Chen Qi complained:

"Do I look that weak..."

An also coughed twice:

"That... I'm not good at close combat, and I can't, I can't suppress him. By the way, Qi, what are you going to sea?"

Chen Qi looked at the sky and said slowly:

"I plan to go to sea tomorrow to test the performance of the new ship."

I don't know what kind of power the core of the ghost ship will show.

Going to sea tomorrow? Buri said in a serious tone, contrary to his usual behavior:

"However, I still want to remind you that according to the report of the Beiguo Meteorological Bureau, the recent sea is extremely terrifying. Three hundred fishermen in the Moonstone City Islands alone have disappeared."

"Three hundred people..."

Chen Qi touched the water elf in his arms.

The number of fishermen going out to sea in the Moonstone Islands is at most one thousand.

The disappearance rate is nearly one-third.

At this point in time, the second stage of the rift tide is about to begin.

The C-level, which is enough to tempt the inland company hunter group, is about to appear in the offshore area!

Suddenly, Brie asked tentatively:

"If you want to venture into the sea, do you have any interest? Join a pirate group?"

Pirate group? The Ice Demon Pirates, one of the four emperors?

Chen Qi looked up at the sky.

The top pirate group is still recruiting people?

What's going on? The Ice Demon Pirates are short of chefs?

An stared at Brie.

As an official, she hated pirates the most, and monsters above the sea.

Many innocent families died at the hands of these pirates.

Even if they were already rich, they would still snatch the dry bread from the civilians who were spending the winter.

Chen Qi also glanced at Brie.

Brie coughed twice immediately:

"No, I said it wrong, it's the Hunter Group. You should know that the rift tide has been getting worse recently. Now many companies in Beiguo have also begun to form Hunter Groups!

For example, the Magic Bullet Company and the Bonfire Energy Company have already sent out their exploration ships.

Coincidentally, I have a friend who is a researcher at the Sprout Biological Company. He runs a hunter ship dedicated to archaeology, and they just need people."

"The Hunter Group under the company..."

An crossed his arms and fell into thought.

Although Chen Qi is quite powerful, he likes to fight alone too much.

No matter how strong he is, he can't face groups of sea beasts and large pirate ships.

Just like the ghost ship before, it relied on the advantage of numbers to crush one adventurer after another!

Many third-level adventurers were defeated by the dense firepower of the ghost ship.

If you can become an employee of a hunter group, even if it is a temporary worker, you will be much safer on the sea.

Employee of Steam Hand! This name alone can scare away those guys who don't know the height of the world!

Chen Qi looked at the day that was about to go out in the sky.

Full-time archaeology, isn't this the Ice Demon Pirates?

Speaking of which, the Ice Demon Pirates is also a force worth joining.

It can even be said that it is the most worthwhile pirate group to join.

Unlike the other three major pirate groups with more than a thousand members, the Ice Demon Pirates is a typical elite type of pirate group. All members on the ship are at least level three, and the total number does not exceed fifty.

In addition to the captain Ditto Palu, the Ice Demon Pirates also have several level four extraordinary people.

Strong personal strength, coupled with the mastery of many secrets of the sea, and a strong background, make this young pirate group with a total number of no more than fifty people become one of the four emperors of the sea, a pirate group closely connected with the main line.

In addition, the treatment of the Ice Demon Pirates is also quite good. Other pirate groups or hunter groups are "bosses" commanding "employees".

However, in the Ice Demon Pirates, you can even command the captain to work!

Ditto Palu, in addition to investigating the Ice Witch and the Black Whale Group, spends most of his time trying to meet the needs of the crew.

However, it is extremely difficult to join the Ice Demon Pirates.

According to legend, the captain of the Ice Demon Pirates knows a secret in history, and Captain Palu will tell this secret to the newly joined official crew members.

All crew members who know this secret will be official crew members of the Ice Demon Pirates from now on.

However, no player has ever known this secret in the game forum.

It is as difficult as ascending to heaven to become an official crew member of the Ice Demon Pirates.

With my current strength, even if Bree agrees, Ditto Palu will not agree to let me become a member of the Ice Demon Pirates.

The Ice Demon Pirates will not let him join the Ice Demon Pirates for a few delicious meals.

Chen Qi smiled helplessly:

"Bree, the hunter group you are talking about is a temporary worker, right? However, I am about to enter the Sea of ​​​​Fissures. If you have a good business, you can also recommend it to me."

As a mechanic of the Steam Hand, Bree is full of treasures!

Bree blew out a smoke ring and boasted:

"Although it's a temporary job, my friend's hunter group is not ordinary!

Currently, the leader of our hunter group is dealing with the black hunter and the flower witch, as well as the investigation of black whale blood."

Black hunter, flower witch? Black whale blood? An was confused.

Brie glanced at the sea in the distance.

"Qi, I really have an extremely dangerous mission here. If you go out to sea in the next few days, you may encounter it soon."


Brie took out a stack of paper:

"Our hunter group is collecting black whale blood recently."

Chen Qi pretended to be confused:

"Black whale blood?"

"Yes, according to our investigation, the legendary Flower Witch, the Blade Witch, the Black Whale Group, the Black Hunters, and the Deep Sea Traders are probably all looking for Black Whale blood."

Brie explained:

"Black whale blood will give humans unimaginable power. To put it simply, it is a mutated monster. I heard that the Flower Witch and the newly emerged Blade Witch are looking for black whale blood!"


The Flower Witch is also looking for black whale blood? Is it really not fake news?

Speaking of which, after all this time, I don’t know how the Flower Witch is doing.

Chen Qi looked at the backpack card on his waist.

Previously, all the black whale blood that he and the Flower Witch had grabbed was placed with him.

Chen Qi confirmed:

"To put it simply, you need black whale blood?"

This person might really be able to find black whale blood...Brie had an intuition in her heart:

"Yes, the higher the concentration, the better. As a reward, I can install the latest ship equipment and even military cannons for you! Defense facilities!"


Chen Qi nodded and lay on the boat, enjoying the gentle sea breeze from the sea.

When we go to sea tomorrow morning, these peaceful days will be over soon.

Under the breeze, An also leaned on the side of the boat and quietly looked at the sea in the distance.

Under her sophisticated spiritual perception, she seemed to faintly hear some kind of special whisper, a whisper that lured people into falling into the sea.

The sea is getting weirder and weirder.

According to the tips from the Beiguo Meteorological Bureau, there are even B-level cracks forming above the sea.

She looked at the water elf cushion on the boat. If possible, she would also like to go to sea with Chen Qi.

However, she is an official transcendent of the Kingdom of Bei, and she must always be wary of pirates and unknown black hunters.

Maybe I should remind Chen Qi to pay attention to the bottom of the sea, pay attention to the storm, and pay attention to the shadow demon...

In this way, Chen Qi can stay for a few more days.

But finally, she had second thoughts.

Although Chen Qi is a novice, his sailing experience has surpassed hers.

She was the one who needed to be reminded.

Finally, after a long silence, she said softly:

"Qi, have a nice trip tomorrow."

Chen Qi looked at the sea in the distance.

Now, he can only compete with An, who uses basic spells. He hopes that when he returns next time, he can see An's liberation spell.

The second day.

Chen Qi bid farewell to the mechanics Bree, Ann, and Mayor Maro who had been trying to keep him, and drove the houseboat toward the sea in the distance.

"Waku Waku (Bye! Goodbye!)"

The deep water elf waved a rag and said goodbye to everyone in Maro Town at the bow of the ship.

Chen Qi smiled, and unknowingly, the deep sea elf also fell in love with this quiet town.

But it's time to go, this wave needs adventurers.

Eventually, the lighthouse of Marrow disappeared above the horizon.

After going to sea, Chen Qi first went to his White Tree Land, installed the Will-O-Wisp Core Engine Core, and then finished dealing with Hai Yunduo and Will-O-Wisp Fish.

Finally, he asked the deep sea elves No. 3, 4, and 5 to dive into the sea to find the drifting bottles on the sea.

He had an agreement with Pelu before.

Pelu will put the information she collects in a bottle at the place he decides.

If Pelu was serious about his work, there should be a floating bottle fixed on the reef in the sea area he established.

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

Chen Qi stood on the bow of the ship, quietly waiting for the return of the deep sea elves.

Suddenly, icy wind blew across his skin.



On the surface of the deep sea in the distance, the shouts of the deep water elves came.

The wind was so cold... Chen Qi felt a buzzing in his ears and brain, and a cramping pain in his back.

He stood on the bow of the boat, tried hard to open his eyes, and looked into the distance.

There seems to be some kind of huge dark monster under the sea behind the deep sea elves.

The moment Chen Qi looked at the sea.

Above the sea, hundreds of bright red eyes appeared.


In the turbulent dark waves, the wailing of the deep water elves came.

Thank you all for your subscriptions and votes. The glitches are a bit serious and the update is late. Sorry Or2...

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