Wishful Things

Chapter 606 It's just a matter of death

Li Ji was also terrified, and didn't even dare to see the emperor's reaction.

The imperial concubine's words are more poisonous than the poison in the tea that day...!

Emperor Qingming was trembling with anger.

"You brazen slut!"

He struggled to push away the support of Li Ji and the servants, drew out a long knife from the waist of a guard, and slashed at Concubine Rong with unsteady feet.

His hand could barely grasp the handle of the knife.

Concubine Rong, who was on the verge of madness, couldn't dodge completely in time, and the knife was barely scratched on her right arm.

But at this time, the pain that was worse than the scratch started to spread from her abdomen to the viscera.

Her figure bent down little by little until she fell to the ground and curled up into a ball.

This is the poison in her body started to attack again!

Almost every day is this hour!

But in this short moment, cold sweat soaked through her shirt.

"You want to provoke me to kill you?!" Emperor Qingming looked down at her with his sword in his hand, and smiled angrily, "Are you so anxious to go down and reunite with that adulterer?!"

"..." Concubine Rong raised her eyes and looked straight at him, her face was a bit hideous due to the pain, she wanted to speak but couldn't make a full voice, but her eyes were still full of resentment and sarcasm.

Now that the matter has come to this point, she knows very well that she has no chance of surviving!

The emperor will never let her go!

The lover is dead, and the child is not in the palace... Rather than waiting to be tortured by the emperor in every possible way, it is better to have a good time!

At this moment, knowing that there was no chance of life anymore, no longer thinking about how to survive, no longer thinking about how to get the emperor's forgiveness, and having no way out and consideration, she felt that she was not afraid at all.

She just felt pain, a lot of pain.

She just wanted to end all this pain as soon as possible and go to see Yue Lang...

It won't hurt when I see Koshiro...

In this short life, both she and Yue Lang had suffered too much. If it weren't for her, Koshiro might not have ended up like this...

If he hadn't met her, he would have married a wife and had children early and lived a peaceful and smooth life.

In the next life, she will stay with Yue Lang again in the next life, and make up for Yue Lang...

Concubine Rong was in so much pain that she almost passed out, tears and cold sweat pouring down her face.

Her five senses were weakened due to the excessive pain, but the emperor's voice was still clearly audible——

"...You are willing to be a desperate couple with him, but he may not be willing..."

"I'm afraid you don't know yet, but he never approached you for some stupid and absurd love..."

"If I'm not mistaken, Xia Tingzhen is using the affair between the two of you as an excuse to threaten you to kill me with poison... Haven't you ever thought about how Xia Tingzhen knew about the two of you? It would be you and That adulterer was too unclean when he was having sex, so he left a clue? Rong, I don't think you should be so stupid..."

Nanny Chang, who seemed to have closed her hearing, couldn't help echoing in her heart - yes, if she is really so stupid, who else would she steal from? I'm afraid there's something else going on in it...

Hearing this sentence, Concubine Rong's frowning eyebrows flickered suspiciously.

Xia Tingzhen knew about her and Yue Lang, and knew that Zhang'er was Yue Lang's child...

When she had this doubt at first, it was more panic.

Later, Xia Tingzhen sent someone to send her a letter on the day of her mother's death, confirming her previous suspicion - but at that time, she was only thinking about how to save Yue Lang, and never thought about how Xia Tingzhen knew about it her secret!

Yeah, how the hell did he know?

She thought she was being cautious, but the only person who knew about it was her wet nurse, Nanny Qi...

But this is absolutely impossible - rather than saying that she was worried that Mammy would leak the matter, it would be better to say that Mammy was always worried that she would leak it!

She knew what Mammy was like.

If it's not Mammy, who could it be...


No, how could Yue Lang hand over the handle to Xia Tingzhen himself? !

Concubine Rong endured the pain and thought hard, and Emperor Qingming's voice sounded again: "Can't you figure it out? Then let me tell you—your Yue Lang, the reason why he approached you from the very beginning was driven by Xia Tingzhen! You think he really dares to take such a risk and have an affair with you regardless of life and death?"

"In their eyes, you are just a stupid pawn! They want to use that evil seed you gave birth to plot against me! Do you understand me when I say that?"

These words pierced Concubine Rong's heart like sharp long needles, leaving only a chill on her already pale face.

"No..." She shook her head and said, "Impossible! Yue Lang is definitely not this kind of person!"

She tried her best to stand up, and her breathless voice was full of determination: "For me, Yue Lang insisted on keeping the old relationship for many years... He has never married a wife even now!"

This incident has always moved her, even made her feel guilty——

Even talking about it at this time, it still made her full of confidence and confidence in this relationship in front of the emperor, and she could even say in a sarcasm tone: "If you don't have something, don't you think the world doesn't have it! Yue Lang and I It is a fact that love and happiness will stay together for life and death... No matter how much you distort the facts, you can't change it!"

However, before the words fell, the emperor laughed.

The laughter continued for a long time, as if he had heard a big joke, and he couldn't hold back the laughter no matter what.

"The two love each other..."

Emperor Qingming laughed so hard that tears came out, his right hand was leaning on the long knife, his body was shaking and trembling slightly.

"What are you laughing at! Of course you don't understand!" Concubine Rong gritted her teeth and said, "...Because you don't deserve to be treated sincerely!"

"You think you have won the sincerity of your lover..." Emperor Qingming looked at her, as if he was unwilling to let go of any of her reactions and expressions: "Then do you know that although he has never married a wife, he secretly raised a woman, and the two of them Already have a child?"

Concubine Rong was stunned for a moment.

How can it be……


It must be fake!

"You're talking nonsense!" She said almost word for word: "Yue Lang will never lie to me!"

Yue Lang swore to the sky that everything he said was true and he never lied to her!

"I'm talking nonsense?" Emperor Qingming raised the long knife in his hand, pointed at the head, and said with a smile: "I'm being careless, I should have left him alone, so that you can ask him personally, and listen to him with your own ears. How he and his secret wife sang in harmony, how they shared the same bed day and night... It's a pity, it's a pity."

There was genuine regret in his tone, but the pleasure of revenge was in his eyes.

"No...impossible!" Concubine Rong struggled to sit up, her eyes were red: "I don't believe it! I don't believe it!"

"It's not too late to ask him when you're under the Underworld." Emperor Qingming looked at her with cold eyes: "But we have to wait a little longer, don't worry, I can't bear to let you die like this...how can you I must live until I am satisfied."

Li Ji broke into a cold sweat when he heard it.

He thought to himself, let's forget it...

After all, with the current appearance of the emperor, if he really wanted to keep the noble concubine to torture him, he was worried that the emperor would not be able to bear it himself, and would walk ahead of the noble concubine again!

"...You will have retribution!" Concubine Rong forced herself to stand up without knowing where the strength came from, and she rushed towards Emperor Qingming again, her weeping voice was sharp and full of resentment: "You will all have retribution! Xia Tingzhen is dead, Yue Lang is dead... you should die too! You all deserve to die!"

"Escort!" Li Ji shouted in surprise, and quickly protected the emperor by his side.

Two guards stopped him with knives.

Concubine Rong didn't stop on her feet, but accelerated even faster.


His slender body bumped heavily into the coldly shining long knife.

The blade pierced her abdominal cavity, and she was finally able to stop.

That's it.

No need to go any further.

—a very soft voice in her head said to her.

After a moment of stiffness, her body slowly softened.

The guards drew their swords to intimidate them, but they didn't expect that she would bump into her so recklessly, and immediately pulled out the swords in shock—it was just killing a person, which was nothing to them, but the emperor still didn't want to kill this person. let her die.

After the long knife was drawn out, it seemed to have taken away all of Rong's strength. Her body had no support anymore, like a withered lotus, it was finally broken under the autumn wind.

She fell heavily to the ground.

The snow-white jacket was stained red, and the internal organs were ruptured, and blood gushed out of the mouth.

Looking at the head right in front of her eyes and meeting those empty eyes, she opened her scarlet mouth, as if she still wanted to say something to it.

She has something to ask.

She has to ask clearly...

She needs to go faster! catch up with him!

If he really lied to her, she will definitely chase him, and fall into the eighteenth level of hell together, or be reincarnated, she will cling to him and pay back the debt a hundredfold!

He can't just get rid of her like this!

She tried to reach out her hand, wanting to get closer to that head, as if that way she could meet him again on Huangquan Road.

But at this time, a knife slashed at her waist and ribs again.

Another knife fell on the shoulder.

Emperor Qingming swung the long knife in his hand like crazy.

But she couldn't feel the pain anymore, and the gradually dilapidated body didn't move at all.

Li Ji lowered his eyes and sighed slightly in his heart.

Just go like this, in the next life, don't get close to this vortex of power again.

Speaking of which, he was also an innocent person, but because he entered the palace gate by mistake, he was dragged into this scam full of calculations and schemes without knowing anything.

It's always sad to be lied to no matter what.

"I have retribution? I am the Son of Heaven! No one can control my life or death! You mere ants, how dare you go against your limits?!" Emperor Qingming had blood spattered on his hands and in front of him, and the blood became more apparent. His face was distorted and ferocious: "You dare to betray me, plot against me...everything should be broken into pieces! This is what will happen to you! And I will always be the master of this Daqing country! No one can think about—"

At this point, his figure swayed suddenly, and a large mouthful of blood was already spit out from his mouth.


The long knife in his hand fell to the ground.


"Quick... pass the imperial physician!"

Li Ji gave orders while rushing to help people.

Emperor Qingming soon lost consciousness.

After some treatment by the imperial physician, there was still no response.

News of the emperor vomiting blood and unconsciousness spread quickly.

But this time is different from the Taimiao time, this time for three full days, people still haven't woken up.

At such a critical moment, it is inevitable that people in the court will panic.

On this day, a group of ministers came outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation. When Li Ji stepped forward to deal with it, he was questioned by several veteran ministers.

"Why did the emperor vomit blood and pass out again!"

"I've already asked Dr. Zheng, Your Majesty's recurrence of this disease is obviously caused by severe stimulation—what happened before His Majesty fell into a coma!"


Li Ji's head grew dizzy.

what happened

Just... the emperor was cuckolded!

Extremely green!

But even if he dared to speak, would these people dare to listen?

His Majesty was green, once word spread, it would be a loss of face for Daqing—he was thinking about the color of Daqing as a whole!

Seeing that there was nothing to ask from Li Ji, the veteran officials shook their hands and sighed.

I have seen people who are slowing down, but I have never seen such a slowing down!

If it doesn't work, just die!

Pack it up and crash it!

hurry up!

Throwing up blood today and going to black out tomorrow is not enough to be embarrassing, so who is going to make trouble here?

At first they didn't want the emperor to have an accident, they were thinking of the overall situation and the hearts of the people - but after all these incidents, it seems that the emperor's prestige is not much left, it's like this anyway, it can't be worse!

Even though the prince is weak and young, at least he is well-behaved and obedient, and he is less worried than his father!

A few old ministers summed up and went to the East Palace immediately.

——Your Majesty is seriously ill, please ask the crown prince to supervise the country!


As soon as the news of the crown prince's supervision of the country came out, there was a lot of noise inside and outside the capital.

Mr. Ji's hair has been falling out more and more recently.

The day before yesterday, he went out with his wife to worship God. He stayed in the temple for a long time, talking with the abbot abbot. His wife sent someone to ask him when he would go home. At that time, he almost blurted out a word - go home? He wants to become a monk!

Thinking that a person who is so attached to the world of mortals and yellow and white things has the idea of ​​escaping into Buddhism, which shows the hardship of the current situation.

In particular, I also heard that in Linyuan City, brother Xu replaced the magistrate and handled the affairs of the city on his behalf——

He was almost out of breath.

The affairs of a city are trivial, complicated, and labor-intensive-this is what rich people should do?

Can these rich people put themselves in the right place?

This kind of thing should be let him go!

Distressed, the more Mr. Ji thought about it, the more he felt that his friend was not kind. There were so many people when he left the city, why did his family have a few more members?

too risky? Don't want to involve him?

Who do you look down on!

If you seek wealth and insurance, you will earn money that licks blood from the tip of a knife!

While Mr. Ji was still brooding about this, another subordinate came to report that an alley in the city caught fire, and the reason was that several common people gathered together to burn paper money for sacrifices—they thought the emperor had passed away. !

But it’s not about mourning, it’s said that they are afraid that the emperor will die with resentment in his heart, fearing that the resentment will linger, and then harm the people...

But the emperor is not dead yet!

Master Ji sighed.

This Purple Star Sect really never sits idle for a moment, there is no seam that their needles can't get in!

However, at this juncture, another piece of particularly eye-catching news spread in the city...

Thank you for asking yourself for the 15,000 book coins, thank you very much!

(Two questions, 1. Recently, some book friends have always asked when it will end, tentatively scheduled for the end of the month, and the specifics are not sure.

2. Update, update, I really tried my best, the hand speed is extremely slow, I sat for 8 hours for 4,000 words, really, so please be considerate, don’t give me a low score because of the slow update, in many channels Rating is very important, it represents the quality of a work, and the first impression of new readers, because recently I saw low-scoring comments on many channels saying that I updated the question...letting people know that the author was given a low score because of his slow writing It's too embarrassing, isn't it? Slow hands are really not lazy. And even though I updated it once, there are more than 4,000 words, which is not too little, right? I will try to write as much as possible and ensure the quality. )

Good night.

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