Wishful Things

Chapter 220 What a Good Man

Hearing the meaning of Wu Chao's words, she clearly still suspected that this disaster that didn't happen was man-made.

Suishan, on the other hand, is the person he thinks may have something to do with this matter.

"I haven't been able to ask anything useful yet."

Wu Chao said: "Recently, I have been entangled in family affairs, and I have just dealt with it, and I am planning to go and see him in person, and try to ask if I can find out anything."

Xu Mingyi folded his hands and forearms on the table in front of him, and subconsciously leaned towards him when he heard the words, and said in a low voice: "I know some ways to make people speak, but do you want me to help you try it? "

This tea room wasn't very spacious in the first place, and her actions at this time made the young man feel that the space around him was narrow, and his breathing suddenly became a little unnatural.

"... If you are fine, we will go there together later." Wu Chao said in a normal and upright tone as much as possible.

Xu Ming said: "It's better to be early rather than late, let's leave after breakfast."


Wu Chao nodded, took a sip of tea.

"This tea is good." He praised sincerely.

"That's right, I think it's good too." Xu Mingyi smiled and said, "It's exactly the can you asked Sui Jiang to send yesterday."


Wu Chao raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

He also has a jar in his room, but it usually tastes like this, why does it feel particularly fragrant today?

He took another sip, and said, "That's the skill of the tea maker."

Xu Mingyi smiled and gave a soft "tss", "Okay, stop flattering and teasing me."

She remembered that the water the Wu family used for drinking was brought from the top-quality mountain springs outside the city to the palace every morning. In contrast, she casually boiled a pot of water with a copper pot, and it would be an exaggeration to say that it was a waste of things.

Wu Chao actually drank half of the pot.

The two had breakfast together in this tea room.

Then Xu Mingyi went back to the guest room to make some preparations, changed into men's clothes, and got into the carriage with him.

Wu Chao didn't ride a horse today.

Xu Mingyi didn't think much about it, he only thought it was because of the snow.

But she didn't know that it used to be snowy days, and Wu Chao was used to traveling on horseback.

This time I changed the carriage because I was afraid that she would be too shadowed by the incident of him riding a horse and falling into the lake in the snow, so I deliberately changed to a carriage.

The carriage drove slowly towards the south of the city.

When the carriage stopped, Wu Chao got out of the carriage first, thinking that the snow under his feet was a bit slippery from being run over by the wheels, so he stretched out an arm to help Xu Mingyi.

But as soon as he stretched out his arm, he saw the girl jumped down neatly and lightly.

"..." The young man could only withdraw his arm silently and put it behind his back.

Xu Mingyi's attention was all attracted by the other courtyard in front of him, and he didn't notice his movements.

This other courtyard looks very ordinary, presumably it should not be something on his face.

In her previous life, she didn't know such a place existed.

Does this mean that this time between him and her, they are really more intimate and understand each other better than in the previous life?

As soon as the two entered the front yard, Xu Mingyi was stunned by the scene in front of him.

In the yard, a dozen or so dogs of different colors and sizes were chasing and having fun in the snow nest. When they saw Wu Chao coming, they immediately ran over wagging their tails, barking happily around him, and sticking out their tongues to let out balls of snow-white heat. steam.

Looking up, there are several cats squatting on the porch.

It's just that compared to the enthusiasm and excitement of the dogs, these cats are much more calm and dignified, sitting there "watching" all this.

Xu Mingyi seemed inexplicably infected by the joy of these dogs, and with a smile on his face, he raised his head and asked him, "Why are there so many cats and dogs here?"

"It's all a bunch of homeless little things brought back from outside."

Wu Chao pushed a big yellow dog away, but obviously he didn't exert any strength on his feet, he just reminded it to get out of the way.

Xu Mingyi followed him forward, while saying sincerely: "Mr. Wu is really a good man."

From the fact that he raised his third eye, she could see that he is a person who treats small animals kindly. Such a person, no matter how bad he is, can't be so bad—so, in the past and present, she always thought Wu Chao was a nice guy.

"..." Wu Chao's feet froze when he heard the words.

Can't we change the way of boasting?

The two brought Sui Jiang to a warm pavilion on the side of the hall in the backyard.

Wu Chao said to Xu Mingyi: "People are in the secret room, they need to go down here, but it should be colder. Just sit here for a while, if I can't ask, then try your method."

Suishan is different from ordinary people, even different from ordinary dark guards. The hardships he has suffered since he was a child are very hard to imagine. No matter how tortured people are by Miss Xu, it may not be useful to him.

Therefore, he also admitted that the reason why he brought Miss Xu here was purely because he wanted to spend more time with her.

Xu Mingyi nodded and sat down in the chair beside him.

Seeing this, Wu Chao was not in a hurry to go down to the secret room, but without saying a word, moved the brazier in the corner of the wall that was covered with a smoke cage in front of her.

Then, he took Sui Jiang to open the organ and went down to the secret room.

Seeing that the bookshelf was closed again, Xu Mingyi's eyes fell back to the smoked cage in front of him, and he stretched out his hands to bake it, as if the chill all over his body was dispelled by the warmth.

In the dark secret room, Sui Shan, whose hands and feet were bound by iron chains to the stone pillar, heard the movement, but did not lift his head, as if he had passed out.

Although there didn't seem to be much blood on his body, he had suffered a lot in the past few days, but most of them were not ordinary flesh injuries.

"Are you still refusing to tell?"

Wu Chao stood still three steps away from him and asked aloud.

Hearing this voice, Sui Shan raised his head slightly, and under the cover of his disheveled hair, he revealed a pair of bloodshot eyes.

"It's my subordinates who are ashamed of the young master..."

He said in a hoarse voice: "There is nothing worthy of my son's troubles in this subordinate, please give me a good time..."

Wu Chao looked at him with unpredictable expressions.

"I'm getting more and more curious—what is the secret that makes you want to keep even your life?"

Suishan twitched the corner of his mouth weakly.

"Young Master really asked the wrong person."

"Is that so?" Wu Chao said, "You told Sui Jiang that the feigned death was just to escape, and had nothing to do with the bandits—but I want to ask you, when our group was trapped in the inn, Prescribing drugs in food, how did such a common method hide it from you? And why did you persist until the scene of suspended animation was arranged and escaped after you were drugged and blocked a knife for me? ?”

"Still, it's only you who haven't been poisoned by this drug from the beginning to the end—"

After asking these questions, Wu Chao didn't expect the other party to be able to answer, he just said: "Sui Shan, there are too many loopholes in your words."

Sui Shan's lips moved a few times, but he didn't speak.

At this moment, the boy in sight took a step forward.

The next moment, the boy's cold and calm voice spread in the empty secret room——

"I've thought about it for a long time, but I still can't think of a second answer. It seems that there is only the Wu family in this world who can make you willing to do this."

Thank you for your monthly tickets, and thank you for your rewards from book friends such as Qinghan and Porridge.

(This is the man who stayed up all night to code, because today is the fourth anniversary of my marriage with my uncle and grandpa, so I coded it in advance and released it earlier.)

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