Witch containment diary

Chapter 173 Accumulation of Wealth

Zhang Su went far enough and used the armor's built-in communicator to connect with Kazama Yihuai.

"My part is done, what about you?" Zhang Su asked.

"It's settled. The war at the Naking Snake Commercial Building is over. Fujikawa Saburo was executed. It is indeed a beneficial day for this city. Many people have suffered from oppression. We will disclose this news on the news." Kazama Yoshi Huai said.

"Adaptability is the key to the Fujikawa Group's survival until now. I suspect they will be reorganized soon. However, Chiyo Fujikawa can also unite some people and reform the Fujikawa Group into a more modern organization." Zhang Su said.

Kazama Yihuai was silent for a while, and Zhang Su could imagine the man's stern expression when he was thinking.

"I understand the meaning, and I hope the investment in Fujikawa Chiyo is worthwhile." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"No matter what, I hope the dark zone will get better in the future." Zhang Su said.

"Yes. Although this operation cost a lot of manpower and material resources, we did achieve a great victory. The Metropolitan Police Department, Witch Countermeasures Bureau and the National Defense Force can all benefit from this joint operation. Your performance is also outstanding, The preparation time was so limited and there was not much information, but you still tried your best and did a good job." Kazama Yihuai said.

Zhang Su found it funny, but Kazama Yihuai was rigid and serious. It was not easy to hear good things from him.

"...As long as the aftermath is done by you, I'm not good at this kind of procedural work, but you are the only one who can do it like a fish in water." Zhang Su said.

"Procedure and institutionalization are the only rules for optimizing life experience. I hope you can learn a thing or two. Okay, quickly change your armor and come to the front. If you disappear for too long, people will be suspicious." Kazama Yoshihuai After that, the communication ends.

The hall of Ming She Commercial Building still has the bloody mess left behind by the "Meat Feast".

Tables and chairs fell over, food was scattered, blood burst out, and there was flesh and demon dust.

When Zhang Su returned with the armored case on his back, many criminal technicians sent by the Metropolitan Police Department were investigating the scene, collecting and cataloging evidence, and taking photos of corpses and demonic remains.

[No. 0024: The ashes of the beautiful spirit demon. The degree of burning of the burned beautiful spirit demon is different in different areas. Please do not learn this method to cure the demon]

Zhang Su walked to Fengjian Yihuai's side.

Kazama Yihuai's eyes swept across the entire hall in an orderly manner, his eyes were sharp and he did not miss any details.

"It will take at least more than 10 days to clean this building. This place has witnessed a lot of death, blood and depravity." Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"At least we don't have to be afraid now." Zhang Su saw that the bloody organs and tissues were withering, and the demonic aura invading this place had been dispelled.

Their conversation was interrupted by a short, stocky man in a black uniform who walked quickly up to them and saluted.

"Excuse me, I am Superintendent Omori of the New Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department." He bowed to Kazama Yoshihuai and Zhang Su respectively, "The surrounding areas have been suppressed. So far, we have arrested more than 200 members of the Fujikawa Group. .”

"Well done, Superintendent." Kazama Yihuai said briefly, "Where are the leaders and cadres?"

"This..." Superintendent Omori hesitated, "We found a subway line underground leading to the dark zone. I'm afraid they have escaped successfully. The good news is that we confirmed the torn body of Saburo Fujikawa."

"The Fujikawa Group will be reborn relying on key members, but their sphere of influence will also be attacked by other gangs. There is enough good news today. Thank you to the Metropolitan Police Department for your service." Kazama Yoshihuai did not criticize him harshly, but expressed his gratitude to him salute.

"Yes." Superintendent Omori returned the gift proudly, "We will continue to provide services and bring more justice."

After he retreated, Zhang Su pondered.

"Do you think the current results are enough?" Zhang Su asked.

"Look over there." Kazama Yihuai raised his hand.

In the corridor outside the banquet hall, a group of dejected Fujikawa team members were escorted away.

They were put on silver handcuffs and given sedative injections. They were once extremely ferocious, but now they are as docile as sheep.

"We are going to organize a live broadcast. The trial of the criminals will inspire many people and people will see the bright side. These people have debts on their hands and now that they are caught and tried, many years of cases, violence and intentional injuries will be wiped out. If they are liquidated, the law will be implemented," Kazama Yoshihuai said.

"Yes, originally the police officers didn't even dare to look at them. Only now can we catch them." Zhang Su nodded.

"I will continue to follow up. The faces, sentences and crimes committed by these violent members of the Fujikawa Group will be made public. People must see the bright side of this society. The evil forces will be punished and attacked, which will have a great impact on countless people who live peacefully. This is the best news for you." Kazama Yihuai said slowly.

"Rebuilding confidence..." Zhang Su understood what he was thinking.

"Once you see this kind of positive news, no matter how much you hate the people of Dongming Kingdom, they will have a glimmer of understanding of the power and sublimity of the legal system. As for eradicating evil, we cannot rush it. As long as Fujikawa Chiyo is willing to cooperate with us, within three months, In half a year, a year, or two years, the dark area will be cleaned up." Kazama Yihuai said.

"You have quite a sense of justice." Zhang Su said.

"It's not justice, it's common sense. In a country, the most well-behaved people should feel that life is getting better, and they should see with their own eyes that those who violate social laws are being punished with the harshest sanctions. If people feel "In this society, only by doing evil can you live a better life." Then selfish, cynical people will be full of Tao, and society will be shrouded in a negative atmosphere. " Kazama Yihuai said.

"I think you are quite negative. You keep a straight face all the time, which makes people scared." Zhang Su said.

"Why do you say this? My intuition tells me that you have also experienced many painful experiences, and I have never seen you laugh cheerfully." Fengjian Yihuai snorted coldly.

"Ha, speaking of cleaning, Fujikawa Saburo must have hidden a lot of wealth here." Zhang Su turned to the back of the hall.

He planned to search the Fujikawa group's treasury, hoping to find something that could be exchanged for money. He has 20 million yen in working capital on hand, and Renwu has 150 million yen. Money is never too little.

"You clear the way." Kazama Yihuai followed Zhang Su, "Go and deal with the remaining people, but don't block my way."

The Naked Snake Mall itself is a shopping mall. The original shops, warehouses, and shops were completely changed. They were decorated at will by the Fujikawa group and installed with karaoke machines, beds, gun targets, virtual reality cabins and other entertainment facilities.

Zhang Su quickly searched the core area of ​​this huge building, and a few Fujikawa-gumi hall masters escaped.

More people have been killed or surrendered, while elite ninjas and armed ronin are looking for ways out, hoping to break through the blockade.

Based on experience, Zhang Su knew that someone would definitely take advantage of the chaos to steal money. All he had to do was follow the steps of such people.

He listened to the sounds in the surrounding area, then quickly followed the line.


"Move all these things quickly!"

"It's money!" Some rustling sounds caught Zhang Su's attention.

Zhang Su came to the rest bedroom at the back, where several Fujikawa team members were rummaging through their belongings!

His arrival attracted their attention. Zhang Su was as tall as a mountain, and it was scary just to look at him.

"Wow..." They stopped immediately and trembled.

Zhang Su didn't waste any more words. He dealt with them in two strokes and sent them to the Metropolitan Police Department to be punished. Everything in the room belonged to him.

"It seems that this is the place we are looking for." Kazama Yihuai avoided the Yakuza who were being escorted away, and then followed up expressionlessly.

"This place is really nice. It's probably Saburo's bedroom." Zhang Su looked around.

There is a large double bed in the middle, covered with pink sheets, and an ornate screen carved with dragons is placed at the end of the bed.

The only light came from a few flickering red candles, which should have been where Saburo Fujikawa slept, but he no longer needed them.

Blood splattered on the room's wallpaper, making their composition more complex, and the dressing table, bedside table, and wardrobe had all been messed up by previous members of the team.

There are some large paintings and sculptures that are difficult to store nearby. I don’t know where Saburo Fujikawa collected them from. This place is completely a collection room for him to show off his wealth.

There should be something more valuable, Zhang Su waited and watched.

The only place that hasn't been searched is the closet.

Zhang Su opened it, raised his hand to push aside the vases, fake books, and potted plants decorated on the surface, tore open the paper on the back, and immediately saw various shining objects.


The high-quality gold bars are piled up neatly and orderly. The edges are beveled and the cross-section is like a trapezoid, shining with an alluring light.

Gold is undoubtedly valuable, and Zhang Su didn't expect to be lucky enough to make a fortune today.

He immediately took out all the gold and counted them one by one. There were 20 gold bars, each weighing 100 grams.

Zhang Su inspected the gold bars. The fronts of these gold bars were engraved with codes. The first line was the seal of the South African refinery, stating that it was 99.9% pure, reaching the standard of one thousand pure gold.

The second line is the trading center code, indicating that it was first issued in the red sky market and is commercial gold recognized by the international precious metals market. The black market is willing to accept such gold and it is easy to cash out.

"How's it going?" He turned to look at Fengjian Yihuai and raised the gold bar in his hand.

"It feels like stripping off armor and snatching swords from the dead in battle," said Kazama Yoshihuai.

"Absolutely. Even if the Fujikawa group wants to make a comeback, it will take a lot of time. I really don't know how they got all these ill-gotten gains." Zhang Su weighed the gold bars in his hands.

"I'm afraid it was obtained from the Fourth Port of Shadow Street. Wait a moment." Kazama Yihuai continued to check the room.

The spies sent by Senior Supervisor Soro learned the password of Fujikawa Saburo's safe in advance, and now Kazama Yoshikaei also successfully found the large safe that Fujikawa's team members could not open.

After entering the password, Kazama Yihuai opened the door.

I saw stacks of cash again, as well as some diamonds, bonds and a large number of intelligence documents!

"Now Saburo has donated money to our cause." Zhang Su observed.

"People will go crazy for these treasures, but now they fall into our hands. I will convert them into funds, use them to comfort the casualties in the battle, make up for the shortfall in the operational budget, and then give the rest to Anxinyuan as a grant ." Kazama Yihuai said.

"It sounds like very little." Zhang Su wanted to fight for the benefits.

"Don't forget to pursue refunds. The funds recovered from various contractors of Dongzhou Wall. Due to Edith's urging, I will also complete the process during this period and deliver it to you. In this case, you will be able to I'm afraid there will be a huge amount of funds that can be used, with a scale of more than 2 billion yen." Kazama Yihuai looked at Zhang Su.

2 billion yen!

Zhang Su was shocked. Now it was his turn to become the rich one. It’s time to find a way to put the money to good use.

"Now I have to go back and focus on construction." Zhang Su said.

"I have never had so much money, so I have to think carefully about how to use it." Kazama Yihuai said.

"Then, you stay up late here to sort things out. I'll leave first." Zhang Su left.

Soon, Shang Shuqin came to Fengjian Yihuai.

"Zhang Su played very well tonight, and he collected a lot of test data. That armor is really strong, and he really has a bright future," Shang Shuqin said.

"Zhang Su now has money, power and status, and will become an emerging powerful person in Dongming Kingdom." Kazama Yihuai said.

"Aren't you afraid of his corruption?" Shang Shuqin asked.

"In the banquet hall, I saw the magic weapon 'Box of Wealth' being smashed. He will not be blinded by greed. What's more, he will return to the countryside in two days and has nothing to do with New Tokyo." Kazama Yihuai said.

"Ah, then I have to ask him out right away, otherwise it won't be my turn. I have to buy new clothes and find a way to hook up with him." Shang Shuqin hurriedly went to prepare.

"Don't bother, I bet the first thing he does after entering the door is to throw you down." Kazama Yihuai sneered.

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