Wishful Things

Chapter 604: Green From the Inside Out

"Yue Pei..." Li Ji felt as if he had heard the name somewhere: "Who is this person?"

Thinking of Yue Pei's crimes and his involvement with Xia Tingzhen, Zhao Guo broke out in cold sweat, opened his mouth and couldn't speak for a while: "Yes..."

"Say it!" Wang Tong was so annoyed that he almost drew his sword.

An emperor who is violent and repeated is enough for him, why even this bastard makes him more difficult!

"That's...it's the one who accompanied Zhou Shilang to welcome Zhenguo...to welcome Xu Qiwei back to the capital, and was ordered by Xia Tingzhen to assassinate Xu Qiwei!" Zhao Guo's voice was almost crying: "Not long ago he was transferred to the imperial prison. I was an old acquaintance with him in the past. He repeatedly begged me to send this object to the palace. I agreed in a moment of soft-heartedness...My lord, Mr. Ji, I I really just ran errands for him, and I don't know the rest!"

Li Ji narrowed his eyes slightly.

Yue Pei...

It turned out to be this person.

What he said sounded familiar, when Lord Zhen Guo returned to Beijing that day, he mentioned this person's name in the hall.

And although it was His Majesty's intention to assassinate Duke Zhen at the beginning, it was found out later that this person was indeed Xia Tingzhen's.

Xia Tingzhen's people are now in prison...

But he tried every means to give this object to Concubine Rong...

Li Ji glanced at Zhao Guo who admitted his mistake and begged for mercy.

This stupid thing must not know what happened to Concubine Rong, otherwise he would not have the guts to bring this thing into the palace.

It is even more impossible to know that the person named Yue Pei is in prison.

Under such circumstances, this move is worthy of careful consideration...

In a short moment, Li Ji thought a lot.

At this time, an inner eunuch came out of the hall quickly, took a look at the situation outside the hall, and said to Li Ji in a low voice: "Your Majesty feels that there is a lot of noise outside the hall, and because of this, he feels uneasy, so he asked this servant to come and see..."

Li Ji slightly nodded.

His Majesty's original words must not have been said in this way, and the beginning must have been at least "Who is making a noise outside the palace, and they will all be pulled down and killed by the stick"...

These days, whoever, what, and the slightest movement is enough to make His Majesty feel uneasy, and the number of maids and eunuchs serving in the Hall of Mental Cultivation have changed.

Li Ji sighed in his heart, thinking that there must be troubles in the future, he said to the eunuch who came out: "Stay here and watch, I will go and talk to His Majesty."

"Yes." The internal monitor heaved a sigh of relief, he really didn't dare to go back.

"Take this person down first, and watch carefully." Li Ji confessed when he turned around.

Zhang Neijian came down and ordered Zhao Guo to be taken to the Criminal Division.

"My lord... My lord, save me!" Zhao Guo's face was as white as paper: "This subordinate really doesn't know anything!"

Wang Tong's face was livid.

save him?

Now he wished he could unscrew the opponent's dog's head!

This careless thing is dead and dead, if it really caused him any trouble, it would be really bad!

"His Majesty……"

Li Ji turned back to the bedroom and saluted in front of the bed.

"Could it be that my Hall of Mental Cultivation has become a vegetable market now! How do you cook!" Emperor Qingming sat on the head of the bed, although his bun was still neatly combed, but in just one month, the sideburns had already sprouted. Gray hair. The cheeks that originally looked like Zhou Zheng showed a sharp feeling due to weight loss, and a pair of gloomy eyes were stained with black and blue.

"It's my negligence that disturbed Your Majesty, please punish me." Li Ji first admitted his mistake, and then said in a low voice: "It's just this slave who heard the news from his subordinates - it has been verified that he went to the palace with the king's commander today to face the saint." A family named Zhao secretly wanted to bribe the inner eunuch to send this item to Yongfu Palace, please take a look at it..."

While speaking, he presented things with both hands.

When Emperor Qingming heard the word "Yongfu Palace", his face darkened.

That bitch still seems to be hiding something!

"When did the police officers collude with the Rong family!"

"Your Majesty, please don't get angry. It seems that this Zhao Baihu was bribed by others..." Li Ji roughly repeated what Zhao Guo just confessed.

"Yue Pei? Is this person still alive?" Emperor Qingming had a certain impression of the Beijing Camp Qianzong who he had sent to Dongyuan City to work in the past—the impression of a trash bag!

"Yes, presumably it was to track down the whereabouts of Xia Tingzhen's 200,000 taels of silver, so that it was kept until today." Li Ji guessed: "This person is in a desperate situation, and this time I entrusted the police to send it to Concubine Rong. , most likely with the intention of asking for help."

It's just that this so-called call for help is a bit unusual no matter how you look at it...

Emperor Qingming looked at the two bloody sackcloths that Li Ji placed on the bedside table and supported by a blue cloth.

It should have been torn from the prison uniform, on it there was only a big "Pei" character traced in blood, and it was torn in two.

It was indeed like calling for help.

But behind the pleading for help, there seemed to be some kind of threat of death——


Emperor Qingming lowered his eyes in thought.

Even though the Rong family really colluded with Xia Tingzhen in secret, but now that Xia Tingzhen is dead, and Yue Pei is a small head of the Beijing camp, how can he have the confidence to ask the Rong family for help?

What else are you going to use to threaten the Rong family?

——Tell the plot between the Rong family and Xia Tingzhen?

No, even if Yue Pei is Xia Tingzhen's person, but his position is low, presumably he is just a pawn in Xia Tingzhen's hands, Xia Tingzhen is always cautious, why would he let the other party know about his plan with the Rong family?

And since Yuepei would ask Rong for help, it means that he doesn't know what happened to Rong...

That being the case, in his eyes, the Rong family is still the noble concubine Rong who is above ten thousand people... Even though he knew that the Rong family had some contacts with Xia Tingzhen, but with the current status of the Rong family, he really thought that this matter alone would be able to force the Rong family to marry her. concession? Isn't he afraid that if the threat fails, he will be silenced by the Rong family instead?

Or does he have other handles of the Rong family?

Emperor Qingming's gaze was fixed on the word "Pei"——

It's even a word, not a last name...

How could a chief executive of the Beijing camp come from such a firm belief that the noble concubine in the deep palace would know who he was?

Unless these two people knew each other before, or even acquainted each other!

In front of Emperor Qingming's eyes flashed the young man's tall and straight figure, his resolute face...

This person is about the same age as the Rong family!

At this moment, out of a man's intuition, Emperor Qingming only felt that a huge boulder was suddenly pressed down on his heart, throwing out a guess that he couldn't calm down!

Li Ji quietly glanced at the emperor's face.

He just said, this matter is in front of his eyes, but any normal man would not be without guessing...

No, it should be said—he, a man who is not so normal, has thoughts, let alone normal.

"Li Ji..." Emperor Qingming's gaze was still fixed on the two pieces of linen, and when he spoke again, there was no fluctuation in Shen Ji's tone.

"The slave is here."

"I order you to thoroughly investigate all the details about Yue Pei within two days—"

"Yes, I obey." Li Ji knew the key to the word "details", so he didn't dare to look at the emperor's face, and walked out slowly with his head bowed.

The palace wanted to thoroughly investigate the details of a mere Yue Pei, so there was nothing he couldn't find out.

It didn't even take two days, when the sky was getting dark the next day, Li Ji brought all the news back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"...Your Majesty knew about the early departure of his father... After his father passed away, his family fell into ruin. This Yue Pei failed in his attempt to get an official career, and then went to work in the Beijing camp..."

"Later, he was promoted to President Qian because he was appreciated by the deputy general Fang in the camp at that time. This deputy general secretly regarded him as Xia Tingzhen's person... But the servant has carefully checked and found out that Yue Pei was not considered top-notch in the camp... "

In this way, the so-called "appreciation" word obviously has another meaning.

"I checked several people who were close to Yuepei again and again, and they all said that when Yuepei was promoted, there were a lot of speculations in the camp, but even Yuepei himself was very surprised..."

Just based on the family background of the Yue family at that time, it is not enough to ask Yue Pei to spend a lot of money to clear up the relationship.

Therefore, this "appreciation" was offered by Deputy General Fang, or Xia Tingzhen.

"...Keep talking!" Emperor Qingming had just finished drinking the medicine, and his face, which had improved a little, sank again.

Seeing this expression, Li Ji considered it for a while, and said more tactfully: "This old house of the Yue family happens to be in Dingkang Square behind Tonghua Hutong..."

Emperor Qingming squeezed out a sneer from between his teeth.

Tonghua Hutong...

Where is the Rong family!

"Based on this, the Rong family and this person must be old acquaintances!"

But all the time, beautiful women would check carefully before entering the palace, and the Rong family was indeed innocent when entering the palace...

If she really had an affair with this person, it must be after entering the palace!

After entering the palace...

A childish face flashed in front of his eyes, Emperor Qingming seemed to have a raging fire in his heart, which was crazily rising and scorching every part of his internal organs.

Since entering the palace, the Rong family has almost never left the palace alone...

With Yue Pei's position here, there is absolutely no chance of entering the palace!

And when did the Rong family become pregnant with Zhang'er?

In the spring of last year, Guangming Temple prayed for blessings!

He remembers clearly...

At that time, the Rong family was not very eye-catching among the concubines. After entering the palace for several years, he didn't bother to pay attention to his stomach if his stomach didn't move. But that time when he was praying at Guangming Temple...

After the blessing was over, the night before he left Guangming Temple, when he was reviewing the memorial at night, Mrs. Rong came to see him on the grounds that he had copied the prayer scriptures by himself...

Since then, less than two months after returning to the palace, Rong was diagnosed with pregnancy!

"At the beginning of last year, I went to Guangming Temple to pray for blessings... Is Yue Pei in the company?! Check the roster for me immediately!" Emperor Qingming looked at Li Ji, his eyes were like a sharp knife.

"..." Li Ji paused.

This... has been checked on purpose.

As thoughtful as he is, he can give His Majesty an answer now.

"Returning to Your Majesty, this matter has already been verified. During the trip to Guangming Temple, the Beijing camp also sent people to accompany it, and Yuepei... was among them."

The veins in the corners of Emperor Qingming's eyes were bulging, and his clenched teeth were trembling slightly.


He was overjoyed for it, and regarded it as a gift from God...!

"And it's worth mentioning that... this Yuepei has not yet married a wife, and he is still alone on the surface, but in fact he has secretly raised a woman and already has a son." Li Ji continued: "It's just that those who know about this matter don't know. Many, the mother and son had already secretly left the capital when Yue Pei's accident happened."

Emperor Qingming's tightly clenched teeth were filled with the smell of iron rust, but upon hearing this sentence, he burst out laughing again.

"Okay...you are really my good teacher!"

If he couldn't figure it out at this moment, he would be damn stupid!

We knew each other before entering the palace...

Meet again in Guangming Temple!

None of this is accidental!

Xia Tingzhen gave appreciation and promotion...

Yue Pei has never married a wife for a long time...

It's all planned for a long time!

His teacher is not only used to looking for the long-term for himself, but also always likes to arrange everything "properly" for him!

Seeing that he was worried about his heirs, he secretly prepared such a big gift for him to relieve his urgent needs!

Putting yourself in his shoes...he should really thank him!

To die in prison so easily is really not enough to express his "thank you". His good teacher really deserves the fate of digging his grave and flogging his corpse!

That bitch of the Rong family is not enough to satisfy the hatred in his heart!

Fortunately, she was still stubborn, and only said that the poisoning was coerced by Xia Tingzhen - claiming that Xia Tingzhen threatened the life of Zhang'er, no, that bastard, and forced her to kill the king!

When he heard it, he felt extremely absurd.

A person who has already been thrown into prison, how can he use to coerce her!

But besides the absurdity, he was even more puzzled. He didn't understand why the Rong family had to do this...She was the prince's son, mother and concubine. The superior, but it is too impatient!

The prince is very weak, how can he have the spare energy to compete with Zhang'er? !

If she took the risk of killing the king for this matter, it would be superfluous!

That's why he kept Rong Shi and tortured her slowly, in order to grind out the whole truth——

Now he finally understands...

The original reason is here!

She was indeed trying to help Zhang'er to the top, because she knew that she was a bitch!

Xia Tingzhen decided to use this as a threat to make her determined to kill the king...

No, or more than that...

In order to deceive her, her adulterer has not married so far, and the intention is obviously to please her... From this, it can be seen that she probably cares about the adulterer's life and death, and killing him is also to save the adulterer!

In order to save the sweetheart, he would rather risk his life and risk the disapproval of the world... But he is really infatuated, and the world is moved!

That being the case, he doesn't mind being a good person once to fulfill her infatuation!

He will reunite this pair of lovers now!

Emperor Qingming suddenly got up from the Arhat bed, and the thin blanket with the pattern of two dragons playing with pearls woven with dark blue gold thread that covered his knees slipped down under his feet, and he also staggered two steps forward because he got up too violently. .

"His Majesty!"

Fortunately, Li Ji had quick eyesight and quick hands, and helped him in time.

The imperial physician has repeatedly confessed that the emperor cannot be stimulated, cannot be stimulated...

But... this is so exciting that I can't bear it!

Stimulation is not negotiable at all!

While helping people, I took a look at the emperor's face, and saw that the paleness was tinged with livid green, and the livid green was faintly green...

Really, green from the inside out.

"Follow me to Yongfu Palace!" Emperor Qingming, who hadn't stepped out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation for nearly a month, forced himself to move forward.

Li Ji subconsciously wanted to persuade.

If you want him to say, why is the emperor doing this?

Think your body doesn't break down fast enough?

Do you have to rush to find stimulation?

"Come here! Drive to Yongfu Palace!" Emperor Qingming ordered sharply, his eyes were terribly red.

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Li Ji stiffly due to his tense body: "Also... Prepare a generous gift for me! Take it to the noble concubine!"

Good night everyone.

(I did something very challenging for me today, I ate durian! It was my third attempt, this time I finally accepted it and thought it was quite delicious hahahaha)

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