Witch containment diary

Chapter 172 Dark Tunnel Answer

The hidden passage beneath the Naked Snake Commercial Building was Saburo Fujikawa's last refuge.

He built a private subway station here that could transport him to the safe house in the dark zone, the "worm's nest", a bunker hub with a depth of 150 meters.

Accompanied by Mei Daizi, Saburo moved his eight legs and strode through the corridor to the subway train.

"...How is the situation on the defense line?" Saburo turned around and asked.

"It's very bad. Several areas have been breached. We are the one being surrounded and suppressed this time, Mr. Saburo. Especially the mysterious man in black armor who attacked from the backyard. He killed at least hundreds of people by himself. There are also a large number of powerful enemies in the front, Street artillery, dragon witches, we need to retreat our elite troops and fight again later." Ninja reported in a cold tone.

"Where's Fazheluo? Did you lose too?" Saburo frowned.

"The battle is defeated," said the ninja.

Hearing this, the other Fujikawa Hall masters looked nervous.

This situation seems like the end of the entire Fujikawa group.

"The Fujikawa group has not collapsed yet." Fujikawa Saburo turned around and said.

There was a convincing force in his words that almost immediately lifted their spirits.

The lights on both sides illuminated their dragon tattoos, like a row of beasts.

"We cannot give in to one or two failures." Saburo Fujikawa emphasized loudly, "We still have boxes of arms and countless talents. Everyone around me, you are the backbone supporting the survival of the Fujikawa group. In a few days Within a few months, each hall leader will gather around a dozen more Wakatou, and each Wakatou will recruit hundreds of brave Wakatou, from New Tokyo, Dark Zone, Sakajo, from Iwate Prefecture to Hokkaido... As long as you are still alive, the Fujikawa group cannot say that they have lost the war, because every place in Dongming Country is the soil for people like us to survive and prosper, and you will unite everyone!"

"Oh oh oh!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"That's right!" The hall leaders of the Fujikawa group nodded vigorously. They are the core of the Fujikawa group.

"Now, it's as if Mount Fugaku collapsed from above our heads, and the whole world outside is burning and collapsing." Saburo Fujikawa stopped and pointed to the carriage at the end of the dark tunnel ahead, "You guys, please retreat to the dark zone. I will stay here."


"We're not leaving!"

"Team leader! We will fight with you until the last moment!" they said eagerly.

"Shut up! This is not a test of your loyalty. I owe Brother Yudai a lot, and I must repay it now. As long as you, the 'roots' of the Fujikawa Group, can survive, I can still keep up with Brother Yudai even if I'm under the Nine Springs Apologize generously and go now, you fools!" Saburo Fujikawa ordered.

"...Yes!" The six surviving Fujikawa-do masters bowed to Fujikawa Saburo, and then quickly boarded the train in the distance.

Mei Daizi looked at the train in the distance with fear.

"Meidaiko, you come over too! After all, it's my child!" Saburo Fujikawa slapped Meidaizi hard, and she hurried towards the train.

Saburo Fujikawa looked around him. After letting the elite cadres leave, there were only two personal guards left, both of whom were elite ninjas imported from overseas.

"Are you two going to stay with me?" Saburo Fujikawa asked.

"We three brothers, Nagao George, Sakamoto Lewan and Oda Jackson. Among them, Sakamoto Lewan died in the Sky Tree, which has made us feel lonely and desolate in the world. Now that I am with you, even if I die in battle, it is not humiliating. Mission." Long Tail George said.

"Ninjas overseas are also ninjas. I figured it out today. That's right." Saburo Fujikawa walked to the other direction of the tunnel, going deep into the dark underground network to find the shrine of the flesh demon Carmen.

Two ninjas were responsible for cutting off the queen for Saburo Fujikawa.

A wave of murderous intent came over.

Their fingers clenched around the hilts of their knives, their eyes darting around for signs of their attackers.

"Coming! So fast!"

"what happened!"

No flash, no explosion, no warning.

A moment ago, there was no one in the passage. The next second, the devil appeared.

Li Yixin suddenly appeared among the crowd as if he was born from the shadows.

Her flesh and blood was completely shrouded in smoke-like darkness. Among the clusters of demon flesh and blood, only the ferocious red light flashing in her eyes could be seen!

She held the flame ray in her hand, and the originally pure white edge was now soaked red with blood.


The two ninjas reacted on instinct, attacking fiercely with fists, kicks and swords.

But they missed the mark.

Li Yixin's fighting method was tantamount to teasing and ridicule. She disappeared instantly, and countless hidden weapons and blades fell into place.

Then, the massacre officially began.

Li Yixin's spear became blurry, and they only saw a few cold lights appearing in the air, which easily penetrated the ninjas on the left and right, like a blood dance.



The ninjas tried their best to fight, but the wounds on their bodies kept accumulating. Li Yixin disappeared from the place from time to time, and then appeared from unexpected places, and then attacked them fiercely with his spear, injuring them, as if he had been watching them secretly. Sometimes she simply thrusts a spear out of nothingness without appearing at all.

Saburo Fujikawa walked through the long and narrow passage and returned to the flesh and blood sculpture underground.

In the Dark Zone, the worship of flesh-and-blood demons runs deep. The most basic transaction method is equivalent exchange, where every pound of human meat can be exchanged for one pound of animal meat. Fresh game is nowhere to be found and unsuspecting neighbors abound.

Therefore, the statue of Carmen, the flesh demon, is so popular. It stands alone on the terrible altar, like a patchwork of a large number of people who have never died in peace, with white bones and rotten flesh piled up at its feet, shaped like mountains.

Saburo Fujikawa's eight legs were bent and he knelt down, floating in front of the statue.

The statue of the flesh demon Carmen proliferated its limbs and opened its mouth like a scream.

"Give me strength, more strength! I have always been loyal... I provided the feast, nourished you, now let me become stronger and younger! So that we can still fight off the enemy, you The shrine will not collapse." Fujikawa Saburo raised his head and tried to make a final exchange.

There was only silence in response to him, and the flesh and blood statue seemed to be mocking him.

Saburo Fujikawa's blood almost froze, and his spine felt chilly.

He realized that the feast was not over yet.

By the way, the main meal, the banquet ended before there was time to digest it, so the flesh demon Carmen was not satisfied yet.

The flesh and blood statue began to move towards Fujikawa Saburo, his vision dimmed.

Faintly, he saw a huge silhouette swinging in the shadows, with deformed limbs supporting a bloated torso, hungry for fresh food.

Fujikawa Saburo did not feel fear, but felt relieved.

"Then, I will treat myself as dinner, Carmen! Turn me into a devil." Fujikawa Saburo said with some joy and enthusiasm, "I have never felt so strong, young and free as now, although You are a devil, but you are also my savior, bringing me unprecedented blessings. Clearly mark the price and deal fairly, you are more upright than many people in this world."

The next second, Li Yixin appeared from behind. Her figure passed through the gap in the world and floated in front of the flesh demon Carmen. The flame in her hand stretched forward and cleverly pressed against the back of Saburo's head.

"It's time to say good night." Li Yixin said.

"Both Jackson and George were killed by you?" Saburo Fujikawa felt the back of his head was cold.

"They resisted for a while." Li Yixin had no wounds on his body.

"...You were sent here by Edith, right?" Saburo Fujikawa came back to his senses.

"You once provoked Mrs. Edith, this is the price you have to pay." Li Yixin said.

"Silly boy, do you think making a deal with the devil will end well? My today is your future. I only do it for what I can't get. I can see the look of Fujikawa Chiyo, I'm a lot older, I am willing to die. What about you? Will you be willing to die?" Saburo Fujikawa asked.

Li Yixin couldn't answer, so she thrust the spear forward. Fujikawa Saburo felt a strange pulling feeling, as if his soul was being sucked into a blood-red abyss.

She pulled out the spear, and a thin line of blood was drawn on the tip.

The flesh and blood statue made an unyielding protest, as if the food in its mouth was being stolen.

"You had a better choice." A high-pitched voice came from the flesh sculpture.

"...Adis asked you to leave, do you want to anger Adis?" Li Yixin spoke, her voice distorted, like thousands of tortured undead shouting together.

The flesh statue shuddered, retreated, then disappeared into the darkness.

Li Yixin stood in the darkness. She felt more and more disgusted with the world, so she opened a crack and got in.

The lobby of Ming She Commercial Building.

After Zhang Su finished his work, there were a lot of ashes in the banquet.

The beautiful spirit demons all got their due punishment and were eliminated like their leader Irene.

Checking the battlefield, Zhang Su found that the members of Fujikawa's team had been scattered and repelled, falling into a rout, and many of them had surrendered.

The sky was smoky and devastated.

The once bustling Snake Mall was now shrouded in eerie silence, with only the sirens outside blaring.

Probably the matter has come to an end. Zhang Suxin said.

He left the shopping mall and went to find Fujikawa Chiyo.

At this time, Shui Li carried Fujikawa Chiyo through the glass corridor and asked for help. Fujikawa Chiyo had just received a powerful electric shock. The current replaced the blood to support her physical strength, but her face was still pale.

This encounter was unexpected for them.

Chiyo Fujikawa looked up and saw Zhang Su wearing black beast armor, his expression immediately alert.

This armor is terrifying and advanced, and its appearance is even more horrifying. Zhang Su killed too many people today, and the blood seemed to be stuck to the armor and could not be peeled off. Obviously it performed well in tonight's massacre.

Shui Li had used up all the ninjutsu items. Just now he had used up his own power to treat Fujikawa Chiyo, but now he was exhausted and unable to fight.

Chiyo Fujikawa gritted her teeth and took a step forward, protecting Shui Li behind her.

"...Are you here to kill me? Go all out." Fujikawa Chiyo mobilized the magic power in her body.

In his hands, electricity sizzled.

Even though she was seriously injured and all threats seemed ridiculous, Fujikawa Chiyo did not back down.

"Who are you?" Zhang Su asked in a rough tone.

"Chiyo Fujikawa, leader of the Fujikawa group!" she said without hesitation.

"What's your relationship with her?" Zhang Su glanced at Shui Li.

Shui Li's body stiffened, waiting for Fujikawa Chiyo's response.

"Good friend, I've known her since we were very young, so I will protect her." Fujikawa Chiyo stretched out one hand forward, assuming a posture to meet the enemy.

Blood flowed from the half-healed wound.

In this case, Shui Li can rest assured, at least she is not a lonely ninja, but a ninja with human ties... Zhang Su thought to himself.

Zhang Su didn't say anything, but turned around and left, plunging into the darkness of old Tokyo.

"The monster... let us go?" Chiyo Fujikawa stared closely at the direction in which Zhang Su disappeared.

"Let's go quickly. It's great if you can survive. Now go to the hospital." Shuili carried Fujikawa Chiyo to the hospital.

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