Wishful Things

Chapter 437 Pass it on

Ji Wanyou closed her eyes tremblingly, feeling this hug greedily.

The one holding her is the person she admires and likes.

"Wan'er, don't worry, I will definitely make adults change their views on me as soon as possible, and make adults believe that I am someone worthy of entrusting you."

Not only the promise, but also his determination and sincerity seemed to be handed over to her at this moment.

Ji Wanyou nodded slowly: "Okay...Brother Zhan, I believe in you."

After embracing each other quietly for a while, Zhan Yunzhu slowly let go, looking at the girl's blushing cheeks and bright eyes, he said slowly: "Wan'er, I won't let you wait too long of."

Meeting these sincere eyes, Ji Wanyou nodded again.

In her heart, she is really willing to believe in him, and she really hopes that everything he promised can be realized as soon as possible. He will make her father change, he will help her father support the Ji family, and they will become a real family As a man, he no longer has to face the difficult and dangerous calculations in the officialdom alone.

What a day it was.

Whoever it is, I'm afraid they are all willing and looking forward to it, and Mr. Zhan should be no exception.

Ji Wanyou said to herself sentence by sentence, as if she was persuading herself to let go of those doubts - she will spend a lot of time with Brother Zhan in the future, she will be able to tell the truth from the truth from the false.

The two talked again, and Ji Wanyou asked about his current situation in the palace with concern, and what difficulties he had.

Zhan Yunzhu only said that everything is fine.

Ji Wanyou saw this picture of announcing good things but not bad ones, and not taking the opportunity to make any demands on her, and couldn't help but believe him even more in her heart.

"By the way, speaking of which, there is one thing that you need to hand over to your lord, Wan'er."

While Zhan Yunzhu was speaking, he took out a plain blue sachet from his sleeve.

"This is……"

"Wan'er doesn't know something. It seems that His Majesty's surroundings are not very clean recently. He often summons the national teacher to exorcise evil spirits." Zhan Yunzhu patiently explained: "I asked the national teacher secretly, and I found out that your majesty has been haunted by ominous people on a daily basis. Disturbed by evil spirits, those who are close to His Majesty are also easily infected with this evil spirit—”

Ji Wanyou was a little surprised.

She has always been skeptical about these ghosts, gods and evil things, and she can't be said to be convinced, but it is said that the current national teacher does have some abilities that are beyond ordinary people.

"These two sachets are gifts from the national teacher. In addition to the cinnabar, Qianbufeng and other things that have the effect of exorcising evil spirits, there are also exorcism charms drawn by the national teacher. I have been carrying one of them with me recently. Zhan Yunzhu said: "This one was originally intended to be used by adults, but I haven't found a chance to give it to adults in the past two days."

Ji Wanyou smiled when she heard the words: "Brother Zhan has a heart."

Ordinarily, this kind of thing, I would rather believe it than believe it. My father often walks around in front of the imperial court, so it doesn't hurt to have one on him.

"It's just that if the adults know that I gave it to you, I'm afraid they will be angry and don't want to take it with them." Zhan Yunzhu said half-jokingly.

"It doesn't matter, I will tell my father that I gave it to him." Ji Wanyou took the sachet in her hand and said with a smile: "In this way, he will definitely take it with him."

Zhan Yunzhu smiled and nodded: "Alright."

Seeing Ji Wanyou put away the sachet, he said softly just now: "I should go back, and I will discuss matters with your lords later."

Ji Wanyou nodded.

She has to go back soon, if her father wakes up and finds that she is not there, she will be in trouble again.

Ji Wanyou watched Zhan Yunzhu turn around, but saw him walk a few steps, stop again, turned to look at her: "Wan'er, do you have time tonight?"

"There should be."

Zhan Yunzhu smiled warmly and affectionately: "I was still here that night, waiting for you to come and enjoy the moon together - until you come."

Ji Wanyou nodded slightly: "Okay..."

Since he invites her, she will definitely find a way to come out.

Seeing Zhan Yunzhu's back gradually disappear from sight, the smile on Ji Wanyou's face faded a little bit.

For some reason, she was indeed happy, but she always felt that there was always a huge rock in her heart, and no matter how she tried to persuade herself, she couldn't move the huge rock away.

And everything that happened today was as unrealistic as a dream to her.

Is it because it was so sudden that all the doubts in her heart hadn't been dispelled yet?

Especially those words that Miss Xu said to her in the palace that night, she memorized them almost verbatim in her heart, and she recalled them over and over again every day—it was because she had thought about them for too long that she couldn't get them out of her mind for a while. go?

Thinking of this, Ji Wanyou thoughtfully took out the sachet from her sleeve, and gently held it in her hand.

There seems to be wormwood added to the sachet, and the faint fragrance penetrates into the nose, as if it can clear the mind.


As the sun rose gradually, the Empress Dowager got up an hour later than usual.

It's not true that I've just slept until now, as I'm getting older, I can't fall asleep at a fixed time every day, but as a frail old lady, after being frightened like last night, she still has to be a little bit tired. Just look frightened.

Therefore, after the empress dowager woke up on time early in the morning, she lay on the bed and read a picture book for an hour before getting up to meet the daughters-in-law who came to pay their respects.

The Queen, Concubine Rong, Concubine Jing, Concubine Yan, and Princess Sangyun all came.

Princess Jingrong also came here early. After waiting for a while, she couldn't sit still when she heard that she was still awake, so she ran out to catch butterflies. Princess Yufeng had no choice but to follow. The son didn't know where he went.

The Queen Mother sat down with the support of Nanny Lan, and began to respond to the concerned inquiries of her daughters-in-law one by one.

Before the daughters-in-law had time to finish their rounds, they suddenly saw a court lady walking in from outside the hall, saluted and announced that it was Princess Xiang who had come.

Concubine Rong sneered in her heart.

The king of Xiang is being restrained now, how can the concubine of Xiang have the nerve to come to the queen mother?

In this regard, the empress dowager's opinion is different.

What the old man thinks is - the king of Xiang is grounded, how can the concubine of Xiang come out and walk around? It seems that the emperor's oral order is not strict.

But it's all here, so it's not easy to drive people out.

What everyone didn't expect was that after entering the hall, Princess Xiang, who was usually quite hot-tempered, didn't even say a word of greetings.

First, he spoke for his lord, insisting that his lord must be innocent.

Then I did not forget to defend Concubine Sun: "...You know the character of Concubine Tai, how could she do such a thing? She must have been framed by someone and used as a scapegoat by the real murderer." ...This matter is very important, and I beg you to let the prince and the concubine make the decision!"

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