Witch containment diary

Chapter 404 That’s probably it

At Anxin Yin, after the amnesty order was issued by Yoshio Akazawa, Lescolin left with the children.

"Let's go down the mountain," Lescolin said.

"What's good at the foot of the mountain? Cleaning up?" Hayho didn't understand. "Good things happen for no reason to us, so everyone should be careful."

"What? The teacher hasn't given permission yet." Yuan Zhi said hurriedly.

"No more, no permission is needed anymore." Lescorin shook her head, "The Witch Prison, at least in Dongming Country, will be completely evacuated and everyone will be released. Now let's go outside and take a look. , I don’t know how long it’s been since you went out.”

They were so surprised by the news that they left one by one, clutching each other's skirts as if they were afraid of being left behind.

Mrs. Rena held a flag in front to lead the way, just like outing.

They still wear beautiful clothes, maid-style black and white skirts, small leather shoes, and hair ribbons, and their faces are still beautiful. They walked along the winding mountain road, curiously walking to measure the secluded woods on both sides, looking at the real town Gozenmachi below, looking at the pedestrians, and they also curiously looked at the large group of little witches leaving Ansinin.

The feeling of freedom is like melting into the clouds, and I don't know where to go.

Standing at a crossroads in the countryside, surrounded by endless vegetable fields and green mountains in the distance,

Hayao pointed to the telephone poles at the end of her sight and said that the telephone poles would take them one by one into the city, just like the New Tokyo they traveled to last year.

"From now on, Anxinyuan will become an abandoned mountain monastery again. We are all very good and good children." Mrs. Rena told them, "From now on, we should also be well-behaved outside, okay?"

They looked at each other with a mix of happiness and apprehension, but more of a sense of excitement and surprise.

Qingxiao walked to the mud beside the road, knelt down and felt the boundless fresh air outside with all her heart, and was shocked by the vastness of the world.

"So it's true, we are all free." Qing Xiao turned around.

They suddenly felt like crying.

When I was in An An Hospital, I looked forward to leaving freely every day. Now that I can finally leave as I please, I long to go back.

"I still want to stay in Ansin." Mayumi said.

"No, Teacher Da Su has released everyone. You must cherish this opportunity." Lescolin said, "The law will not extend the sins of the previous generation of witches to the next generation of witches. If you stay here , wouldn’t it be a failure to live up to Zhang Su’s hard work?”

"Then it seems like this. There is nothing bad outside. There are big supermarkets and Internet cafes outside, as well as coffee machines and takeaways. The outside world has huge cinemas and huge crowds of people. It would be better if we all go outside." Morning. Sui turned around, feeling a little sad, "I'm going back to inherit Shadow Street and become the real king of Sui Sui. Goodbye, little ones. My senior sister also called me and said she was on her way back. I think I'll be with her. Walk."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Bianbang cried, and Mrs. Reina went over to pick her up and hold her in her arms.

"I will feed the child," said Mrs. Reina.

"In this case, I can finally go back to live in the old house with my mother." Shihua said silently.

"I want to stay in Anxinyuan, but if it's empty, I might as well be a wild cat." Yuanzhi lowered his head.

"I want to go to New Tokyo to prepare for the university entrance examination, but the university itself has sunk." Mayumi touched her head.

They are still thinking about the future and everything in the past, and gradually realize that the future outside An Yin means more possibilities.

The routine life in Anxinyuan was like riding on a one-way railway, dull, bumpy, but safe. Now the carriage was cut open, allowing them to see the scenery of the wilderness on both sides.

If you can't adapt to life outside, just come back. It doesn't matter. In the end, you will definitely find that you are still comfortable in your home. They were thinking.

At this time, Natsuki had already taken the lead and walked out along the road, heading as far as the sun could reach.

One month later.

Zhang Su suppressed the demons in Hokkaido and returned to Ansin. The war itself was nothing worth remembering. Nowadays, demons only fight two or three times, and more time is spent on disaster relief and maintaining order.

Edith called him and she also heard about Zhang Su's determination to grant amnesty to the world.

"Does the parting scene make you sad? All the witches are free, and the children are looking for their true homes."

"That's okay. An An Hospital is just a stop in their lives. They can take care of themselves outside. Besides, if they are unhappy outside, they can come back at any time." Zhang Su said, "Let's talk about the devil. I don't know. No matter what you plan to do, there will be many demons brought by the natural disaster, and they want to take away you, the most special person in the world."

"As always. I hope you will always be on my side." Edith said, "Or, you kill me."


"Execute me and the demons won't come," Edith said. "This is the easy way."

"I won't do that." Zhang Su said, "...I will protect you, but I also hope you can let Li Yixin go."

"If that child is that important in your heart, I understand." Edith said.


End communication.

Zhang Su touched the threshold. It was late at night, and Zhang Su stepped through the door. The once prosperous An'an Hospital returned to silence.

Under the moonlight, he saw a tall and elegant figure.

She walked on the open ground, looking so beautiful under the moonlight, leaving a clear night glow where she walked.

"Lianwu!" Zhang Su walked in her direction.

Her appearance has become more and more like that of Yuehua Ji, as if a powerful ancient will is gradually returning to the earth.

She turned her head and stared at Zhang Su.

Zhang Su breathed a sigh of relief.

"Have faith in me." Zhang Su held her hand, "I promised to stay with you for the rest of my life."

He walked forward and put his forehead against hers, feeling the cold, bone-deep magic on her body.

Lianwu has become so strong now. Zhang Su silently explored it and found that the power was unfathomable, just like one of the few strong men at the pinnacle of the world.

If the current Renwu appeared in New Tokyo, he might be able to participate in the war and steal the show.

"?" She looked at Zhang Su silently.

"Lianwu?" Zhang Su looked at her.

Silver hair and purple eyes, a giant silver-white horn on his head, and a cold temperament...

"Zhang Su!" Lian Wu came from under the tree in the distance with a surprised expression, "What did you and Yuehua Ji say?"

"Is this Yuehua Ji?" Zhang Su took two steps back and then recognized her.

Yue Huaji looked at Zhang Su, with warmth still remaining where her foreheads met. Zhang Su originally wanted to kiss her, but luckily he didn't.

"The previous battle caused Dongming's earth bones to be cut open, and even Yuehuaji's seal was loosened! So we released a little bit of Yuehuaji's soul, and it became what it is now." Hong Yan came out. .

Her current appearance surprised Zhang Su even more. She was tall and charming, with slender black hair hanging down. She was dressed in a fiery red dress. She looked very majestic. She was seventy-seven times similar to the ancient red flame portrait that Zhang Su had seen in the promotional scroll. Eight points similar.

"Lord Hongyan has fully recovered his strength?" Zhang Su observed.

"Thanks to you for calling on everyone to support the Bodhisattva's work." Hong Yan smiled and nodded, "In this case, the Bodhisattva will have more power and can do more things. And now I don't need to pick it up when I return to the tunnel. I crawled back slowly on both sides, and I just had to turn over and jump over."

"That's good..." Zhang Su felt that these changes were very special, "I plan to practice in a secluded place for a few years until the energy in my body is strong enough. During this period, Bodhisattva Lao and Lian Wu will help me. "

"It's nothing." Hongyan took back the witch containment diary from Zhang Su, then made some magic changes before handing it back, "Now that the power of this book has been embedded in your soul, you will need to continue to contain witches in the future, so that They should be honest, and in that case the Bodhisattva will also send you divine power."

"Yes." Zhang Su felt a mysterious power permeate his soul, and Hongyan's blessing seemed more and more precious. He turned to Lianwu, "Miss Lianwu...does it feel weird to live with the image of your ancestor? "

Lianwu touched the horns on her head, then looked up at Yuehuaji. Yuehuaji had mental impairment due to being incarcerated for more than a thousand years. Now she was just roaming around the Anxin Yard with no expression on her face, and she seemed to have no sanity at all.

"~" Lian Wu touched Yue Hua Ji, "Hey..."

"..." Yuehuaji said nothing, even more silent than Lianwu, "..."

"..." Lian Wu planned to take good care of Yue Hua Ji.

She felt that she was already the quietest person in the world, but Yuehuaji's performance far surpassed her. She stood barefoot on the ground, as if the moonlight had come to the world.

"Greetings to the Master." Chu Xiangyan only now kept up with Zhang Su's pace, breathlessly returned to Anxinyuan, and bowed deeply to Lianwu.

"!" Lian Wu went over and knocked Chu Xiangyan on the head.

"Huh?" Chu Xiangyan didn't understand, "Do you want me to cook? I can make braised chicken."

"Why not?" Zhang Su held Lian Wu's hand, "After so many things, I still feel that this moment is just right. Together, we can repair the Ark of Vision, implant the energy of the flame marrow, develop a new world, and wait until the devil When it comes, we will have sufficient combat power to deal with it.”

Lianwu closed her eyes and felt it carefully.

Indeed, she also felt that this moment was the best moment. It was like going back to the night when we first met, also in front of Yuehuaji. Bowl……

"~" Lian Wu nodded.

Time is not on their side. Half of this year has passed, the fate of mankind is counting down, and there is not much left in the hourglass clock. But if she could spend such a little time with Zhang Su, she felt there was nothing to worry about.

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