Wishful Things

Chapter 253 Love him

——Infatuated with Wu Chao's beauty?

Xu Mingyi was stunned for a moment.

Was Uncle Qin Wu so straightforward when he sued?

And... How did Qin Wushu see that she was infatuated with Wu Chao's beauty? Could it be that she was so obvious that even Qin Wushu could see through it at a glance?

Thinking of this, Xu Mingyi was inevitably a little startled.

And on top of the obvious, we still have to cover up one or two things——

"It can't be said that he is obsessed with beauty..." Xu Mingyi coughed lightly, and said, "The most important thing is that my granddaughter thinks that Wu Shisun is a pretty good character."

She still has a lot of things to do in this family in the future, but she must not let her grandfather think that she is such a woman who makes her foolish.

Duke Zhen's expression changed when he heard this: "That is to say... you went to Ningyang this time, did you really go to find him?"

It is said that they are looking at the character of the other party rather than their beauty-but in the end, aren't they all looking at each other? !

"It's not just to see him, my granddaughter has longed for the prosperity of Ningyang City, but she just stopped by to see him."

Lord Zhen was silent for a moment.

When Qin Wu said that his granddaughter called this trip a "shun" before, he only felt that the lie was too perfunctory, but now that the word "shun" came from his granddaughter himself, he somehow felt that it was indeed possible...

At this moment, even I couldn't help but want to ask myself - is he really pampering the child too much?

But these are not the most important right now——

"Zhao Zhao, tell your grandfather truthfully, do you like this Wu Shisun?" The old man looked at the girl sitting there and asked seriously.

He knew that it was inappropriate for him, as a grandfather, to ask his granddaughter about this matter so directly, but he had to ask this matter clearly.

And his Xu Qiwei's granddaughter will not be a girl who will be flustered because of this question.

Under his gaze, Xu Mingyi nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, the granddaughter likes him very much."

She could hide this matter from everyone, but she could not hide it from her grandfather.

Because Wu Chao is not the son of an ordinary family.

The identities of the two of them doomed that this love must not only be a matter of the two of them, but also related to the overall situation of the Xu and Wu families.

Therefore, if you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it. Only when you make it clear can you better arrange the next thing-if you clearly like it, but you insist on evasive and evasive words, it will make your grandfather misunderstand her intentions, Then how do we all work together?

That day when he chased her out of the city to see her off, she decided to try her best to get closer to him, how could she shrink back in front of her family before doing anything?

The girl who was thinking like this had a faint look of determination in her eyes.

Hearing her answer so directly, Duke Zhen felt a little complicated.

It really is such a thing, he was still thinking, could it be Qin Wu, a fool who was thinking wildly——

Could it be that it really has its own destiny in the dark?

Thinking of the fact that he rescued the man earlier and intended to make him happy for his granddaughter, Duke Zheng sighed slightly, looked at his granddaughter and asked, "Now I know I like it? Now I regret that I stopped my grandfather and asked His Majesty to replace you two." Is it about the marriage?"

"I don't regret it at all." Xu Mingyi shook his head and said, "Whether my granddaughter likes someone or wants to marry someone, she just wants to be happy. This kind of thing should be a icing on the cake, not to let grandfather For my own selfishness, I even want to give away the military power in my hand as a bargaining chip in exchange—"

If what she wanted was such a reckless relationship, then she could just abduct Wu Chao directly, so there's no need to talk about it here.

Lord Zhen Guo glanced at his granddaughter who put the overall situation first, and couldn't help but think—it seems that the idea of ​​abducting the old guy's grandson and hiding him directly will not work.

But... good ideas should be kept, and both hands should be prepared well, in case they are really needed in the future, they can be used at any time.

But right now, what the granddaughter is asking for is a plan to get the best of both worlds on the surface. If that is the case, then he has to ask one more question——

"What is Wu Shisun thinking?"

After thinking about it, he felt that the most unacceptable thing about this matter was his granddaughter's wishful thinking—if so, how would he hold his head up in front of that old Wu Jun in the future? !

After all, Wu Chao didn't say anything clearly, Xu Mingyi didn't intend to say more about it, but when she saw her grandfather's longing eyes full of "you have to win for my grandfather" and "grandfather must not lose to that old guy", she opened her eyes. Open your mouth——

He can only say: "He and his granddaughter have the same idea."

At this moment, she felt it more deeply - this liking is really not just a matter between her and Wu Chao...

In addition to the overall situation, there are even grievances and games between the two grandfathers.

"-He said it? He said it first?!" Duke Zhen stared at his granddaughter without blinking.

Xu Mingyi was embarrassed for a moment, but still withstood the huge pressure with great difficulty, and said truthfully: "I didn't say anything, it was my granddaughter who guessed it."

"...Guess it?" Duke Zhen's expression suddenly became subtle, and then he hurriedly asked: "Then you can explain it to him?!"

Xu Mingyi shook his head: "Not yet."

As soon as she finished speaking, her grandfather breathed a sigh of relief, and the hands that were holding the armrests on both sides of the grand master's chair relaxed.

Thankfully, Zhao Zhao didn't say anything...then there is still room for a comeback!

The old man then began to analyze seriously: "Although if you like it, you should fight for it, but this Wu Shisun, in my opinion, is also thoughtful. Before the situation is clear, it should be that the enemy will not move and I will not move. Remember not to act impulsively, so as not to It will spoil the overall situation... All in all, we must be steady, whoever speaks first in this kind of matter will take the disadvantage first."

...Is this still using the art of war?

And... whoever speaks first loses first?

The win or loss here probably refers to her grandfather and Wu Chao's grandfather, right?

Who is married to whom...

Xu Mingyi suppressed the weird feelings in his heart, glanced at his grandfather, nodded, and said, "Granddaughter has written it down."

"And you have to know how to tell the truth from the fake, and don't be fooled by the sweet words." Duke Zhen confessed again seriously: "Don't be fooled by the Wu family."

He couldn't help but wonder, could this be the trick of that old Dingnan King? He wanted to use this to retaliate against him? Or have other calculations? Nothing to do with him, just beat around the bush and wanted to attack his granddaughter?

These so-called aristocratic families always talk about how to cultivate their character, but when it comes to matters that really concern their interests, they have always been unparalleled in terms of unscrupulous methods!

He has personally seen this point!

Although it is not advisable to be too suspicious, it is a matter of granddaughter's life, so there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

Good evening, everybody.

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