Wishful Things

Chapter 654

When all the officials secretly exchanged glances, Xie Shoufu, who stood at the head of the civil servants, came out of the line, raised his hand and said, "Your Majesty is in his prime of life and has just become a great treasure. There is really no need to think about succession to the clan's children too early."

Your Majesty has no children, so if you want to establish a reserve, you can only choose from the clan's children.

But at present, only King Jing's line exists.

When mentioning King Jing, he thought of the son of King Jing...

And this son is really a model that no one would want if he was thrown on the street - when the abolished emperor ordered people to confiscate Prince Jing's mansion in Liangzhou, King Jing was prepared and secretly sent Prince Jing's son away from Liangzhou to avoid disaster .

After everything was settled, King Jing was able to leave the clan's mansion innocently, in order to make people look for Prince Jing's son.

Unexpectedly, he searched for the resettlement place, but there was no one there. It took half a month to find it, and after asking all the way, he finally found the eldest son in the oiran's room of a brothel.

What a master—— Xie Shoufu commented while pinching his nose in his heart.

If you want to establish this person as a reserve, he may pack up and retire early to retire.

He has ideas, and other officials naturally have some.

This son of King Jing is indeed a failure, and he is definitely not a good candidate.

The respectable king only has this one son, if he doesn't choose him, he can only choose his son...

The adoptive concubine is the heir...

No matter how you think about it, how shabby it is.

How could this be the case?

Your Majesty is also true, knowing that Xie's descendants are now withered, how can he have such thoughts? As the saying goes, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself, so why can't you work hard to give birth to one?

can't be...

Just one left, another one coming?

The ministers twitched their eyebrows wildly, and looked at the emperor sitting there with dark eyes, but they couldn't help feeling confused-this looks...it doesn't look like it.

It's obviously not the way of the deposed emperor.

Therefore, someone stepped forward and suggested euphemistically that His Majesty is still young, so he should have more confidence in himself.

It's okay, you have to try more, don't you?

Even if there are some hidden diseases, there is a difference between what is not possible and what is not, whether it is reversible or irreversible!

If it is not a serious problem, based on the foundation laid by Emperor Fei in the Imperial Medical Office over the years, are you afraid that you will not be able to save him?

Ministers have expressed that it is not appropriate to draw conclusions too early.

Even at the end of the discussion, some people have suggested that it is better to invite a few imperial physicians who are good at treating this disease to come and treat it for a while, brainstorming and discussing countermeasures.

"..." The new emperor was almost dumbfounded.

Is it too much for Zhu Qing not to regard him as an outsider?

Seeing that some ministers even began to implicitly express that they had a secret recipe handed down from their ancestors, the new emperor hurriedly raised his hand to signal, cutting off this increasingly uncontrollable topic.

"Everyone has misunderstood, I have no intention of adopting the sons of the clan—" The new emperor smiled, looked at the civil and military officials under the imperial steps, and said in a loving tone: "I have a beloved son who has reached the age of nineteen and has already passed away." When you grow up, you are worthy of a great responsibility.”

His Majesty announced in public that such a major event is also called Aiko, so it can be seen that it is really Aiko...

Recently, the palace made many secret arrangements for this, and the new chief eunuch who knew some inside information smiled and sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Those who knew the inside story were certainly prepared, but this remark fell on the ears of all the officials in the palace, but it was as shocking as stone.

Your Majesty already has a prince? !

Everyone knows that His Royal Highness King Yan only had one daughter... So, this is a child raised outside?

Why have you never heard the slightest wind?

For a while, there was a lot of noise in the Golden Luan Hall.

Even after many people were shocked, their first reaction was to be skeptical.

Don't ask, asking is a lesson from the past!

——Seeing the birth, those who are raised by my side can belong to others, let alone those who are not by my side?

Although the new emperor does not look like such a foolish person, the identity of the prince is of great importance, and he is also the candidate for the heir, so he must not be careless!

Jieshou Fulue calmed down, and asked insincerely, "Dare to ask Your Majesty, this... who is His Highness's biological mother?"

In such cases, the origin and identity of the biological mother is of great reference.

And those who are willing to be a concubine and give birth without a intermediary... Think about it, the birth is not so high.

Combined with that child's age...


In other words, this child was born in the year when the first emperor collapsed, and at that time His Royal Highness King Yan was away in battle and not in the capital... Presumably it was only at that time that the relationship was formed!

Most of the border lands are poor people.

And the worst possible...

But don't be a woman of a different race.

There are many sons and mothers, the son of a woman of a foreign race, is equivalent to half of a foreign race, and the orthodoxy will be messed up first!

In just a short moment, Xie Shoufu and the others thought a lot.

After Xie Shoufu finished his speech, he took a secret look at Jiang Taifu——Why didn't he stand up and say a few words about such an important matter?

However, what the other party replied to him was still the familiar attitude of an old monk knocking on a wooden fish. Under the calmness and calmness, there seemed to be some kind of Zen mystery hidden in it.

Xie Shoufu frowned, faintly feeling that the other party seemed to have some inside information that he didn't know.

At this time, Xindi has already given the answer himself——

"A Yuan is the son of me and Empress Yuanxian."

Surprised again.

The son of Empress Yuanxian? !

——The first thing the new emperor did after he ascended the throne was to confer the title of Princess Wu of Xianyan as Empress Yuanxian.

But... Didn't Empress Yuan Xian die twice in Yan Wang's mansion back then? !

"There is something hidden about what happened back then." The new emperor said slowly: "The theory of one dead body and two lives was a decision made as a last resort to avoid the danger at that time. If it weren't for this, I'm afraid the child might not be able to keep it." life."

There was a brief moment of silence and contemplation in the hall.

It is known that Princess Yan's dystocia was caused by someone's assassination, since it was done intentionally, the child's life would definitely not be spared afterwards.

In this way, this is Empress Yuan Xian who made people hide after giving birth desperately...

If this is the case, he will naturally be the eldest prince with a legitimate name, and those with orthodox blood can no longer be orthodox.

But many ministers inevitably still have doubts in their hearts.

"Your Majesty still has an heir, which is really a great joy. It can be seen that God cares for you—" This time it was Ming Yushi who spoke, and he said some pleasant words first as a foreshadowing, which made many colleagues look sideways. ——When will this man speak human language?

"And when Empress Yuan Xian gave birth, His Majesty was not in Beijing. At that time, it was the beginning of the handover of the throne. There must have been eyeliners in the Palace of King Yan. Under the chaos, there would be no shortage of dissidents..." Ming Yushi was more tactful Authentic: "I don't know if there were credible people present at the time, who could prove what happened? Is there anyone who can prove the identity of this Highness now?"

Since ancient times, all the descendants of the royal family who recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors have to carefully identify the true and false.

Empress Yuanxian left a son, was there anyone who saw the birth of the son?

Even if there is such a child, after so many years, is there anyone who can prove that the Highness recognized by His Majesty is the child from back then?

One of these items, one place and one place, needs to produce enough evidence to convince the world.

Immediately after Ming Yushi, several officials also raised similar questions and reminders.

Faced with these doubts, the new emperor was not displeased at all: "What you said is not unreasonable. The Queen Mother was one of the witnesses to what happened in the Palace of King Yan back then. When the child was born, the Queen Mother did not leave a single step."

Whether A Yuan is his child, he knows very well.

But facing the ministers and the world, he had to show the so-called evidence one by one.

And the reason why he waited until today to announce the matter was naturally well prepared.

After finishing speaking, the inner eunuch was ordered to go to Shoukang Palace and invite the Queen Mother to come.

In the midst of all the hustle and bustle of waiting, the inner eunuch's singing came into the hall one by one——

"The empress dowager is here!"

The noisy hall quieted down almost instantly, all the ministers greeted each other with salutes, and the emperor got up.

The palace eunuch and the eunuch helped each other, and the empress dowager slowly stepped up the imperial steps.

The eunuch had earlier ordered someone to prepare a grand teacher's chair with a soft brocade cushion beside the dragon case.

The queen mother sat down and looked at the ministers: "My lords, please stand up—"

There is a dignified and kind smile on her face, and there is no wrinkle on the stone-blue court gown embroidered with eight treasures and flat water patterns. Three hanging pearls, east pearls and coral are placed in front of her body, and Zhuwei, Jinzhai, and pearls are embellished on the court crown. The tassels are knotted, and there is a solemnity everywhere.

Today is a day of great joy.

——It was the day when she took her grandson home before the world.

Needles can be heard quietly in the hall, and all the officials are waiting respectfully to listen.

In this quiet and majestic hall, the old man's exceptionally clear narration seems to have an invisible power that pierces through the years, bringing everything back to that noisy rainy night in Yanwang's mansion nineteen years ago.

From Empress Yuan Xian's dystocia dying by a thread, to her determination to put all her eggs in one basket and get her son by caesarean section...

From the strong attitude of the Wu family, no one noticed the abnormality of Empress Yuanxian's body, to the fact that the child was secretly taken away from the capital.

And the unique birthmark on the child's back—

All kinds of details, as well as the old servants of the former King Yan's Mansion who are still in the know, were all explained in the Queen Mother's mouth.

Nothing she said was missing, and nothing was unreasonable.

In other words, her identity is the best testimony.

She is the queen mother of Daqing.

Is the new emperor's biological mother.

Also the child's royal grandmother.

The persuasive power of this is beyond doubt.

No matter how suspicious the person is, just one point can prove the truth of his words. Whether Empress Yuan Xian had a caesarean section to take a child, she will know by debating when she moves the coffin into the imperial mausoleum according to the ancestral system.

So far, the ministers have been able to dispel doubts about the authenticity of this matter.

Then, some ministers had new worries...

It is indeed a surprise that there is an extra eldest prince.

According to His Majesty's intentions, it is obvious that he is directly appointed as the crown prince, the eldest son, with the support of the Ningyang Wu family behind him... Don't say that there is no choice, even if there is, it is undoubtedly the best candidate for the crown prince, and no one has it competing forces.

In the current situation, it is naturally a great thing to have a noble prince to calm people's hearts, and even use the Wu family to frighten everyone——

Everything has two sides, there are advantages, and most of them also have disadvantages.

For example, this His Highness is about to reach his double tenth birthday. Of course, being older has greater benefits. If he grows steadily, he doesn't have to worry about making any mistakes easily.

But a boy at this age must have already decided on sex——

Even though Wu Jiading will raise him attentively, reading and writing is no problem, but a child who has been hidden from all eyes since birth, is suddenly pushed into this position, can he really take on the big responsibility?

The environment in which you grow up is always crucial.

Naturally, you don't have to be too picky about being an ordinary person, but what the other party wants to sit in is the most unusual position in the world, and there are so many strict rules and requirements.

"Where did King Dingnan take this Highness away from the capital, and where did he place him? This time King Dingnan entered the capital, has His Highness come with him?" Xie Shoufu asked.

Now that this matter has passed the light of day, the matter of recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan should be put on the agenda this morning.

And when Xie Shoufu asked this sentence, those so-called worries existed, but there was no need to say more.

This matter has been decided, it is useless to say more, whether it is good or bad, let's go and see and do our best.

It was only at this time that the officials finally understood why King Dingnan, who seldom set foot in the capital, came to the capital in person this time——

It was for this purpose.

With the witnesses of King Dingnan and the Queen Mother, there will never be any doubts about this matter.

Emperor Zhaozhen said with a smile: "Ah Yuan has been in the Wu family all these years."

Ah Yuan...

Hearing this intimate address again, Xie Shoufu suddenly frowned.

He seems to have heard this name somewhere...

Before he could continue to think, the emperor's laughing voice continued: "And most of you have already seen it—"

seen? !

Baiguan listened curiously and anxiously.

And His Majesty the emperor obviously enjoyed the way they scratched their ears and cheeks very much, so it can be seen that he was deliberately trying to make fun of them.

How can you be so unserious as the king of a country!

The ministers condemned this.

"If your Majesty doesn't say it, then the old minister will say it for His Majesty!" Jiang Taifu said with a smile: "Let's not talk about the time ago, I only met once in Lingshan Imperial Mausoleum not long ago..."

Speaking for His Majesty?

What did you say for someone!

All the officials heard it more and more itchy - how can one be more appetizing than the other!

Is this a matter of discussing the country, or is it listening to Mr. Shu tell stories in a teahouse?

For a while, there were countless voices of crusade against Jiang Taifu in the hall.

The Queen Mother couldn't help bending over and laughing.

And some shrewd or bold officials have come close to the truth.

That day, the new emperor was indeed accompanied by a young man of his age...

And also offered incense and sacrificial offerings with the new emperor!

Xie Shoufu also came to a sudden.

Ah Yuan...

Isn't it just such a Yuan!

He was listening that day!

Facing the dissatisfied urging voices of his colleagues, Jiang Taifu waved his hands: "It's still up to His Majesty to say it himself, how can I, an uninformed outsider, have so many mouths..."

King Yan laughed twice, raised his hand to appease the restless ministers: "I'll say it, I'll say it."

After a short pause, he didn't try to show off again: "For the past 19 years, Ah Yuan has shown himself as the grandson of the Wu family, named Wu Chao—"

As soon as the words fell, the whole hall was in an uproar!

Grandchildren of the Wu family!

The method used by the Tibetans of the Wu family is to make people be their grandchildren for nineteen years!

Just ask, who could have imagined this!

It really was dark under the brightest light!

In addition to being astonished, the behind of the Wu family's move inevitably makes people think deeply and feel a chill behind them...

A child raised as the head of the Wu family since childhood——

Therefore, the Wu family's conspiracy had already begun when the child was taken away nineteen years ago.

Thank you for your monthly pass, and thank you Qinghan for your reward.

Goodnight everybody.

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