Wishful Things

Chapter 153 Invitation

And ever since he was knocked over by him, not only did his wife not pay attention to restraint, she seemed to have no more scruples from now on, as if she was smashing the pot, and began to face the cat in front of him.

What's even more frustrating is that there is a very good reason in her mouth for all of this - A Yuan sent it, and she should take good care of it.

Thinking of this, Wu Jingming looked at his son.

Wu Chao pretended not to know, and lowered his head to eat.

The father probably felt that his husband was neglected because the mother was too kind to the cat.

He felt the same way about it.

After all, it was a big holiday, he worked so hard to pull the big bird, he was so ungrateful that he didn't even want to go back home, he didn't even greet him at all, he was so completely ignored, what did he say?

But it should be pretty good to be able to celebrate the festival in the Zhen Guogong's mansion.

I heard that Xu Jin, the eldest son of the Duke of Zhen, is particularly particular about food, not because he is as particular about fineness and properness and lightness of health preservation as they are in a family like them, but because he simply pays attention to whether it is delicious or not. The workmanship is first-class.

This can be seen from the snacks Miss Xu brought to him earlier.

Thinking in this way, Wu Chao suddenly envied the big bird who could live in the town government's mansion openly and eat and drink.

And speaking of good food—

Why doesn't Miss Xu invite him to Qingfenglou for dinner?

These days, he even deliberately postponed the meal for half an hour, lest she suddenly send a message.

If he continues to wait like this, he might not be able to wait for her invitation before leaving Beijing.

Worth mentioning.

Thinking that he is a dignified descendant of King Dingnan, he is not someone who would care about one or two meals.

It didn't take long for this idea to settle down in his heart, when another voice came out from the bottom of the young man's heart uncontrollably.

... He thought about it, the food in Qingfenglou is indeed delicious, and it is worth caring about it.

Since Miss Xu didn't invite him, he should invite Miss Xu to eat.

As for the reason?

Now that Tianmu lives in Zhen Guogong's mansion, Miss Xu refuses to accept the care fee. As the master, he must express his gratitude to be considered etiquette.

After the luncheon, Wu Chao sent someone to deliver the letter.

Xu Mingyi unfolded the note sent by Xiao Wu, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

Wu Chao invited her to Qingfeng Tower tomorrow——

She wants to go.

Besides, it was she who promised to treat guests earlier, but the other party took the initiative to ask for it. If she didn't go, wouldn't it seem that she was afraid of spending money?

But just now someone from the palace sent a letter, and the Empress called her into the palace to speak tomorrow morning.

After thinking about it, Xu Mingyi went into the study and took up a pen to reply.

Half an hour later, Tianmu returned to Dingnan Palace with the letter.

Wu Chao had just finished playing chess with his father, who was full of wine and complained. He had just returned to the courtyard when he saw Da Niao squatting on a chair in the hall waiting for him.

Wu Chao walked over and took off the note tied to Big Bird's feet.

It was Miss Xu's reply.

In the letter, I agreed with him on a specific time, which is at You o'clock tomorrow night.

Seeing that the master had just read the letter, Tianmu, who was fed too much by Xu Mingshi when he came, had no intention of staying longer, and when he was about to fly away with shaking wings, he was suddenly grabbed by Wu Chao.


Wu Chao was used to Da Niao's indifference and ruthlessness as if he was going home as a matter of business, but just now he seemed to... smell a very familiar aroma.

In order to confirm his guess, the boy grabbed the big bird and smelled it.

Or the boy's behavior was too weird, and the third eye stared blankly at him—what did the master want to do to it?

Wu Chao brought the bird closer and smelled it, and he let go after a while.

That's right.

The fragrance on Tianmu's body is exactly the same as that on Miss Xu's body.

Miss Xu wouldn't want to give a bird the same fragrance as herself, would she?

Then there is only one explanation——

Miss Xu held her Celestial Eye.

And it should be more than once...

Seeing Da Niao walking out with a look of surprise and uncertainty, the eyes that looked back three times at that step seemed to confirm the appearance of "whether the master is sick", Wu Chao's brows became more and more wrinkled.

I really didn't expect this ugly bird to be treated much better than he imagined in the Zhen Guogong's mansion.

It's not good to hug something, but a vulture.

Miss Xu, what kind of hobby is this?


The next day, under the cloudless blue sky, majestic and gorgeous palaces stand scatteredly in the morning light.

In Yukun Palace, the emperor and empress had just had breakfast together.

In a month, Emperor Qingming would come to Yukun Palace to accompany the empress for breakfast at least 20 days a month, and many such meticulous and thoughtful behaviors were all manifestations of the empress's special love.

After rinsing his mouth and hands, Emperor Qingming just sat back in the armchair when he suddenly felt something rub against the corner of his robe.

Looking down, I saw a chubby big tabby cat raising its head and calling "meow" at itself.

Emperor Qingming frowned, resisting the urge to kick the cat away.

"Where did the wild cat come from? Hurry up and drive it out." Emperor Qingming said slightly displeased.

"Your Majesty, this is not a wild cat, but just raised by my concubine."

While the queen was speaking, she signaled the maid beside her to bring the cat over.

Emperor Qingming was surprised for a moment.

Seeing the empress took the cat from the hand of the palace maid and put it on her knees to run along its fur, his expression softened a little, and he said with a smile: "If the empress wants to keep a cat, why don't you ask someone to go to Jingrong's mansion to ask for one?"

This one looks like a wild cat with a very mixed coat.

"Your Majesty doesn't know, it is not an ordinary cat." The queen explained with a smile: "Your Majesty, do you still remember that when something happened in Fengtian Temple that night, a cat attracted the attention of the guards in the temple? Thanks to that cat Son, only one casualty was avoided. When the concubine heard about it at the time, she felt that the cat was extremely spiritual, so she asked someone to find it—”

The smile on Emperor Qingming's face faltered slowly, and he asked in an unclear tone: "Is this the cat?"


Bad luck is almost...

"That's right, I have been looking for it for a long time, but fortunately that little guard has a good memory." The queen said with a smile: "The concubine named it Tianfu, meaning it is an auspicious blessing bestowed by heaven, what do you think of it, Your Majesty? "

Speaking of which, the name was negotiated by her siblings after they entered the palace.

The siblings also have a cat, which they say is called Tianjiao.

Emperor Qingming forced a smile and nodded.

What kind of auspicious blessing can Fengtian Temple be struck by lightning?

As for those guards who escaped by chance?

Compared with such a major event as Fengtian Temple being struck by lightning, those human lives are not worth mentioning at all, and no one will pay attention to it.

Only a queen with a brain that doesn't understand the overall situation at all would feel that this is a blessing.

Seeing that the queen was scratching the swollen belly of the too sloppy-looking big tabby cat, Emperor Qingming only felt bad.

The queen lowered her head and smiled without saying a word.

Are you upset?

That's right.

It is a rare opportunity to make the other party feel bad in such a reasonable way.

"I still have business to deal with, so I won't come back until evening." Emperor Qingming didn't want to stay any longer, stood up, and spoke in a gentle and authentic tone.

The queen put the cat down and stood up to send it off respectfully.

Not more than two quarters of an hour after Emperor Qingming left, a court lady came to report: "Empress, Miss Xu has arrived."

Thank you for your monthly pass.

(The cat names that everyone took before, the two most popular names are used.)

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