Wishful Things

Chapter 139

How do you feel that the grandson in front of you is very different from the one Mr. Mo said?

In the past, when they were not serious about learning something, Mr. Mo would always use his grandson as an example to urge them——

It is said that when the grandson was a little older, if he made a mistake in reciting a poem in front of his husband, even if he made a mistake, he would have to starve himself when he turned back, and no one could persuade him.

Even if you lose chess, you have to stare at the chessboard in a daze for half a day, restore the chessboard again and again, and never give up until you study it thoroughly.

All in all, it is a model of strict self-discipline.

So Mr. Mo always said to them—people who are better born than you, better talented than you, and more handsome than you are working so hard, why do you have any reason to be lazy?

But Shisun persuaded Miss Xu not to be too strict with herself at this time, but she still looked so good.

"There are many unforeseen changes in this world. I suffered a loss this time and learned a lesson. I just need to pay more attention to this aspect next time." Wu Chao has never persuaded anyone so patiently.

Xu Mingyi also nodded helpfully.

What Wu Shisun said was right.

After all, she was more or less overconfident before.

Confident that she has the upper hand, she subconsciously believes that as long as she treats it with her heart, everything will not be too out of control.

But as Wu Chao said - accidents are everywhere.

Even some unknown changes will happen more and more because of her every move in the future.

Now, she has to recognize and accept this fact, so she can be more cautious.

Seeing that she really listened, Wu Chao relaxed slightly.

He originally thought that he was not good at persuading people, but now it seems that he is quite talented.

And he really felt that Miss Xu had already lived a smart enough life.

In comparison, let’s not mention it far away, let’s just say that he rescued the fat but not beautiful lazy bird that he raised when his brain was in the water. He is ugly and bald and doesn’t respect his master. ?

But at this moment, the girl next to her suddenly said, "It would be great if he could be drowned."

The girl's voice was clean and sweet, with sincere expectation in her tone.

Wu Chao was silent for a moment.

In this way, at first glance, words that make people feel "innocent and vicious", only when they are said by Miss Xu, can people feel that they are not contradictory.

"Nine times out of ten it will."

The boy didn't feel that there was anything wrong, so he echoed seriously.

Miss Xu thinks that the person who should be drowned must have a reason to die.

As for this person's desire to use the act of throwing himself into the river to put him to death and survive, he didn't think it was because of some extraordinary courage.

In the final analysis, it was just a dead end and there was no other choice.

Although he didn't know how this person offended Ms. Xu, even if Ms. Xu didn't target her, there was still a Xia family.

Therefore, even if this choice is extremely risky, it is better than sitting still.

Not to mention the courage, but the brain is indeed better than ordinary people.

Most of these people are extremely dangerous.

If he really managed to escape with his life this time, it might still be a hidden danger to Miss Xu in the future.

Thinking about this, Wu Chao decided to let people secretly pay attention to the follow-up matter.

"You have to plan for the worst in everything. No matter what, Miss Xu still needs to be more careful." After thinking about it, the young man warned again.

It is also impossible for him to stay in the capital forever.

Even though Miss Xu was far more vigilant than ordinary girls, he still felt inexplicably uneasy.

Xu Mingyi nodded subconsciously.

She has learned a lesson this time, and she can only be more careful in the future.

Shou Ming, who was following behind, frequently looked at the boy in front.

It is not an exaggeration to say that what the young master said to Miss Xu tonight has far exceeded the sum of all the things that the young master has said to him since he entered Beijing!

God opened his eyes, isn't his family's grandson completely enlightened?


It was late at night, and Xia Tingzhen came home from the palace.

The sedan chair dropped in front of the gate of Xia Mansion, Xia Tingzhen just bent over and got out of the sedan chair when she saw a tall figure walking over quickly.


A man in his early thirties stepped forward to salute.

Xia Tingzhen took a look.

This is his eldest son, Xia Xuan.

"I didn't hear about my second brother until my son came back..." Xia Xuan supported his tired father, and said with a sad tone of self-reproach: "It's also my fault that my son is too careless on weekdays. I noticed the strangeness of the second brother... If I had discovered it earlier, I wouldn't have made him make mistakes again and again, and finally came to this point."

"It's his own fault."

Xia Tingzhen didn't say anything more, she withdrew her arm from the eldest son's hand and walked towards the mansion.

Xia Xuan quickly followed.


He whispered: "Although the second brother did something wrong, it is very likely that he was just confused for a while. If I, the elder brother, can do anything for him, father can just order..."

Xia Tingzhen stopped and looked at him when he heard this.

Looking at those piercing eyes, Xia Xuan was a little uneasy.

Looking at this son, Xia Tingzhen felt only disappointed.

Don't even feel disappointed long ago.

But at this moment, the other party's clumsy temptation still disgusted him from the bottom of his heart.

How could he, Xia Tingzhen, give birth to such a stupid eldest son?

"He should bear the consequences for what he did wrong, and no one has to help him."

Not wanting to look at the distressed eldest son again, Xia Tingzhen left quickly after saying this.

Xia Xuan quickly saluted his back.

When Xia Tingzhen returned to the residence, she saw Mrs. Xue sitting on the soft couch in the bedroom, lost in thought, her eyes were red and swollen which is rare.

Seeing him come back, he also uncharacteristically did not stand up to greet him.

Xia Tingzhen sneered from the bottom of her heart.

He finally wanted to understand why such an eldest son was born.

Seeing that he had changed his official uniform under the service of the servant girl, after cleansing his face, he lay on the bed and planned to rest. Xue Shi, who had been sitting there without saying a word, sneered, and mockingly said in a hoarse voice: "Master is really ruthless." heart."

Xia Tingzhen closed her eyes, and her tone was cold: "If you also think that you can't be the mistress of the Xia family, I won't force you."

Xue's body froze slightly upon hearing this.

Is this threatening her?

Do you think she is making trouble out of no reason and doesn't know the overall situation?

Xue's eyes turned red again.

It's not that she doesn't know that he also has difficulties!

But it's hard to see his cold-blooded look of being indifferent, as if he wouldn't feel any heartache because of Han'er's affairs!

That is their own son!

In the past, she only knew that he was indifferent to outsiders, but today she knew that he was so merciless when he attacked his own family, without any hesitation...!

Even up to this point, in the face of decades of husband-wife love, not only did she not have a word of consolation for her first wife, but a cold threat——

At this moment, Xue couldn't tell whether she was more angry or more chilled.

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