In order to survive, the investigation team took out their valuables, even their weapons.

Especially Reina, except for her clothes, she took out everything on her body.

Chen Qi put his hands on these items and counted them, like a businessman who measured souls and money.

Among them, the most valuable one is the big sniper in Reina's hand, the magic bullet sniper rifle-Giant Killer!

Its built-in skill [Armor Piercing], the bullets fired by this gun are at least ten times higher than ordinary firearms!

And it can also be loaded with many powerful hunting bullets.

If you want to get this gun through formal channels, you need at least 8 million.

If you buy this gun from the black market, it will cost at least 10 million.

Other things are some potions, their equipment, two backpack cards, and 2 million shells.

Added together, the value is also a huge sum of 10 million!

For a temporary investigation ship, it is not easy to get 10 million shells.

With this money, whether it is upgrading a small houseboat or simply changing a ship, it is not a problem!

Am I that scary? Chen Qi gently rubbed the tentacles of the small green algae with his fingers.

The investigation team is not an ordinary ship. They really dare to sacrifice their lives for a piece of information!

Even if they see the overlord of the offshore, they dare to open fire and fight.

In their eyes, he seems to be more terrifying than the ugly deep-sea merchants.

Captain Jig asked:

"Monster, are you satisfied?"

He knew that the monsters in the deep sea were extremely greedy, just like the deep-sea merchants, after the transaction, they would want to take their souls and lives.

"It's barely equal to your souls."

Chen Qi said with a smile, accepting these items.

Even if they were all killed, they couldn't get anything valuable.

Moreover, he himself had no intention of taking action, and he might not be able to defeat the investigation team.

Chen Qi sneered and said:

"Not bad, I'll give you some rewards."

Chen Qi emphasized the word reward.

The moment they heard the word "reward", the ten people in the team trembled all over, and looked at the tentacles on the touch of the remaining fire with fearful eyes.


Monster rewards are not good things!

Under normal circumstances, the so-called rewards are either to make their souls dirty or to make their bodies dirty!

Of course, Chen Qi is a serious person, without these extra thoughts, and decided to give them a good thing.

He also doesn't want to become a sea monster that everyone fears and shouts like the deep-sea merchants.

If he is just a monster who only knows how to rob, then he is no different from the barbaric sea beasts such as black-armored sharks and sea snakes.

On the other hand, it is also to shape his reputation.

The anger of the navy, he, a second-level extraordinary person, can't bear it.

Have a longer-term vision.

If you can give something, there will be more people willing to go deep into dangerous places to find his traces.

He can have some pleasant transactions with adventurers.

However, after hearing about the reward, why do these people look at me so strangely?

Chen Qi was puzzled and took out one-tenth of the black whale blood from his backpack card.

This is the black whale blood he stole from the black gloves.

Black whale blood is very expensive, but as the tide of the rift continues to intensify, black whale blood will become more and more, and it will become cheaper and cheaper.

When black whale blood becomes famous, this little black whale blood will be worth about 500,000.

Black whale blood is of no use to Chen Qi, and he cannot use this dangerous item.

Now, the buyers of black whale blood are only the Black Whale Group, the Beiguo Research Institute, and the Poseidon Pirate Group where the deep-sea merchants are located.

It is extremely difficult to sell black whale blood.

One tenth of black whale blood can be used to build his good reputation!

Chen Qi rubbed a small amount of black whale blood into a squirming ball and threw it to the other party:

"Your reward."

Now, black whale blood is not popular on the sea.

Jige's body was shocked and took the black whale blood:

"Isn't the reward a tentacles? Or eat us? Or sow seeds for me and turn us into monsters?"

The Beiguo Meteorological Bureau is fully researching black whale blood. For them, this is a rare good thing.

Jige was shocked when he took the black whale blood.

This black whale blood is processed black whale blood!

He never thought that the monster in front of him would actually give them a reward instead of whipping them with tentacles!

Wait, if they can get more money and weapons, can they get more black whale blood!

I didn't bring cash today... Jige regretted it.

Legend has it that if you want to get black whale blood, you must defeat the sea beast infected by black whale blood, and this requires at least the third-level strength.

In addition, you must master the powerful blood extraction technology!

In other words, the person in front of you is definitely more than the second-level.

The more Lena thought about it, the more she felt that the person in front of her was unfathomable.

She had already begun to pray in her heart, hoping that the monster in front of her would not sow seeds for humans like the parasitic sea beast.

It's almost time to go.

If you stay too long, you may be targeted by others.

Chen Qi smiled slightly, put away his things, and walked on the water:

"See you again if we are destined to."

Everyone stared at Chen Qi's back blankly, and stood there for a long time without calming down.

In this transaction, they successfully redeemed their souls.

The breeze carried the waves and blew them across their faces.


Captain Kiger lit a cigarette, wiped away his sweat, and was thankful that he had survived another day.

After leaving, everyone stared at Reina with displeasure on their faces.

If it weren't for this monster's magnanimity, perhaps, they would become the nourishment of this place today.

Captain Jiger couldn't help it anymore and wanted to scold her:

"Rena, you today..."

"Captain, I know I was wrong. I will pay for all your losses and treat you to a big meal."

One sentence blocked all their mouths.

Reina lowered her head, and she silently pulled out a brand new reward order from the ship.

It’s the bounty from the Flower Witch and Chen Qi!

The bounty on the Flower Witch is 22 million.

The bounty on the monster is only 10 million!

No names, no titles, no superfluous information.

There was only one thing written on the reward order, and that was that this monster was a second-level transcendent.

"false promotion!"

Lena pinched the newspaper, her hands turning red.

Although she was also reckless in this action.

But the key reason for her confidence is this reward order!

In Witch Sea, bounty orders are an important indicator of a person's strength.

Many people also find people to fight based on the amount of the bounty.

Reina gritted her teeth and said:

"Why is the monster's bounty lower than that of the witch?"


Jige blew out a long smoke ring:

"Who knows? Perhaps, in the eyes of the navy, witches are more important?"

After tonight, they felt that the gap between the two's bounties was too big.

Reina angrily said:

"Nonsense, this tentacle hunter can stir up tides, and he can definitely knock down that third-level witch easily!"

"Why should the witch be compared with the tentacle hunter? I feel that if the witch fights that monster a hundred times, the monster will definitely beat the witch a hundred times!"

Everyone who investigated agreed.

Even a witch cannot take a sea monster for a leisurely walk in the territory of the Deep Sea Titan.

Moreover, the monster also gave them rare black whale blood!

Everyone agreed that this reward order was to deceive adventurers!

If this bounty is allowed to continue to spread, it will only harm more people!

We must stop more people from being deceived!

Lena asked:

"Which brainless bastard set the reward for this bounty? I'll go find him to settle the score!"

"Admiral Old Baiou..."


Everyone was silent.

Jige shook his head and said with a wry smile:

"Okay, stop talking. After we go back, we will tell our superiors that his bounty must be increased."

Reina also nodded seriously:

"We must tell the Navy truthfully what happened today."

Morning, Siren Island, hotel.

The morning sun shines down during the day.


The Flower Witch got up from the soft bed and combed her long, silky hair to ensure that it was perfectly hidden under the hood.

Then get dressed and get ready to go out!

After she returned to the hotel yesterday, she slept all night because she was tired.

To this day, she still feels very tired, and there are bursts of pain in her body, which is a side effect of haematosis.

She is not in the mood to apply medicine anymore.

Because, she discovered that Chen Qi had disappeared!

Next door to the hotel, he wasn't even there.

It is very possible that something happened to Chen Qi, and he might even be caught... The Flower Witch shook her head, put on her hood, and picked up her staff.

If Chen Qi is caught, the consequences will be disastrous!

boom! boom!

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Guest, today's newspaper."

Outside the door, the hotel's newspaper boy said softly.


The Flower Witch carefully leaned out the door and took the newspaper into the room.

The headline in the newspaper was ‘Witches and Monsters’!

Above, there are photos of him and Chen Qi.

Among them, there is a record of the two of them hijacking the Stingray and escaping.

Although neither of them showed real strength, because the battle place was the Kraken's lair, the two of them were wildly praised by the newspapers!

The Flower Witch was not happy about being in the newspapers.

You know, the more famous you are, the easier it is to cause death.

The Flower Witch continued to read.

#Blood Blade Pirates announced that due to the captain’s illness, Madam Blood will take over all affairs#

#NavyVictory! The Black Whales are losing ground! #

The #PoseidonPirates group performed a large-scale sacrificial ceremony and poured ten tons of milk and hundreds of live chickens into the sea! #

Then, she suddenly discovered that on the reward column at the bottom of the newspaper, Chen Qi’s reward was actually higher than hers!

Moreover, there were some strange notes written on the reward order about Chen Qi.

What about ‘be careful about being sown’, ‘be careful about being sacrificed’, ‘man-eating monsters’, ‘believers in the deep sea’…


The Flower Witch opened her little mouth slightly.

What on earth did Chen Qi do behind her back last night?

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