Wishful Things

Chapter 254

"Grandfather, don't worry, my granddaughter is not a fool." Xu Mingyi smiled and said, "What's more, I won't get married tomorrow, and the future will be long. Isn't my grandfather watching over me?"

Take a ten thousand step back and say, if she really got it wrong, it's okay, left and right are just a waste of thought, and she has never been someone who can't afford to let go.

Hold tight if you like it, and let go if you don't like it. In her opinion, this matter is not that complicated.

"That's true." Lord Zhen Guo nodded, took a long breath, and said, "Grandfather understands what you mean, you want to find a solution for both ends, and grandfather respects your idea... As for How to get the best of both worlds, I will pay more attention to it in the future.”

As the old man said, he gripped the relief on the chair unconsciously: "Don't worry, as long as it's someone you really like, grandfather will find a way to get it for you."

While Xu Mingyi was moved, he couldn't help feeling a little puzzled—the ancestors of the Xu family were clearly not born as bandits...

Why are one or two both so gangster-like?

Of course, she has a part in the so-called one or two.

Rengui has self-knowledge, so she said calmly: "Thank you, grandfather, for making this happen."

She knew that the reason why her grandfather didn't say a word of objection might be related to the hexagram predicted by Mr. Yao earlier—but, after thinking about it, even if she said today that she likes someone else, her grandfather must be the same. He readily agreed.

So, this is her luck.

"Thank you? I brought your father into this world, and your father brought you into this turbulent world, so I naturally have the responsibility to protect my Zhao Zhao and be happy!" Zhen Guogong took it for granted. Preaching tone.

Xu Mingyi curled the corner of his mouth.

Yeah, that's what my grandfather always did.

Therefore, she is also more responsible to protect her grandfather's safety.

"By the way, I came to look for my grandfather today because I really wanted to ask about that Miss Cai." Xu Mingyi was able to mention this matter at this time.

"I heard so soon?"

Zhen Guogong took a sip of tea with the teacup, and there was no ups and downs in his tone.

Xu Mingyi nodded and asked, "I don't know how grandfather arranged this matter?"

"At first when your second uncle brought him back, he treated him like a servant girl, and made him do any dirty work—"

Xu Mingyi was a little stunned.

But after thinking about it, I can't help but feel that this is indeed something that the second uncle can do.

"This Nizi didn't tell me clearly at first that this person is after Mr. Cai, and it is His Majesty's will to come to Zhen Guogong's mansion. I am really angry." Zhen Guogong said these words, but he was not angry at all. He said, "After I found out, how could he do anything wrong? After beating up this rebellious son, he asked your mother to order someone to tidy up another yard, which was specially used to receive this distinguished guest."

After hearing this, Xu Mingyi couldn't help but nodded in agreement with a smile: "This is the proper way to treat guests."

Although she could already hear it, the grandfather and the second uncle were clearly singing the red face and the bad face.

Taking advantage of the mistake of the second uncle's "nonsense", he treated the person as a distinguished guest and lived alone in a courtyard——

The courtyard where the female guest lived was naturally the inner courtyard, so if the other party wanted to meet her second uncle without any hindrance, he had to do what he did today - he deliberately found an opportunity to follow him.

Not to mention, an opportunity like today is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. After all, it is normal for her second uncle not to go out for a whole winter.

As for being a demon in the inner courtyard?

That's even more unfortunate, since the incident of her poisoning before, now the inner courtyard of her home is tightly controlled by her mother, if the other party wants to cause trouble, it is really embarrassing for herself.

"However, I heard from Ah Kui that His Majesty still intends to marry this man to Second Uncle after the completion of the Wanfu Building next year?"

"Well, this matter has already spread outside." Zhen Guogong said: "However, such things are at most a hindrance to reputation, and it doesn't matter."

Xu Mingyi was not worried about this.

This world is the most tolerant towards men, especially such things, and the second uncle is not an official, but just a literati-no matter how outrageous the rumors are, in the end, it is just a so-called romantic affair.

"But it's really time for the marriage?"

In her opinion, this still needs to be planned early.

Although His Majesty the emperor must have spoken very beautifully and claimed that he would not force the second uncle, but if the second uncle did not have an absolutely suitable reason to refuse, it would be arrogant at a young level, and would be arrogant at a big one. Became kingless--

It will undoubtedly be troublesome to be used as a fuss at that time.

However, if he complied with this decree and really married her back, it would not be easy to guard against the person next to him for a thousand days.

"This point, your second uncle has already planned it himself! He said that he caused the trouble, and he will clean it up." Speaking of this, Duke Zhen's face was a little displeased.

"How is Second Uncle going to deal with it?"

"When His Majesty is about to bestow the marriage, he will reveal the truth of his broken sleeve to the public—"

Hearing this, the teacup in Xu Mingyi's hand almost fell.

What kind of way to deal with it!


It seems that people really can't find anything wrong with it?

After thinking about it, I can't help but want to give people a thumbs up and praise me for being impeccable?

After all, Second Uncle is unmarried at this age, if he tells the world that he has a habit of cutting off his sleeves, I am afraid that most people's reaction will be - see, let's say he is a man, finally admit it!

What a convincing and plausible excuse.

It even seemed that her second uncle had a reliable character and was very particular about it, and he didn't want to delay Miss Cai.

After thinking about all this, Xu Mingyi couldn't help but deeply realized the horror of this method - it sounded absurd at first, but upon careful consideration, it seemed so perfect that it couldn't be refuted.

Presumably the reason why grandfather didn't object was because he felt that there was no more perfect way than this method, right?

Of course, it must be true that he has completely given up hope for the second uncle's marriage.

But... the matter of the second uncle's marriage, can't we really save it?

Xu Mingyi looked at his grandfather's look of "sooner or later this son will not be able to have it", and said: "It is still some time before Wanfu Building is completed, maybe we can think of a better way, but there is no need Second uncle must be so self-destructive."

Zhen Guogong said noncommittally: "Let's see and talk about it in the future."

"Then according to grandfather, why did the emperor send Cai Jin to the second uncle at this time?" Xu Mingyi continued to ask.

It is naturally obvious to put it in Zhen Guogong's mansion as eyeliner.

But let this eyeliner come in, what to do, what to inquire about, is worth pondering.

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