Wishful Things

Chapter 138 Begging to die, begging to live

"Returning to the messenger, the person who threw himself into the river was a young man! The villain looks very much like the Mr. Zhan who is in the court today!"

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to add: "This is what the villain saw with his own eyes!"

Unlike most people, he looks lively and always insists on being rigorous, and he is not the kind of second-guess news dealer who makes assertions without knowing the truth!

The officer was slightly startled, and said seriously, "Are you sure you saw it clearly?"

The man nodded immediately.

There is a sense of rigor in the words: "The villain looks ninety percent similar!"

If you want to confirm whether it is the son of the Zhan family, you only need to go to the Zhan family to ask and you will be able to understand.

It was already boiling around.

Xu Mingyi frowned tightly.

She just heard that someone threw herself into the river, and she felt something bad in her heart, and guessed Zhan Yunzhu based on her intuition——

It really is him!

"This Mr. Zhan's family is really a poor man..."

"Hey, I was going to take the Qiuwei exam, but suddenly encountered such an accident, I'm afraid no one can bear it!"

"Isn't it? I'm afraid that seeing the murderer get punished, I will feel relieved..."

"Don't be afraid of the power of the Xia family and come forward to testify against the young master of the Xia family. This young master Zhan is really a man of integrity..."

"I just don't know if I can still be saved?"

"This river is so fast, it's easy to drown a person on weekdays, let alone now! Besides, this young man obviously wants to die..." Some people shook their heads repeatedly, half regretting and half feeling emotional.

Hearing these words, Xu Mingyi's eyes undulated like the surface of a river under the dark night.

Could it be that Zhan Yunzhu chose to throw himself into the river here because he wanted a good reputation?

But a good name means nothing to a dead man.

——At least for a hypocrite like Zhan Yunzhu who only has gains and losses in his eyes.

If it was said that others threw themselves into the river because of this matter, she would not feel anything unusual.

But Zhan Yunzhu, she wouldn't believe it at all!

For people like him, life is more important than anything else, and it is too late to live with all their efforts, so how could they ask for death on their own?

Not begging for death.

That is survival.

Looking at the undulating river surface, Xu Mingyi slightly clenched his fingers.

At this time, someone in the crowd suddenly said: "Master, here is a piece of jade pendant!"

The man who found the jade pendant by the river delivered the item to the official.

Although this jade pendant looks quite valuable, in the usual way, he would have stepped on it quietly first, and then secretly picked it up and kept it for himself when no one was paying attention—but this kind of routine operation also has to be done separately of!

You can't just pick up the things of the dead!

People who are poor generally don't care about avoiding these things, but who told everyone to witness a wicked thing with their own eyes today——

Isn't the reason why Mr. Xia's arrest was due to resentful spirits entrusting his dreams?

The official took the jade pendant in his hand and looked at it for a while.

This Zhichang River leads to the outside of the city through the west gate.

A river has fed countless people from generation to generation, but every flood season will drown many people.

Because the river is deep and has many tributaries, it is normal for the river to meander to hidden and uninhabited places, so most of the people who fall into it are not alive or dead.

Or they were eaten by fish in the river, or they ran into wild animals in remote places.

All in all, if they cannot be rescued on the spot, it will be very difficult to find them afterwards.

If this is the case, it is unavoidable to take this jade pendant to Zhanjia to confirm the identity of the person who threw himself into the river.

Xu Mingyi saw clearly the jade pendant that was carried by the official.

It is indeed Zhanyunzhu's stuff...

Wu Chao glanced at her expression.

Miss Xu looked very unhappy.

Not sad, much less grief, but pure unhappiness.

At this time, a figure of a middle-aged man quickly approached here.

Wu Chao looked keenly.

After seeing who it was, he put down his guard.

Xu Mingyi also noticed it, turned his head slightly, and saw that it was Zhu Xiu, so he raised his feet and walked under the willow tree not far away.

Zhu Xiu followed.

Wu Chao just stood where he was and waited.

He has always had no intention of prying too much into other people's private affairs.

Although it is indeed rare to be a little curious right now.

But the bottom line of being a human being must be kept.

"The person who threw himself into the river is really Zhanyunzhu?" Under the willow tree, Xu Mingyi asked in a low voice.

"Back to the girl, it is indeed him. According to the girl's order, we arranged people to follow him secretly. Just now when he came out of the yamen, our people have been paying close attention to him. We saw him throwing himself into the river with our own eyes." Zhu Xiu said solemnly, "Before he threw himself into the river, he didn't show any signs of committing suicide. When he first came to the river, he just stood quietly with his hands behind his back. No one thought that he would suddenly jump down—"

Throwing into the river was only a matter of an instant, and there was no time for the people who were staring secretly to react.

After all, they had always been preventing the other party from fleeing the capital, and they never thought that this person would commit suicide suddenly in this way.

"It's because the subordinates didn't do their job well and failed to keep him under control. Please punish me, Miss."

Xu Mingyi shook his head slightly.

"It's not your fault."

Her confession at the beginning was just to let them keep an eye on Zhan Yunzhu.

Even she herself had never thought of this result. Especially before Xia Han's matter was resolved, it was impossible for her to imagine that Zhan Yunzhu would make such a move——

Now that I think about it, Zhan Yunzhu is sure about this opportunity.

From sending her a letter today, to his appearance in the Yamen, until he threw himself into the river without warning, everything was premeditated...

Thinking of this, Xu Mingyi's fingers became even colder.

After asking Zhu Xiu some other details, and explaining that he had to carefully observe and pay attention near the river, Xu Mingyi walked away from under the tree.

When she turned around and looked up, she saw the blue-clothed boy still standing there waiting for her, so Xu Mingyi walked over.

"But things are not going well?"

Seeing that her expression had calmed down, Wu Chao still asked a question after all.

Xu Mingyi didn't subconsciously deny and cover up because of the acquaintance of the two lifetimes, and they did a major event together recently. Instead, he sighed slightly and said, "Under the full gaze of everyone, I made someone escape."

This somewhat dejected tone made Wu Chao startled.

Whenever he saw Miss Xu, she was always full of energy, she acted crisply and spoke neatly, and arranged everything properly——

As it is now, this is the first time.

Seeing the girl walking forward with her head drooping, Wu Chao suddenly wanted to pat her on the shoulder, telling her not to be discouraged.

But this action is too rude, it seems a little weird.

"Although I don't know the whole situation, this person chose to throw himself into the river at this time and here, which is obviously very scheming." Wu Chao analyzed in an objective tone: "There is no one in this world who can really calculate everything. Miss Xu was already very cautious when she asked people to keep an eye on him."

Shou Ming, who followed beside him, quietly glanced at his grandson.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, but——is this what grandchildren would say?

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