The dark clouds slowly dissipated, and a ray of moonlight sprinkled on Chen Qi's face.

"Wakuwaku (Help! Master!)"

The deep sea elves wailed in the sea, as if a huge mountain stretched out from the bottom of the sea and rushed towards the ship.

Storm, night, rainstorm, distortion, cement, fire...

In an instant, countless images flashed through Chen Qi's mind.

The crew members who fought each other because of uneven distribution of spoils, the boys and girls who jumped into the sea to die for love because of the nobles' robbery, the young man who set the ship on fire because he was afraid of being punished by his father, and the witch who was exiled because of being parasitized by sea beasts...

All of them were some fragmented and horrifying scenes.

The brain, the brain is shaking!

Chen Qi clenched his right hand into a fist and punched himself on the chin.

When he came to his senses, the huge waves had already rushed towards him!

"Damn it!"

Chen Qi held the railing on the side of the ship tightly, trying not to be washed away by the huge waves.

However, when the waves receded, countless pairs of bright red eyes appeared on his face.


With a loud noise, the ship was bulged by the huge columnar monster and almost capsized in the sea!

"Waku Waku! (Master)"

The terrified deep sea elf jumped out of the surging waves and pounced on Chen Qi, shaking like a trembling motor.

In the huge waves, Chen Qi slowly raised his head and looked at the huge monster that was rising in front of him.

The monster was rising!

Black, thick, and long...

On the giant columnar creature that looked like a black tower, there was an indescribable black fog, and in the black fog, there were countless blood-red eyes!

Its density was like a nest of peaks stacked up!

Its huge body soared into the sky, even the offshore overlord looked like a weak ant in front of it.

Creak! Creak!

The sound like a centipede twisting echoed in the huge waves.

Those pairs of bright red eyes kept twisting, looking for prey in the sea.

And the next second, its bright red eyes kept looking down, locked on the giant ship, locked on his body!


Chen Qi's eyes were as big as copper bells. He hadn't felt this feeling for a long time, this feeling of being as small as an ant, this feeling of being treated as prey.

This version is wrong! ?

Is this a monster that appeared in the near sea?

Most importantly, the monster in front of him is not a sea beast, but a shadow creature!

Damn... Chen Qi rushed into the cabin.

"Water Elf No. 1, No. 3, No. 4! Adjust the direction of the ship lights outside! Aim at the guy in front of you!

No. 5, No. 6, hold me tight!"

From the appearance, this is most likely a shadow creature.

It is very likely afraid of strong light, which is why it did not attack the ship directly at the first time.

Maximum ship speed! And the highest brightness light!

Chen Qi suddenly pressed the button of all the lights on the ship!

At the bow, a huge searchlight lit up, dispelling the darkness in front of him.

Then, Chen Qi suddenly grabbed the rudder, turned the direction of the ship, made a huge drift, and aimed the searchlight at the behemoth in the sea.


When the searchlight was aimed at it, the sound of a crow's wail echoed over the sea.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It suddenly dived into the deep sea again to avoid the dazzling light.

The waves and the wail gradually disappeared...

The noisy sea slowly returned to silence.


The frightened Chen Qi leaned on the control panel and took a long breath.

What was that just now...

Chen Qi rubbed his swollen temples and tried to recall the appearance of the strange thing just now.

Mental pollution, plus a huge body, and strange whispers...

The Pillar of the Abyss, one of the thirteen horror legends of the Sea of ​​​​Fissures, represents the shadow.

According to legend, people with high inspiration will see illusions of the past when they look directly into its eyes.

The higher the inspiration, the more and more real the illusions they see.

This kind of monster is specifically targeted at extraordinary people with high inspiration!

Fortunately, although his inspiration is high, the medium mental resistance given by his profession can withstand this mental attack.

Facing the Deep Sea Pillar, even military ships can only run away.

Only a fourth-level legend, or a hunter group equipped with C-level crack weapons, has the qualification to hunt this monster.

Why would a monster of this level appear near the coast?

What version is this?

This is equivalent to it just reaching level 6 and going to fight the dragon alone! Is this possible?

Chen Qi rubbed the timid water elves No. 5 and No. 6, and then raised his head.

The moon in the clouds was only faintly pink.

The moon is still normal, and it has not yet entered the laughing moon stage... Chen Qi complained in his heart.

The second stage of the rift tide is also called the Laughing Moon Stage. Its main manifestation is that the moon turns red at night, a large number of shadow demons, mutated sea beasts, and crazy people appear on the sea.

The Abyss Pillar is the second stage of the rift tide, and it is a natural disaster that will be active in the rift sea.

I didn't expect to encounter a monster of this level in the near sea...


Is it the result of the summoning ceremony of Little Crow and others? Or is it that the deep sea water elf is too fragrant? Or am I just too unlucky?

Chen Qi looked at the trembling deep sea water elf in his arms.

The deep sea elves have powerful deep sea elements, and in the eyes of many sea beasts and monsters, they are rare and delicious drinks.

The current situation did not give him extra time to think. At this moment, a heavy loud noise came from the bottom of the ship again!


The Abyss Pillar attacked from the bottom of the sea again!

Below 5,000 meters below the seabed is a taboo area for humans, and it is a death hell comparable to the border.

Above 5,000 meters, the Deep Sea Pillar can move freely.

The night and the deep sea can be said to be its domain.

Haven't you let me go yet? I obviously have the charm of shadow... Chen Qi gritted his teeth.

He has the charm of shadow. Logically speaking, in the eyes of the Abyss Pillar, he should still have some looks.

Why did the other party have no reaction?

Or, should he dance for the Abyss Pillar to see?

The charm of shadow and the affinity of deep sea are not talents of the same level at all.

The weak charm of shadow just makes the Abyss Pillar like him more!

Chen Qi concentrated on manipulating the ship and quickly moved away from the sea in front of him.

At this moment, under the full roar of the engine, a little green flame appeared at the stern.

Chen Qi put his hand on the most important button of the ship - 'overload mode'.

According to his experiment, in the state of overload mode, the ship will become a ghost ship and become a ghost fire ship on the sea!

However, the duration of overload mode is also extremely limited!

The current houseboat, the super high speed of overload mode can only last for ten minutes at most!

In the huge waves, the houseboat is like a lamb running at full speed, and behind him, there is a huge hungry wolf whose full appearance cannot be seen!

"Wakuwaku! Wakuwaku!"

The deep sea elf trembled on Chen Qi, and he turned into a small motor trembling at high speed.

The huge wailing sound echoed in this sea...

I'm going to be caught up... Chen Qi took a deep breath and prepared to start the overload mode.

However, the next second, something unexpected happened.

I saw that in front of his ship, a shabby merchant ship suddenly appeared.

In front of the tattered wreckage, an old man in a cloak slowly raised the lantern in his hand and opened his hands.

He opened his hands, took a deep breath and said:

"Praise the sun!"

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