Wishful Things

Chapter 571: Late

Xia Tingzhen frowned.

How did this lunatic Xue get out of the yard?

After Xi'er's incident, he saw that Xue's words and deeds became more and more abnormal, so he restrained Xue's feet, and did not allow her to appear in front of others, in order to avoid trouble caused by this crazy woman's unrestrained speech.

But even so, trouble still came to her today.

"Father is in the study?"

Faintly hearing the eldest son's voice, Xia Tingzhen got up from behind the desk and walked out of the study.

There is a lantern hanging under the corridor in the courtyard. It can be seen that a group of people are coming. The one in the front is Mrs. Xue. She is wearing a ginger-yellow embroidered dark-colored lotus pattern. Excited on the surface, his feet were fast and somewhat staggering, and he walked forward with the support of a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was none other than Xia Xuan, Xia Tingzhen's eldest son.


Seeing Xia Tingzhen standing at the foot of the stone steps, Xia Xuan let go of Xue's hand and saluted with some anxiety.

"Who allowed you to bring her here—" Xia Tingzhen looked at the eldest son coldly.

Xia Xuan hurriedly said: "Yes... it was the mother who broke out from the courtyard after hearing about the Lu family's affairs, saying that she had something important to tell father... the son was worried, so she came here."

"I'm here to ask the master how he plans to deal with me!" Xue's face was angry, but her tone was full of sarcasm: "...do you intend to treat Han'er the same way, or like Xi'er!"

"Mother..." Xia Xuan's face turned pale when she heard this, and she reached out to grab Xue Shi's arm, but she threw it away heavily.

Her red eyes were fixed on Xia Tingzhen.

Xia Tingzhen was also looking at her, and ordered to the butler beside her, "Everyone go and watch outside the courtyard."

The housekeeper agreed, and quickly retreated with the servants who had nothing to do.

"You were the one who hanged Mrs. Lu to death—" Xia Tingzhen asked with a chill in his eyes.

"So what if it's me! It's her, damn it!" Xue Shi gritted her teeth: "This bitch couldn't get away with Han'er's affairs back then! My Han'er is dead, so what right does she have to be alive?!"

Xia Xuan couldn't help frowning.

Since the second brother's accident, the mother has become increasingly gloomy and extreme, as if she has completely changed herself.

Does this also mean that the second brother holds the most weight in the mother's heart?

"Han'er suffered such torture before she died...but I just asked someone to strangle her to death, which is already taking advantage of her! I let her go down to stay with Han'er, this is her luck!"

Looking at the woman with a ferocious face, Xia Tingzhen paused every word in a deep voice: "It's hopeless——"

Mrs. Xue laughed sarcastically: "I am hopeless? Yes, I am naturally not as important as the master! My own son died without a single tear!...Why do you pretend to be confused anymore? The matter of Mrs. Lu , do you really know nothing about it? Do you really think she died of dystocia? To put it bluntly, you just think that it will not hinder you, so you just ignore it!"

"Just like you treat Han'er!"

"Han'er did what he did in secret, have you never been aware of it? If you could correct and remind him in time, how could he have come to that step! Don't you, as a father, have no responsibility for what he did!" Xue questioned sentence by sentence: "But what have you done? You will only push him out mercilessly when trouble arises! You even stepped on his body and drank his blood to show How loyal you are, how righteously you kill relatives!"

"Xia Tingzhen...my son and my daughter were all killed by you! You will have retribution!"

As Xue Shi said, his expression changed suddenly, and he burst into a smile: "No, your retribution has already come! Did you see it? Finally, even the heavens can't tolerate you!"

Xia Tingzhen pursed her lips straight.

Han'er is the child he watched grow up, and he is the most satisfied child, will he not feel pain?

But what does it matter if it hurts or not?

Do you want him to disregard the entire Xia family for the sake of one Han'er?

Or let him be like this crazy woman, immersed in Han'er's death all day long, go crazy, and forget everything!

As the head of the family, the survival of the entire Xia family is on his shoulders, and he has never had any choice.

Xia Tingzhen's eyes were red, and her voice was firm: "Everything I do is for the Xia family!"

"Whose Xia family is it for? My son is gone, my daughter is gone, is this still a home! You have always been for yourself!" Xue cried and laughed: "It's a pity, your Xia family also wants to go home!" You can't keep it, you have planned for so many years, but you still came to this step in the end..."

As he spoke, he suddenly walked forward: "Why don't we go to Han'er? Master, that's your own flesh and blood, don't you miss him? Since you can't be a family anymore, why don't you go down and reunite together?" ..."

While she was speaking, she was about to come in front of Xia Tingzhen, a pair of sharp scissors suddenly appeared in her left hand covered by the wide sleeve, and stabbed at Xia Tingzhen!

"Father beware!"

Xia Xuan exclaimed in shock, while quickly stepping forward to stop her.

Xia Tingzhen frowned and dodged sideways, and the personal attendant who was guarding the side had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and stepped forward to stop Xue Shi.

Xue Shi failed to succeed in the stab, and became more and more frantic, pushing away the attendant with all his strength before rushing forward again.

In order to avoid the scissors in Xue's hands, the entourage turned to one side. Xue rushed to the air, unsteady on his feet, and fell to the ground suddenly, his head and face hit the stone steps heavily, and the red rope scissors in his hand flew away. go out.

Xia Xuan quickly stepped forward and squatted down to help him up. When she saw Xue's head and face covered with blood, she was shocked and her voice trembled: "Mother..."

In this year's situation, Xue's defeat was not only mental, but also physical.

She was so thin that only a handful of bones were left, and when she fell on her head, she could hardly stand up.

But as if she didn't feel the pain, she broke away from the support of her eldest son, moved her body with difficulty, and reached out to get the pair of scissors again.

Still trembling in his mouth, he murmured: "... Let's go to Han'er for a reunion... Master, have you forgotten that when Han'er was young, you also carried him on your shoulders and hugged him to read... ...but since the emperor came to the throne, you have changed day by day...you only have those power struggles in your eyes, and your heart is so cold..."

As he spoke, there was sadness in his voice: "I shouldn't have gone to Beijing in the first place... I shouldn't have gotten involved in these fights..."

Xue's eyes were scarlet, and when she was about to touch the pair of scissors, Xia Tingzhen slowly bent down and picked it up.

"Yu Niang, you know it's too late."

There is no possibility of turning back from the beginning of this road.

Even if he is the only one left, he still has to move forward.

Yu Niang...

Yu Niang...

Hearing this familiar but unfamiliar address, big tears suddenly welled up in Xue's eyes, rushing away the madness, she raised her head vigorously, propped up her upper body, and stared at him closely: "No, it's not too late !Master, I don’t blame you, I don’t hate you anymore... Let’s go see Han’er now! I really miss him so much, I think about it every day, shall we go now?!”

Xia Tingzhen turned her head slightly, looked at her followers, and said in a low and slow voice, "Let her go more quickly...and suffer less pain."


Good night everyone.

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