Wishful Things

Chapter 154 The Name Matches Well

There was a smile on the queen's face when she heard the words.

"Bring someone over here."

The maid answered "Yes".

Not long after, Xu Mingyi was invited into the inner hall.

Looking at the flowery girl who was wearing an apricot-colored double-breasted jacket and an autumn-colored embroidered white orchid horse-face skirt, who was saluting herself, the empress smiled even wider, and beckoned, "Come and sit next to Ben Gong."

Xu Mingyi obeyed and walked over to sit down.

The queen's eyes fell on the girl's smooth and shiny black hair, and she asked with a smile: "Why haven't you seen you wear the pair of plum blossom hairpins that I gave you before? But you don't like it?"

She had given this girl a lot of jewelry, and this girl was also thoughtful, and every time she entered the palace, she would pick one or two pieces to carry with her.

But she has never seen her use the pair of white jade hairpins.

"My lady gave it to me, how can I not like it." Xu Mingyi replied truthfully: "I just thought that it was an old thing that my lady cherished very much, and the jade hairpin is fragile, and my lady is not a quiet and cautious person, so I am afraid that it will be bumped and damaged , I never took it out and used it.”

Even if these words were flattering, they were her sincere words.

After she brought back the pair of hairpins, she asked Aoi to put them away properly.

"Jewelry is for wearing. If you want to put it away, what will I do for you?" The Queen's tone was casual and intimate, "I gave it to you, but I want to see you wearing it. If it breaks, it breaks, and it's not a rare thing."

Xu Mingyi didn't twitch when he heard the words, he nodded with a smile and said: "The next time the servant girl enters the palace, she will wear it for the empress to see."

The queen smiled and nodded in satisfaction.

The palace maid brought tea and snacks, and after Xu Mingyi talked with her for a while, she asked softly: "How is your mother doing recently? Do you want me to take a look at your pulse again?"

Every time she enters the palace, she will check the queen's pulse.

After several months of recuperation, when she came last time, she finally noticed some improvement in her pulse condition.

But a guess gradually formed in my heart——

"Recently, I feel that my spirit is not bad."

While the queen was speaking, she naturally stretched out her right hand and put it on the small table beside her.

After Xu Mingyi looked at it intently for a while, hesitation appeared in his eyes.

Compared with the last time, the pulse condition this time showed signs of going back to before it was recuperated.

This is undoubtedly different.

But the reason is not difficult to guess.

It even confirmed her conjecture these days...

"But it's not good?" The queen slowly withdrew her hand, and seeing the girl's expression was not very relaxed, she said softly: "It doesn't matter, my body has always been like this, and it's not a serious illness. And I consciously, Those prescriptions are indeed useful, just take it easy."

Xu Mingyi sighed slightly in his heart.

If it's just an ordinary old disease, it really only needs to be recuperated slowly, and there is no need to worry at all.

But the problem is...

Facing the gentle eyes of the queen, Xu Ming thought that there was only one personal nun in the palace, so he didn't hesitate for too long.

"I'm afraid there are other external reasons for the reason why the empress is out of balance."

The queen's eyes moved slightly upon hearing this.

"External cause?"

Xu Mingyi nodded.

"If the root cause is not eliminated, no matter how much you take care of it, it will be useless."

The queen didn't know what she thought of, she didn't say anything for a moment, she just picked up the teacup in hand.

Xu Mingyi lowered his voice so that only the two of them could hear it: "Please forgive me for asking boldly, but I don't know if your mother is... taking a very heavy dose of anti-child medicine all the year round?"

"..." The queen looked at the speaking girl in astonishment.

The girl had a serious expression on her face, and there was a ray of worry hidden in her eyes.

"Child-avoiding medicine? How could it be..." The queen came back to her senses, and said in a warm voice, "Miss Xu must have made a wrong diagnosis."

"Or without the empress' knowledge, they were put in the food and tea."

In any case, after opening this mouth, Xu Mingyi decided to finish the sentence: "From the pulse condition of the empress and the discomfort in all parts of the body, it can be seen that this anti-child medicine is quite strong, and taking it for a long time will cause great harm to the body. It's like a chronic poison. And if things go on like this, even if you stop taking it in the future, it will make it difficult for people to conceive..."

In her opinion, choosing to use such a strong anti-child medicine, the other party's mind is too vicious.

And if it's just an ordinary child-avoiding medicine, and it won't cause too much harm to the body, she may not necessarily choose to speak so bluntly.

The way the queen looked at the girl in front of her changed.

"Miss Xu said this to Bengong, isn't she afraid of misfortune coming out of her mouth?"

Facing the gaze that made people unable to see clearly the joy and anger, Xu Mingyi said calmly: "If the empress thinks something is wrong, then the minister's daughter has made a wrong diagnosis."

She's not one to meddle in other people's business.

Today, I chose to speak out, not because the other party is the current queen.

Leaving aside what could be called a close relationship these days, the person in front of her is the daughter of the Wu family, the Wu family who was kind to her in her previous life——

And she is also Wu Chao's direct aunt.

So she felt that she should speak out what she knew.

But if the other party thinks that she is troublesome, she will admit that she has made a wrong diagnosis, and will not talk about it in the future.

In the end, she chose to do this not to please anyone, but to be worthy of her own conscience.

The queen looked at the girl's clear and calm eyes.

When the eyes are not smiling, they seem to be born with a light that is neither humble nor overbearing.

"Miss Xu's baby name is Zhaozhao?" the queen asked suddenly.

Although Xu Mingyi didn't understand why he would switch to this topic, he still nodded subconsciously: "Hui Niangniang, that's right."

"These two words are very suitable for Miss Xu." The queen said.

It was the first time for her to see a girl who lived so vividly and brightly, as if she could sweep away all the darkness around her.

Faced with this sudden compliment, Xu Mingyi was slightly taken aback.

Then, the queen said slowly: "In this palace, Yukun Palace, there is a maid in charge of tea, not from this palace."

Xu Mingyi's eyes changed slightly.

"Your Majesty noticed it before?"

She had thought of this possibility before.

The queen nodded slightly.

"It's just that I didn't expect that this medicine would erode the body so severely as Miss Xu said."

The other party is taking so much medicine, is it because he doesn't want to make any mistakes, lest she conceive the so-called dragon seed?

Thinking of this, the queen just wanted to sneer.

The face is not very good, but it is beautiful in thinking.

And I still need to take medicine to support myself, where does this wonderful self-confidence come from?

As long as she thought that his hands might be stained with the blood of her dearest relatives, and the possible old enmity between the two of them, she wished she could stab him to death, let alone give birth to him.

Even if he didn't ask someone to secretly put the child-avoiding medicine in her tea, she still wanted to take it herself.

Hearing this, Xu Mingyi had a judgment in his mind.

The queen clearly noticed it, but she just took the medicine as before. It is obvious who gave the medicine.

Thanks to book friends such as Chanchantou, Chu Qinghan, and Dynamic Cat for their rewards, thank you for your monthly tickets~

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