Wishful Things

Chapter 393 Invite

This world is already very difficult for a woman. She lives in the back house all day long, and her eyesight is inevitably limited. Faced with ulterior motives, she often lacks the ability to distinguish——

And she and Ji Wanyou didn't have any festivals worth mentioning, so I just reminded her casually that she didn't want Zhan Yunzhu to succeed.

After all, it is not a situation she likes to let Zhan Yunzhu add such help from the Ji family.

"..." Ji Wanyou pursed her lips slightly and remained silent for a while.

The reason why she asked Miss Xu's family to ask these questions is that there are too many questions in her heart these days.

"That's all for now, believe it or not, it's your own business."

Xu Mingyi didn't intend to say any more, so he turned around and wanted to leave.


Ji Wanyou looked at the girl's back, and asked in a slightly astringent tone: "Does he... like Miss Xu?"

Every time she thought of the way he looked at Xu Mingyi, the way he spoke that day, she felt as if her heart had been pressed into an ice pool and soaked in it.

Xu Mingyi didn't pause at his feet, and his voice was soft but cold: "And don't tarnish the word like."


Is what she couldn't ask for, in the eyes of Miss Xu, actually a defilement?

Ji Wanyou pulled the corner of her mouth with difficulty.

To be honest, since what she saw that day, she was very jealous of Miss Xu.

She even thought in her heart - it must be because the other party was born with an incomparable good looks in the capital.

She grew up with her father since she was a child, and she never thought that appearance was the standard for judging a girl, but she became so superficial in the face of this girl who stole the favor of her sweetheart.

However, jealousy is jealousy, and tonight, she can't hate this girl at all...

But, should she believe everything the other party said?

Her mind is not full of love and love, and she even thinks she has become a little sober recently, but it is a fact that the Xu family and her family are not dealing with each other. Is it possible that the other party just doesn't want Mr. Zhan to be a helper for her Ji family, so they say these provocative words?

Thoughts repeated in her mind, Ji Wanyou stood where she was and did not move.

On the way back, Xu Mingyi happened to meet a maid looking for her.

"Miss Xu."

The maid saluted and said softly: "Your Majesty and Empress, please go to the side hall to talk, Miss Xu."

Xu Mingyi scrutinized the court lady without any trace after hearing the words.

It is indeed the maid beside the empress.

Therefore, while following the other party to the side hall, she tentatively asked: "Dare to ask Miss Jinggui, do you know why your majesty and empress want to see me?"

Hearing that she remembered her own name, and her tone was polite and pleasant, the maid was a little surprised and delighted, she didn't want to say more, but she couldn't help revealing at this moment: "...It seems that it is for the sake of Concubine Jing's confinement, and I want to ask Miss Akui next to Miss Xu to help me take a look."

Xu Ming nodded knowingly.

"I see."

Just now when she was leaving the banquet, she did see an inner eunuch hurrying over and whispered something in Emperor Qingming's ear.

Thinking about it, it should be Concubine Jing's business.

And tonight's Queen Mother's birthday banquet is such a big event, and Concubine Jing is not seen, so one can imagine that the situation of the dragon's heir in her belly is still not optimistic.

Xu Mingyi followed the maids to the side hall, and saw Emperor Qingming and the Empress waiting there.

"Miss Xu, you don't need to be too polite."

Emperor Qingming's gentle tone was a little irritable, it was about the matter of the dragon's heir that he cared most about, and he drank some wine tonight, so he couldn't keep himself calm at this time.

Seeing the girl in the palace straighten up, Emperor Qingming looked at the queen and motioned for her to speak.

"I invite Miss Xu to come here, but I actually want to borrow Miss Akui from Miss Xu." The queen said in a soft and concise voice, "I want to ask Miss Akui to help my concubine Jing's sister take a look and see if she can give Zhang Zhang a prescription for abortion—I just don't know that Miss Akui is good at this?"

Medicine is also divided into specializations.

"It seems to be a little familiar, but it shouldn't be called proficient in this way." Xu Mingyi picked a way to retreat or advance.

If it was just the Empress who asked her alone, it would be fine for her to refuse to step into this muddy water, but the key point is that the emperor is still sitting here and listening. If she insists that Ah Kui doesn't understand at all, the dog emperor will definitely think again.

"It's okay, let's go and have a look." Speaking of this, the queen asked, "Did Miss Aoi come with you today?"

Xu Mingyi nodded.

"At this time, we are waiting outside the Forbidden Palace."

Emperor Qingming immediately ordered the palace servants to invite him.

"This servant girl has never walked around the palace alone, and her temperament is also reserved. In case she is nervous, she will break the rules and offend the nobleman. I also hope that Your Majesty will allow this servant girl to accompany her to Concubine Jing."

Although the matter of Concubine Jing was in front of her eyes, she was still in the palace, so she had to be on guard - in case someone wanted to use Ah Kui to cause trouble for the Duke of Zhen, she would have more room for contingencies.

Now that her grandfather is not in Beijing, even if her worries are too superfluous, she must be cautious in everything.

"Alright, so I'll trouble Miss Xu."

"Your Majesty is serious."

Ah Kui was quickly brought over, and under the guidance of the palace servants, the master and servant headed towards Concubine Jing's Yuxiu Palace.

It was not for nothing that the emperor suddenly thought of asking Ah Kui to treat Concubine Jing.

Concubine Jing suddenly saw some redness for no reason tonight, it can be seen that the anti-fetal drugs prescribed by the Tai Hospital these days are almost useless.

"I haven't gotten out of bed at all recently, and the medicine is taken on time, and I'm doing it according to their instructions... What kind of imperial doctor is a bunch of quack doctors!"

In Concubine Jing's dormitory, everyone in the palace was screened out, except for her, Akui was alone—she didn't want anyone to hear the bad news about the dragon heir in her womb!

Ah Kui, who was sitting on the drum stool next to the bed and taking her pulse, was not relaxed at this moment.


Concubine Jing stared closely at the little maid.

Although she was lying in bed every day to take good care of herself, the fear and worry about gains and losses for many days, and even the nightmares that would appear in her mind as soon as she closed her eyes, made her look tense and decadent.

Ah Kui was stared into the hair by these eyes, and replied in a low voice: "Your Majesty... the servant girl doesn't know much about the way of confinement, I'm afraid I can't help you..."

"What do you mean by that!"

Concubine Jing grabbed the little girl's wrist, and said in a low and nervous voice: "I have heard about you a long time ago, you were the one who cured the crown prince before, and those imperial doctors were helpless at that time... If you can't help me, who can help me?!"

Since she became pregnant, His Majesty has treated her with the utmost care, and the attitude of the palace people has completely changed, including her natal family, and all the good news that has spread into the palace recently——

She knew very clearly that all of this was given by the child in her womb.

Thank you for your monthly tickets~

Thanks to book friends such as Qinghan, A Bing, Mingyue Wujian, Hexing ing, etc. for their rewards.

(Modify some small details, so the update will be later, good night everyone)

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