Wishful Things

Chapter 605 Crazy


Inside Yongfu Palace, there was silence.

The palace people in it are no longer familiar faces. After the Taimiao incident, all the people in Yongfu Palace have been punished, tried, and died.

Now the one who controls Yongfu Palace is the newly assigned servant.

There is only one nun who "takes care" of Concubine Rong closely.

This nanny was surnamed Chang, about forty years old, with a long face, her hair was combed neatly and docilely, she walked steadily and quickly, with a sense of crispness everywhere.

She walked quickly into the empty bedroom, came to the couch and did not salute, but lowered her eyes slightly and said: "Your Majesty has arrived, please get up quickly to pick him up."

Concubine Rong, who was drowsy on the couch, suddenly opened her eyes when she heard this.

"Your Majesty is coming?!"

"Yes, ma'am, get up." Nanny Chang's tone was not very polite.

Concubine Rong didn't care about these things any longer, she got up on the bed with some difficulty, and staggered to the dressing table with bare feet.

In the finely crafted mercury mirror, a pale and haggard face with slightly sunken cheeks was reflected, and the loose hair was also frizzy, no longer as delicate and lively as before——

Concubine Rong suddenly panicked.


It is extremely difficult for the emperor to come here, and he must not let him see himself like this!

She must seize this opportunity!

Otherwise, what's the point of her staying up until now?

She wants to live!

Concubine Rong frantically went looking for makeup fans.

"Where's my rouge..."

"Where's my pearl hairpin?!"

"Quick...comb my hair!"

Nanny Chang looked at this scene with cold eyes: "Your Majesty, don't look for it anymore, these things have been put away."

One is that although the other party still has the name of a noble concubine, she no longer has the real status of a noble concubine, so those things are naturally useless.

The second is to prevent the opponent from trying to kill himself, so all the sharp objects have been removed early - but judging from the performance of the opponent these days, it is too much to worry about.

This noble concubine did not have any thoughts or courage to commit suicide at all.

She often wondered how such a person made up his mind to kill the king—it seemed that he was dazzled by some thoughts for a while, and he didn't realize his fear until he had tasted the bitter fruit.

"Then how can I do it..." Concubine Rong quickly combed her hair with her fingers, and then the black hair fell off as soon as she grabbed it, which made her look even more anxious.

The nearly one month of captivity and torture has brought her sanity to the verge of collapse.

At this time, the sound of footsteps came into the hall, and Emperor Qingming, who had a weak face and a tense expression, walked in with Li Ji's support.

Concubine Rong hurriedly turned her head to look over.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty!"

The moment her eyes caught Emperor Qingming, she rushed towards him immediately.

Seeing this, the two imperial guards who were at Emperor Qingming's side drew their swords to stop them.

Emperor Qingming raised his hand to signal that there was no need, and there was a hint of interest in his frosty eyes.

Concubine Rong knelt down in front of him, tightly clutching the corner of the dragon robe with both hands, and begged with her face up, "Your Majesty, you are finally willing to come and see the concubine! The concubine already knew she was wrong, and the concubine was confused for a while. It is only because they are too worried about Zhang'er's safety that they will be used by others! On the day of the Taimiao, the concubine did not just make up his mind to kill His Majesty... Even if the tea cup had not been broken, there is no way that the concubine would really do it Watch Your Majesty drink it!"

"The concubine is a dull person, her brain is not flexible, and she was stupid for a while... Now I know I was wrong! Please forgive the concubine this time for Zhang'er's sake!" She seemed Fearing that the emperor would not give her a chance to speak, she kept saying: "...the concubine would like to live in the cold palace forever, or the ancient Buddha with the blue lamp, and pray for His Majesty and Zhang'er every day, so as to atone for her sins!"

At the end of the sentence, he knocked his head heavily.

"Zhang'er..." Emperor Qingming laughed, and repeated in his mouth: "Zhang'er..."

He pulled out the arm supported by Li Ji, squatted down slowly, looked at Concubine Rong in front of him, and asked curiously: "You keep saying that you are worried about Zhang'er, but why come here, but only listen to you begging for mercy? And half a word did not ask about Zhang'er's current whereabouts?"

On the day of the Taimiao accident, the news of Zhang'er's captivity spread, and she must have heard about it on the way back to the palace.

Concubine Rong stopped kowtowing and looked up at him with tears in her eyes: "I know His Majesty will do everything possible to save Zhang'er! You won't leave him alone!"

Emperor Qingming raised his right hand to pinch her chin, stared at her closely, and said in a slow and cold voice, "Yes, Zhang'er is my own flesh and blood, how could I not save him...not only do I want to save him, but also I plan to appoint him as the crown prince so that I can take care of my Xie family for me in the future."

Concubine Rong pulled out a difficult smile, and hurriedly echoed: "Yes, although Zhang'er is still young, he looks like His Majesty in every way, and the palace people also say that he is smart and clever, and when he grows up, he will be able to relieve His Majesty's worries." of……"

Emperor Qingming laughed when he heard the words, and nodded: "Well said, like me!"

Sensing that he was pinching her chin with his fingers harder and harder, Concubine Rong wanted to frown in pain, but she still didn't dare to move.

Her injury is not on the surface, but inside...

She was fed the poison about ten days ago, and the poison would flare up every day, making her life worse than death, and her body worsened day by day.

The emperor didn't seem to believe her words, so he used this to force her to speak and tell the whole truth.

But that's something she can never say...

Once she said it, she would really have no way to survive, and what awaited her would be a terrible end dozens of times and hundreds of times compared to the current situation!

She has to live...

As long as she can survive the hurdle of the current emperor, when Zhang'er is found, she will still have a way to survive!

Even if he suffers in the cold palace for several years, Ke Zhang'er will grow up... He will definitely not ignore his mother and concubine!

As for Koshiro...

How Yuelang is now, whether he is still alive, she has not dared to think about it recently...

She kept telling herself that if she wanted to know what happened to Yue Lang, she had to get out of here alive!

As long as she is still alive, there is always something to think about!

If something really happened to Yue Lang, she would save her life to avenge him...!

Seeing that her eyes were full of pleading, Emperor Qingming asked with a smile: "Aifei really realizes her mistake and regrets it now?"

Concubine Rong nodded, choked with sobs and said: "Yes, the concubine really knew her mistake, and she regrets and suffers every day!"

"It looks like I really regret it..." Emperor Qingming pinched her chin, turned around, looked at her face, and said, "I just don't know whether the regret is for poisoning me or regretting myself. Too stupid, not thorough enough to kill Zhen and save your lover?"

"..." Concubine Rong's weak body became stiff in an instant, like a fish frozen on ice.

"Huh?" Emperor Qing Ming loosened his grip on her jaw, and patted her cheeks lightly twice.

Concubine Rong's breath was suffocated and loosened, and her voice was dry and hoarse: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty... I don't know what His Majesty's words mean..."

"I don't understand..." Emperor Qingming smiled understandingly, pulled out something from his bosom, and threw it in front of her eyes: "Let's have a look."

Concubine Rong lowered her eyes in a daze.

The two pieces of linen were stained with blood, but the most striking thing was the scarlet stroke——

One after another, one stroke of a stroke, the spelling is obviously a word "Pei" that she is very familiar with...

It's her Koshiro!

"He tried every means to entrust someone to send it to the palace. He specified that he would send it to Yongfu Palace and hand it over to Aifei..." Emperor Qingming smiled and said, "He is still waiting for Aifei to rescue him."

As he said that, the interest in his eyes became more and more intense: "I'm afraid he doesn't know how my concubine would take risks because of him, even dare to do such things as killing the king... Look at the bloody cloth that was torn in two, does it look like it?" Are you threatening Aifei?"

"My concubine took this risk because of him, and he hasn't revealed anything about the two of you until now. Fortunately, for his own survival, he would send this thing into the palace for help at the risk of dragging my concubine into the water..."

Emperor Qingming sneered, as if he was very puzzled: "Besides, this person's abilities are mediocre, but he is just a waste. Can my concubine tell me why he has a crush on him? How can he disregard his own life and the survival of his family and nine clans, and want to marry him?" Have sex with this person?"

"..." Concubine Rong's face was snow-white, she put her hands in front of her body, shook her head and said, "Where did your majesty hear the rumors, so that you suspect this concubine so far... It is true that the concubine is at fault first, but to God I swear, I have never betrayed His Majesty..."

As for Koshiro...

Yue Lang will never disregard her life and death!

He must have been terrified, and he would ask her for help when he was in a hurry!

Now that she is in this situation, she is still at a loss what to do, not to mention that Yue Lang has suffered so many unimaginable tortures... It is normal to have some hesitation for a while!

And since this object can be sent into the palace, then Yue Lang must still be alive!

Concubine Rong had complicated thoughts in her head, she was extremely afraid, but also had a trace of rejoicing.

But this luck is just like a bubble, it is vulnerable after all, she is very clear about what she and Yuepei need to face at the moment...

Facing the emperor's sight, she was overwhelmed by great fear. At this moment, she had only one thought - never admit it!

"Could it be that my concubine has more than one lover, that's why I can't remember who I said for a while?" Emperor Qingming could not see the slightest anger on his face, and turned his head slightly to tell Li Ji: "I brought it to my concubine What about the generous gift? Quickly show it to my concubine."

Li Ji answered "Yes" and lightly raised his hands to the two inner eunuchs guarding behind the curtain.

Two inner eunuchs came over each holding a box.

The two boxes were one long and one side was long, and the servant who had been holding them all the time had a sticky scarlet color hidden between the fingers of the bottom of the box.

"Look at this first." Emperor Qingming casually pointed to the long box.

The servant responded, knelt down and placed the box in front of Concubine Rong, and opened it.

Concubine Rong looked subconsciously, her eyes suddenly changed when she came into contact with the contents in the box.

That... that was obviously an arm!

She trembled with fright, sat slumped on the ground, and instinctively moved back in fear.

And even if it was just the first glance, it was enough for her to judge whose arm it was...

There is a crescent-shaped scar above the wrist of this arm...

That was inscribed by Yue Lang with a dagger after she handed herself over to Yue Lang in the middle of the moon in Guangming Temple that day!

He said that he wanted to remember that night forever, he said that the moonlight of this night, and her this night, were all gifts from God to him...

Concubine Rong's tears poured out uncontrollably from those eyes filled with disbelief.

What happened to Koshiro? !

"Do you remember it?" Emperor Qingming said with a smile: "It's okay if you don't recognize it, when Aifei sees this thing, she will be able to remember everything—"

As he spoke, he signaled the inner prisoner to open another box.

At this moment, Concubine Rong already had a premonition...

Even so, when he saw the contents of the box clearly, his face turned pale with fright, and he shrieked and backed away.




She looked panic-stricken and shook her head.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Qingming said: "Still not able to recognize it? Quickly bring it closer so that the noble concubine can identify it carefully."

With a pale face, the servant brought the box closer to Concubine Rong.

It's not that I haven't seen a pervert, but I haven't seen one as perverted as His Majesty...

Inside it was a bloody human head, Concubine Rong dared to look at it again, she was about to sit up in panic.

A big hand grabbed her hair violently.

Emperor Qingming grabbed her slender and weak neck with his other hand, forced her to turn her head, and said through gritted teeth, "What? Isn't this the lover you've been thinking about day and night? Why don't you dare look at it! I want you See enough!"

Concubine Rong shook her head desperately, struggling with tears streaming down her face, and sobbed in pain.

"Do you remember? How come you don't remember!" Emperor Qingming tried his best to suppress his anger, and he almost pressed Concubine Rong's head on that head: "...See clearly, this is The lover who has entangled with you!"

Concubine Rong closed her eyes tightly, but the bloody smell near the tip of her nose was still penetrating into her brain. The pain in her body and heart overwhelmed her little reason, and the emperor's humiliating words hit her little by little. broken down.

The last string in her brain finally broke.

She stretched out her hand violently and pushed away Emperor Qing Ming who was beside her.

"Your Majesty!" Li Ji and his servants rushed forward to help the emperor up.

Concubine Rong also stood up tremblingly, but she giggled wildly.

"That's right, Zhang'er is indeed not your child!" She looked at Emperor Qingming with hatred and sarcasm in her eyes, as if she was looking at a big joke: "Whether you can give birth to a child yourself, you Don't you know!"

"...I was less than 20 years old when I entered the palace, and you were lucky enough to fail to 'result' several times. After you decided that I could not help you extend your descendants, you abandoned me... Even the maids and eunuchs dared to give me shame Look, it is very difficult to find an imperial doctor when you are sick, and you can’t even get coals for heating in winter! The so-called effective work means that the current emperor is benevolent, but where is the benevolence!...Why? Why should I do this for you? The hypocritical, hypocritical and disgusting old man withered to death in this deep palace?!"

"Every moment I was with Yue Lang, I was extremely happy! Whenever I saw Ba Yue Lang, I felt sick even if you were half a step closer, especially between the beds, it made me sick every time! You still have to pretend to be happy, I don't know how tiring it is!"

Nanny Chang, who had been trying her best not to show any abnormality and minimized her sense of presence, changed her expression.

God, such words... She can hear them too? !

Thanks to book friend 20201228180837914 for the reward of 5,000 coins, and thanks to book friends such as Qinghan, Lu Mouyu, and Yuan Qinse in Yu Sui Yue Jing Hao for their rewards.

Thank you for your monthly pass.

Good night.

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