Wishful Things

Chapter 221: The Secret in Xizhenyuan

Hearing this, Sui Shan's half-drowned eyes trembled almost imperceptibly.

This subtle facial reaction never escaped Wu Chao's eyes.

He pursed his lips slightly.

It seems that the direction he guessed is indeed correct.

This matter was not done by bandits, and it had nothing to do with the court, let alone a conflict of interests with outsiders—the person who planned it was from the Wu clan.

Even, it is very likely to be one of the familiar family members around him.

Right now, he has been confirmed by Suishan's reaction, and he is one step closer to the truth, but he doesn't feel the slightest sense of relief in his heart, instead he feels that the string in his heart is getting tighter——

Since he was a child, he knew that people should not be trustworthy, nor should they just look at the superficial depth of things, but in his eyes, those close family members around him are all trustworthy.

But the fact...is not necessarily the case.

Seeing that Suishan still refused to speak, Wu Chao took another step closer to him.

"What I'm more curious about now is why you didn't attack me at that time? Was it because Xu Jiajun came too timely and made you miss the opportunity to attack, or——when you really reached the last step, you regretted it and wavered again?

Or, you have other calculations and trade-offs, you want to leave a way out for yourself, you just want to get out as soon as possible, and you don't want to really get involved in this whirlpool? "

If the other party doesn't tell the truth, then he can only consider letting Miss Xu in.

Hearing these words, Sui Shan plucked up the courage to raise his eyes and looked at the young man for a moment, and his eyes seemed to be a little redder immediately.

He moved the corners of his mouth, and his smile was a little bleak.

Worth mentioning...

Anyway, as far as the moment is concerned, no matter how he chooses, the result will be the same.

He is a dying person, so why should he insist on sticking to those so-called sworn words.

What's more, the son is always different from others.

Thinking of this, the will of the person who had suffered for many days in succession suddenly collapsed—he didn't want the young master to think that he was such a vicious and shameless betrayer.

Even if he did betray the son.


"This subordinate did follow orders at the beginning...but from the beginning to the end, this subordinate never thought of taking your son's life." Sui Shan said in a hoarse voice.

He is a cold-blooded dark guard who kills without batting an eyelid, but he has never regarded him and Sui Jiang as a tool for killing people all these years by his side.

He knew since he was a child that he would be sent to the side of his grandson. Day and night, the most important sentence he had received was to protect his grandson—to fulfill this sentence had already become his instinct.

And later on, it became the bottom line that he wanted to keep from the bottom of his heart - the life of the young master was his bottom line!

If the original plan was to kill the young master, then even if he died, he would definitely not obey!

There were so many things worth pondering in his words, Wu Chao's expression froze for a short while when he heard it.

However, when he spoke, his voice became calmer: "What is the whole plan?" "The subordinates don't know..." Suishan said: "At the beginning, the subordinates only knew that they had to cooperate to create the illusion that the bandits intended to murder the son's life. The rest of the subordinates don't know..." For such an important matter, it is absolutely impossible for Ben to disclose all the plans to him.

In this plan, he is just an insignificant pawn in the process of the young master entering the capital. "But if the Xu family's army hadn't arrived, what was your original plan and how would it end?" Wu Chao asked again.

Suishan shook his head slowly.

"The subordinates don't know about this, but presumably there must be other arrangements..."

Wu Chao looked at him and asked firmly, "Who arranged all this?"

Sui Shan said in a hoarse voice: "My lord already guessed it, didn't you..."

The young master is careful and keen, so how could he fail to guess at this point in his words.

Wu Chao clenched his fingers slightly.

The answer has indeed been explained by Suishan—it is hidden in his phrase "following orders".

In the huge Dingnan Palace, besides him, there is only one master that Suishan really needs to obey.

But why do you want to do this?

Suishan claimed that he didn't know the whole plan and how he would be arranged...but from the beginning to the end, he was the one who was kept in the dark.

If there is really any crucial plan, if the original intention is not for him to lay down his life, why can't he tell him clearly?

Of course, all of this is based on the premise that what Sui Shan said is true——

And he never trusted anyone or anything.

"In the final analysis, this is just your one-sided words." Looking around in the dark, the boy's cold eyebrows and eyes seemed to be even colder, and there seemed to be a chill in his voice: "If you are ordered by others, what you say now , may not be deliberately sowing dissension."

"The subordinates know that they can't provoke the young master, nor can they deceive the young master..." Sui Shan said with difficulty: "The dying person, why should he use such meaningless tricks?"

While speaking, he raised his head with difficulty, and said: "Young master, if you don't believe me, the subordinates have heard a clue by chance... Maybe you can try to investigate it, young master..."

"What clue?" Wu Chao's expression remained calm.

"That day, after my subordinates listened to their orders, when they left, they vaguely overheard half a sentence... From that half sentence, it can be seen that the plan seems to be related to Xizhenyuan, and there may be some secrets hidden in Xizhenyuan. exist……"


Wu Chao thought and frowned.

There are many courtyards in Dingnan Prince's Mansion, he thought for a while before he remembered where Qizhen Courtyard was.

If he remembered correctly, this Qizhen Courtyard was the residence of his late eldest aunt and former Princess Yan before she left the pavilion.

As long as he could remember, it seemed that no one was allowed to enter or leave the yard easily. Only one servant in charge of cleaning would occasionally come in and out, and the rest of the time it was locked.

He once saw his grandmother go in, but the grandmother only told him to wait outside and forbade him to follow in.

When his grandmother came out, he saw that the corners of his grandmother's eyes were red, presumably because he missed his eldest daughter who died early.

But - what secrets will there be in this yard?

Wu Chao had doubts in his heart. As for whether he should go and find out, and whether there would be another trap in it, he still had to think about it.

He looked at Suishan again and asked, "Since you have escaped, why don't you just hide away?"

This is also one of the doubts that he has never figured out.

At the beginning, Mr. Fang found the suspected trace of Sui Shan three hundred miles outside Ningyang City. Three hundred miles was not close, but according to Sui Shan's level of caution, he was still too careless.

Of course, even so, if there is no Mr. Fang, it may not be possible to find him.

"The subordinates have tried their best to be careful, but they are still too self-righteous... I never thought that I was discovered by the young master..."

Wu Chao didn't believe it.

To be precise, it is not entirely believed.

"Is that all that is?"

"..." Suishan pulled the corner of his mouth weakly.

It's really more than that.

Good evening

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