Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 172 I think you need a talent like me

Accompanied by the old man's ancient hymn to the sun!

The old man opened his arms, and the lantern in his hand emitted a faint light, and that faint light was as warm as the sun!

When the Hand of the Abyss saw the light, it trembled violently and fell into the sea, as if it had never existed.

Is it the extraordinary relic of the lamp phase... Chen Qi was slightly startled, turned his head, and looked at the old man on the dilapidated ship.

Beside him, there were ten knights wearing triangular helmets and a lady wearing a crow mask.

"It's the cloaked old man on the White Dove Travel Ship, and the little crow..."

Met here?

Chen Qi has been looking for the traces of the little crow and the cloaked old man.

He never thought that they would meet by chance on the sea.

The sea area where he is now active is a dangerous sea area where ghost ships often appear. According to common sense, there should be no ships at night.

But the current situation is very dangerous!

On such a dark and windy night, a young and weak man like him who was walking alone on the sea was the hunting target of many sea beasts and pirates!

In the final analysis, he was just a second-level extraordinary person.

Chen Qi swallowed a mouthful of water and prepared to speed up the ship.

However, the next second, he heard the sound of metal collision.

I saw a knight in a triangular helmet tied the chain to his houseboat.

At this moment, the old man in the cloak laughed dryly:

"Young man, it's really lucky. We were on the way to find the ghost ship. Unfortunately, we encountered a group of black-armored sharks. Because the ship was damaged, we have been here for two days."

As he said, the old man in the cloak grinned:

"I didn't expect that in this dangerous night, when the night whispers, we, the poor victims, can still meet you."


Chen Qi, who was in the captain's room, shed a drop of cold sweat through the window.

White Cloak, one of the captains of the Sea God Pirates, has a bounty of 25 million shells, a virtual profession, and masters the liberation moves!

At the same time, beside him, there were ten black triangular helmet monsters of unknown strength.

White Cloak is a real strong man, and he is not at the same level as the previous Crazy Shark.

Can I fight?

Chen Qi thought about it.

Unless he can instigate Little Crow and let Little Crow's legs turn towards his arms, otherwise with his strength...

He may fight with White Cloak, but the final result must be that he will be pressed to the ground by White Cloak and beaten to insanity.

In other words, he has no right to refuse the other party to board the ship.

If he can't fight, can he run?

Chen Qi thought about it again.

He can definitely run. At present, White Cloak has no strength to move in the water.

And Little Crow is a third-level extraordinary person who can't walk on water.

Relying on the deep sea water elves and the touch of the remaining fire...

As long as he wants to run, no one can stop him.

However, as a price, he must also give up his new ship.

It just so happened that he was also very curious about what the guys from the Sea God Pirates were doing... Chen Qi exhaled and said helplessly:

"Welcome aboard."

The moment he finished speaking, the white cloak, ten triangular helmet soldiers, and the little crow had arrived on his ship.

After the little crow and the white cloak boarded the ship, they quickly looked at the ship.

The little crow whispered to himself:

"Alas, it's still jumping around in the sea at night. Could it be that this is a pirate ship that specializes in kidnapping..."

Chen Qi kept the ship on automatic navigation and walked out of the captain's room:

"Everyone... Welcome to the Water Spirit Restaurant? You don't look well, do you want something to eat?"


The little crow was startled, as if she saw a ghost!

"Qi! Qi! Qi Qi Qi!"

This is not right!

She was tired and tried to suppress her shocked expression.

Why would Chen Qi race the boat at night? Has he played so much now? Is he so brave at night?

White Cloak asked curiously:

"You... know each other?"

The little crow calmed down:

"Have you forgotten, White Cloak, this is the chef we met on the cruise ship."

"Chef, chef, it turns out to be a chef..."

White Cloak's nervous mood relaxed:

"I thought I met the ghost captain, but I am really lucky to meet a chef. Young man, why are you still running around on the sea at night?"

"I was forced by life at that time. Otherwise, who would have the leisure to run around on the sea and dance the shadow dance with the shadow demon? In order to buy this ship, I took on a lot of debt."

Chen Qi thought of a reason and said decadently:

"In order to save money, I have to fish by myself, and go to Flower Island to collect spices. I shouldn't buy this ship... What about you? Why are you on this sea?"

"What a poor young man, it seems that you have been cheated by the unscrupulous bank of Beiguo. When I was young, I was also cut off one eye by the debt collector."

White Cloak took off his cloak.

He has a square face, sparse white hair like dead grass, and a festering eye. His old face is like dry bark.

"As for our purpose, hunting down the ghost captain, it offended me, and I must make it pay the price. Unfortunately, in the process of hunting them, we encountered a shipwreck."

"You are really amazing. You actually want to hunt down the ghost captain?"

Chen Qi pretended to be surprised and frowned.

"It's not something worth talking about. It's just a joke if it's something that's not completed."

After Bai Cloak finished speaking, he sighed:

"We were unsuccessful in hunting the Ghost Ship and no longer have the opportunity to hunt it."

It looked at the dark sea in the distance and smiled bitterly:

"It's a pity, it's a pity that the first red moon in fifty years is about to come. Even without eyes, the instructions of the Whale Father and Poseidon are our destiny, and we must carry out our destiny and sprinkle the witch's blood on the sea. Weave the blood of the black whale into a new sun..."

"White cloak!"

At this moment, the little crow coughed twice.

This old man in a white cloak actually told the secret of their actions to the man in front of him!

And secrets can only be told to dead people!

Moreover, White Cloak is a complete pervert. He especially likes to raise dark and twisted tentacles and sharks, and feeds humans who are disrespectful to the sea to the tentacles and sharks.

She could already see the scene where Chen Qi was fed by the tentacles and sharks raised by the white cloak, eating and wiping them clean.

Her assistant finally survived...

Little Crow anxiously took out the backpack card and rummaged through the special potion to clear his memory:

"Old man Bai..."

However, the old man in the cloak had no intention of shutting up.

"Doctor Crow, please be quiet. This Mr. Chef's ship is very fast. He is our benefactor. We should not hide our secrets from our benefactor."

Although his tone was calm, at this moment, a huge spiritual pressure was pressing on the little crow.


The little crow stopped what he was doing.

Chen Qi touched his chin.

It seems that the level of this white cloak is at least one level higher than that of Little Crow.

Little Crow actually had no right to speak at all at this moment.

The white cloak turned his head and opened his dry eyes, revealing eyes like green snakes:

"Mr. Captain... your boat speed is really fast. I am obsessed with it."

Chen Qi tried his best to smile:

"Bonfire Energy Company has settled in Moonstone City. I rented the latest energy core from them. If you want... you can rent it from them."

Unexpectedly, White Cloak interrupted him and stretched out his withered palm:

"Mr. Chef, you may not know that we are believers of the Poseidon Pirates. We believe in the gods of the deep sea. Those stupid mortals cannot let us pass through the gate of Moonstone City..."

Trouble, trouble... The little crow behind the white cloak bit his thumb.

As he spoke, Bai Cloak took out some shriveled banknotes from his pocket:

"We must seek strength from the great beings in the deep sea. Because of these prejudices, we have no chance to set foot inland..."

Directly reveal your identity? Chen Qi was stunned for a moment.

Taking action now is not a good option.

At least, you have to wait until he instigates Little Crow before taking action!

I have to find a way to delay it... Chen Qi suddenly seemed to have found an organization, and said with a wry smile:

"Can we join your ceremony? I feel that your ceremony is lacking a talent like me."

Thank you all for your subscriptions and votes(ω)

ps: The glitches have been too severe recently and the updates have been messed up. I will try to restore the seven-point update tomorrow...

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