Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 105: Tentacles, the battle of the tentacles of the embers, pure violence

Under the dim light, in the blue gem in Chen Qi's hand, a tattered hunter's cloak seemed to feel the breath of the monster and kept squirming.

"Touch of embers."

Chen Qi murmured softly, and pressed lightly to concentrate his spiritual power into the blue gem.

boom! The sound of broken gems.

The blue gem melted instantly and turned into a large amount of tide, which then rushed to his limbs, back, and heart, driving away the shadow hand that attacked him.

Then, these blue tides slowly condensed and turned into countless tiny black tentacles, sticking to his clothes and skin.

Finally, it turned into a layer of tattered dark hunter clothes.

In just one moment, Chen Qi equipped his equipment with the Touch of Ember Fire.

Judging from the appearance, this is a rusty and tattered hunter's cloak that covers the whole body.

Inside, countless tentacles have wrapped around important parts such as arms and thighs, providing him with a steady stream of power and speed.

Chen Qi felt the flow of power in his body.

Because of the danger of the Remaining Fire Touch, he only wore it twice in the Land of White Trees.

"There seems to be something wrong..."

Chen Qi raised his right hand.

His constitution has reached 25 points, meeting the minimum requirements for the use of Ember Touch.

Logically speaking, the moment you put on the Touch of Ember, the equipment skill "Ember of Fire" should be automatically activated, and then you will quickly become furious, consume your own physical strength, and greatly increase your strength!

However, now this dress only has some very small consumption...

"Why? Is it broken?"

Chen Qi asked in his mind.

If you think about it carefully, even if it is a rare forbidden relic, it is not impossible for problems to occur if it is left for a hundred years.

However, he was not given time to react.

"Human! Come with me into eternity!"

The Crack Lost Man used twenty shadow hands to smash down from the roof of the car.

These shadow hands would not stop attacking even when he was wearing equipment.

Bang bang bang!

The hand of shadow is like a spear, stabbing down hard!

Chen Qi instinctively dodged back and easily dodged these shadow spears.

"It's not broken."

Chen Qi could clearly feel that his speed had become faster thanks to the touch of the remaining fire.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of something.

It is the reason for the deep sea affinity.

As a flesh-and-blood product, Touch of Fire has been completely contained and processed, and it is a piece of unconscious equipment.

But despite this, due to its residual characteristics, when Chen Qi wore it, it still showed a certain degree of affinity.

Under normal circumstances, the moment an ordinary user puts it on, due to the characteristics of the embers' touch, they will consume their physical strength and enter the embers' haunting mode.

Due to Chen Qi's affinity with the deep sea, the Ember Touch did not immediately enter the Ember Haunted state.

To put it simply, he can wear this touch of fire clothing in normal state, consume a small amount of physical strength, and obtain certain attribute bonuses.

Bang bang bang!

After continuous dodging, nearly a hundred shadow hands reached the blind spot of Chenqi's carriage.

"It's over, human. You will stay with me and spend these hundred years together."

Seeing the scene in front of him, the corners of the Crack Lost Man's mouth rose. It was bound to turn the other person into a corpse in the carriage.

"Trouble... I hope Yuhuo Can be used normally."

With no way to retreat, Chen Qi's eyes flashed with ferocity, and he extended all his strength to his clothes.

Touch of Ember is a blade-like equipment that requires a strong desire to fight.

Accompanied by the pouring of spiritual power and a strong desire to fight.

The tiny tentacles under the cloak grew suddenly and emerged from under the clothes.

At the same time, more and more tentacles began to wrap around the limbs, providing a steady stream of power!

And at a certain moment, blue flames suddenly spurted out!

Caught in lingering flames, open!

Chen Qi's eyes flashed with madness, and a crazy smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, he only felt a steady stream of power and unimaginable speed!

There is also a feeling of rage, a feeling of rage that wants to smash everything in sight!

What on earth is this... The Lost in the Crack instinctively accelerated the frequency of attacks and roared:

"The Binding of the Shadow Hand!"

At this moment, the Rift Lost gave up the idea of ​​capturing Chen Qi alive.

At the same time, no matter on the ground, on the roof of the car, or on the car window, the hand of shadow was born!

Chen Qi dropped the black knife and turned to a more exposed and primitive fighting method:


Without any skills or weapons, he can smash the monster in front of him with just his strength!

The hands of shadow are coming from all directions like a sudden rain!

"Not enough, not enough, not enough!"

Chen Qi kept hitting a shower of fists!

Fight against a hundred shadow tentacles at the speed of two fists!

In an instant!

Coupled with strength and strength, every punch can produce a harsh sonic boom.

In an instant, these shadow tentacles turned into fragments.


The person lost in the crack tilted his head and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

It couldn't even see the speed of the punch just now!

However, before it could recover, a hand pressed down on its neck.

"Have you had enough trouble, little one?"

Like holding a weak squirrel, Chen Qi grabbed the neck of the person lost in the crack, and then moved towards the hard car window——

Smash it hard! !

The huge power made the whole carriage tremble violently!

The Crack Lost wailed:

"You can't..."

What a lot of nonsense! Chen Qi fixed the Crack Lost on the wall with his right hand, and gathered his strength with his right hand again.




Three punches were thrown, and a heavy muffled sound spread from the chest of the Crack Lost.

Before the Crack Lost finished speaking, his bones were broken and blood and flesh were splattered!

A lot of blood splashed all over the body of the Crack Lost. It raised its hand. At this moment, it actually had no power to resist!

Its roar became weaker and weaker, and finally turned into a powerless whine.

Pure power suppression!

It looked at Chen Qi with horror.

Under the dark black cloak, half-black tentacles kept emerging.

Under the cloak, it only saw a pair of eyes, a pair of burning monster eyes.

Like the deep-sea monster in the legend above the sea.

It is a monster in the carriage. It has absorbed the shadow power from the lightless era and the train, and its body has long been separated from the human body.

In this world, they are called monsters!

Just when the crack reappeared in the world, it showed its power as a monster. Seeing many powerful hunters, it showed desperate eyes and was beaten to death by it.

At this moment, the lost one in the crack felt despair, as if it was the weak human who fell into the trap.

[The crack distortion increased by 3%, and the lost one in the crack fell into despair! The shadow power in the body increased again! ]

It burst the shadow power in the body and roared desperately:

"Hand of the coffin!"

On the roof of the car behind Chen Qi, a gurgling sound was made, and a huge shadow hand appeared again.

It was so huge that it could even hold a bear tightly and then crush it to pieces!

"The embers are blooming."

Chen Qi did not look back, but said softly.

Eight huge transparent tentacles burning with embers appeared in the cloak behind him.

With the burning of the flames!

Like slapping a fly, the shadow hand was casually slapped by the tentacles spreading out of the cloak.


With a huge impact, the attack of the Lost in the Rift turned into powder.

"Is that all the strength..."

Chen Qi laughed crazily.

Now, it has not even been twenty seconds since he started the Ember Fire.

And under the continuous punches, the Lost in the Rift also revealed the core of the heart.

"The last punch!"

Chen Qi adjusted his breathing, felt the pain in his bones, and moved his whole body's strength.

With his current physique, the Ember Fire can only last for 30 seconds at most...

"I can't...stay in this place...I want you..."

The Lost in the Rift tried to attack Chen Qi with the knife in his hand to break free.

However, all its struggles were automatically blocked by the eight tentacles of the Ember Fire.

Under absolute power, resistance is futile.

At this moment, Chen Qi felt his desperate breath.

A young man who acted on impulse wanted to become a legend on the sea by himself, but unfortunately fell on this narrow train and waited for death in pain.

In the end, these desperate breaths resonated with the train and turned into the monster today.

Although he was speaking human words, in essence, it was just a pile of despair.

According to the commission of the admiral, he needed to bring the body back as intact as possible.

Defeating the core is the best way.

"It's time to send you home!"

Chen Qi clenched his right fist with concentrated strength.

As the words fell, the struggle of the Rift Lost suddenly became slower and slower.

At this end, it unexpectedly gave up resistance.


Without hesitation, he punched out and shattered the heart of the Rift Lost in his chest that accumulated the power of the image.

With the shattering of the heart of the Rift Lost, the originally restless carriage became quiet again. The Rift Lost, who had been trapped here for ten years, finally closed his tired eyes.

"It's finally over..."

Chen Qi felt the pain of being entangled by the tentacles and took a long breath.

[You have defeated the Rift Lost...]

Defeating the Rift Lost means that Train No. 8 has passed the customs.

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