Witch containment diary

Chapter 405 Why do we call home now?

Three years after the natural disaster, in autumn.

The Demon Legion patrols the East China Sea Peninsula, checking for traces of human survivors.

"There were constant vibrations from the bottom of that mountain..."

"Using alien craft gadgets, a very deep tunnel was detected, which seems to lead to the center of the earth."

"General Peluo, what do you think we should do?" The demon servants looked up at a tall flame demon.

The Flame Demon Pei Luo stared at the devastated mountains in front of him. Since the invasion of the earth, most of the area has been destroyed and no grass can grow.

But the mountain in front of him was even weirder. There were not only traces of demon flames on the surface, but also large depressions.

That kind of depression is very special, with a row of four vertical pits and five slightly raised rock piles, closely connected to each other.

It took him a moment to figure out that it was the shape left by a human fist hitting something straight. The breatharians of China have left such traces on the body of demons. However, a year has passed since the last batch of large-scale breatharian battles with traces, and the demons drove most of the breatharians back. universe.

Pei Luo walked over and measured it with his Hell Obsidian Halberd "Oathbreaker". He found that it was not enough at all. After getting closer, he looked around and saw that the shadow of the fist was several hundred meters wide and could fit an entire Purgatory Pit to hatch. The little devils that emerged from the beasts made them writhe like scavenger maggots.

"There are extremely powerful breatharians who have trained here." Pero muttered.

After coming to the earth, it and other demons looted most of the traces of civilization on the ground. There were too many corpses piled high. They took the trouble to throw the corpses into the upper reaches of the rivers until the rivers were blocked and the land lost irrigation and turned into dry land. .

Then, the Flame Demon King blew a puff of flame and burned the surface of the earth. Many land masses were melted, forming mottled glass.

The survivors then hide, or flee, leaving a few elite humans wandering around. They were very flexible, attacking demon patrols in small groups, avoiding decisive battles with the main demon forces, and avoiding fortresses guarded by demon generals.

"Sir, you see, the vibrations are happening constantly, and in recent days, the vibrations have gradually disappeared, and waves of heat are rising in the tunnel, as if something is coming up." The demon servant explained.

A servant is a servant who succumbs to the devil. Peiro asked them to continue to monitor the earth and follow clues about the mobile city, the fairy boat, the spirit world, the refuge, and the ghost ship "Farsighted Ark".

Now it seems that this 5,000-kilometer-deep tunnel may be one of the clues.

"Surround it," said Peiro.

There were more than a hundred demon servants. At this time, they took up weapons and surrounded the tunnel.

They have received the blessing of demonic power, and their temperaments are dull and aggressive. Depending on their devotion to the demon god, they also show different characteristics of depravity.

Demons including Peiro are all followers of the King of Slaughter. These servants are also swollen, strong, and bully. Over the years, they have slaughtered groups of survivors huddled together without any regrets, slashing indiscriminately. Until the ground was full of broken limbs and arms, leaving his soul as a sacrifice to the demon master.

"Coming!" the demon servant shouted.

The blazing flames roared out from underneath, shattering the three demon servants who were too close in an instant. They were instantly evaporated, then turned into rags, and then blown into pieces.

The Overlord Flame Demon Pei Luo wanted to ridicule those who were unaware at first, but then he couldn't help but observe attentively.

The flame wave exploded, and a red, hot figure jumped out of it.

"Roar!" Peluo waved Oathbreaker, causing the demons to roar forward.

The demons charged forward, like a pool of poisonous blood rushing forward on the earth.

The figure clenched his fists, and a weak and ugly translucent phantom of the giant appeared behind him. The air flow rolled inward from all directions.

The demon suddenly felt an unstoppable wind pressure blowing from behind, and in an instant it swirled them all up into the sky.



"Wow -" In the violent air tornado, the demons felt that they were constantly colliding with each other, and the scope of the air flow group was still rapidly shrinking and compressing, compressing and squeezing all these demon servants and small and medium-sized demons, like Thousands of individuals are stuffed into a giant compression grinder and subjected to horrific pressure from all directions.

Then the bones were broken, the blood vessels burst, the nerves were compressed, and they were crushed into a dark ball dripping with plasma.

Pei Luo struggled to hold on, and then its own huge body was sucked into the cyclone. Before it had time to struggle, its body was quickly crushed.

The souls it devoured escaped from the cracks in its shell, and the Oathbreaker in its hand was also sucked in.

"Roar——" Pei Luo's eyes were angry and he stared at the figure with bloodthirsty. It wanted to swing the weapon and struggled, but its limbs were broken before that!

Its body fit tightly into the center of the storm, flattening it inch by inch.

What a terrifying power. Could it be that this guy is——

When Pei Luo thought of that terrifying name, he felt an involuntary fear. It was a terrifying and powerful force.

Finally, all the demons were compressed in until the size and width completely matched the passage where the figure left.

The ball is then thrown into the channel and falls vertically.

Pei Luo rushed down, looking down, the temperature around him was getting higher and higher, from 3000 degrees Celsius to 4000 degrees Celsius... until the flames ignited and burned them all.

The will of the Overlord Flame Demon was also wiped out from this world and returned to hell.

Zhang Su looked at the straight tunnel and nodded.

Protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility. This way, there won't be large demonic residue left on the ground.

Moving his body, Zhang Su felt the results of the latest special training.

Before, he practiced deep underground, at about the bottom of the earth's mantle. The ultra-high temperature and pressure were enough to kill lower creatures tens of millions of times. .

Zhang Su's skin and flesh were also burned by the flame arc, but he was able to be reborn again, allowing his flesh and blood to undergo multiple destructions and reconstructions in order to exercise his body and improve his will.

After a month of special training, Zhang Su's mind is now so refined that he can restrain 400 layers of energy and large-scale martial arts with willpower alone, and is not affected by illusions and morale-destroying magic.

Torture that would be worse than death for an ordinary person has no effect on Zhang Su now. Even if he is crushed to pieces, chopped with knives and burned tens of thousands of times, there is no wave in his soul.

Zhang Su raised his head and absorbed the demon energy and hell essence scattered in all directions.

Now the energy in Zhang Su's body is strong and strong, like a huge core furnace, slowly swallowing and digesting the demon's power, converting them into usable energy.

Since the coming of hell, Zhang Su has killed millions of demons. Just like a demon rises to the level of a high-level demon by killing millions or tens of millions of people, Zhang Su also improves his energy by killing millions of demons. After killing Pei Luo's group of demons, he has reached four hundred levels of energy.

Demons killed by ordinary means will be reborn in hell, but Zhang Su doesn't care. He hopes that demons like Pei Luo who were killed will practice well after returning to hell, improve their strength, and come to earth to be killed by him again.

On average, one million demons can increase the energy by one hundred levels, Zhang Su thought silently. It’s time to continue looking for demons to kill.

He left the mountains and entered Fuchuan City, which was robbed by demons.

The demons killed the living people and left behind the store and the goods inside. At this stage, Zhang Su didn't even wear armor anymore, because it could easily be damaged in battle, or be smashed by his own energy. .

He found a clothing store, crushed the clothes inside, mixed the fabrics and re-spun them into clothes that fit his body shape, and then wore them.

Zhang Su calls this method of using Qi energy to complete small tasks "air flow manipulation". Just like embroidery, he not only trains himself to open and close the destructive power, but also allows Qi energy to complete the smallest movements.

In the distance, several scavengers who ventured into the city noticed Zhang Su's presence with trepidation.

"That guy... was walking down the street with a lot of swagger."

"It's almost like you're trying to kill yourself."

"...Leave him alone, let's just pack up our own things." They were nervous and kept their heads down.

Small, gray-green demon imps were walking on the top of the ruined walls. Zhang Su walked alone among the ruins of civilization, trying to identify the previous purpose of each building.

He noticed a slightly intact sports car on the street, so he reached out and turned it over with all his strength.

It had been a long time since he had driven a car, so Zhang Su watched silently. The legacy of civilization has always given him a sense of nostalgia.

On a whim, he stretched out his hand and started polishing it carefully, extracting iron, aluminum, leather and rubber from the surrounding ruins. He used fine concentration to repair the car body, polishing away traces of rust at the microscopic level and repairing the broken pipe network. , bridging the damaged materials and redesigning the scheme according to the remembered pre-war database.


"Come on -"

"Quack--" The little demons gathered together enough numbers and rushed over with the largest slayer they could find nearby.

The demons of death roared across the street and jumped towards Zhang Su, but they felt a suction force appear from the sky in an instant, as if a huge phantom grabbed them all with force, and also took away the surrounding bricks, lamp posts and stones. All of them were sucked in, forming a huge sphere.

The demons struggled wildly inside but could not escape. In the end, they were all crushed to death and then thrown to the ground to form a rock ball.

The scavengers were shocked when they noticed this scene.

Zhang Su continued to repair the car.

This kind of fine work helps him control Qi Jin at the micro level. Zhang Su's current control power is strong enough. Qi Jin's working ability is comparable to that of industrial machine tools, and many mechanical parts can be polished.

Electronic chips were almost meaningless, but he could understand electronics through this process and eventually be able to simply reproduce some of them. And spare parts can be extracted from other car wrecks on the streets.

"...the 'Phantom' of the old world, just like the one produced in 2040." Zhang Su inspected his finished product.

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