Wishful Things

Chapter 661 Brother

Seeing this childish cheek, Wu Jingying suffocated for a moment, and blurted out in disbelief: "Xiao Chenzi?!"

The boy froze when he heard the sound, and turned his head subconsciously, his four eyes met. Unexpectedly, his eyes turned red immediately: "Your Majesty!"

He immediately knelt down while holding the tray, and the moment his knees touched the ground, a few drops of medicinal juice splashed out of the medicine bowl on the tray.

This is?

The steward was confused, but hurriedly bent over to take the tray temporarily.

Some of the servants serving in the mansion were eunuchs brought out from the East Palace, and they were released from the palace to serve the Duke with His Majesty's special permission.

It makes sense for someone who came out of the palace to recognize this noble person who once held the position of queen, but the reaction of this noble person is really a bit unusual...

"It's really you, Xiao Chenzi!" The queen was both delighted and surprised, and stepped forward two steps: "You're still alive!"

This child was originally the child she wanted to protect, but he died to protect her——

Thinking about it countless times, she felt a dull pain in her heart.

But no matter what, she never thought that Xiao Chenzi was still in this world!

And it's right here in Rongjun Palace!

When the body was found and the letter he left behind, how could she have such delusions?

What happened in it that she didn't know about? !

"Yes, the slave is not dead." Xiao Chenzi raised his head, with two balls of tears in his eyes, choked up and said: "It was His Royal Highness who saved the slave!"

That night, he had been determined to die, but by accident, he met His Royal Highness sitting alone by the lotus pond——

"Cheng'er?" Wu Jingying was startled, looked towards the direction of the inner room, and said, "Get up quickly, follow me to see Sheng'er!"

There are so many people here, she has to ask Sheng'er herself!

"Yes." Xiao Chenzi replied and got up quickly.

Wu Jingying turned her head to look at Xu Mingyi, her voice had calmed down a lot: "Zhaozhao, wait for me for a moment."

Although Xu Mingyi didn't know what happened yet, he only nodded in response and didn't ask any further questions.

She stood at the same spot with Wu Ran and Xu Mingshi who were full of confusion, watching Wu Jingying turn back with the servant.

After entering the inner room, Wu Jingying was not in a hurry to ask, but urged King Rong to drink the medicine first.

King Rong Jun looked at her, and then at Xiao Chenzi beside her who had just wiped away tears. Full of curiosity and puzzlement, he drank the medicine very quickly, almost choking on it.

After drinking, he didn't care about the bitterness in his mouth, and he didn't bother to drink water to rinse his mouth, so he hurriedly asked, "Madam, do you recognize Xiangqing?"

Xiangqing was another name he later changed to Xiao Chenzi.

He also knew that Xiaochenzi was originally called Xiaochenzi. After all, the person he saved had arranged for the drowning scene, so he naturally knew the origin of the other person.

But as far as he knew, this was the little eunuch who was by his father's side before he was alive. Later, when the "body" was found, it was also confirmed - the little eunuch in the Hall of Mental Cultivation did something wrong and was afraid of being punished, so he threw himself into the lotus pond suicide.

Why does it look like she is very important to Madam?

Wu Jingying didn't hide anything from him, and roughly explained the inside story of Xiao Chenzi's secret work for her.

These are all old things, and there will be no need for these life-and-death calculations in the future, and Xiao Chenzi will not have to give up his life for her.

King Rongjun was very surprised.

It turns out that Xiaochenzi used to be a member of Yukun Palace, and he didn't seek death because he did something wrong in the Palace of Mental Cultivation, but to help his wife get rid of the suspicion and crisis from his father...

The little eunuch he saved was actually such an admirable person!

He also wanted to do something for his wife, but he was born dull and couldn't help much...

Therefore, in his eyes, anyone who can do practical things is worthy of admiration, regardless of their status.

He also explained in detail how he rescued Xiao Chenzi that night.

That night when he was thinking about his mother's concubine's life by the lotus pond, he just found Xiao Chenzi hiding in the grass.

That night, he signaled the other party to hide in the nearby Qingyang Palace, where his mother and concubine lived, and no one would set foot there on weekdays, so it would not be easy to be discovered.

As for the body that was discovered afterwards, it belonged to Ah Jin——A Jin was the little eunuch who grew up with him since he was a child, and he was very similar in stature and age to Xiao Chenzi.

He thought, or it was God's will.

The weather was hot and dry, soaking the corpse in the lotus pond for several days, changing into robes and tokens, was enough to confuse the authenticity.

It was also at that time that the father was seriously ill, and he had just taken in a few trustworthy internal eunuchs. If it had been earlier, he might not have the ability to save him.

He has always wanted to do something for others, and having the opportunity to help the weak is actually a kind of salvation for him.

Rescuing Xiao Chenzi made him feel that he was still useful.

Especially when I learned at this time that Xiao Chenzi was actually Madam's.

He was thankful that he mustered up the courage to take that step that night.

"Since that's the case, why have you never heard of this matter?" He asked Xiaochenzi with some puzzlement.

When I was in the palace before, for the sake of safety, it was inconvenient for a "dead person" to show up, and he dared not reveal his true allegiance - but in the current situation, there is nothing to worry about, why didn't he listen to Xiaochen? What about son?

The lady seemed to take him very seriously.

"Before, I didn't dare to tell His Royal Highness..." Xiao Chenzi said: "Later, I left the palace with His Royal Highness, and I heard that Madam is doing well now, so I don't want to disturb Madam any more."

Mother Jiang is gone, and Grandpa Dou is also dead...

He was afraid that if he appeared in front of the empress again, it would arouse empress's sadness again.

Those things in the palace must be the last thing the empress wants to recall, right?

Moreover, the empress has already returned to the Wu family, and she no longer needs him.

Wu Jingying's eyes turned red when she heard this, and she sighed, "You are talking stupid things..."

In the more than ten years in the palace, she walked on this road like walking on thin ice, but because of this, the sincerity and sincerity under such difficulties became more and more precious.

She had lost many important people, and seeing that Xiao Chenzi was still alive, the hole in her heart seemed to be filled.

For some people to live is to heal others.

Several people talked for a long time in the inner room.

King Rongjun wanted to let Xiao Chenzi go.

He thought that he was a dying person, and there was really no way out if he stayed by his side.

But Xiao Chenzi insisted on staying - the king of the county treated him with the grace of saving his life, and with the current state of the king of the county...he really couldn't convince himself to leave.

Although he is useless, he is clever and meticulous, and he is really worried that someone else will take care of the county king.

Wu Jingying respected and agreed with his decision.

She didn't have to take Xiao Chenzi away right away.

Seeing that the child was still alive and sound, she was very happy and satisfied, and it didn't matter where he was.

After leaving the Prince's Mansion, Wu Jingying and Xu Mingyi talked about it on the carriage back.

She spoke unhurriedly, her voice was soft and thankful, and Xu Mingyi couldn't help but feel a little warmth in her heart.

It turns out that there is such an inside story...

Therefore, there are two good children who deserve to be treated kindly in the county prince's mansion at this time.

Autumn rain is like a curtain outside the carriage.

After this autumn rain, Beijing is even cooler.

The rain stops, the autumn sun rises high, and the wind gently blows the raindrops on the branches and leaves. The raindrops are colorless at first, but there are traces when they pass by, and the green leaves of a tree are dyed yellow by 20%.

There are always some leaves that grow more impatiently, and the left and right are green enough, and now I just want to finish the task of this year quickly, so my companions just turned yellow, and it has already become a dead leaf, vying to be the first to spin. son fell down.

In the Prince's Mansion, an impatient dead leaf fell gently outside the main hall, and the girl sitting in the hall looked out of the hall from time to time.

She was wearing a light purple embroidered begonia-pattern palace dress, her hair was exquisitely decorated with jewels and jade hairpins, and she was holding a sapphire tea cup between her slender and white fingers.

Elegant and elegant, extraordinary in its simplicity...

Just like its owner, it makes people forget the vulgarity when they see it, and it is refreshing.

Thinking of this, Princess Yongjia showed a slight smile.

Another maid with a blue bijia brought melon and fruit snacks, but she didn't have the heart to taste them, she just looked towards the direction outside the hall—won't it be a waste of time to wait again today?

As soon as this voice emerged in my mind, I saw a follower walking quickly, saying: "Your Highness is back."

He is back!

At last she could see him!

About ten days ago, after she heard about the gift of marriage, she also visited the Prince's mansion, but she couldn't see him.

He often went to discuss matters with his father, but his father easily refused to allow her to approach the imperial study.

Therefore, the chances for her to meet him are not too many.

Princess Yongjia had an unconcealable joy on her face, she quickly put down the teacup, got up, and let the maid in charge of her body check whether the clothes are appropriate for her.

Xie Wuyang soon came to the front hall.

The young man was wearing a dark blue robe, with a straight figure, and a jade-white face with a clear outline, and his facial features were profound and handsome.

Seeing him walking towards her, Princess Yongjia tried her best to calm her heartbeat, bowed and said: "Yongjia has met my brother."

This sentence of "brother" was not what she wanted to shout, but when she said it, she felt a very contradictory sense of joy, as if this "brother..." made her a very close person to him.

Xie Wuyang looked at her, nodded his head slightly, although he still felt unfamiliar, he tried his best to sound gentle: "But something is wrong?"

He has no hostility towards Hai Shi's mother and daughter, but if it is said that they are close, it is naturally out of the question.

But after all, it was his half-sister, and he had no reason to treat her coldly when the other party showed affection to him.

"I just came to see my brother... and the autumn has turned cold recently, my mother personally made a cloak for my brother, and I brought it along with me." Princess Yongjia said with a smile, while beckoning Gong'e to bring the things up.

Xie Wuyang looked at the cloak in Gong'e's hand.

Crow blue.

He nodded and said, "The empress has a heart."

Princess Yongjia smiled: "I saw that my brother seems to like dark blue, so the palace servants picked it..."

"You are also interested, but I heard that the empress is weak, and you only need to leave such troublesome things to the palace servants in the future." Xie Wuyang sat down in the chair while speaking, and raised his hand to signal her to sit down too say.

"The palace people are so considerate and meticulous..." Princess Yongjia sat down with a smile, and said: "The queen mother also said that she would make a pair of autumn boots for my brother, and I will measure my brother's foot length later. .”

"..." Seeing her high spirits, Xie Wuyang was silent for a while.

Didn't he say to hand it over to the palace man?

Without feelings as a basis, being so close and losing the sense of boundaries makes it difficult for people to adapt.

Princess Yongjia suggested to let him try the cloak again.

Gong'e held the clothes in front of him.

He took the teacup handed over by the attendant, paused, and said, "No need, I think it fits well."

He was really not used to trying on clothes in front of unfamiliar people, so he felt inappropriate no matter how he thought about it.

The maid stepped aside.

Knowing that his family has a lot of upbringing rules, Princess Yongjia didn't force her, and then asked: "I wonder what snacks my brother likes to eat? The queen mother said that it would be inconvenient for my brother not to go back to Fulong Palace easily, so she asked me to ask." Ask your brother what he likes, so that someone can send some from time to time."

Fulong Palace is where the original East Palace was located. Daqing continued the precedent of the former crown prince and empress can build a mansion outside the palace, but at the same time kept Fulong Palace as the residence of the palace.

Listening to her asking about her hobbies, she can be called very enthusiastic and considerate, Xie Wuyang has something to think about.

Hai's mother and daughter have only met him a few times, if it is said that they have no feelings, such behavior is presumably because of his current status as the crown prince.

If so, then it is really too much to worry about.

Whether it is now or in the future, it is impossible for him to make things difficult for them, and they don't have to deliberately get so close to him.

After getting along for a long time, everything will come naturally.

Getting along too deliberately at the moment will only be pressure for both parties, and it is really unnecessary.

Thinking of this, he smiled, and declined politely: "I live here alone, there is nothing special about it, everything will be arranged by my servants, and I really don't need to bother the empress to take care of me. The empress's heart, I am already Thank you so much, please thank your wife for me."

With this remark, the other party must be able to understand what he meant.

Princess Yongjia smiled slightly.

I don't try the cloak, and I don't want to tell you if I like it...

And live alone here—

It is indeed one person at the moment.

But soon there will be a crown prince marrying in...

In other words, there will soon be a hostess here.

When this thought came up, the girl felt as if a needle had been pricked in her heart very quickly.

Thinking of the many rumors she heard recently, she couldn't help but said: "Brother, there are some things that Sonny should say or not..."

Xie Wuyang paused while eating tea.

Since you don't know whether to speak or not, it's better not to speak, and it's really inappropriate to talk shallow and deep.

However, I heard the other party continue to say: "I heard that when my elder brother was still the grandson of the Wu family, he was brought home by the Xu family, and he was almost forced to celebrate the girl of the Xu family..."

Thinking that this matter must be his taboo, she tried to be careful in her tone.

No matter how you look at it, it is disgraceful for a dignified man, especially the current prince, to be forced to celebrate the happiness of others.

"The rumors are unbelievable. The Xu family has never persecuted me, and General Xu treated me with a life-saving grace, let alone coercion." Xie Wuyang corrected.

Hearing that there was no dissatisfaction in his tone, Princess Yongjia was a little surprised.

But it became clear quickly.

He has always been well-bred, so naturally he would not say anything wrong with the Xu family.

And the grace of saving lives...

"So, is it because of the Xu family's life-saving grace that elder brother agreed to marry that girl from the Xu family?" She sighed softly, and said for him: "Elder brother is kind, but now because of this matter, the outside world is not married. I don't know how many people are making fun of my brother..."

"Just kidding?" Xie Wuyang frowned.

What kind of nonsense is this talking about?

Shouldn't they be envious of his destined marriage with Zhaozhao?

And where did the other party's sympathetic eyes come from——

His family, Zhaozhao, is both civil and military, kind-hearted, caring for the common people, and he is the most beautiful woman in the capital, and there is no second one in the world - being able to marry Zhaozhaoshi is a blessing he has cultivated in several lifetimes.

Xie Wuyang was really confused.

Is there something wrong with this sister's brain? Do I need to ask Miracle Doctor Qiu to take a look?

"Elder brother is the crown prince, they dare not discuss it in the open... but the rumors that are spread in secret are quite harsh to me." Princess Yongjia hesitated to speak, but then said again: "Brother, if you really feel This marriage is not to your liking, maybe you can try to discuss it with your father for a while, so that your father can take it back... If elder brother is inconvenient to speak, I can go and talk to father in detail on his behalf."

Xie Wuyang: "..."

Is there any enmity between the other party and him?

Thank you for your monthly pass.

(Now a chapter is two chapters in one, I can only write as much as possible in each chapter, double changes or something, cough cough cough wait for the episode)

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