Wishful Things

Chapter 684: Finale (Part 2)

The newcomer led the red silk, accompanied by the deacon's female officer, and left Xiyuan.

Xu and others sent him outside the hospital.

When she stopped, Xu looked at the pair of backs and shed two tears quietly.

A group of officials waiting outside the gate of the Moon Cave followed the new couple to the main hall in the front yard.

Inside the hall, the Xu family members were all waiting there.

The old man sat at the top, Xu Jin and Cui Shi sat on the lower sides, followed by Xu Yun and his wife, and Xu Mingshi who stood aside.

Under the guidance of officials from the Ministry of Rites, Xu Mingyi knelt down and listened to his grandfather and parents.

The phoenix crown on her head was heavy, it was inconvenient to raise her head too much, and there was a curtain to block her view, so she did not pay close attention to the expressions of her family members at this time.

Xie Wuyang saw clearly.

The old man sat there without a trace of a smile, as if he was facing the most serious battle in his life, and his red, swollen and slightly blue eyes were particularly eye-catching.

It looked like he hadn't slept all night and cried all night...

General Xu, who has always been majestic and invincible, is probably the first time in his life to show others in such an appearance.

Regarding this, all the officials did not dare to look directly at it, they just acted as if they hadn't seen anything unusual, for fear that if they accidentally looked at something they should not have seen, they would be silenced afterwards.

But the status of the old man is not so outstanding among the Xu family members——

When Xie Wuyang turned his eyes, he saw the eyes of his father-in-law and brother-in-law, which were exactly the same as those of the old man.

So, the three grandparents... Could it be that they got together last night and cried all night?

That is to say, the mother-in-law is better, but it is probably due to the fact that she is covered by makeup.

Xie Wuyang's heart was touched, he lifted his robe and knelt down together with Xu Mingyi, folded his hands in front of him, and said solemnly: "Please rest assured, grand father-in-law and father-in-law, A Yuan will not let Zhao Zhao suffer any injustice in the future - if you go against this Promise, whether to beat or punish, it is up to the father-in-law to decide."

Xu Mingyi felt like laughing.

From the moment this man came to welcome the bride, he has completely left the royal rules behind in every word and deed—letting him come to greet the bride in person, all the adults are afraid that their guts will be green with regret at this time.

The grandfather who gave birth to her family was unceremonious——

At this time, hearing the promise of beating and punishing, he said decisively: "That is inevitable! This old man will definitely not show mercy!"

"..." All the officials wanted to say something to answer, but they really didn't know how to answer.

In the end, it was Jiang Taifu who said with a smile: "The prince's love for the younger generation is really a lesson to be learned from the sun and the moon. His highness has this sincerity, and it is also out of sincere love for the future princess... The affection, although different, is true." It's the same goal by different routes. Sure enough, this is destined to be a family!"

Xu Mingyi curled the corner of his mouth.

Yes, different routes lead to the same goal.

They are all people who love her wholeheartedly.

She is so lucky.

"Father, it's time for Zhao Zhao to go out." Xu Yun reminded softly beside him.

The old man, who was in a really complicated mood, glared at his second son.

Xu Yun, who had been slapped in the face for no reason, silently closed his mouth.

"Okay, let's go." Although the old man was very reluctant, he also attached great importance to the word auspicious time, and he didn't want to let the child have any regrets on this big day.

"Come back in three days, prepare good wine and good food, and it's not too late to talk." Xu Jin said with a smile, as if explaining to the two children, and as if comforting the old man.

Although the relationship between him and his father Zhaozhao is not different, but the older a person is, the easier it is for him to place more of his heart on his children.

Therefore, when Zhaozhao leaves the court, the one who is most reluctant to let go must be his father.


Xu Mingyi and Xie Wuyang responded in unison and bowed deeply again.

"Go..." King Dongyang wanted to say something more, but his throat seemed to be clogged with cotton, and he was so hoarse that he couldn't speak, so he just waved his hands to express his urging.

Hearing this extremely weak voice, Xu Mingyi suppressed the soreness in his eyes.

A large hand held her arm.

It was Wu Chao.

She half used that strength to stand up and turn around.

Following the high-pitched song of the inner officer, there was a sound of courteous music, and amidst the music, she slowly stepped out of the hall door, and the red lacquered skirt lightly swept across the vermilion lacquer threshold.

She wanted to look back.

But a little bit hesitant to look back, and firmly remember the rule that a bride cannot turn back when she leaves the court.

Fortunately, Tianmu and Tianwei followed her and Xie Wuyang from left to right, which slightly distracted her attention.

When Tianwei occasionally looked left and right and was distracted, Tianmu had to give corrective reminders very responsibly.

When the two majestic and majestic birds passed by the wedding event set up in the front yard, they attracted the eyes of the double geese on the case.

Under the sound of firecrackers, the sound of gongs and drums was a bit noisy.

Inside and outside of Qingyunfang, there are already crowds of people.

There are well-dressed dignitaries, scholars in long gowns with net gauze hair, military men in narrow-sleeved gowns, and more ordinary people.

Under the gazes of countless gazes, amidst countless voices of flattery, plain and simple, or warm congratulations, Xu Mingyi got into the wedding sedan chair.

The curtain of the sedan chair was lowered, and the sedan chair body was slowly lifted up as the internal officials sang "Get up the sedan chair—" again.

Just when Xu Mingyi was about to lift the fringed curtain in front of her eyes that made her dizzy, a voice came to her ears from the side of the Xixi sedan chair.

"...The journey is a bit long, so you don't need to sit upright. There are soft pillows and thin blankets in the sedan chair."

Xu Mingyi subconsciously looked to the left and right when he heard the words, and it was exactly as he said.

Coupled with the spacious body of the sedan chair, she can use it even if she is lying down.

"I'll just follow along, remember to ask someone to call me if something happens." The voice said again.

"Okay, I got it." Xu Mingyi hugged a pomegranate red soft pillow in front of him, and felt a lot more peaceful in his heart, as if he was filled with this soft pillow.

Xie Wuyang drove his horse and walked in front of the wedding sedan chair.

The welcoming team left Qingyunfang, and the people onlookers increased instead of decreasing.

The long streets and short alleys are crowded with people.

And most of those gazes were focused on the Crown Prince who came to welcome the bride. He saw a red-maned horse, a crimson python robe, a figure like a pine tree, and a face like a god——

Although he was full of noble aura, at this time he did not give people the slightest sense of alienation and remoteness - walking through the streets, His Royal Highness was just like every ordinary young man who finally married his sweetheart, with a ruthless expression on his face. Not for a moment is there a smile like a spring breeze.

The wedding sedan chair falls in front of the palace gate.

"His Royal Highness, please lift the sedan chair curtain—" the internal officer sang loudly with a smile.

After finishing his speech, Xu Mingyi saw the car curtain shake slightly, and then raised the car curtain with a long and slender hand.

The other hand stretched out in front of her.

Without hesitation, she slowly put her right hand in his.

The real red wedding dress had wide sleeves, which made the girl's white and slender wrist even more contrasting, and on the white wrist, half hidden in the sleeve was a jade bead bracelet.

Xie Wuyang smiled.

He held her gently but solemnly, and led her out of the wedding sedan chair.

At this time, the sun was setting outside the sedan chair, and the sky was full of rays of light, dyeing half of the sky red with beauty. It also shrouded the entire imperial city made of vermilion walls and glazed tiles in this extremely gorgeous twilight.

Outside the gate of the inner palace, the deacon of Honglu Temple led the officials to salute.

The female official covered herself with a curtain and fan, and helped Xu Mingyi onto the canopy.

The wedding ceremony was held in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Emperor Zhaozhen sat on the imperial steps wearing the crown of Tongtian Fu, and the Empress Dowager also wore the crown of nine dragons and four phoenixes on her head, watching a couple of newlyweds walking slowly to the sound of ceremony and music.

Under the guidance of the Yinzan officer, Xu Mingyi and Xie Wuyang walked together to worship four times.

The last worship is the ceremony of paying respects.

In the luxurious and solemn hall, the two bowed to pay respects, with smiles in their eyes.

"Li Cheng—"

The voice of the officiant resounded through the hall.

However, as far as Xu Mingyi is concerned, this still does not mean that her today's process has been completed.

After the big wedding, what awaits her is the great gift of conferring.

She had already memorized the tedious process by heart. Although she was a little nervous when she first stepped into the hall, she soon relaxed——

Although the person sitting on the imperial steps is the current emperor, he is also Wu Chao's father.

Although the empress dowager is the most honorable woman in Daqing, she is also Wu Chao's grandmother.

They always had smiles on their faces, looking at her and Wu Chao, just like ordinary fathers and grandmothers.

That night, when Wu Chao talked to her about getting married, he said that although he is a royal family, it is better than having a simple family, so there will be no trivial disputes, so please rest assured.

She agrees with this sentence very much.

Not only is the population simple, but the elders are even more kind and amiable.

Under such circumstances, it was not easy for her to maintain that little tension.

"The conferment ceremony of the Crown Princess is complete!"

Following a high-pitched song, Xu Mingyi saluted with the jade silk in his hands, and then, surrounded by all the female officials, he rode on the colorful car and headed for Fulong Palace.

Although there is a prince's mansion outside the palace, according to the ancestral system, the prince needs to live in the east palace for at least two months after his wedding.

two months...

Xu Mingyi sat on the bridal bed in the inner hall, thinking about what Wu Chao had said to her—he said that in the courtyard of the Prince's Mansion, he asked someone to build a lot of rose flower stands, and after two months, the flowers would bloom. Season, just right to go back.

"Prince Princess, don't be cautious. Now that you're back in the East Palace, there's no need to worry about the etiquette and rules." A square-faced nanny standing by said with a smile: "The maidservants used to be from the Empress Dowager's palace. , the Empress Dowager has confessed that you can just do as you please when you first enter the palace."

The Empress Dowager said that a newly married girl must miss her family, and if she continues to be restrained and wronged, she will definitely feel even worse.

Marriage is a great joy, and you should rush to be happy and festive about everything.

Hearing what she said, Xu Mingyi's originally tense body relaxed a little.

Looking at these nuns, she thought that she wouldn't go too far when she came here the first day, but now that she knows that she belongs to the Empress Dowager, she doesn't have to have so many scruples.

Seeing this, Ah Kui immediately went forward to rub her shoulders and backs for her own girl—oh, her own princess.

A palace lady also came forward, squatted down in front of Xu Mingyi, moved the footrest, and put a soft pillow on the footrest, carefully supported Xu Mingyi's calf, so that her legs rested on it——

"You must be extremely tired after standing for a whole day, you need to strengthen your bones soon..." As he spoke, he gently pinched Xu Mingyi's calf through his happy clothes.

Another palace lady came forward with warm tea in her hands, with a very sweet smile on her face: "Crown Princess, please have some tea."

Aoi stared blankly.

Why are everyone in the East Palace so diligent and winking?

But after thinking about it, her daughter can live more comfortably in this way, and it can be seen that His Royal Highness and the Empress Dowager have specially instructed her, so Ah Kui let go of her competitive spirit and smiled gratifiedly.

Xie Wuyang came back quickly.

There is a banquet in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, in addition to the civil and military officials, the clan, and King Dingnan, there are also foreign envoys. Although as a prince, he does not have to toast table by table like ordinary people, but it only takes half an hour. Turning back was also something Xu Mingyi never thought of.

Entering the inner hall together with Xie Wuyang, there is also a group of inner officials.

The internal officials came in with a red plate of wine and food in their hands.

The female officer in charge helped Xu Mingyi to the front of the small table, raised her hand and greeted Xie Wuyang facing each other, then the two knelt and sat on the cushion facing each other.

The internal officials set out the food and drink, and the feast began——

Xu Mingyi raised his hand to fill the sapphire goblet cup carved with dragons and phoenixes, and brought it to Xie Wuyang.

He took it, took a sip, and offered it to her.

Xu Mingyi took it again and drank it down in one gulp.

Xie Wuyang then repeated her actions, pouring out the wine and serving each other, let her taste it, and drink it up by herself.

After drinking together, the two ate some half-cooked dumplings and pasta under the guidance of the inner officer.

Then there is the ceremony of knotting hair.

The internal officer carefully cut off a strand of black hair from each of the two.

"I'll do it." Xie Wuyang stretched out his hand with a gentle voice and a smile.

"Yes." The internal officer bowed his head and raised his hands high.

Xu Mingyi saw the person opposite took the two strands of hair, tied them together with great care and solemnity, carefully wrapped them with red silk, and put them in the red plate.

After doing all this, he raised his eyes to look at her, and seeing her smiling eyes waiting for him, he couldn't help but smile more and more.

Soon some palace servants withdrew their belongings and brought ordinary clothes.

The two changed into the cumbersome and heavy wedding gowns, and after Xu Mingyi took off the phoenix crown, several maids helped her to the bathroom.

Taking a bath alone was not enough, and I used a paste made of honey, rose petals, and Western Region fragrance to massage her several times, and in the end it was extremely difficult to wash her out of the water when she was about to fall asleep Here they come, seeing another Gong'e bringing over a dozen bottles...

There are those who paint their faces, those who rub their bodies, and those who wipe their hair...

After such a lot of tossing, when Xu Mingyi returned to the dormitory with his hair half down and wearing a fine silk red jacket, he felt like a flower essence that had grown legs and turned into a flower, with a radius of hundreds of miles. The one with the strongest fragrance inside—

In comparison, Xie Wuyang's experience was much simpler, he had already bathed and changed his clothes by himself, and was sitting in the hall waiting for her.

Seeing that she had washed off the powder and fat on her face, revealing her originally white and clean face, Xie Wuyang smiled, and said to the palace people: "You all step back, Ah Kui just stay and serve."

"Yes." The palace people bowed their heads in response, and the faces of several nuns even had understanding smiles.

"..." Ah Kui panicked immediately.

She...does she really want to stay?

This is not appropriate!

Although it is true that she treats the girl faithfully, but... there is no need to treat her like an outsider!

The little maid was at a loss, she saw Tianmu and Tianwei lying beside the bed from the corner of her eye, she couldn't help but feel very complicated, at this moment, she was as redundant as Tianmu and Tianwei.

Try to finish writing the last chapter tomorrow~ (maybe the day after tomorrow, because I’m a little tired recently haha, I’m writing while checking information today, my brain power has been exhausted...)

Good night everyone.

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