The Flower Witch stared at the newspaper, pouted her lips, and fell into deep thought.

Chen Qi must have something very important to hide from her.

The Flower Witch with a good imagination began to imagine wildly:

In the pitch-dark night, Chen Qi laughed and stretched out his evil tentacles to the passing fishermen.


Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Fen, open the door."

The Flower Witch instantly opened the door like a frightened cat. Outside the door was Chen Qi in a chef's uniform.

Back alive... The Flower Witch's mouth curled up slightly, revealing an excited smile.

He was holding a large bag of snacks, four bottles of fruit wine, and a small cake.

The hotel was not big, with only a wooden bed and a simple dressing table.

Chen Qi had no place to sit, so he sat down on the bed:

"Fen, I'm back a little late. By the way, you haven't had breakfast yet, right?"

As he said that, he handed a piece of flower strawberry cake to the little foodie Flower Witch.

"Thank you."

This is the cake he sprinkled with soul seasoning, which is more delicious than ordinary cakes.

The Flower Witch happily took the cake. She is an incurable sweet tooth!

The Flower Witch moved the flowers on her eyes upwards, and stared at Chen Qi while eating the cake.



Why do you look at me with a bit of disgust? A bit weird? Chen Qi showed a puzzled look.

Could it be? The news that he threatened the investigation team last night has been spread!

The Flower Witch glanced at the newspaper for a while, and then glanced at Chen Qi.

"Fen, lend it to me."

Please stop your disgusted eyes... Chen Qi took the newspaper and quickly scanned it:


His bounty actually reached an astonishing 25 million, even more than the Flower Witch!

Even a third-level extraordinary who committed a serious crime would hardly have a bounty of 25 million.

The Black Glove of the Black Whale Group only has a bounty of 20 million.

Not really, this bounty is too high... Chen Qi muttered in his heart.

As a law-abiding citizen of the Witch Sea, he was inexplicably burdened with a bounty of more than 10 million.

Obviously, his bounty was already in an extremely unreasonable position.

Chen Qi looked at the 'title' on his bounty order:

Black Hunter.

Chen Qi thought:

"Black Hunter, it's really a simple title."

From the appearance, the Touch of the Ember is the hunter's clothes of the last century, and the overall color tone is black.

Therefore, he got a new title 'Black Hunter'.

"It's okay if it's not called a tentacle monster or a tentacle hunter..."

Chen Qi was secretly happy.

In addition, there are a bunch of inexplicable annotations, 'man-eating tentacle monster', 'sowing monster', 'sacrificer', 'believer of the ancient god of the deep sea'.

Chen Qi looked up, and he understood why the Witch of Flowers looked at him with disgust.

If this description is placed on Earth, it is equivalent to him being a pervert who ran naked in the street and made the news.

The Flower Witch ate the cake and asked tremblingly:

"Qi, is the information on it true?"

Fen, please stop the groundless speculation... Chen Qi said calmly:

"It's nonsense, completely fabricated. I don't have tentacles, nor do I sacrifice others, nor do I like to sow others like parasitic sea beasts, nor am I a deep-sea believer who believes in ancient gods."

Last night, the investigation team gave him things voluntarily.

A bunch of unfounded charges, this is purely appearance discrimination!

It's all because the dress of the Touch of the Ember has tentacles, and the tentacles are the terrifying symbol of the Witch Sea.

"Oh, is that so..."

The Flower Witch picked up a bottle of small fruit wine.

She didn't believe that Chen Qi had tentacles, nor did she believe that Chen Qi was a man-eating monster, or a pagan who sacrificed others.

In any case, the two of them were accomplices in the robbery.

Moreover, if he were a member of the newspaper, without knowing the touch of the ember, he would also write Chen Qi as a tentacle monster, so as to increase the sales of the newspaper.

As a partner on the same ship, trust should be maintained!

But despite this, she has always been concerned about one thing since they went out to sea together!

The Flower Witch stood up and made sure that the curtains and doors were firmly closed so that they would not be eavesdropped by people outside.

Chen Qi held his chin up, not knowing what the Flower Witch was going to do.

The Flower Witch wiped the cake cream from the corner of her mouth and said seriously:

"Qi, I actually have a question."

"Say it."

"I feel that your physique is different from that of ordinary people!"


Chen Qi shrugged.

Everyone who is doing well in this sea has a different physique from ordinary people.

Chen Qi glanced at the Flower Witch from top to bottom.

For example, the Flower Witch, in all aspects, his physique is different from that of ordinary people.

The Flower Witch straightened her chest, took a sip of fruit wine, and summoned up the courage to say:

"Qi, so, can you take off your clothes?"


Chen Qi kept asking questions, and then realized something.

Did the Flower Witch really suspect that he had tentacles?

After the Flower Witch finished speaking, her face flushed, and pink shy flowers kept popping out, and she explained in a panic:

"Just take off your shirt, I'm just curious, is there something special about your physique?"

When the Flower Witch first traveled with Chen Qi, she was surprised to find that Chen Qi always dressed very tightly!

She remembered that the followers of the Sea God Pirates would have the Sea God's mark engraved on their chests!

Moreover, the sea beasts were indeed a little strange in the face of him!

Perhaps there was really some unspeakable secret in him!

The Flower Witch wanted an answer!


Chen Qi shook his head. Sure enough, he still couldn't hide it.


Let me check and see if the development is normal... The Flower Witch blushed and rubbed her hands.

Chen Qi took off his shirt, revealing his strong upper body.

As a pharmacist, the Flower Witch walked behind Chen Qi.

Sure enough, on that strong back, there was a blue spider-like pattern! !

But this was not the mark of the Sea God Cult, but a more serious situation.

"This is... Sea Beast Disease..."

The Flower Witch whispered softly.

Chen Qi sighed:

"I have sea beast disease, so when facing sea beasts, I will be calmer than ordinary people."

According to scholars' research, people with sea beast disease are less likely to be attacked by sea beasts!

Compared to the BOSS-level talent Deep Sea Affinity, it is a more convincing reason that sea beast disease makes it less likely to be attacked by sea beasts.

"So that's it, I said, how could you be a believer of the ancient god of the deep sea..."

The Flower Witch felt that she understood everything:

"Can I check it, Qi? I don't want to touch you, just check...nothing else!"

Wait! What else should I say?

The Flower Witch blushed and spoke incoherently.

She is a pharmacist, not a doctor, and her understanding of many strange diseases is only theoretical.


Chen Qi also wanted to know what the mysterious sea beast in his spine was like.

The easiest way to cure sea beast disease is to undergo spinal replacement surgery.

However, this surgery requires an extremely strong physique.

His current physique has reached 28 points.

Compared with the weak physique at the beginning, it is already a huge improvement, and some major operations can be performed.

However, if it is an operation to extract the spine, it may not be enough.

The Flower Witch squatted down, rubbed it lightly with her index finger, and after confirming that there was no problem, she listened with her ears and checked carefully.

She took out a needle.

A needle pierced the skin on his back.

Chen Qi held back and did not make a sound.

She whispered:

"The heart beats normally, the blood is normal..."

Then, Chen Qi felt a cold feeling coming from his back.

The Flower Witch applied some painkillers on his back.

Chen Qi turned around and asked with a smile:

"How is it? Fen, how is the condition?"


The Flower Witch swallowed the words back.


Chen Qi was also seriously ill like her, and it was a rare sea beast disease!

She frowned:

"Sorry, the sea beast disease that penetrates deep into the spine is not a disease I can handle. I am just a third-level pharmacist."

The sea beast disease that penetrates deep into the spine can even be called a terminal illness!

The Flower Witch touched it again!

But unlike what the book said, the sea beast in his body was unexpectedly stable.

And there was no abnormality in the blood and heartbeat!

Still in the early incubation period?

"Is that so..."

Chen Qi smiled helplessly.

Even if he has deep-sea affinity, he can greatly reduce the danger of sea beasts in his body.

But in any case, this is a disease that needs to be treated.

But unfortunately, sea beast disease is a terminal illness, and it can only be cured by a large-scale bone replacement surgery.

This kind of surgery must be handed over to a professional and reliable extraordinary doctor.

Chen Qi thought about it, and he could only think of the little crow at the moment.

At this time, the Flower Witch, who had checked Chen Qi's body, sighed.

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