Wishful Things

Chapter 570 Arrogance

—was hanged? !

Ji Dong's eyes changed.

The dozen or so ordinary people who watched outside the hall were also extremely surprised—it was such a huge bustling scene that in the past, it would have been crowded if they wanted to grab a good seat, but now it only attracted a dozen or so people, which shows the hearts of the people in Beijing. uneasy.

"...Could it be that the Xia family did it?"

"Isn't this a disregard for human life!"

"This family really deserves to go to the 18th floor of hell!"

"Our Daqing is rotten because of the presence of such officials!"

Now that the Xia family is about to collapse, and there is turmoil everywhere, the common people no longer have the scruples they used to have when talking and scolding the powerful.

In other words, scolding the powerful has also become an outlet for venting emotions-although the truth is not yet conclusive, let's scold first and then talk about it.

Ji Dong glanced at the people who looked angry and resentful, and sighed in his heart, this is the most hostile class he has ever brought.

Usually, the people around the crowd watching the excitement, cursing and scolding, but it's not such an atmosphere at all - but if you pay close attention, it's not hard to find that these people watching the excitement don't even eat melon seeds! This has obviously lost the original intention of watching the excitement!

As we all know, the excitement of not eating melon seeds seems to be soulless.

Although the details are small, they can also get a glimpse of people's hearts.

The Xia family deserves to be scolded, but now all the people are so hostile, even with agitated and ferocious faces, but it is not a good thing... It is precisely because of this hostility that evil things happen frequently in the city.

The breeding of hostility comes from the long-standing anger and fear.

Therefore, it is not the fault of the people, but the fault of those in power.

The scolding continued, and Ji Dong slapped the gavel, sternly signaling Mrs. Lu to speak in detail.

"...After my little girl's accident, I suspected that there was something wrong with it, so I have been investigating the matter secretly. Fortunately, the heavens paid off, or the heavens couldn't bear to let my poor child die inexplicably, A few days ago, I finally found the Wen woman who delivered Yao'er back then!"

"I found him in the countryside... After receiving the money, Mrs. Wen felt guilty and hid back to her hometown in Jing County early... After being questioned by my master, she told the truth out of guilt!"

"It turned out that the little girl gave birth smoothly that night, but when she was weak when she gave birth, her cruel mother-in-law, Mrs. Xue, the wife of the Xia family, ordered two women to hang her to death in the delivery room!"

The woman was beyond grief: "My poor Yao'er... I don't know how scared I should be before I die! I think I shouldn't have agreed to this marriage in the first place!"

There is not a day she does not regret now!

Listening to these, Ji Dong couldn't help but think about the difference in his mind.

Since the Lu family had long suspected that there was something hidden about their daughter's death, if they wanted to seek justice for their daughter, why did they only bring it up today? How could the midwife be found at this time by such a coincidence?

But these two questions are just the subconscious thinking of the person handling the case, and after a little thought, you will understand.

People are alive, no one is alone, how can there be so many so-called fighting.

Previously, the Xia family was very powerful, and the accidents of the children in the family failed to shake Xia Shoufu's position in the court. It is not incomprehensible that the Lu family was discouraged by this.

Even if the Lu family had the idea of ​​clinging to the Xia family through marriage, it is impossible for someone's daughter to be willing to be sent to be killed at will after working so hard to raise her.

The lonely and brave are admirable, but the cowardly should not be criticized—the ones who should be cast aside should not be those who dare not open their mouths to ask for justice because they are afraid of power, but the perpetrators.

The sufferer wants to seek justice, but with him, it doesn't matter whether it's sooner or later.

As long as it is the truth, he has the responsibility to investigate thoroughly. As for the balance of the pros and cons of the Lu family, and even whether they have secretly reached a consensus with the hostile members of the Xia family, these are beyond his control.

In order to seek his own government in his position, he only needs to handle the case according to the rules.

Therefore, Ji Dong didn't say much else, and only asked the woman in the hall who was crying and crying: "Since it was hanged, there must be evidence on the neck bone of the corpse. Are you willing to open the coffin for an autopsy to prove the truth?" Are the midwife’s words true or false?”

"Yes! I am willing! As long as I can find out the cause of the little girl's death!" The woman's eyes suddenly became firm, and she kowtowed: "I beg you to uphold justice for the little girl!"

Ji Dong nodded, and immediately gave orders.

Accompanied by the Lu family, the servants in Xia's ancestor's tomb did not dare to stop him.

Shovelfuls of loess were thrown up, and the deeply buried coffin gradually revealed its original outline.

After the coffin was opened, Wu Zuo inserted three sticks of yellow incense into the incense burner, and then went forward to inspect it.

When it was getting late, Wu Zuo and his party returned to the yamen, and brought back certain news—the second youngest mistress of the Xia family, Mrs. Lu, had indeed died by hanging.

Ji Dong slightly raised his fingers under the official robe.


With such an easy means of leaving clues, should he say that the murderer was too stupid and careless?


This is not stupid.

This is madness!

He was so arrogant that he thought that there was no need to cover up, and concluded that no one would dare to ask about this matter.

The only one who can complain for the Lu family is the Lu family, but before this time, did the Lu family dare to say a word?

Even after their daughter died, they probably never even had the chance to see the dead body.

In the hall, Mrs. Lu's wife heard the results brought back by Wu Zuo, and passed out in grief.

Ji Dong ordered someone to help him to rest in the cubicle, and then asked someone to invite a doctor.

Next, it's time to summon Mrs. Xue, the wife of the Xia family——

Looking at the back of the official who was ordered to leave, Ji Dong sighed in his heart.

Every one of the Xia family is really capable of doing evil.

If it was placed in a peaceful year, this family alone would be able to contract him for a whole year's performance in serious cases--this family, maybe there are evil ghosts crawling out of the underworld alive?


The dark night pressed against the twilight that was about to dissipate, and the sky and the earth showed a chaotic and intertwined color.

The lamps have just been turned on in the outer study of the Xia Mansion.

Xia Tingzhen sat behind the desk, her face tensed, and she slowly closed her eyes.

Ever since the Lu family went to the Yamen, the news had already reached his ears.

But he can't do anything to obstruct it, let alone stop the officials from opening the coffin for autopsy, but if he dares to stop, it's not just as simple as not calling himself——

During these years in the court, he was unstoppable all the way, but it was not that no one dared to stop, but those who stood in front of him were all eliminated by him one by one.

Therefore, even apart from Duke Zhen and Ji Xiu, there are many people who are looking forward to his death. These people are like water ghosts. Then Qiqi stretched out his hand to drag him into the water!

Things about the Lu family are not that simple.

There are countless pairs of eyes staring at him behind this, waiting for him to do something, and then using it as fuel to make the fire even bigger.

He couldn't have thrown himself into a trap—

But he didn't expect that Mrs. Xue would be so stupid, no--crazy, that she hanged people to death!

"My lord, I'm afraid the official errands from the Beijing Yamen will arrive soon..." The housekeeper who came to pass the message reminded in a low voice.

Xia Tingzhen opened her eyes.

At this time, a servant walked in quickly: "Master, the uncle accompanied his wife over here..."

This is the first chapter, the second chapter will be later ^_^

It's a new cover, isn't it festive?

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