Wishful Things

Chapter 653: The Beginning of the First Year

This move caused a sensation inside and outside the court.

Under the sensation, there are different voices, and there is no lack of opposition and disagreement.

There were even those who didn't know the truth about the collapse of the emperor in the Lingshan palace, and they still treated Yan Wang with hostility in their words.

Two days later, the prince summoned civil and military officials to discuss matters in the Jinluan Hall. Accompanied by Xie Shoufu and others, he personally read a statement of conviction in the hall——

There are nearly a hundred crimes committed by Emperor Qingming listed on it.

However, the most shocking thing is the appalling felony placed at the front——

Seeking power and killing the king!

Repeatedly framed brothers and sisters, for which he did not hesitate to exchange the prince's life or safety!

Killing brothers, wives and sisters...

He was even suspected of murdering his biological mother!

In the face of these crimes, there is no need to mention the faults that are above political affairs!

In addition, the prince personally restored what happened in Lingshan Palace that day.

Including the fact that he ordered the shooting of the prince, princess and all the ministers, which had just been listed on the conviction.

Among the officials present, most of them were ignorant of the inside information, and they were all terrified when they heard these details.

But at this time, a servant suddenly came to report that half an hour ago, the palm print eunuch Li Ji had hanged himself to death!

In addition to this news, the servant also brought Li Jilin's autographed statement before he left, and the words written on it were all his life's faults—but even if it was his own fault, why did the palm-printed eunuch drive him to do things? Need to repeat?

At this time, all the civil and military officials looked at the condemnation letter in the crown prince's hand again, and all the previous voices of opposition had disappeared.

As soon as this condemnation book is published, it undoubtedly points to a result-declare the world and dethrone the emperor!

To single out the list of these crimes is an unforgivable and serious transgression.

What's more, there is the last emperor's edict here...

And since the emperor's throne is to be abolished, it is naturally impossible to follow the emperor's regulations for the funeral ceremony.

Under such circumstances, it is in accordance with etiquette to stop the spirit in Rong Wang's mansion.

Since ancient times, although it is not common to abolish the emperor, it is not uncommon, and there are even precedents of abolishing the emperor as a commoner...

In comparison, based on what Emperor Qingming did during his lifetime, he still retains his position as prince, which is already decent enough.

But anyone can see that this dignity is not for the dead, but for Daqing, Xie, and even King Yan——

When Xu Mingyi heard about this, he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

This time, everyone in the cabinet has grasped the proportions of this matter, which can be described as decisive, straightforward and just right.

One point is too light.

One point is too heavy——

Of course, the word "heavy" refers to the overall situation. If the overall situation is not mentioned, the perpetrator will deserve what he deserves, and it will only be light but not serious.

The current situation is still tending to be turbulent, so handling it in this way can not only appease the anger of the people, but also avoid giving the "later people" a bad name for acting too harshly.

In any case, making his crimes public and dethroning the throne is still a relief after all.

This can be regarded as "returning things to their original places".

She has calculated for a lifetime, but in the end it was nothing. The more she valued something, the less she could get. She couldn't even keep her reputation after death——if a real person knew after death, she guessed that the other party's coffin would be afraid. I can't hold it anymore.

After the statement of conviction was made public, amidst the uproar and even the sound of swearing, the funeral ceremony of the deposed emperor——Rong Wang was soon completed.

And because many officials wrote a letter saying that during his lifetime, he had done many things to labor the people and waste money, and all the funerals were simple, so they were reduced by more than half, which is worse than ordinary county kings.

His funeral is over, but the voice of talking and cursing has not weakened, on the contrary, it has become louder.

The emperor who used to be so high that no one dared to touch his majesty has now become a sinner through the ages that everyone can step on and scold.

Except for Beijing, the news of this pile has also spread to everywhere quickly.

And no matter how heinously committed the crime and provoked the wrath of the world, in the end the person is already dead, and everything has fallen like dust and returned to the ground.

At the moment, everyone's eyes are either explicitly or secretly on another major event——

This major event is the most practical matter at the moment, and it is related to the real pros and cons of the overall situation of the world.


On this day, the cloudy clouds cleared away, and the sky was clear and clear.

The crown prince—or he should be called Rongjun King now, his father has been deposed, the emperor is no longer the emperor, and the prince is no longer the prince.

Therefore, King Rong accompanied nearly 20 ministers including Xie Shoufu, Jiang Taifu, Ming Yushi, etc., to the gate of King Yan's mansion.

Xie Shoufu, headed by Xie Shoufu, held the last emperor's edict in his hand, and asked His Royal Highness King Yan to ascend the throne according to the order, and preside over the overall situation of the government.

The word "following the order" is the key.

It is a justifiable name to come here to invite you on this trip.

The King of Yan needs a legitimate process, which is what he deserves.

Daqing needs a legitimate new emperor to stabilize the hearts of all parties.

As courtiers, apart from their personal reputations, they also shoulder the honor, disgrace and integrity of the Daqing court. Naturally, they also need a legitimate reason to welcome the new emperor.

And at the moment, all of these are justified, and they all meet here.

Needless to say, this is the best time.

At the best time, doing what should be done is the right thing to do.

Yan Wang Mansion, in the front hall, Yan Wang slowly got up, looked at the ministers who were kneeling to beg for orders, and raised his hand to salute, with short words and a clear and powerful voice——

"I wish to live up to the entrustment of the late emperor and all of you."

After saying this, everyone bowed down again.

They shouted in unison: "The ministers must do their best to assist the new emperor!"

Only when the monarch and his ministers are united can a world of peace and eternal peace be born.

May this time, God will return Daqing to a competent monarch.

This is the hope of all the ministers, and it is also the prayer of all the people.


The enthronement of the new emperor is a top priority.

Since Xie Shoufu and others left from Yanwang Mansion that day, various ministries and ministries have been intensively preparing for the enthronement.

As soon as the preparations started, the King of Yan gave an explanation. The Tao must not be extravagant, and everything should be kept simple. If the etiquette system allows, send a dragon robe directly to his mansion, and he will enter the palace to open it after he puts it on. You can do it early.

The ministers couldn't laugh or cry.

A joke is a joke, but what should be adopted is adopted. The current national treasury is not abundant, and the new emperor's proposal made the household department feel relieved.

In addition to being relieved, there is emotion.

Regardless of what happens in the future, at least when this incident happens, people see the hope of Daqing.

Ji Dong almost burst into tears because of this—it is really a sense of security to have an emperor who knows how to live a life!

Earlier, I heard that His Royal Highness King Yan was going to be a guest at the Duke of Zhenguo's mansion, and he sent several carts of gifts alone. He was still very jealous for this...cough, no—very nervous!

Now it seems that there is no need to worry that this is a prodigal who will squander all his salary.

Although the knot of not being guaranteed a salary has been resolved, Mr. Ji still has other worries.

As the saying goes, once the emperor and the courtiers, the new emperor ascends the throne, it is often accompanied by a big cleansing from the inside to the outside...

Although he has been following in the footsteps of his teacher Jiang Taifu in everything these days, and believes that every step he takes is on the right path to keep his job, what if?

What if the people above have other trade-offs? A single thought of the decision maker is related to his fate!

After all, in addition to one's own hard work, this kind of thing also depends on luck!

So, in the following days, Mr. Ji worked diligently during the day to run errands, and prayed in the small Buddhist hall sooner or later, with the word "sincerity" written all over his body.

And this scene that happened in the government office of the capital is just a corner of the image of all living beings.

The new emperor's ascension to the throne is destined to affect countless people's hearts.

After the queen mother was welcomed back to the capital in Linyuan, she started this enthronement ceremony.

Everything is arranged according to the intention of the new emperor. The word "simplicity" is mostly reflected in the cost of utensils, and the etiquette and rules have not been reduced by half.

Wearing a dragon robe and wearing a beaded crown, the new emperor offered sacrifices to heaven and earth, worshiped the Taimiao, and all the officials bowed down and received congratulations from all parties.

As everyone expected, after the new emperor ascended the throne, the first thing he did was to purge the court.

The political affairs of the world must always be controlled by the court first.

But different from everyone's expectations, this liquidation has no personal enmity, no personal standpoint, and no liquidation for the sake of liquidation——

Everything is being investigated and dealt with according to the rules. Those officials who have been pushed down, whether they are punished or dismissed, have real crimes. No one has been wronged, and no one has been targeted or failed by the current situation.

Ji Dong, who was secretly observing, heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that the new emperor has no intention of dismissing and replacing officials everywhere, and is just removing the moths first...

And even though this is just an expedient measure to stabilize the situation, at least it will be safe in a short period of time - as long as there is room, he still has a chance to perform!

Therefore, Mr. Ji became more and more serious about his errands.

Looking inside and outside the hall, there are not a few people like him, and there are even faint signs of a secret rivalry——

Do you take the initiative to extend the high-value hours? Very good, I'll just give up on Xiu Mu!

You ordered people to collect suggestions from magistrates everywhere? Very good, I'm just a private visit through WeChat, and I personally go deep into the grassroots to observe the people's sentiments and the disadvantages of the old government!

For a while, apart from doing practical things, the most common thing for officials everywhere was to keep an eye on the new actions of their colleagues, and then racked their brains to think about how to catch up.

On this day, Mr. Ji, who worked hard until late at night, sat in his study and looked out the window, and suddenly sighed bitterly—means! It's all a way for the new emperor to coax people to work!

Realizing this, Mr. Ji picked up his pen cursingly and continued his business.

Seeing through with hindsight, but can only continue helplessly—the world of beating workers has never been easy.

The same surname is Ji, but the other Master Ji is different.

Ji Xiu was deprived of his official position, and all the mansion and property under his name were confiscated to fill the national treasury.

Compared with the faults he committed, this punishment is naturally not serious.

The crime of conspiracy should be punished.

However, the new emperor thought that he had contributed to exposing the truth back then, and he was deceived by others back then, so he dealt with it leniently.

Although some officials had objections to this, thinking that this move was too benevolent or not conducive to establishing their prestige in front of others, they did not say anything more at the insistence of the new emperor.

This day was the day Ji Wanyou left Beijing with her father.

She originally wanted to say goodbye to Xu Mingyi face to face, but she was afraid that her family would not be influenced well and would cause trouble to the Zhen Guo government, so she only sent a letter in private.

Xu Mingyi read the letter, and saw that there was no negativity and loneliness between the lines, but full of hope.

Ji Wanyou told her about her plans for the future, and expressed her gratitude again and again.

Seeing those rambling words at the end, Xu Mingyi thought about it for a while, and then told Ah Kui to grind his ink.

At first, she had no intention of making friends with Ji Wanyou, but as things went on, at the present moment, those scruples she had at the beginning have long since disappeared.

As far as I can tell, this Ji girl is a wonderful person after watching it all the way.

Regardless of other things, she can afford to let go, knows how to learn lessons, is willing to focus on the future, and cares about herself and her family. She is a rare free and easy woman in this world.

She has always admired such girls, and would like to see more and more girls become such girls.

And such people are the most worthy of help.

Xu Mingyi took up a pen to reply, leaving a line of fine print.

At the same moment, Ji's carriage was inspected and allowed to leave the city gate.

Three miles away from the city, the carriage stopped, and Ji Xiu, who was wearing a dark gray gown, got out of the carriage, lifted his clothes and knelt down, facing the direction of the imperial palace in the capital, and kowtowed three times slowly and solemnly.

He was determined to die...

But right now, she left the capital safely with her daughter...

After kowtowing, when she got up, Ji Wanyou came over and supported his arm.

Seeing that he was still looking in the direction of the imperial city, Ji Wanyou reminded with a smile: "Father, we should go, otherwise we might not be able to stay in time before dark."

The place they were going to was not too far away, Hongming County, more than five hundred miles away, was the ancestral home of the Ji family.

She had thought it all over, and after she settled down there, she would start some small business.

Although all the family property has been confiscated, Shangyu Pavilion is still there. My father said that if the new emperor wants to find out the private property of the Ji family, it is not difficult. Even Shangyu Pavilion is no longer a secret with Miss Xu——

She thought that besides wanting to promote benevolent government, the new emperor's tolerance towards them might also have something to do with the death of the eldest brother and the second brother.

That was my father's knot.

But it may not be the regret in Xindi's heart.

The friendship and following in youth are always precious and pure.

With such a new emperor around, the future of Daqing would not be too bad after all.

The father and daughter got into the carriage, and the wheels rolled, carrying a new beginning.

When the carriage passed a green hill, the Yunyao Academy, which was half hidden at the foot of the hill, rang a quiet bell.

In the academy, a woman in a green bamboo robe walked into a classroom holding a scroll in her hand.

The female students all stood up and saluted.

After the woman came to the desk, she looked at the crowd, and said with a smile as usual, "This year is the first year of Zhaozhen, April 21st, the weather is fine—sit down, everyone."

The students sat down in response, and carefully wrote down in the upper corner of the class notes——

In the first year of Zhaozhen, April 21st.


The new emperor had been on the throne for more than ten years, and the courtiers probably saw that the monarch and his ministers were familiar with each other, and their eyes gradually shifted from political affairs to the new emperor himself.

In the early morning of this day, a minister suggested that the new emperor has no heirs, and it is imperative to fill the harem as soon as possible.

It's no wonder they are impatient, it's actually a precedent, so I have to pay special attention.

The new emperor smiled when he heard the words, but said——

"I am also planning to discuss with the ministers about establishing a reserve."

Baiguan was dumbfounded.



I'm afraid I'm not imagining it out of thin air?

Goodnight everybody.

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