Wishful Things

Chapter 436 Promise

The girl cleansed her face and combed her hair very lightly. She still put on a servant's city cloth robes on top of her white underclothes. She pulled up her black hair like them and tied it with a dark blue cloth towel—this place is not home, this place Dressing up is the most convenient thing to do. If you meet someone, you can also have a saying.

After tidying up everything, Ji Wanyou came to the window and gently pushed the two windows open.

Stepping on the lacquered wooden round stool with walking shoes, the girl climbed out of the window cautiously and unfamiliarly.

Outside the window was a narrow narrow passage, and after exiting the narrow passage, Ji Wanyou quickly ran out of the courtyard, taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the courtyard.

At this time, the sky was only dim.

Due to the sudden and sensational incident in the mausoleum last night, most people in the palace were alarmed, and after such a toss until midnight, they still had to discuss it in secret, so there were many people who stayed up almost all night—— At this hour, fewer and fewer people got up and walked around.

Ji Wanyou came all the way to a garden in the north of the palace.

As soon as he entered the garden, he saw a nurse in charge leading three or five maids in charge of cleaning.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Ji Wanyou wearing a servant's robe, the nanny raised her eyebrows and asked.

Ji Wanyou reacted quickly, lowered her head, and asked in a low voice as much as possible: "Dare to ask this aunt, is there a lotus pond in this garden?"

"Yes, there are, but why do you ask this?" The nanny looked him up and down: "I think you should belong to some kind of adult's house, our garden is not just for anyone to wander around. It's not a trivial matter to disturb the nobles' enjoyment of the scenery."

"Don't worry, the little one will never wander around and look around."

Ji Wanyou hastily stepped forward, took out a silver ingot from her sleeve, stuffed it and said: "My lord Ailian, he ordered the little one to pick some back early in the morning... I would like to ask my aunt for convenience."

Mammy looked at the delicate half of the neck exposed by the person in front of her, her eyes flickered, and she murmured secretly in her heart, "Which family is this whose adults are so out of shape, and they have to bring a maid with them when they come to the imperial mausoleum for a few days?" .

But it's not her turn to ask more about this kind of thing.

So he only took the money, and said in a lukewarm tone: "Hurry up and go while there is no one in the garden."

"Thank you, aunt."

Ji Wanyou raised her hand and saluted, and walked quickly into the garden, until she was out of sight of the group of palace people, she gently stroked her heart, and breathed a sigh of relief.

She went all the way to the southwest, and she saw a lotus pond deep in the garden.

In the early morning light, the lotus leaves in the pond are green and round, and the blossoming green lotus lies quietly among the green leaves in the clear water, like a fairy who has just woken up, graceful and unremarkable. From time to time, a cool morning breeze blew by, causing the round dewdrops on the lotus leaves to sway and roll into the water.

At this time, Ji Wanyou didn't have much thought to appreciate the beautiful scenery.

She looked left and right under the gazebo by the pond.

There is no one around, and it is as quiet as a fairyland with no one around.

Could it be that she would have misunderstood it?

When he mentioned the lotus pond, he didn't mean to see her?

Or did she come too early?

When Ji Wanyou was thinking about whether to leave, she suddenly heard a voice behind her——

"Miss Ji."

This voice was extremely gentle, with a pleasant smile, and it was sent to the ears with the morning wind, as if it contained indescribable tenderness and affection.

Ji Wanyou's eyes lit up, and she turned her head.

A young man in a straight gown with ivory-white embroidered green bamboo patterns and a jade crown with hair tied was walking towards her.

"Master Zhan." Ji Wanyou blessed him, and said softly, "I thought you wouldn't come here..."

"It's because I thought Miss Ji wouldn't come." Zhan Yunzhu said with a smile, "Fortunately, Miss Ji and I have a tacit understanding."

Ji Wanyou's heart jumped a few times - so, he really wanted to see her, not because she was thinking too much.

"Speaking of which, why did Miss Ji pretend to be like this and come here with your lord?"

Hearing him ask about this, Ji Wanyou thought about her own attire, and said uncomfortably for a moment: "I wanted to go out for a walk with my father, but my father refused, so I followed secretly...I am like this...does it look Weird?"

"No." Zhan Yunzhu shook his head slightly, staring at her seriously: "It's still pretty."

Hearing this compliment, Ji Wanyou's cheeks immediately turned red, and she pursed her lips into a smile: "Don't lie to me, I've looked in the mirror before."

Zhan Yunzhu smiled and said: "I am as honest as a mirror and do not tell lies."

The smile on the corner of Ji Wanyou's mouth deepened, but she couldn't help being a little puzzled. She always felt that he seemed to be very different today... In the past, his expressions were always veiled and reserved, so she was always unsure of what his thoughts were.

What happened today?

"...Actually, I've been thinking a lot recently. I've always...have something I want to give to Miss Ji." When Zhan Yunzhu spoke again, there was a rare sense of hesitation in his tone. And this hesitation is like the prudence and anxiety of young people when facing emotional matters.

Ji Wanyou had never seen him like this before, so she was a little dazed for a moment.

Until he saw him take out a pearl hairpin from his sleeve.

The body of the hairpin is red gold, the head of the hairpin is made of sapphire as leaves, the lotus petals are carved out of clear white jade, the red gold branches are extended, and a few small white pearls are inlaid on the top.

"This pearl hairpin was bought by chance. It's not worth a lot of silver. I'm afraid I don't think it's worthy of you, so I haven't been able to give it away for a long time."

Hearing this voice, Ji Wanyou almost held her breath, looked at the pearl hairpin between his slender fingers, and asked in a low voice: "This is... for me?"

"I just don't know if Miss Ji is willing to accept it?"

There seemed to be fireworks blooming in the girl's heart, a smile appeared on her cheeks, and she nodded slightly: "I like it very much."

There was no reason why she wouldn't like what he gave her, and it sounded like something full of heart.

But this intention...is it true?

Before Ji Wanyou had time to think about it, she had already taken the hairpin. The body of the hairpin was warm and cool, as if there was a trace of the warmth of his palm.

She slowly clenched the pearl hairpin tightly, only to hear his gentle but firm voice above her head.

"Now that I have a low official position, I can offer very little, but in the future, I will definitely give you the best."

At this moment, Ji Wanyou was even a little absent-minded.

Is this... after making a promise to her?

Today's abnormality is because he wants to express his heart to her?

If it was said that the relationship between the two of them was like a fog in the past, causing her to be uncertain but unable to bear the fantasy in her heart, then now, it seems to be completely clear.

His heart was clearly laid out in front of her...

And in the next moment, she seemed to smell the faint fragrance of dark agarwood on his body, and as he gently embraced her in his arms, this faint fragrance lingered in her nose and entangled in her breath.

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