Wishful Things

Chapter 662: Sweetheart

Seeing that the other party was about to say something more, he stepped forward and said: "I have no dissatisfaction with this marriage, and I have no intention of letting the emperor take back the will. Please don't mention this matter again."

Princess Yongjia was slightly taken aback.

Not at all dissatisfied?

Is what he said categorically in consideration of the so-called overall situation, or... his sincere words?

She carefully screened the other person's expression, but couldn't figure out the answer for a while.


A girl's bright face suddenly flashed in her mind.

A girl from the Xu family, Xu Mingyi.

Family background, appearance, all are first-class...

Every time she thinks about this, she always feels an unspeakable sense of crisis in her heart.

Some words that were already prepared were blurted out: "But I heard that Miss Xu is not a soft-tempered person. She was born in a general family, so she has a bit of rough air, and the Dongyang Palace is so powerful, it is hard to protect her." She will become more and more confident... I heard a few days ago that she used to hurt others when she was a lady in Beijing, which shows that her character is indeed too strong. In addition, she has always been on good terms with Princess Yufeng Recently, the reputation is not very good... After thinking about it, I am afraid that he is not a good match for my brother!"

These words also have her sincere words - how can such a woman be worthy of her brother?

The peaceful look on Xie Wuyang's face was swept away.

He looked at Princess Yongjia, and said in a cold voice, "You also know that you have heard it. It is just hearsay, and it is a bit too superficial and rude to slander others like this."

Just now when the other party mentioned that his father should take back his order, he could still understand that he was thinking about his state of mind. Therefore, he only pretended that the other party didn't know the inside story, and he just explained his thoughts without any intention of blaming him.

But after he explained his thoughts, the other party said this again——

Under such circumstances, it was difficult for him not to doubt the other party's real intentions.

Brutality, arrogance, excesses, a bad reputation...

Zhaozhao received the imperial decree first, and then Shouming's biography. At this time, anyone who mentions Zhaozhao is a word of praise.

It is worth pondering that a princess who has just arrived in Beijing and is in a deep palace can "hear" so many negative statements.

And right now, in front of him, he dares to judge someone he doesn't know so arbitrarily and irresponsibly. Is this thinking for him, or is there another purpose?

Hearing the words "superficial and rude", Princess Yongjia's complexion turned red and white.

"I... I just thought that these rumors must not be groundless, so I told my brother to listen."

"If you know little about her, you shouldn't judge her rashly." Xie Wuyang looked at her, and said seriously: "The world is settled, half of the credit is due to the Xu family and Zhaozhao. If Zhaozhao hadn't ventured into Beijing alone, then There is no stable scene like today. Even the children in the streets and alleys understand this truth."

Princess Yongjia's complexion changed a few times.

Zhao Zhao...

Is it Xu Mingyi's boudoir name?

And... does this mean that she is not as good as the children in the streets?

"Besides, Zhaozhao is the one I want to marry. The marriage is also a favor I begged for from my father." The young man spoke more clearly, and his voice was unquestionable: "How about her character, I don't care. She knows better than anyone else. Whether her temperament is submissive or not has nothing to do with others, and she doesn't have to be a submissive person—"

Princess Yongjia's mind was buzzing.

Is he... the one he wants to marry?

His begging grace!

So, Xu Mingyi is his so-called sweetheart? !

She had preconceived it before and always thought that his rumored sweetheart must be from a humble background...

A humble girl with a low status is better than the girl from the Xu family with the best background and good looks—the unspeakable but uncontrollable sense of hostility in her heart gave her such a seemingly weird idea.

That's why she boldly persuaded him to resist this marriage with Xu Mingyi today. She thought that her words would reach his heart, but she didn't know...his sweetheart is actually Xu Mingyi!

Therefore, there was no engagement before, not because the other party's status was low, but because the other party's family was too powerful, so he had some scruples!

In addition to her astonishment, all that was left was panic.

That being the case, she really chose the wrong person in these words!

Not only is it impossible to speak to the heart of the other party, but it touches his back scale!

Will my brother hate her because of this?

Facing those calm but alienated eyes, she blushed in panic, and said aggrievedly: "I just heard these rumors, so I came here to kindly remind brother, there is no malice in my heart... Could it be that brother In your eyes, would I be the villain who slandered her behind her back without reason?"

Xie Wuyang said blankly: "I didn't understand it before, but I have learned something today."

None of them are three-year-old children, and many thoughts can be seen at a glance, so there is no need to talk about unintentional things to whitewash the peace.

"..." Princess Yongjia froze after hearing this undisguised words.

"Since you called me brother, I have something to remind you today." Xie Wuyang looked at her and said, "Since you are a princess, your words and deeds are more likely to be magnified by others, so you need to be more cautious in your words and deeds, otherwise It’s not good for others or yourself.”

Today's matter can be big or small, even if he won't change his view of Zhao Zhao just because of her few words, but this is him, what if it's someone else and the premise of the situation?

Even if he shouldn't care about a girl who just entered the capital or was taken advantage of by someone, at least he should let her understand that the higher the position, the more responsible she is for her words and deeds. If she doesn't restrain herself, sooner or later will cause trouble.

At that time, crying is useless.

"Yes, thank you brother for your teaching, Yongjia has made a note of it..." Princess Yongjia lowered her eyes, tears falling on the lapel of her clothes.

Xie Wuyang stood up: "If there is nothing else, I will not accompany you, please feel free."

Princess Yongjia raised her head in a daze—did he just leave?

The slender figure of the young man quickly disappeared outside the hall door.

Seeing this, she felt even more aggrieved, and her tears became more violent.

A rough person who was born in the general family—what she said is clearly the truth!

Just because she was his sweetheart, she became an unbearable villain, right?

Although the attendants and maidservants all lowered their heads, Princess Yongjia still felt extremely embarrassed and wanted to have a fit, but considering that this is the Prince's residence, she had no choice but to hold back.

Seeing the back of the girl wiping away her tears and leaving in shame and indignation, a front yard steward of the Prince's Mansion sighed inwardly.

After being reminded for a few words, I felt embarrassed. Just now, when I casually commented on the girl of the Xu family, and even said that I wanted His Highness to dissolve the marriage, why didn't I think about whether my words and deeds respected others?

Your Royal Highness, there is still a lot to learn in the future.


After Princess Yongjia returned to the palace, she locked herself in the bedroom and cried a lot.

Hearing about this, Hai Shi came here with the palace servants, feeling very worried.

She asked someone to open the door and walked in, only to see that the hall was full of porcelain shards, a mess.

"This..." Haishi couldn't help frowning: "Sang'er, what are you doing? What if..."

"If it's something, if it reaches Father's ears, he will definitely think I'm ignorant!" Princess Yongjia, who had just cried a while on the couch, raised her head, revealing a picture that was even more messy than the situation in the bedroom. Face.

Seeing her thorn-like appearance, Haishi felt helpless, so he held back the harsh words, and asked first: "What happened? Didn't you go to the Prince's mansion to give away the cloak? But... His Royal Highness dislike?"

"It's not that he doesn't like cloaks!" Princess Yongjia choked up, "He doesn't like me! And he already hates me!"

At this time, in his eyes, she must have become a ridiculous person playing tricks and slandering his sweetheart!

"Where did you start with this?" Hai Shi panicked, "You and the queen mother can explain clearly, what happened?"

Why did the prince hate Sonny?

Before that, she was worried about whether Sonny's temperament would be at odds with the prince, but in the past few days, Sonny treated him with great respect, and even tried to get closer to him--

She was relieved, and felt that Sonny had finally become sensible.

But looking at it now, is it because the prince is unwilling to accept their overtures?

She wanted to ask clearly, but no matter how much she asked, Princess Yongjia just cried and refused to say any more.

It was as if he had been greatly wronged and humiliated.

Haishi couldn't find out what was going on, so he had to ask the nanny to comfort him for the time being, while he went to the outer hall to ask Gong'e who went to the Prince's Mansion with his daughter today.

But that Gong'e didn't know what to ask, she just shook her head.

How dare she say it.

On the way back to the palace, the princess said that anyone who dared to say a word about what happened in the prince's mansion today would have their tongue pulled out.

Her Royal Highness has never been relentless in punishing palace servants, she dare not be so reckless.

Hai's couldn't figure out why, so he couldn't help feeling more worried and uneasy.

Sonny said that the prince hates her, what does this mean?

Do you not like their mother and daughter?

If you really don't like it...it's normal.

Hai Shi tightly gripped the fingers clasped in front of him, feeling unspeakable in his heart.

She comes from a humble background and has short-sightedness, just like when those wives treat her with respect, even if they respect her, it is only on the surface, and they must despise her in their hearts.

What's more, the prince?

After all, it is not biological, and there is no emotion.

He was born of Empress Yuanxian, and he has the blood of both the royal family and the Wu family of Ningyang. He grew up in the Wu family since he was a child, and he is proud and arrogant...

She and Sonny were the dust, destined not to enter his eyes.

He must feel disgusted by calling her queen mother in front of people, right?

Even though they showed affection in every possible way, she thought how inconvenient it would be for him to live outside the palace, and she even took the initiative to avoid his daily greetings...

But today, Sonny still came back from the Prince's Mansion crying.

Under the precarious situation that he believed for many years, Haishi has long since developed a sensitive mind that would make all kinds of guesses at the slightest sign of trouble.

Because of this, she even stayed up all night.

The harder it is to fall asleep, the more complicated the thoughts in the mind become.

The moonlight was silent outside the window, and in the huge dormitory, she could only hear the long breathing of the mother who lay on the floor to watch the night.

She couldn't help but think that since entering Beijing, the number of times he has set foot in Yukun Palace can be counted on the fingers...

When I was in Mizhou before, in order to show it to others, even if I rested in the study, I had to go back to the inner courtyard, but now...

And I don't know how the palace people will talk about her secretly...

Sonny said earlier that if she didn't want it herself, people would think she didn't want it after a long time-is that really the case?

But even he refuses to act for others, so how can the prince respect her?

Even... Could the crown prince already know about that? !

That's why he doesn't take her and Sonny seriously?

Thinking of this, Haishi's mind buzzed, and he became more and more flustered.

If the crown prince finds out, more people will know about it in the future...

In case it gets leaked out...!

The reason why she never dared to tell Sonny was because she was afraid that she would tell the secret if she couldn't hide it—once some things were revealed and more people knew about them, everything in front of her would cease to exist!

Thinking of the consequences, she sat up abruptly, her palms filled with cold sweat.

Mammy woke up when she heard the movement, got up and asked, "What's wrong, Ma'am?"

"Nurse..." In the dark, Haishi asked in Mizhou dialect in an uneasy tone, "Do you think the crown prince already knows Sang'er's identity, and that's why he—"

"Your Majesty!" Mammy was so frightened that she threw her drowsiness to the sky, and said in a low voice, "You can't think so wildly, and you can't say such things at will..."

Cooperating with the empress, who stays awake in the middle of the night, thinking about the day's affairs?

Seeing the panic-stricken appearance of the people sitting there, the nanny sighed helplessly, stepped forward to help the person lie down, pulled the quilt back, and comforted her: "You can't scare yourself, just sleep and wait until you calm down tomorrow." I can wake up."

One is not eating, the other is not sleeping-both things can make people's brains go wrong!

Haishi lay there, forcing himself to close his eyes, but his whole body still couldn't relax.

She has nothing else to ask for now, she just wants to stay by his side, she doesn't want to lose even this qualification...

I wish...

I hope she thinks too much.

Haishi grabbed the brocade quilt with both hands, as if trying to grasp the most important thing.


When the garden is full of sweet-scented osmanthus, the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching.

On this day, a group of palace people came to Dongyang Prince's Mansion in Qingyunfang, and the leader was the maid in charge of Shoukang Palace.

They sent Xu Mingyi a post about the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet in the palace.

The papers sent to various residences yesterday had already arrived at Dongyang Prince's Mansion, Xu Mingyi never expected that today the Empress Dowager made a special trip to send another paper to her alone.

"The Empress Dowager was afraid that Miss Xu would not go to the banquet, so she specially asked the servants to run away." The maid in charge said with a smile: "After accepting this post, Miss Xu has to go."

Xu Mingyi couldn't help laughing too.

It seems that the empress dowager is well aware that she does not like the habit of attending banquets.

"Please tell the empress dowager, I will definitely go in three days."

"You don't need to answer the maids. If Miss Xu is free today, you can go to the palace and talk to the Empress Dowager in person." The maid in charge took another post from her sleeve and said with a smile: "The Empress Dowager hasn't seen you for a while. It's a girl, I've been talking about it all day long, but I can't wait until three days later, anyway, I'm going to invite the girl into the palace today to talk."

So, this post is the most important.

Xu Mingyi did the math, and it was only seven or eight days since he entered the palace last time... How could it be "I haven't seen you for a while"?

Zuo Zuo had nothing to do today, so he smiled and nodded in response.

She had made an agreement with Wu Chao that after the overall situation was settled, she must honor these elders who had suffered too much.

But right now, it seems that what the elders need most is the company of the younger generation.

This is a matter of duty within one's ability, and there is no reason to refuse.

After changing and freshening up, Xu Mingyi boarded the carriage and headed towards the palace.

The carriage stopped outside the inner palaces.

A soft sedan chair had already been waiting inside the palace gate.

Thinking of the wishes of the elders, obedience is worse than respect, Xu Mingyi did not refuse, and got into the sedan chair very neatly.

The inner prisoner lifted the soft sedan lightly and steadily, Xu Mingyi sat in the sedan chair and never lifted the curtain to look around, just patiently closed his eyes and rested his mind.

I only roughly felt that about two quarters of an hour had passed, and when I thought that Ying was also approaching the Shoukang Palace, the sedan chair suddenly slowed down.

At the same time, the voices of the palace people saluting reached their ears.

"Slaves see Your Highness the Princess..."

your Highness?

Now there is only one princess in the palace.

When Xu Mingyi was about to lift the curtain of the sedan chair, he heard a girl's slightly contemptuous voice: "I don't know which nobleman is sitting in this sedan chair? Why, is it inconvenient to get off the sedan chair?"

Thank you for your monthly pass, and thank you Qinghan, surprise1515, and book friend 20210526152355485 for your rewards~

The chapter is 4,400 words long, I will try to increase the number of words in each chapter as soon as possible, so that I can finish this plot quickly, good night everyone.

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