Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 194 The Ghost Ship's First Voyage

Chen Qi turned his head sideways.

At this moment, what should have been a homecoming scene with bright lights and bustling people was now being disrupted by numerous chaos such as attacks by black pig sharks and blade storms.

The air was filled with the salty smell of sea water and the voices of people complaining, intertwining into a suffocating sense of oppression.

The two captains walked past Chen Qi and cursed at the navy stationed at the dock:

"What the hell is the Navy doing? It can't even kill the Black Pig Shark of the Black Whale Group. If we hadn't encountered the Flower Witch's little flower boat, all of us would have died!"

"Don't talk to these useless marines. The Blood Blade Pirates announced that they will take over the Black Pig Shark matter! Just wait for the Blood Blade Pirates. If we wait for these navy, our Black Mine City will also have a Deep Sea Titan coming!"

The navy immediately pushed the captain with his hand:

"What are you talking about? Do you know who you are talking to? Do you know how strong the black pig shark is?"

"Go first, right? Do you know that the employer behind me is the Magic Bullet Company!"

The two gangs quickly pulled out their machetes and started fighting.

Is this the fight? Chen Qi sideways to avoid the accidental collision of a marine.

The reason for the fight between these two groups of people is really simple and crude.

The investigator shrugged helplessly.

In Black Mine City, he was already familiar with this simple and honest atmosphere.

Later, he reminded Chen Qi:

"You have also seen, friend, if you want to go to sea, please be prepared. This is not offshore. Even if you avoid dangerous routes, you will still encounter danger. If you can, you can go to the seal logistics in Black Mine City , recently they are in the bodyguard business.”

"Well, I understand."

Chen Qi then inquired for information, then faced the sea breeze and walked towards his houseboat.

The Blood Blade Pirates, the Flower Witch, and the Black Pig Shark...

In the original plot, the Flower Witch would form an alliance with the Blood Blade Pirates and the Blade Witch on Sea Flower Island!

However, because of his intervention, the Flower Witch and the Blood Blade Pirates are now completely unfamiliar with each other.

In Black Mine City, the Flower Witch will also join forces with the Blood Blade Pirates to launch an extremely bleak sea battle with the Black Whales.

And this battle was also the first time the Flower Witch started her liberation, stained the sea with blood, and officially became famous.

This is also one of the Flower Witch's few victories.

But now, the Flower Witch does not have the help of the Blood Blade Pirates, and her teammates have changed from the huge Blood Blade Pirates to the cute little Xin Chenqi on the sea...

Can the Flower Witch defeat the Black Pig Shark? Can you defeat the Black Whale's ships?

Perhaps, the situation of the Flower Witch is more dangerous than I thought... Chen Qing tapped her forehead with her hand, feeling a faint foreboding feeling.

But now, he has no way to reunite with the Flower Witch.

Although the Flower Witch's hiding method is very abstract, she will not be easily found by others.

"Let's deal with Levin's matter first..."

Chen Qi shook his head.

The treasure Levin is looking for involves the Deep Sea Hunter and the Ice Witch.

Perhaps, on the way to complete the mission, you can meet the Flower Witch.

Chen Qi returned to his cozy boat and walked into the captain's cabin, preparing to sail the ship into dangerous waters where there were many sea beasts.

If the identity of the black hunter is to be exposed, tomorrow will not be a suitable time to receive Levin at the dock.

A dangerous sea area, more suitable for entertaining Levin!

"Wakuwaku (Master! Master!)"

At this moment, the deep sea elves had also rested. They had not seen their master for a whole day and immediately came over.

Chen Qi touched the deep water elf.

"start up!"

Immediately afterwards, Chen Qi took a deep breath and activated the ghost ship's overload mode!

Ghost ship, will-o'-the-wisp mode, activated!

Accompanied by a rustling sound.

The wood grain on the hull seems to have become deeper, and every line hides ancient secrets. The entire ship seems to have gone through the baptism of time for a hundred years in an instant, becoming extremely old.

Weird green fire suddenly ignited from the deck, blowing gusts of wind, and the entire ship was instantly filled with an eerie atmosphere!

This is the power of the will-o'-the-wisp core... Chen Qi looked around his ship.

Today, his houseboat still has the appearance of a ghost ship.

Pretty good! Chen Qi smiled slightly.

With the appearance of the ship now, it shouldn't be a big problem to scare Levin.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Qi returned to the bedroom and took a look at Water Elf No. 1, who was still sleeping.

Water Elf No. 1 made no movement, and only the brief ups and downs of its body revealed a trace of life.

"You haven't recovered yet, come on..."

Chen Qi touched No. 1, replenished No. 1 with sea water, returned to the bedroom, planned things for tomorrow, and began to practice meditation.

Before I knew it, the night passed.

Chen Qi leaned on the chair tiredly, his eyes fixed on the small yellow flowers on the window sill under the moonlight.

"I hope things go well tomorrow..."

The second day, Black Mine City, dock.

The sun is shining brightly and the sky is clear, making it a good time to go out to sea.

Levin wore heavy armor and had a specialized shotgun strapped to his waist.

"Calm down, calm down, Levin, as long as the firepower is strong enough, no one can do anything to you!"

He recalled what happened yesterday, still feeling an ominous premonition.

Although the opponent showed a black card, the more he looked at it, the more it looked like a fairy dancing!

"If he dares to trick me, I will let his throat taste the power of the Fire Dragon Shotgun, let him taste the taste of justice."

Levin kept talking to himself in his heart.

He walked to the agreed place and looked around vigilantly, but he did not see Chen Qi.

It is better to say that there is no one around.

"No way? I was cheated?"

Levin said to himself.

At this time, a little guy covered with cloth suddenly got under his feet and handed him a note.

"Wakuwaku! (For you!)"

Before Levin had time to see the little guy's appearance, the little guy quickly disappeared in the crowd.

"Beast trainer???"

Levin opened the paper suspiciously.

It was clearly written on it that if you want to take a boat, you must use a steamboat to reach the designated location first.

Levin was panicked:

"Come pick me up outside, so that's it, is it a pirate ship behind him?"

The ship that cannot enter the port can only be a pirate ship without a doubt.

Levin is a man with a strong sense of justice. He hates most pirates except the Ice Demon Pirates.

But as long as it is not a ship of the Black Whale Group or the Sea God Group, he can barely accept it.

"Don't be afraid. When the time comes, I can take out my new shotgun and point it at his forehead. In this way, he should not attack me."

Levin hesitated for a long time at the dock, but still hired a steamboat, went out to sea, and headed in the agreed direction.

The steamboat kept sailing towards the distant horizon.

At the same time, the sound of Waku Waku came from under his boat from time to time.

I don't know how long it took, but a rusty broken ship appeared in the distance.

This ship... Levin suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and immediately took out his shotgun!

The other party actually used a medium-sized broken ship to fool him!

This kind of ship is impossible to reach his destination! Not to mention sea beasts, even storms can't be resisted!

He picked up the shotgun in frustration and anger and pointed it at the bow!

"I must protect my own safety."

But the next second, he froze all over!

A man in hunter's clothes and all black appeared beside the boat, looking down at him as if he was looking down at an ant.

Levin's pupils suddenly contracted and he swallowed a mouthful of water.

In the burning green fire, the man said only one simple word.

"Get on board."

Thank you for your subscription and monthly tickets! Thank you for the 1666 coins reward that even the most carefree birthday person will feel sad! ! !

ps: There are a lot of typos, I will correct them immediately, and I may set up a chat group recently

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