Wishful Things

Chapter 683: Finale (Part 1)

A group of female relatives hurried out of the Xi Garden, and ordered the servants to bring two folds of sandalwood floor-to-ceiling screens to block the door of the Moon Cave.

After working so hard, before he had time to discuss the countermeasures in detail, he listened to the servant's report, saying that the front had already broken through the gate and came here.

"Why so fast!"

"It's okay to stop for at least half an hour!"

This is full of calculations, and it only takes two quarters of an hour!

But we can't really blame the people in Dongyang Palace for not working hard——

The boy who came to deliver the message roughly explained the battle in the front yard.

In terms of strength, the people of Dongyang Palace are no problem. Qin Wuyunliu personally led people to block the two gates tightly.

The accompanying officials, Xie Shoufu and his party, who are usually the most prestigious in the court, discussed with Qin Wu and others patiently and politely through the gate.

Seeing that the other party was so particular, obviously unable to let go of the imperial court's airs, and not daring to do anything radical, Qin Wu inevitably relaxed his vigilance——

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a group of highly skilled police guards and members of the prince's army took the opportunity to climb over the wall and entered, catching them by surprise!

No matter how tough our side is, how can we stand up to the opponent's internal cooperation?

"I don't know who made this bad move! It's probably your old man!"

"You can't dirty people's innocence, I think it looks like Jiang Taifu!"

Another person asked: "Wu is not successful, what about Wen?"

"Yes, yes, there is still the eldest son and the second master!"

"The second master of my family came out in person..." The boy who passed on the message smiled very reluctantly, "But today, not only Xie Shoufu, Jiang Taifu, Ming Yushi, various ministers, and the cabinet scholar, Mr. Yu , Cao Langzhong and others!"

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this formation gathered all the champions since the founding of the Daqing Dynasty in one place!

This is the real preparation!

No matter how his second master is, he is outnumbered!

After hearing the words, the female relatives laughed and settled accounts with each other, talking about which family's lord contributed the most, but actually dragged them back and destroyed their own prestige.

"Okay, okay, now is the time for infighting! Everyone is here!"

"We have to be more aggressive and block this door!"

"You can't tell them to break in easily..."

"You have to keep in mind the lessons learned by Master Xu Er when he greeted the bride! Don't fall into the trap again later!"

"What do you mean, how can you stumble twice on the same road? Could it be that these two screens were set up for nothing?"

Let them play tricks, anyway, just don't see or accept the trick!

"I'm coming……!"

A burst of noise came, and the female relatives quickly cheered up.

A little girl who didn't believe in evil stood beside the screen and looked quietly. She caught sight of the person who was walking in the front and was walking towards her. She immediately took a breath, and hurriedly retracted behind the screen—as expected...as expected, she couldn't see it!

It is said that His Royal Highness the crown prince is a man of heaven, and Miss Xu is a match made in heaven... When we meet today, we will know that the rumors are not jokes!

"You ladies are too vigilant, why are you blocking the screen here? Could it be that we can force our way in?"

A group of officials surrounded the Crown Prince and came to the gate of the Moon Cave. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help sighing.

"It's more than a forced intrusion!" A lady said with a smile: "Let me ask a question first, why are you here today?"

This question is within the rules and etiquette.

"Naturally, I came here to welcome the prince for His Royal Highness!"

There were also people in the army who answered in a vigorous and honest manner: "Help my Highness marry a wife!"

It was a boy's voice.

Laughed all around.

Amidst the laughter, Princess Yufeng looked through the gap between the two screens, and saw a young man wearing a round-neck robe with tunic sleeves standing in front of him. He was tall and tall, with a dark complexion, and A whole body of natural recklessness.

Hearing the female relatives ask one after another, the people on the opposite side answered each other fluently, Princess Yufeng laughed lightly, and opened her mouth——

"I also have a few words to ask His Royal Highness the Crown Prince." She said in a leisurely tone, "After my family Zhaozhao married you, who will be the master of the family affairs?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a slight silence around.

It’s okay to ask about ordinary people’s marriages, but today’s marriage is a royal family’s daughter-in-law...

That is to say, the Lord Yufeng can ask it!

But also because it was the princess, no matter how inconspicuous the question was asked, it was not surprising.

In this way, after a short reaction, the atmosphere returned to normal, and it was just a joke.

In the next moment, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince replied: "No matter how big or small, those who can do it live."

Everyone laughed and agreed.

This answer is ambiguous, but it is enough to expose this meaningless question.

However, immediately after that, the voice said: "Zhao Zhao is smarter than me, and also more insightful than me, and has a broader mind—everything should be decided by her."

This answer made all around suddenly noisy.

Exclaims, laughter, mixed together.

"Good! Good!" Prince Jing took the lead and applauded.

Some officials shook their heads with a smile.

Even if it was a matter of appearance, what His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said was enough to give the Xu family and the Crown Princess enough respect.

The smile in Jiang Taifu's eyes was meaningful.

Behind the screen, Princess Yufeng asked again: "Then let me ask Your Highness again, after my family Zhaozhao becomes the Crown Princess, how many side concubines will His Highness plan to take to serve her?"

This question is quite confusing.

Xie Wuyang answered without any hesitation——

"There must be someone in the palace to serve the crown princess. I am the only one in this life, and there is absolutely no possibility of becoming a side concubine again."

Different from the uproar caused by the last question, this answer made everyone quiet.

Oh, it's not all quiet...

Qiu Cai'er couldn't help screaming, clutching the skirt of her front with both hands tightly, she was so excited that she burst into tears.

Who can understand her mood?

Almost no one present here expected to hear such an answer.

Although I came to greet the relatives today, but I am a dignified prince. If you encounter a question that you don't want to answer, you can just avoid it. With so many officials around, are you afraid that you can't handle this small scene?

But he just answered positively, and he answered like that!

On the day of the wedding, and in front of everyone, this statement is no different from a promise!

But...the only one in this life is the crown princess?

Now it's just the prince, let alone, if in the future...

There is absolutely no such precedent!

No, it cannot be said that there is no precedent...

Leaving aside the pair of emperors and empresses from the Dajing Dynasty hundreds of years ago——

Isn't His Majesty a life and death unwilling to choose a concubine?

Co-authored and quarreled for a long time, the father is making a sample for his son!

Let's level the road first...and save the courtiers from accepting it in the future!

Thinking about it this way, His Majesty is really considerate...

Realizing this, the ministers felt extremely complicated.

But after all, it is a big day, so it is not appropriate to say something that would spoil the scenery—and this is the Dongyang Palace, so stand up and raise objections at this time...

They don't want to just eat the prince's wedding banquet today, and soon they will have everyone come to eat at home!

And now the crown prince is just talking. When he really takes that position, balancing the forces of all parties, the issue of heirs...these are all things that need to be considered.

As everyone knows, Xie Wuyang has already thought about these issues carefully.

Since he decided to marry, he couldn't be confused.

Before knowing his life experience, he made this decision, and after knowing his life experience, he will not change it for a day.

The balance of power should not involve the harem and innocent women. And there are disputes only when there is comparison, and it is not necessarily a good thing if everyone stops thinking about it from the beginning and puts all their minds on the previous dynasty.

How well a road goes, you can only know it by actually doing it.

As for the heirs—

He and Zhao Zhao will have children of their own.

Even if there is none, or Zhao Zhao doesn't want to have a child, it doesn't matter.

Isn't there still King Jingshizi?

It is said that not long ago, there was a woman who secretly approached the door of Prince Jing’s Mansion with a doll——

Presumably in the future, the heirs in King Jing's Mansion will be very rich.

Under such circumstances, it's not too much for him to borrow one or two qualified ones to raise him, right?

But these retreats can only be understood in the heart, and it is not appropriate to state them prematurely.

After all, it was his and Zhaozhao's private matter, let's wait and see, and there is no need to explain too much to outsiders.

And what he said today was precisely to avoid many unnecessary remarks in the future.

"Good answer, as expected of my man from Xie's family!" Different from other people's ambiguous statements, Princess Yufeng was very satisfied.

After the female relatives were astonished, they were even more envious.

There were also a few girls who were in their fifteenth or sixteenth year and disappeared quietly. The family had vaguely mentioned the position of the crown prince's side concubine to them. Today, they were shocked to see the crown prince's highness. It is inevitable at such an age. Also gave birth to some fantasies.

But in the end, it was just an idea that hadn't had time to take root, so this insignificant loss was quickly washed away by the joy all around.

They are all grown up pampered, educated girls, they have their own pride, and the words have been made public, who would be willing to be that extra person?

What's more, the scene of the girl from the Xu family winning the first victory that day in the spring hunt is still etched in their minds.

Miss Xu is telling them with practical actions that girls can also have their own ideas, and they shouldn't just compete with each other in the back room and give the benefits to the men for nothing——

They respect Miss Xu.

And clearly understood that he deserves to be respected.

And if this His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can really have no second person by his side, then he is worthy of their respect.

After thinking this through, the girls looked at the handsome young man again, and their mood became more calm and transparent.

From the tangled insider to the outsider, it can be said to be relieved and relaxed.

A girl urged Princess Yufeng to ask more in a low voice.

Since His Royal Highness is setting an example for the people, they might be able to use the same criteria to choose their husbands in the future.

Princess Yufeng smiled and cleared her throat slightly. Just as she was about to speak again, she saw a big hand grabbing the side of the screen suddenly.

"What are you going to do?" Princess Yufeng held down that hand vigilantly, and stretched out half of her body to look.

I saw that it was the tall young man who had just shouted, "His Royal Highness is here to marry a wife".

At this time, when I got closer, I saw that this young man who was a whole head taller than her had a pair of extremely pure, clear and bright black eyes.

Mixed with that reckless arrogance, he looks like... a little wolf who just ran out of the mountains.

Princess Yufeng raised her face and blinked.

Her house...doesn't have this one.

The young man surnamed Nie was stared at so directly by her, and she pressed the palm of the screen edge, and his face turned red involuntarily.

She didn't dare to look down at her at all, and she stumbled: "Don't delay any longer, don't... don't miss the auspicious time!"

As he said that, with a sudden force, he lifted up the heavy sandalwood screen!

Princess Yufeng was almost knocked to the ground by his movements, but fortunately, the girls beside her helped her up in time.

And someone started, and soon a group of young people began to imitate and move another screen.

Looking at the disturbed female relatives, a group of officials shook their heads disapprovingly.

"This is against the rules..."

"You young people..."

"It's just saying that there is a hammer to use, but it's stopping!" A lady stomped her foot and glared at her husband.

In this regard, the adults unanimously chose to be deaf and stood where they were.

Xie Wuyang stepped through the Moon Cave Gate and headed towards Xiyuan with a group of internal officials and deacons.

A group of female relatives hastened to follow up.

The maidservant who had reported the news quickly ran back to the courtyard, panting and said: "Here we come!"

Hearing this, Xu Mingyi hurriedly put down the golden jade tassel curtain in front of the phoenix crown, and Mrs. Xu bent over to help her tidy it up.

Ah Kui has already greeted her with the posture of a big maid.

But Xie Wuyang and his party were once again blocked——

Looking at the big bird with its wings spread out at the foot of the stone steps in the main hall, and then at the other bird of similar size beside it, Xie Wukai couldn't help but be puzzled—who is this?

On the stone steps, Akui held her hands by her side and explained with a smile: "Your Highness the Crown Prince doesn't know something. This is what His Majesty found to accompany Tianmu. It is said that he has been raised in Mizhou for more than a year. The third eye is very compatible - the girl named it Tianwei."


Xie Wuyang was silent.

Previously, the emperor said that he would reward Tianmu heavily, but did he mean to assign a daughter-in-law to solve life-long affairs?

And the two birds are now wearing red silk flowers...

So, who is getting married today?

He actually accomplished a major event in his life on the same year, the same month, and the same day as this bird?

It's hard to describe this kind of mood, but I have already expected that the unfilial son will drag me down——

At the behest of His Highness the Crown Prince, the internal officials at the side hurriedly took out the prepared cooked meat and threw it at the two birds.

The two birds collected the money for the journey, and then let the deacon go.

"Chirp!" Tianmu swallowed the meat, puffed out her chest and yelled at Tianwei triumphantly—see what I can do?

Tianwei responded to it, and the two birds cuddled together and buried their heads in eating the meat.

In the main hall, four female officials held the curtains and fans in front of them, on the left and right, they had already welcomed the bride out.

Xie Wuyang stood at the foot of the stone steps, looking through the slowly opened curtain fan, all the sounds of everything between the heaven and the earth disappeared for a moment.

The Fengguanxiapei was delicate and eye-catching, and the golden thread and jewels were unmatched in luxury, but after all, they could not suppress her color. Behind the gently swaying golden and jade curtain, those beautiful and dark eyes were smiling at him.

So he held out his hand to her.


Thank you for the 100,000 coins rewarded by the alliance leader Ji Qinghan today, and note to Zhao Zhaochong as a gift. I am very grateful, but I am ashamed of receiving it. Thank you for your monthly tickets. Sometimes in the backstage, there are many votes in one vote.

Thank you, the end is coming soon, so much thank you to say. When it's really over, let's have a good chat with everyone.

good night.

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