[Defeat the Rift Lost, reduce the distortion by 25% and get 3500 spiritual points...]

The spiritual points given by the Rift Dungeon are quite high.

Chen Qi snapped his fingers:

"Stop while being entangled in the embers."

As the tiny blue flames on his body went out, the blood red in his eyes gradually dissipated.

Chen Qi looked around.

In the previous battle, the entire carriage had become a ruin.

He picked up the black knife on the ground and sat on the ruins of the chair.

Suddenly, he asked himself:

"Why should I throw the knife away?"

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be just for a simple reason:

It's more fun to fight like this!

As a forbidden creation of the Blade Phase, the Touch of the Embers not only consumes a lot of physical strength, but also has a huge side effect.

That is, when being entangled in the embers, it will bring unimaginable rage.

Arrogance, madness and other states will continue to grow under the rage.

These emotions will seriously affect the judgment in normal combat, and then lead to some irrational behaviors.

Rage feels good for a while, but it will be a funeral afterward.

If he wears it for a little longer, he might even attack randomly without distinguishing between friend and foe.

Hit and chop anyone he sees!

Although in the game forum, this rage state that can attack teammates is very popular among players, especially when they are about to pass the level.

Chop teammates and BOSS to death together! !

But for Chen Qi, this rage is likely to cause a lot of hidden dangers.

Imagine if the Flower Witch was right next to him and treated him.

He laughed wildly and said, "Just a witch, nothing more than that, let me test your depth", and took the black knife and slashed.

With his current strength.

The consequences are unimaginable...

Chen Qi shuddered.

However, compared with the excess power provided by the state of being entangled in the embers, the cost of rage alone is already very small.

Moreover, in Chen Qi's view, rage is not only a side effect, and the use of some blade-breaking moves also requires rage.

Just as only magic can deal with magic, rage can also resist some mental moves.

For example, here, he successfully resisted the desperate mental erosion from the shadow phase.

Even if it can be combined with some other props, a special style can be built.

"I hope I can find props that can offset the side effects of the blade phase equipment in the future. My shoulder hurts so much..."

Chen Qi touched his shoulder and felt the fatigue coming from his body.

The body is overdrawn...

The remnant fire entanglement overdraws the body's strength at the cost of overdrawing the power of the body, and then combined with the power of the equipment itself, it bursts out unprecedented agility and strength.

And this overdraw is for every inch below the head.

Just a short twenty seconds of remnant fire entanglement put his physical strength at a limit!

In the non-'remnant fire entanglement' state, due to the affinity with the deep sea, the touch of the remnant fire can still provide agility and strength bonus, but it will still continue to overdraw physical strength.

"I can't hold on anymore, I can't wear it anymore..."

Chen Qi pulled up the clothes that were grabbed on the chest like an elegant magician.

The clothes in his hand gradually turned into a blue tide, and finally condensed into a blue gem.

Then, Chen Qi put the blue gem and the body of the Crack Lost back into the backpack card.

With the death of the Crack Lost, the entrance and exit of the carriage opened again.

The high difficulty of Train No. 8 is caused by distortion.

The condition for passing the level is to reach the driver's cab and pull the train's parking lever.

In other words, in theory, Train No. 8 only needs to find the difference, and it can even pass the level without injury without fighting.

But the Crack Lost changed all this.

The Crack Lost is the reason for the tragic death of many hunters.

"I hope the next road is safe and there will be no second Lost."

Chen Qi carefully followed the strategy and moved towards the carriage in front.

The road after that was very smooth. Three minutes later, he arrived at the driver's cab of the train.

"Finally here, it should be this..."

Chen Qi found the red pull rod for parking, held the pull rod, and pulled it back with all his strength.

Boom! Boom!

The whole carriage shook violently, the lights flickered, and the items on the shelves were shaky, making a chaotic collision sound.

As the brake system of the entire train started, the speed slowly decreased.

[You have stopped the train, the crack distortion is reduced by 10%, and the crack is cleared! ]

Chen Qi wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled slightly: "Cleared!"

[The crack is being settled...]

[The total crack distortion is reduced by 35%, and the current distortion is 16%. ]

[Stop for me: Pull the parking lever, reward +40%

Perfect Pathfinder: You have not gone to any wrong carriages during the process of moving forward, reward 40%, and the probability of obtaining the light phase reward is increased.

Fear Incarnation: You make the monsters who like to scare in the carriage feel fear, and the reward is increased by 20%

Monster Killer: You defeated the biggest danger of the crack, the distorted crack lost, and the reward is +80%]

[Settlement completed, comprehensive evaluation S!

Get a No. 8 train exclusive skill card treasure box and a light phase skill card treasure box. ]


Chen Qi rubbed his hands excitedly.

Being able to get a perfect clearance rating in a high-difficulty game, even if it is posted on the game forum, he can be called a big shot by all the newbies!

[Do you want to draw the Light Skill Card, 20% rare, 80% epic]

Light Skill Card Treasure Box!

Chen Qi was shocked.

Many Light Skill Cards are enhanced by inspiration.

Chen Qi has practiced meditation for the past 20 days, which has increased his inspiration by 10 points.

Adding the pale potion, his inspiration has reached an astonishing 60 points!

Even the mage apprentices who have been practicing meditation since childhood in the White Tower Federation may not be able to surpass him in inspiration.


Chen Qi said excitedly.

An epic card with a candlelight lamp on the back appeared in his hand like a burning flame.

The card shows a lantern traveler walking with a white dove through a carriage.

[You get the Light Skill Card 'White Dove Perception'. ]

[White Dove Perception Lv1

Nature: Light

Usage requirements: Master the basic meditation method and reach 30 inspiration.

Effect: You can spread your spiritual power and turn it into an extension of your eyes, greatly enhancing your perception ability and being able to detect the flow of spiritual power.

Even if you close your eyes, you can still perceive all the changes around you.

At the same time, you gain a very small probability of foreknowledge of danger.

Note: This skill is enhanced by inspiration. 】

Finally, there is a perception skill!

Chen Qi was delighted.

Before, he got the Hunter's Eye, which was also a perception skill, but it was mainly reflected in the enhancement of vision.

But the perception of blind spots was very weak.

If he encountered an enemy who was good at hiding his breath and attacking from behind, he had no way to deal with it.

Quite a good skill!

Chen Qi excitedly received the card.

[Do you want to draw the exclusive skill card for Train No. 8? ]

Draw again!

Chen Qi excitedly clicked on the draw button again, and a card appeared in his hand like ink.

On the back of the card was the reflection of a mouse, and on the front of the card was a dark woman in the carriage, showing a flushed expression to the black shadow.

What the hell is this card? Chen Qi looked at the prompt on the card.

[Shadow Charm:

Sex: Flower, Shadow

Requirement: Inspiration reaches 25

Function: Increase your affinity for darkness, and exude a unique charm, making shadow monsters willing to stay on you.

At the same time, in the dark, your concealment ability is stronger!

Note: Turn off the lights, and the night sneaks into your bed.

Don't you think that the creeping shadow is cute? ]

Another charm card?

Chen Qi was secretly surprised.

Is he destined to have charm skill cards?

Before, he got the Dragon Charm card, but it had been gathering dust in the warehouse because he didn't have dragon blood.

Now, there is another charm card.

If this goes on, he will become a shadow succubus...Chen Qi complained helplessly.

If it was the Golden Flower Bird Kingdom with a lot of XP, his two charm cards would definitely be sold at a sky-high price.

Fortunately, unlike the Dragon Charm, the conditions for using this skill card are not strict.

Moreover, even if the role of luring shadow monsters is excluded, being able to conceal the breath in the dark is also a very practical skill.

Whether sailing on the sea or adventuring on the island, darkness is everywhere.

Good stuff!

Chen Qi used two skill cards without hesitation.

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