Wishful Things

Chapter 392

"This...you will know when they get married." Princess Yufeng shook the fruit wine in the glass, with a reminding smile in his eyes all the time: "Maybe you will have a wedding wine at that time."

These words are undoubtedly quite heart-wrenching.

Although it is not possible for others to squeeze in between her family Xu Zhaozhao and Wu Kankan, but if the flames are extinguished as soon as possible, it will naturally save trouble and effort.

There are so many men in this world, everyone just stares at one, how boring. And if Wu Kankan's arrogance is fueled, wouldn't it be troublesome for Zhaozhao to manage it in the future?

Therefore, she winked at the girl and said, "If you like this one, my cousin can take you to find another one. Keep it nice and obedient."

Princess Sangyun's eyes were horrified, and his words were a little awkward: "...don't make fun of me, cousin."

How could she have forgotten that this cousin has a nest of noodle heads in her house! She is also really confused, and she has talked so much with such a person.

Moreover, what such a person says may not be credible.

...Who said that Wu Shisun has a sweetheart, maybe it's just nonsense, making fun of her, right?

The girl's mind was full of thoughts uncontrollably, she didn't bother to appreciate the singing and dancing, and she didn't even bother to taste all the exquisite dishes and snacks in front of her.

During the banquet, everyone pushed glasses and changed glasses, King Yan also drank a lot of wine, his complexion gradually turned red, and there was a hint of drunkenness in his eyes.

Princess Yan saw it, and wanted to persuade her, but she didn't say anything.

She had never seen the prince drink so much wine.

Over the years, the lord has been in Mizhou, and there must be a lot of worries in his heart... Even if the lord never said it, she can still feel it.

But when he returned to the capital at this time, under the touch of the scene, his emotions would inevitably become a little uncontrollable.

Thinking of this, Princess Yan withdrew her gaze in a complicated mood.

Most of the banquet was over, and some people got up and left the banquet from time to time, and returned after a while.

A girl sitting next to Xu Mingyi accidentally got some tea on her dress, so she got up, and left the hall to change clothes under the guidance of the servant girl.

In this way, the line of sight that was looking at Xu Mingyi from time to time through a person became easier to detect.

Intuitively, the other party should have something to say to me, otherwise I wouldn't have looked at it frequently——

Therefore, Xu Mingyi turned his head, looked at the other party, and asked directly: "Miss Ji?"

Looking at her for such a long time, this kind of behavior, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is rude-even if you just want to admire her ancestral beauty, it is still rude.

Hearing her direct question, Ji Wanyou was slightly taken aback by surprise, she clenched her fingers together for a moment, but she didn't dodge, she said rather straightforwardly: "...I don't know if Miss Xu can move forward and say something?"

After Xu Mingyi thought for a moment, he nodded slightly.

The two left the table one after the other.

At this point in the banquet, many people couldn't sit still, and quite a few found excuses to go out to get some air, so the behavior of the two of them leaving the banquet one after another was not considered noticeable.

The two came to the foot of a rockery at the end of a long corridor, the surroundings were quiet and dark, but Ji Wanyou still looked around, obviously worried.

Xu Mingyi said: "You don't need to look, there is no one around—"

She didn't think the other party was trying to do anything bad, she wanted to avenge Ji Xiu's beating up by her grandfather earlier, so she chose this kind of place specially.

And even if you really want to play tricks, then this place is really good. There is a lotus pond behind the rockery, and it is very convenient to kick people into it to wake up.

"I have something to ask Miss Xu..."

Walking into the darkness from a brightly lit place, the expression of the speaker is not clear for a while, but judging from the tone of voice, it can be heard that the speaker still hesitates.

"Miss Ji, please ask as soon as possible, otherwise you will be suspicious if you come out for too long."

Ji Wanyou clenched her fingers, and said in a calm voice, "May I ask Miss Xu and Mr. Zhan... if you know him well?"

"Zhan Yun Bamboo?"

Hearing this obviously not polite and friendly tone, Ji Wanyou nodded.

"Barely counted as understanding."

"Then what kind of person was Mr. Zhan?"

Xu Mingyi's tone didn't fluctuate: "He is very good at reading people's hearts, and he is unscrupulous in his actions. He is especially good at using false appearances to win the trust of others and use them to deceive—"

Ji Wanyou's expression changed after hearing this.

Is this the Mr. Zhan she knew?

Why does it sound like someone else?

But in all fairness, these words are not unfamiliar... Father has said similar words more than once, but she only thinks it is his father's prejudice and misunderstanding...

Her sight had already adapted to the darkness around her, Xu Mingyi could clearly see the change of expression on the face of the girl in front of her, and at this moment, she couldn't help but think of another person——

"Could Miss Ji like him?"

Ji Wanyou obviously didn't expect this sentence, her eyes dodged for a while, but she didn't deny it.

This is the default.

Xu Mingyi couldn't help but be a little puzzled - regardless of other things, a girl who looks quite smart, with a family background and appearance, why would she go to the trash dump to pick her sweetheart?

But after thinking about it, this may not be a coincidence.

If there is mental calculation but no intention, then this so-called liking probably fell into the trap carefully woven by Zhan Yunzhu.

Thinking of this, Xu Mingyi said slowly: "There was also a girl's family before, and she was all in her eyes and heart, and she was willing to use her, and said that this person treated her very differently—"

Ji Wanyou's eyes tightened: "I don't know who Miss Xu is talking about?"

"It doesn't matter who it is, the important thing is that it is already dead."


How did you die?

Ji Wanyou wanted to ask a question, but she was not a fool, knowing that since Xu Mingyi deliberately mentioned that the other party was being used, then the other party's death must be related to Mr. Zhan...

"I would like to advise Miss Ji, it is better to stay away from this person as soon as possible, otherwise once you fold yourself and Ji's family into it, it will be too late to regret."

"Really?" Ji Wanyou said suspiciously, "...if something happens to my family, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing for your family. Why would Miss Xu remind me so kindly?"

From the conversation just now, it is not difficult to see that this Miss Xu is definitely not an ordinary girl whose eyes are only locked in the back house.

Xu Mingyi asked in a low voice, "If you don't believe me, why do you ask me?"

Her family and Ji's family are indeed not on the same side, and there are even some festivals. Her grandfather just beat Ji Xiu not long ago, but when it comes to deep hatred, or life-and-death opposition, there is no such thing for the time being.

It's impossible for her to rush to remind Ji Wanyou, but since the other party asked her in front of her, she has no reason to pretend that she doesn't know, and just watch a girl who doesn't know the whole picture just fall into the fire pit so stupidly, right?

Good afternoon everyone~ The double monthly ticket has started. If you have free tickets at the end of the month, you can vote for them~

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