, I will order someone to verify and interrogate it. I will also inform Mr. Zhan of the follow-up progress."

What a pity for this young man.

"Master Lao Ji is here."

After Zhan Yunzhu gave a deep salute, he retreated slowly.

After Ji Dong gave the young man another regretful look, he finally looked at Xu Ying who was still waiting in the hall.

"Lingmei's body is in the backyard. If Ms. Xu wants to see it, go and take a look..."

Ji Dong said in a gentle tone: "It's just that it still needs to be tested by Wu. Only when the case is really settled can the younger sister be buried in peace. Here are the rules of handling cases in the yamen. I hope Miss Xu can understand."

"Master Ji is too serious."

Xu Ying knelt down and kowtowed to Ji Dong: "It's a great honor to have Mr. Ji uphold justice this time, and Xu Ying is very grateful."

"This..." Ji Dong sighed, and quickly helped him up: "This is a matter of my duty, please hurry up, Miss Xu."

He didn't make much effort at all, and he felt that he deserved this obeisance.

Xu Ying didn't think so.

She knew very well who the person who really helped her was, but it was undeniable that Master Ji was indeed a good official.

If not, she might not even have the chance to review this time.

Xu Ying stood up and turned to look outside the hall.

Most of the crowd had dispersed, only a few people were still discussing.

The lantern hung high outside the yamen, and in the hazy light orange light, she did not see the figure of the girl she wanted to see.

But even so, Xu Ying couldn't help but wet her eyes facing the emptiness that left a sense of desertedness after the excitement.

In the dim light of tears, she seemed to see Susu wearing a loose robe, holding a stack of books in her arms, dressed as a female wife, and smiling sweetly at her.

Xu Ying stood there blankly watching this scene, tears rolling down her eyes.

It wasn't until the officer next to her urged her to ask if she was going to the backyard that the phantom in front of her disappeared.

Xu Ying raised her hand to wipe away her tears.

It seems that Susu misses her too.

She's going to see Susu now.

In fact, Xu Mingyi didn't go far, but he was afraid that after the people had all left, standing in a conspicuous place would make people feel strange.

Standing in the shadow of an old willow tree not far from the yamen, she felt relieved when she saw Xu Ying go down to the backyard of the inner yamen accompanied by officials.

"This case, thank you Mr. Wu for your help many times."

Xu Mingyi took Ah Kui to Wu Chao who was standing not far away, and thanked him earnestly.

"Miss Xu also prepared a birthday gift for me, so it's worth it."

Xu Mingyi was surprised to hear that.

This so-called offset is too much difference, right?

"If you think it's not enough, just invite me to Qingfeng Tower again in the future." The young man said with a serious expression, as if he was putting forward a very serious condition.

Xu Mingyi smiled and nodded.

"Then when Mr. Wu is free, you can ask someone to send a message to me at any time."

After all, he is definitely not idle in the capital.

Wu Chao heard her and glanced at her.

He still needs to take the initiative to send a message for this kind of thing?

Do you want him to write to her and say-you can treat me to dinner today?

Wouldn't that be too embarrassing?

He is a man who cares about face.

Thinking of this situation, the boy couldn't help but have a complex expression.

Miss Xu invited someone to dinner, which was too insincere.


Seeing that there was something wrong with his expression, Xu Mingyi also belatedly realized what was wrong, and just as he was about to open his mouth to make amends, he suddenly heard someone in front of him exclaim in surprise: "Someone has thrown himself into the river over there!"

"Really, I saw it with my own eyes!"

The people who were about to disperse were suddenly agitated again.

What happened these days?

This bustling look, one after another, does not give people a rest!

"I haven't eaten a single bite of rice today!"

"Hey! Who isn't!"

Someone said so, but his legs ran over to the place where the accident happened without hesitation.

Xu Ming thought about it for a moment, and stepped up to follow.

Although things like throwing oneself into the river are usually impulsive, and it is impossible to choose a specific time and place, but it seems a bit strange for the other party to throw himself into the river at such a critical moment and near the Yamen.

She thought of someone.

Seeing her hurried footsteps, Wu Chao, who never liked to join in the fun, hesitated for a moment, but finally followed.

There are many people around the river.

The heavy rain just stopped last night, and the river water under the night looked cloudy and undercurrent compared to the calmness of the past.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

The alarmed officials rushed over quickly.

After working hard all day, the officials who thought they could finally take a break were also very tired at this time.

But business still needs to be done.

An official with good water skills quickly took off his robe and soap boots, jumped into the river and swam towards the place where the water rippled fiercely.

"Can anyone see who threw the river?" asked the leader of the official.

The common people answered in a hurry, but it was difficult for people to understand what was going on.

The officer felt a headache when he heard it, so he nodded to a familiar man and said, "Come on!"

The man holding the child spoke quickly.

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